Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1924/13 | Russell, Alexander: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/52/608 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Principal Alexander Russell; Faraday House, Southampton Row | 26 January 1916 |
RR/17/431 | Referee's report by George Ballard Mathews, on a paper 'An electrical device for evaluating formulae and solving equations' by Alexander Russell and Arthur Wright | April 1909 |
NLB/65/716 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Alexander] Russell; 28 New Cavendish Street, W.1. | 12 December 1923 |
RR/38/87 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'An electrical method of determining conductivities of wires' by W G Kannuluik | December 1929 |
RR/43/80 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'On the thermal conductivity of some metal wires' by W G Kannuluik | January 1931 |
RR/47/95 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'Triboelectricity and friction. VII.—Quantitative results for metals and other solid elements, with silica' by P E Shaw and E W L Leavey | July 1932 |
RR/48/46 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'Power loss phenomena in liquid dielectrics' by Willis Jackson | 16 July 1933 |
RR/49/149 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The specific heat of nickel and of some nickel-copper alloys' by K E Grew | [March 1934] |
RR/51/75 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The electrical properties of sea-water for alternating currents' by R L Smith-Rose | [August 1933] |
RR/55/23 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The application of the magento ionic theory to the ionosphere' by H G Booker | 18 February 1935 |
RR/56/40 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The dielectric loss characteristics of a chlorinated diphenyl' by Willis Jackson | 16 July 1935 |
RR/56/62 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'On the application of Debye's theory of polar molecules in solid dielectrics' by B J O'Kane | 6 August 1935 |
RR/58/2 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The electrical properties of high permeability wires carrying alternating current' by E P Harrison, G L Turney, Henry Rowe and H Gollop | 17 June 1936 |
RR/57/125 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'Dielectric constants of solids at high frequencies and the influence of water of crystallization on dielectric constant' by E F Burton and L G Turnbull | 17 July 1936 |
RR/55/142 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'On the force between two coaxial single layer helices carrying current' by Richard Tetley Glazebrook and H M Lyon | 9 November 1935 |
RR/59/67 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'A new method for investigating conduction phenomena in semi-conductors' by J A V Fairbrother | [May 1936] |
RR/60/23 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The effect of space-charge on the secondary current in a triode' by D M Myers, Douglas Rayner Hartree and A Porter | September 1936 |
RR/63/68 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The behaviour of an osglim lamp. I. Introduction, drift, equilibrium and A.C. bridge measurements' by Lewis Fry Richardson | 11 April 1937 |
RR/63/70 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The behaviour of an osglim lamp - III—Osglims in parallel, forming models of reciprocal inhibition' by Lewis Fry Richardson | September 1937 |
RR/63/69 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The behaviour of an osglim lamp. II. Oscillograph methods, steady motion and relaxational oscillations' by Lewis Fry Richardson | June 1937 |
RR/64/48 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The absolute measurement of resistance by the method of Albert Campbell' by L Hartshorn and N F Astbury | [March 1937] |
NLB/65/452 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Alexander Russell; Faraday House, Southampton Row | 2 November 1923 |
NLB/65/368 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Charles [Scott] Sherrington [President of the Royal Society], GBE, FRS | 20 October 1923 |
NLB/65/703 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Director of the National Physical Laboratory | 11 December 1923 |
NLB/67/340 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Alexander] Russell, FRS | 8 December 1924 |
NLB/68/766 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [Alexander] Russell, FRS | 30 October 1925 |
NLB/72/312 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr Alexander Russell, FRS | 2 July 1929 |
NLB/67/893 | Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Alexander] Russell, FRS | 2 April 1925 |
RR/36/80 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The magnetic susceptibility of some binary alloys' by James F Spencer and M E John | 26 May 1927 |
RR/45/10 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'Magnetic noise in dynamo-electric machines' by Frederick William Carter | 29 September 1931 |
RR/19/110 | Referee's report by Louis Napoleon George Filon, on a paper 'Note on the electric capacity coefficients of spheres' by Alexander Russell | [October 1912] |
RR/50/94 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'A simple method of demonstrating the paramagnetism and diamagnetism of substances in magnetic fields of low intensity' by Alexander Oliver Rankine | 24 January 1934 |
RR/42/47 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on two papers 'Triboelectricity and friction.—VI. On surface strain and relaxation for unlike solids' and 'Triboelectricity and friction. VII.—Quantitative results for metals and other solid elements, with silica' by P E Shaw and R F Hanstock | 15 May 1930 |
RR/24/74 | Referee's report by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, on a paper 'The electrostatic problem of a conducting sphere in a spherical cavity' by Alexander Russell | [1917] |
RR/44/41 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'A new apparatus for the measurement of the earth's magnetic field' by L F Bates | July 1932 |
RR/46/108 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The electrical properties of soil for alternating currents at radio frequencies' by R L Smith-Rose | 19 January 1933 |
RR/56/39 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'The mechanism of dielectric loss in paraffin wax solutions at high radio frequencies' by Willis Jackson | [January 1935] |
RR/59/17 | Referee's report by Alexander Russell, on a paper 'Note on surges of voltage and current in transmission lines' by Frederick William Carter | 7 March 1936 |