
Authorised form of namePenney; William George (1909 - 1991); Baron Penney of East Hendred
Dates1909 - 1991
Date of birth24/06/1909
Date of death03/03/1991
Member of Governing Body, Winchester College (1959-1967)
OBE 1946; KBE 1952; Baron 1967; OM 1969
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election21/03/1946
Age at election36
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Treas 1956-1960; VP 1957-1960
Medals and prizes:
Rumford Medal 1966
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1994 vol 39 pp 281-302, plate, by Lord Sherfield
Papers deposited in the following locations; correspondence and papers 1967-1991, including correspondecne with Lord Jackson, 1967-1970, at Imperial College London Archives; correspondence with Sir James Chadwick, 1947-1966, and Sir Edward Bullard, 1950-1966, at Churchill Archives Centre, Cambridge University; correspondence with Lord Hinton at Institution of Mechanical Engineers.
Royal Society codeNA2058
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1946/14Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred: certificate of election to the Royal Society
PB/1/18/5Short notes and correspondence re Blackett's service at Imperial College1970-1974
IM/003499Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendredcirca 1945/6
PB/1/23Correspondence re cataloguing and permanent deposit of Blackett's personal papers1972
PB/1/18/4Short notes and correspondence re Blackett's service at Imperial College1965-1968
IM/003502Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendrednd
IM/003500Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendrednd
WF/492Grant application from Imperial College London to the Wolfson Foundation1972-1977
RR/54/82Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'The theory of the stability of the benzene ring and related compounds' by William George PenneyApril 1934
RR/60/41Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'On the relation between the form, force constants, and vibration frequencies of triatomic systems' by William George Penney and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor SutherlandMay 1936
RR/72/75Letter from William George Penney, on a paper 'The effect of diffusion of the main reactants on flame speeds in gases' by J Corner to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society6 April 1949
RR/72/76Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The effect of diffusion of the main reactants on flame speeds in gases' by J Corner1949
RR/68/101Referee's report by Edward George Bowen, on a paper 'On the heat of sublimation of carbon and on some absorption bands of three mesomeric hydrocarbons' by G J Kynch and William George Penney[1941]
RR/68/271Referee's report by William George Penney, Baron Penney of East Hendred, on a paper 'The occurrence and properties of molecular vibrations with V(x) = ax4' by Ronald Percy Bell[1943]
RR/72/42Referee's report by William George Penney, on two papers 'Electronic wave functions - I. A general method of calculation for the stationary states of any molecular system' and 'Electronic wave functions II. A calculation for the ground state of the beryllium atom' by Samuel Francis Boys30 October 1949
RR/72/233Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The dispersion of a pressure pulse in the atmosphere' by R S Scorer16 October 1949
RR/68/468Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The dissociation energies of CO, N2, NO and CN' by Alfred Gordon Gaydon and William George Penney[1944]
RR/71/157Referee's report by William George Penney, Baron Penney of East Hendred, on a paper 'On the bond lengths and interatomic distances in certain molecules and crystals' by William Hume-Rothery[1948]
RR/71/47Referee's report by William George Penney, Baron Penney of East Hendred, on a paper 'The structure of the reaction zone in a flame' by Samuel Francis Boys and J Corner17 October 1948
RR/71/168Referee's report by William George Penney, Baron Penney of East Hendred, on a paper 'Splashes from underwater explosions' by H Kolsky, J P Lewis, M T Sampson, A C Shearman and C I Snow[1948]
RR/72/260Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The supersonic flow of compressible fluid through axially symmetric tubes of uniform and varying section' by R K Tempest29 August 1949
RR/72/202Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The electron pairing theory of the structure of conjugated hydrocarbons' by W Moffitt18 July 1949
IM/003503Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendrednd
IM/003501Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendrednd
IM/GA/CCM/8815Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendrednd
RR/71/179Referee's report by William George Penney, Baron Penney of East Hendred, on a paper 'The diffraction of blast. I' by Michael James Lighthill[1948]
RR/62/37Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'On the assignment of the fundamental vibration frequencies in O3, F2O, Cl2O, NO, and N3-' by Gordon Brims Black McIvor Sutherland and William George Penney[May 1936]
RR/73/18Letter from William George Penney, on a paper 'The propagation of spherical blast' by Gerald Beresford Whitham, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society21 June 1950
RR/73/17Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The propagation of spherical blast' by Gerald Beresford Whitham22 February 1950
RR/73/240Letter from William George Penney, on three papers 'Electronic wave functions. III. Some theorems on integrals of antisymmetric functions of equivalent orbital form', 'Electronic wave functions. IV. Some general theorems for the calculation of Schrodinger integrals between complicated vector coupled functions for many electron atoms' and 'Electronic wave functions. V. Systematic reduction methods for all Schrodinger integrals of conventional systems of antisymmetric vector coupled functions' by Samuel Francis Boys, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society23 October 1950
