Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1949/21 | Sutherland, Sir Gordon Brims Black McIvor: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
PB/1/33/5/7 | Order of Merit | 1967 |
GLB/66/15 | Report on a visit to China as a member of the Royal Society Delegation, 23 September to 7 October 1962 by Sir Gordon Sutherland | c1962 |
GLB/65/100/156 | Sir Gordon Sutherland, Teddington, Middlesex to Brown | 24 May 1964 |
RR/71/260 | Referee's report by Alfred Gordon Gaydon, on a paper 'Vibration spectra of hydrocarbon molecules I. Frequencies due to deformation vibrations of hydrogen atoms attached to a double bond' by Norman Sheppard and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 1948 |
RR/51/91 | Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'Experiments on the raman effect at very low temperatures' by Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | [April 1933] |
RR/51/90 | Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'The infra-red absorption spectrum of nitrogen tetroxide and the structure of the molecule' by Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 13 March 1933 |
RR/54/129 | Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'The structure of the molecule of nitrogen dioxide from a study of its infra-red absorption spectrum' by Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 3 February 1934 |
RR/54/130 | Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The potential functions of polyatomic molecules' by Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland and David M Dennison | September 1934 |
RR/60/41 | Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'On the relation between the form, force constants, and vibration frequencies of triatomic systems' by William George Penney and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | May 1936 |
RR/66/55 | Referee's report by William Henry Bragg, on a paper 'Infra-red absorption spectrum of tetra-deuteroethylene' by G K T Conn and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | [March 1939] |
RR/66/54 | Referee's report by Arthur John Allmand, on a paper 'Infra-red absorption spectrum of tetra-deuteroethylene' by G K T Conn and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 14 March 1939 |
RR/69/255 | Referee's report by Harold Warris Thompson, on a paper 'The vibration spectrum and molecular configuration of cyclo-hexane' by Donald Allan Ramsay and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 1946 |
RR/72/234 | Referee's report by Alfred Gordon Gaydon, on a paper 'Vibration spectra of hydrocarbon molecules - II. Skeletal frequencies in certain branched paraffins' by Delia M Simpson and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 1949 |
IM/Meitner Graf/004453 | Sutherland, Sir Gordon Brims Black McIvor | nd |
IM/GA/WS/3457 | Sutherland, Sir Gordon Brims Black McIvor | nd |
RR/67/61 | Referee's report by William Harold Joseph Childs, on two papers 'Investigations on the vibration spectra of certain condensed gases at the temperature of liquid nitrogen I. Experimental methods A. Infra-red spectra' by G K T Conn, E Lee, Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and 'Investigations on the vibration spectra of certain condensed gases at the temperature of liquid nitrogen II. The infra-red and Raman spectra of hydroand deuterochloric acid at liquid nitrogen temperatures' by E Lee, Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland, Cheng-kai Wu and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish | June 1940 |
PB/1/33/3/7 | Companion of Honour | 1965 |
IM/GA/R/6238 | Sutherland, Sir Gordon Brims Black McIvor | nd |
PB/1/33/2 | Correspondence concerning the Copley Medal of the Royal Society | 1956 |
RR/62/37 | Referee's report by Douglas Rayner Hartree, on a paper 'On the assignment of the fundamental vibration frequencies in O3, F2O, Cl2O, NO, and N3-' by Gordon Brims Black McIvor Sutherland and William George Penney | [May 1936] |
RR/71/261 | Referee's report by Harold Warris Thompson, on a paper 'Vibration spectra of hydrocarbon molecules I. Frequencies due to deformation vibrations of hydrogen atoms attached to a double bond' by Norman Sheppard and Gordon Brims Black Mcivor Sutherland | 1948 |