Reference number | NLB/48/546 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/48 p335 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor [William Johnson] Sollas, Fellow of the Royal Society |
Date | 24 July 1913 |
Description | The paper by Miss Sollas and himself 'A study of the skull of a dicynodon by means of serial sections', was considered by the Geology Sectional Committee at their meeting yesterday when it was decided to recommend the paper for publication in the 'Philosophical Transactions [of the Royal Society]'. The Committee would like his attention called to the criticisms made on the paper, and say that in their opinion the adoption of the suggestions might enhance the value of the paper. |
Extent | 1p |
Format | Carbon |
Physical description | Typescript |
Access status | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA6978 | Sollas; William Johnson (1849 - 1936) | 1849 - 1936 |