Reference number | NLB/50/595 |
Alternative reference number | NLB/50 p361-362 |
Level | Item |
Title | Copy letter from William Crookes, to The Secretary, H M Treasury |
Date | 17 September 1914 |
Description | Wishes to place before them for their consideration the position of the Committee of the National Physical Laboratory regarding certain members of staff now on active service. These number 39 at present, their salaries amounting to about £290 per month. In addition, one Naval Reservist, an Engineer's Artificer, has been told to hold himself in readiness. The men are taken from all grades of staff and include Senior Assistants, Assistants and Junior Assistants. They are composed mainly of the Observers and others who are responsible for the routine test work of the laboratory. During their absence the work will have to be carried out by senior staff.
The Committee have resolved to keep the posts open for the men, and to reckon time spent with the colours as service at the laboratory qualifying for promotion etc. They also propose to make some more payment to the men to supplement their Naval and Military pay. In the case of government departments, the Committee understand that men on service are paid such a sum as will with their service pay and allowance bring the total amount received by each to his normal stipend. This practice they understand applies also to all ranks in the Postal Department, and has been adopted by the London County Council, the Metropolitan Water Board, the Meteorological Office, the Government Laboratory etc.
The Committee feel very strongly that it should also be made the rule for the Laboratory staff, but such a course would involve a monthly expenditure of about £200, a liability beyond the present resources of the Laboratory. The number of married men on the staff is not large, and the Committee having regard to the needs of the wives and families propose at once to apply the Civil Service rule of payment to these and possibly to one or two other cases of men who have relatives solely dependent on their earnings.
Regarding unmarried members of staff, the Committee proposes to make each man a payment as will with his military and naval pay and allowance bring up his total receipts to a sum not less than half his normal salary. The cost of these two proposals would amount to about £100 a month.
The Royal Society are most anxious that men employed by them who at this juncture have been called out on service should not suffer pecuniary loss and should feel that their wives and families are properly provided for. |
Extent | 2p |
Format | Carbon |
Physical description | Typescript, faint |
Access status | Open |
Fellows associated with this archive
Code | Name | Dates |
NA8188 | Crookes; Sir; William (1832 - 1919); chemist and science journalist | 1832 - 1919 |