Reference number | NLB/47/648 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/47 p384 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr W [William] N [Napier] Shaw FRS |
Date | 7 March 1913 |
Description | 'Eskdalemuir Observatory. Referring to your letter of February 27th, of the sum of £400 voted by the Council from the Donation Fund, in aid of seismological enquiry at Eskdalemuir, a sum of £108.6.8 has been paid over, and I now enclose the Treasurer's cheque for a further sum of £194.1.3, as requested. With regard to the grant of £50 for expenses incidental to setting up the Omori Seismograph we have discharged the following bills:- Muro (Oct 1911) £36.10.0, Carruthers (Oct 1911) 8. 3. 3. [totalling] £44.13.3. This is therefore a balance in hand of £5.6.9 and I enclose a cheque for that amount . Kindly return the accompanying forms.' |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
Access status | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA7142 | Shaw; Sir; William Napier (1854 - 1945); meteorologist | 1854 - 1945 |