RR/50/83Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The theory of the structure of ethylene and a note on the structure of ethane' by William George PenneyNovember 1933
RR/72/259Letter from William George Penney, on a paper 'The supersonic flow of compressible fluid through axially symmetric tubes of uniform and varying section' by R K Tempest to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society6 October 1949
RR/75/321Copy of referee's comments on three papers: 'Electronic wave functions: VI. Some theorems facilitating the evaluation of Schrodinger integrals of vector-coupled functions' by Samuel Francis Boys, 'Electronic wave functions VII. Methods of evaluating the fundamental coefficients for the expansion of vector-coupled Schrodinger integrals and some values of these' by M J M Bernal and Samuel Francis Boys, and 'Electronic wave functions VIII. A calculation of the ground states Na+, Ne and F-' by M J M Bernal, Samuel Francis Boys and John Edward Lennard-Jones[1952]
RR/75/326Referee's report by [William George Penney], on a paper 'Electronic wave functions VII. Methods of evaluating the fundamental coefficients for the expansion of vector-coupled Schrodinger integrals and some values of these' by M J M Bernal and Samuel Francis Boys[6 January 1952]
RR/75/327Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic wave functions VIII. A calculation of the ground states Na+, Ne and F-' by M J M Bernal, Samuel Francis Boys and John Edward Lennard-Jones6 January 1952
RR/77/240Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic wave functions. IX. Calculations for the three lowest states of the beryllium atom' by Samuel Francis Boys26 November 1952
RR/77/241Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic waves. X. A calculation of eight variational poly-detor wave functions for boron and carbon' by Samuel Francis Boys26 November 1952
RR/79/7Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'An experimental study of standing waves' by Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor21 January 1953
RR/79/77Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Dispersion of soluble matter in solvent flowing slowly through a tube' by Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor21 April 1953
RR/79/210Letter from William George Penney, on a paper 'Gas flow in one dimension following a normal shock of variable strength' by C W Jones, to David Christie Martin, the Royal Society17 August 1953
RR/79/211Letter from William George Penney, on a paper 'Gas flow in one dimension following a normal shock of variable strength' by C W Jones, to David Christie Martin, the Royal Society15 September 1953
RR/79/212Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Gas flow in one dimension following a normal shock of variable strength' by C W Jones15 September 1953
RR/73/242Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic wave functions. III. Some theorems on integrals of antisymmetric functions of equivalent orbital form' by Samuel Francis Boys23 October 1950
RR/73/243Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic wave functions. IV. Some general theorems for the calculation of Schrodinger integrals between complicated vector coupled functions for many electron atoms' by Samuel Francis Boys1950
RR/73/244Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Electronic wave functions. V. Systematic reduction methods for all Schrodinger integrals of conventional systems of antisymmetric vector coupled functions' by Samuel Francis Boys23 October 1950
RR/73/306Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The atomic heats of the rare earth elements' by D H Parkinson, Franz Eugen Simon and F H Spedding5 January 1951
RR/73/241Letter from John Edward Lennard-Jones, on three papers 'Electronic wave functions. III. Some theorems on integrals of antisymmetric functions of equivalent orbital form', 'Electronic wave functions. IV. Some general theorems for the calculation of Schrodinger integrals between complicated vector coupled functions for many electron atoms' and 'Electronic wave functions. V. Systematic reduction methods for all Schrodinger integrals of conventional systems of antisymmetric vector coupled functions' by Samuel Francis Boys, to William George Penney20 October 1950
RR/75/136Referee's report by Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, on a paper 'Some gravity wave problems in the motion of perfect liquids. General introduction and Parts I-V' by J C Martin, W J Moyce, William George Penney, A T Price and C K Thornhill29 May 1951
RR/75/137Referee's report by Harold Jeffreys, on a paper 'Some gravity wave problems in the motion of perfect liquids. General introduction and Parts I-V' by J C Martin, W J Moyce, William George Penney, A T Price and C K Thornhill21 July 1951
RR/75/69Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'A modified method of antisymmetrized molecular orbitals. I. A critical test of the conventional method' by W Moffitt and J Scalan16 April 1951
RR/75/71Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'A modified method of antisymmetrized molecular orbitals. II. The oxygen and ethelene molecules' by W Moffitt19 April 1951
RR/75/263Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The correspondence between the resonance and molecular orbital theories' by Michael James Stewart Dewar and Hugh Christopher Longuet-Higgins2 November 1951
RR/75/292Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'Diffraction by a semi-infinite metallic sheet' by T B A Senior7 December 1951
RR/75/311Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The diffraction of an acoustic pulse by a wedge' by J W Miles24 December 1951
RR/75/312Referee's report by William George Penney, on a paper 'The diffraction of an electromagnetic pulse by a wedge' by J W Miles23 December 1951
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