Description | Harrison acknowledges Cockerell's letter of the 14th confirming the arrangements for the removal and storage at Letchworth of stock of Royal Society publications. Harrison is authorised to agree to agree subject to several points:
1. 'Our people may not be able to keep pace with a daily visit of the motor van'. 2. The Royal Society 'should be able to despatch all the stock we contemplated despositing at present, by the end of this month'.
Harrison knows that an estimate for rental will come after the stock is received and goes on to explain that the stock they are sending is unlikely to be called upon and that it is therefore unecessary for Cockerell to arrange for more than occasional clerical work. Harrison questions one of the conditions mentioned regarding charging for installation of extra racks. The Council desires Harrison to ask for some guarantee that Cockerell would be willing to hold the stock for a term of years. |