
Authorised form of nameBurch; George James (1852 - 1914); professor of physics
Dates1852 - 1914
Place of birthSewardstone, Essex, England
Date of birth11 May 1852
Place of deathOxford, Oxfordshire, England
Date of death17/02/1914
Occupationprofessor of physics
Research fieldPhysiological optics
ActivityEducation: MA (Oxon) (1886-1889)
Career: Became a lecturer (1891); Professor of Physics at the University of Reading (1892); worked at Oxford University (1896-1898), where he published joint papers with John Scott Burdon-Sanderson (FRS 1867) and Francis Gotch (FRS 1892); conducted research on physiological optics and presented an improvement of the capillary electrometer at a conference of the Physiological Society (1897); retired from teaching and research due to ill health (1909).
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election14/06/1900
Age at election48
ProposerFrancis Gotch; John Scott Haldane; John Burdon-Sanderson; Edward Bagnall Poulton; Augustus Desire Waller; Oliver Joseph Lodge; [Bartholomew Price]; Victor Herbert Veley; Frederick John Smith; Charles Scott Sherrington;
Victor Horsley; William Oldling; William Esson; Herbert McLeod; Wyndham Rowland Dunstan; Augustus Vernon Harcourt; Edwin Bailey Elliott; Rayleigh; Edward Albert Schafer; Edwin Ray Lankester; George Francis Fitzgerald; Henry Alexander Miers
Royal Society activityCommittees: Mmber of the Cataract Committee, which carried out chemical, physical and physiological experiments for the treatment of cataracts and tried to put the findings into practice in glass factories.
RelationshipsParents: George Burch of Cheshunt, and Jane Hicks.
Spouse: Emily Constance (1884)
Children: Cecil Reginald Burch (FRS 1944); Francis Parry Burch
Published worksRCN 8472
RCN R73141
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Bulloch's Roll
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA1360
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1900/01Burch, George James: certificate of election to the Royal Society
EC/1900/02Burch, George James: certificate of election to the Royal Society
AP/64/9/3Unpublished diagram,'Showing the positive and negative principal points, and principal foci of a system of two lenses placed in contact and gradually moved apart' by George James Burch1886
IM/Maull/000663Burch, George Jamesnd
NLB/13/390Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings12 August 1896
NLB/45/245Copy letter from Joseph Larmor to [George James] Burch25 January 1912
NLB/5/80Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand10 March 1891
NLB/5/1022Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George James Burch, 5 Queens Terrace, Exeter11 December 1891
NLB/8/336Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George James Burch, 21 Norham Road, Oxford3 October 1893
NLB/5/1126Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George James Burch, 5 Queen's Terrace, Exeter6 January 1892
NLB/8/384Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George James Burch, 21 Norham Road, Oxford12 October 1893
NLB/8/267Copy letter from Theodore E James, to George James Burch11 September 1893
NLB/13/326Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society25 July 1896
NLB/13/391Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to the Direct Photo-Engraving Company, 8 Barnsbury Park, N.12 August 1896
NLB/13/381Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society10 August 1896
NLB/13/382Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Professor Edward Albert Sharpey-Schafer, Fellow of the Royal Society, Chairman, Physiology Committee10 August 1896
NLB/13/657Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to the Manager, Direct Photo-Engraving Company28 October 1896
NLB/12/893Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Mr Collings23 May 1896
RR/18/110Referee's report by John Henry Poynting, on a paper 'Preliminary note on a method of measuring colour-sensations by intermittent light, with description of an unfinished apparatus for the purpose' by George James Burch 1911
RR/15/386Letter from George James Burch, on a paper 'The properties and theory of the capillary electrometer, with reference to Professor Hermann's observations on the same subject' by Henry Sessions Souttar to Joseph Larmor13 April 1902
NLB/17/162Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, [Fellow of the Royal Society], Oxford29 July 1898
RR/17/142Referee's report by John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, on a paper 'Cases of colour-blindness, No. VI to No. XVIII, together with eleven selected examples of normal colour sensations' by George James Burch[June 1907]
NLB/16/636Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to G J Burch10 May 1898
NLB/16/601Copy letter from [Arthur William] Rucker, to G J Burch6 May 1898
NLB/17/551Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch17 November 1898
NLB/17/680Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Richard Tetley Glazebook, Fellow of the Royal Society, 4 Sunnyside, Prince's Park, Liverpool7 December 1898
NLB/19/214Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Francis Gotch, Fellow of the Royal Society14 July 1899
NLB/18/442Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to [G J] Burch10 March 1899
NLB/18/512Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to G J Burch25 March 1899
