
Authorised form of nameMellanby; Sir; Edward (1884 - 1955)
Dates1884 - 1955
Place of birthWest Hartlepool, County Durham, England
Date of birth08 April 1884
Place of deathMill Hill, London
Date of death30/01/1955
Research fieldPharmacology
Professor of Pharmacology, University of Sheffield
KCB 1937; GBE 1948
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election07/05/1925
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1953-1955
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1932; Buchanan Medal 1947
Croonian 1943
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1955 vol 1 pp 193-222, plate, by Henry H Dale
Royal Society codeNA1195
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1925/09Mellanby, Sir Edward: certificate of election to the Royal Society
P/0244Portrait of Mellanby, Edward1949
MS/914/2/8Letter from Edward Mellanby, The University, Sheffield, to Ambrose Thomas Stanton 14 November 1921
RR/47/88Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Infantile scurvy' by H A Harris10 October 1932
RR/60/60Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'A study of anti-thyrotropic activity' by I W Rowlands and Alan Sterling ParkesJanuary 1936
RR/72/111Letter from Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Crystalline anti-pernicious anaemia factor from liver' by K H Fantes, J E Page, L F J Parker and Ernest Lester Smith to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society22 June 1949
NLB/68/145Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Edward] Mellanby, FRS20 May 1925
NLB/64/720Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to W. L. Symes Esq.8 June 1923
HB/14/8Letter from Edward Mellanby, Medical Research Council, 38 Old Queen Street, Westminster SE1, to Henry Barcroft, Physiological Laboratory, Queen's University, Belfast7 January 1947
IM/003057Mellanby, Sir Edward1927
NLB/67/710Copy letter from unknown correspondent; to unknown correspondent19 February 1925
RR/51/110Second referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'The relation of the parathyroid glands to the action of irradiated ergosterol' by N B Taylor, C B Weld and J F Sykes22 December 1933
RR/72/112Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Crystalline anti-pernicious anaemia factor from liver' by K H Fantes, J E Page, L F J Parker and Ernest Lester Smith 29 April 1949
RR/47/89Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Appetite and choice of diet. The ability of the vitamin B deficient rat to discriminate between diets containing and lacking the vitamin' by Leslie J Harris, Janet Clay, J Hargreaves and Alfred WardNovember 1932
RR/48/91Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'The effects of vitamins C deficiency on tooth structure in guinea-pigs' by E Wilfred Fish and Leslie J Harris18 August 1933
RR/51/107Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'On the transmission of infra-red radiation by some skin samples' by H J Taylor30 March 1933
RR/51/111Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'The relation of the parathyroid glands to the action of irradiated ergosterol' by N B Taylor, C B Weld and J F Sykes[August 1933]
RR/74/31Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Action of nitrogen trichloride on certain proteins I Isolation and identification of the toxic factor' by A R Bentley, E E McDermorr, T Moran, J Peace and J K Whitehead19 May 1950
RR/74/52Referee's report by Edward Mellanby, on a paper 'Action of nitrogen trichloride on proteins. Part II Synthesis of methionine sylphoximine and other sulphoximines' by H R Bentley et al.2 October 1950
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