
Reference numberNLB/51/816
Alternative reference numberNLB/51 p505
TitleCopy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society to Professor Alfred North Whitehead FRS, Chairman of the Mathematics Committee
Date8 July 1915
''Paper by L Isserlis on "The conditions under which the 'probable errors' of frequency distributions have a real significance".
Prof Samson, to whom this paper was referred, is of opinion that it should not be published by the Society. He says
'The papers is an elaboration of points of detail connected with Prof Pearson's theory of averages. I think it might be more convenient to publish it elsewhere, as in Phil Mag, in which the author published a related oaoer last year. If similar papers are published in the same journal they are easier for a reader to consult. I doubt also whether the interest of the paper in sufficiently central for our Proceedings. These are the ground for my adverse vote.
The paper on its merits is a competent piece of work'.
Will the Chairman please say what further action should be taken.'
Access statusOpen
Fellows associated with this archive
NA6260Whitehead; Alfred North (1861 - 1947)1861 - 1947
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