NLB/20/149Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 11 Beechcroft Road, Oxford14 February 1900
NLB/20/146Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Reading, [Fellow of the Royal Society]12 February 1900
NLB/21/188Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society21 September 1900
NLB/23/1/497Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society20 November 1901
NLB/24/302Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society22 April 1902
NLB/23/1/733Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society13 January 1902
NLB/26/216Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society11 February 1903
NLB/24/210Copy letter from Joseph Larmor, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society26 March 1902
NLB/25/522Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, [Fellow of the Royal Society]14 November 1902
NLB/26/517Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to, George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society6 April 1903
NLB/28/469Copy letter from [Theodore E James], to [Messrs Harrison & Sons]11 March 1904
NLB/28/892Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society10 June 1904
NLB/35/451Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Henry Head, Fellow of the Royal Society3 June 1907
NLB/36/617Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Joseph Larmor, Secretary, Royal Society20 November 1907
NLB/38/102Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society16 June 1908
NLB/36/670Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to James George Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society28 November 1907
MC/23/336Letter from [James] Herbert Parsons, 27 Wimpole Street, Cavendish Square, to Mr [Robert Harrison], [Royal Society]26 November 1908
NLB/37/517Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr G [George] J [James] Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society 1 April 1908
NLB/38/156Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Hugh Kerr Anderson, Fellow of the Royal Society, and others20 June 1908
NLB/38/228Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society2 July 1908
NLB/38/299Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to George James Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society13 July 1908
NLB/40/325Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr G [George] J [James] Burch FRS 24 May 1909
NLB/40/417Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr G [George] J [James] Burch FRS 5 June 1909
NLB/40/780Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr G [George] J James] Burch FRS18 August 1909
NLB/40/789Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to J [John] Herbert Parsons20 August 1909
NLB/44/120Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to The Glass Workers' Cataract Committee, Dr G [George] J [James] Burch FRS 9 May 1911
NLB/45/286Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr G [George] J [James] Burch FRS2 February 1912
RR/20/19Referee's report by William McDougall, on a paper 'On light-sensations and the theory of forced vibrations' by George James BurchMay 1913
RR/17/141Referee's report by Henry Head, on a paper 'Cases of colour-blindness, No. VI to No. XVIII, together with eleven selected examples of normal colour sensations' by George James Burch[June 1907]
RR/13/13Referee's report by Arnold William Reinold, on a paper 'On the calibration of the capillary electrometer' by George James Bruch30 July 1895
RR/11/25Referee's report by Herbert McLeod, on a paper 'The variations of electromotive force of cells consisting of certain metals, platinum, and nitric acid' by George James Burch and V H Velby14 January 1891
NLB/58/165Copy letter from Edwin Deller, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [John Scott] Haldane, FRS22 March 1920
RR/11/24Referee's report by Arnold William Reinold, on a paper 'On the time-relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of short duration' by George James Burch1891
RR/11/23Referee's report by John Hopkinson, on a paper 'On the time-relations of the excursions of the capillary electrometer, with a description of the method of using it for the investigation of electrical changes of short duration' by George James Burch7 October 1891
RR/13/25Referee's report by Charles Scott Sherrington, on a paper 'The electromotive properties of the electrical organ of Malapterurus electricus' by Francis Gotch and George James Bruch1896
RR/13/15Referee's report by William Edward Ayrton, on a paper 'On professor Hermann’s theory of the capillary electrometer' by George James Burch7 November 1896
RR/18/111Referee's report by William Halse Rivers, on a paper 'A confusion-test for colour-blindness' by George James BurchFebruary 1912
RR/17/257Referee's report by William Crookes, on a paper 'Preliminary note on certain phenomen of the electric discharge through rarified nitrogen' by George James BurchJanuary 1908
AP/64/9/2Unpublished diagram, 'Focal curves for a system of two lenses at varying distances apart' by George James Burch1886
AP/64/9/4Unpublished diagram, 'Showing the optical conditions of a system of two lenses of equal focal length placed at varying distance from each other' by George James Burch1886
