Authorised form of name | Ransom; William Henry (1824 - 1907) |
Dates | 1824 - 1907 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Cromer, Norfolk, England |
Date of birth | 19 November 1824 |
Place of death | His residence, Park Valley, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire |
Date of death | 16/04/1907 |
Occupation | Physician |
Research field | Geology |
Activity | Education: Apprenticed to a doctor in King's Lynn; University College, London; Paris. MD (1850, London) Career: Fellow of University College, London; Physician, General Hospital, Nottingham (1854-1890) Memberships: FRCP (1869)
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 02/06/1870 |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA1617 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1870/12 | Ransom, William Henry: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/14/453 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Dr William Henry Ransom, Fellow of the Royal Society, the Pavement, Nottingham | [15 March 1897] |
NLB/35/193 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 27 April 1907 |
NLB/35/192 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Messrs Harrison & Sons | 27 April 1907 |
NLB/35/416 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr Arthur Gamgee, Fellow of the Royal Society | 31 May 1907 |
RR/6/243 | Letter from George Busk, regarding a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransom | nd [1866] |
RR/6/242 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransom | 10 December 1866 |
MC/9/88 | Letter from W H [William Henry] Ransom, The Pavement, Nottingham, to Dr W [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society] | 5 June 1870 |
MC/9 | Volume 9 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1870-June 1873 |
AP/37/15 | Paper, 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the stickleback [family Gasterosteidae]' by W H [William Henry] Ransom | 15 October 1854 |
RR/6/241 | Referee's report by William Scovell Savory, on a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransom | 10 September 1866 |