
Reference numberNLB/47/310
Alternative reference numberNLB/47 p184
Title Copy letter from Archibald Geikie to Horace Hart, University Press, Oxford
Date13 January 1913
DescriptionGeikei is now able to reply to Hart's letter on the subject of the reproduction of the Addresses presented to the Royal Society. The rotographs, of which Hart sent Geikie, would so completely get over the diffculty which Geikie put before him, and at the same time would involve no great expense that Geikie wishes to adopt the process. Hart's photographer would have ample room and fairly good light in the large library, as well as two other rooms. There will be a reception of the Fellows on the 23rd instant, and therefore Geikie asks that the work be finished before that date. When the work is done Geikie will be glad if Hart would submit some specimens of the type. There will be a brief narrative of the celebration, not more than 20 or 30 pages. Geikie thinks the volume should be in the same shape and style of the Record.
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