
Reference numberNLB/51/622
Alternative reference numberNLB/51 p386
TitleCopy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to William Bate Hardy FRS
Date7 May 1915
Description'I am sending you the letter to Moore for you to sign with altered proof of his paper. The letter has been copied so it can go direct. I find you also wrote a letter to Keeble, enclosing another proof of the same paper, but you appear to have left no instructions as to what proof was to go, so as the general question does not appear to be raised with him, we are sending the oroginal proof without waiting to carry out all the corrections again. I have been looking a little further into the question of the reference of that paper by Russel to the Zoology Committee and find that as it was explicitly a response to Goodey's paper it was assigned to the same Committee which had that paper. That, I think, was reasonable; but I find that in order to save time and get a decision without long delays, under the conditions of working of the past few years, the practice has grown up of sending a postcard report to Chairman and Secretary at the same time. I think however it would be better now to revert to the original practice and report to you first and await your reply before reporting to Chairmen.'
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA8234Hardy; Sir; William Bate (1864 - 1934); biologist and food scientist1864 - 1934
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