NLB/13/376Copy letter from Theodore E James, to the Direct Photo-Engraving Company, 9 Barnsbury Park, N. 7 August 1896
NLB/12/891Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Professor Charles Scott Sherrington, Fellow of the Royal Society23 May 1896
RR/15/309Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'The interpretation of photographic records of the response of nerve obtained with the capillary electrometer' by George James Burch3 March 1902
RR/16/246Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'Modified apparatus for the measurement of colour and its application to the determination of the colour sensations' by William de Wiveslie AbneyMay 1905
NLB/16/304Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to R T Glazebrook, Fellow of the Royal Society12 March 1898
RR/11/26Referee's report by Henry Edward Armstrong, on a paper 'The variations of electromotive force of cells consisting of certain metals, platinum, and nitric acid' by George James Burch and V H Velby1891
RR/10/16Referee's report by John William Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, on a paper 'On a perspective microscope' by George James Burch[1887]
RR/13/14Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'On the calibration of the capillary electrometer' by George James Bruch3 August 1895
RR/15/387Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'The properties and theory of the capillary electrometer, with reference to Professor Hermann's observations on the same subject' by Henry Sessions Souttar21 April 1902
RR/14/14Referee's report by Silvanus Phillips Thompson, on a paper 'On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an examination of the colour sensations of 109 persons' by George James Burch14 April 1898
AP/64/9/5Unpublished diagram, 'Plan and elevation of simple perspective microscope' by George James Burch1886
RR/15/170Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'The application of Maxwell's curves to three colour work, with especial reference to the nature of the inks to be employed' by Reginald S Clay9 May 1901
RR/15/307Referee's report by Arnold William Reinold, on a paper 'Electro-molecular wave' by Jagadis Chunder Bose23 April 1902
RR/14/13Referee's report by Augustus Desiré Waller, on a paper 'On artificial temporary colour-blindness, with an examination of the colour sensations of 109 persons' by George James Burch10 March 1898
AP/64/9/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On a perspective microscope' by George J [James] Burch1887
AP/64/9Unpublished paper, 'On a perspective microscope' by George J [James] Burch1886-1887
RR/13/26Referee's report by Augustus Desire Waller, on a paper 'The electromotive properties of the electrical organ of Malapterurus electricus' by Francis Gotch and George James Bruch1896
RR/15/304Letter from George James Burch, on a paper 'Electro-molecular wave' by Jagadis Chunder Bose to Joseph LarmorApril 1902
RR/17/153Referee's report by George James Burch, on a paper 'On a comparison of the methods of equality of brightness, flicker and acuteness of of vision, as applied to heterochromatic photometry' by J S Dow[June 1907]
PP/16/8Paper, 'On a method of determining the value of rapid variations of a difference of potential by means of the capillary electrometer' by George J [James] Burch1890
RR/15/160Referee's report and letter from George James Burch, on a paper 'The electric response of inorganic substances. Preliminary notice' by Jagadis Chunder Bose to Arthur William RuckerJune 1901
RR/10/15Referee's report by Robert Bellamy Clifton, on a paper 'On a perspective microscope' by George James Burch15 March 1887
RR/15/308Referee's report by Charles Vernon Boys, on a paper 'The interpretation of photographic records of the response of nerve obtained with the capillary electrometer' by George James Burch15 February 1902
RR/19/23Referee's report by Ernest Rutherford, Baron Rutherford of Nelson, on a paper 'Note on a shield to protect the eyes against x-rays and other radiations of great intensity' by George James Burch[January 1912]
MC/19/150Letter from George [James] Burch, Norham Hall, Oxford, to Dr [Joseph] Larmor26 November 1904
MC/23/78Letter from George [James] Burch, Norham Hall, Oxford, to [Robert] Harrison, [The Royal Society]12 July 1908
MS/603/1/197Letter from George J [James] Burch, 20 Museum Road, Oxford, to [Joseph] Larmor[May 1902]
MS/603/1/198Letter from George J [James] Burch, Norham Hall, Oxford, to [Joseph] Larmor1 June 1908
MC/23Volume 23 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1908
MC/27/45Letter from George [James] Burch, Norham Hall, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]23 March 1912
MC/28/34Letter from George [James] Burch, Worham Hall, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]16 June 1913
NLB/48/451Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr [George James] Burch, Fellow of the Royal Society7 July 1913
MC/28/35Letter from George [James] Burch, Worham Hall, Oxford, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]21 June 1913
MC/19Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1904
MC/22/43Letter from [George James] Burch, University College, Reading, to the Royal Society27 November 1907
MC/22Volume 22 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1907
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