Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1922/12 | Schott, George Adolphus: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/10/107 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George Adolphus Schott, Glan-y-Werydd, S Marine Terrace, Aberystwyth | 1 October 1894 |
NLB/8/881 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Arthur Schuster, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 January 1894 |
NLB/9/12 | Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons, 45 St Martins Lane | 12 March 1894 |
RR/29/14 | Referee's report by George Adolphus Schott, on a paper 'On the complex anisotropic molecule in relation to the dispersion and scattering of light' by Louis Vessot King | January 1923 |
RR/31/59 | Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'A new type of concentrated electromagnetic radiation and its bearing on the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | [August 1924] |
RR/51/18 | Referee's report by George Adolphus Schott, on a paper 'The electromagnetic equations of the supraconductor' by F London and H London | [November 1934] |
RR/50/135 | Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | October 1933 |
RR/65/231 | Referee's report by Edward Arthur Milne, on a paper 'A theory of radiation' by the late George Adolphus Schott | January 1939 |
NLB/62/931 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Adolphus] Schott, FRS | 10 June 1922 |
RR/63/90 | Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The general motion of a spinning uniformly and rigidly electrifield sphere, III' by George Adolphus Schott | February 1937 |
NLB/57/328 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir Richard [Tetley] Glazebrook, FRS, Chairman of the Physics Committee | 17 October 1919 |
RR/34/99 | Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'The theory of the linear electric oscillator and its bearing on the electron theory' by George Adolphus Schott | [June 1926] |
NLB/67/851 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [George Adolphus] Schott, FRS | 26 March 1925 |
RR/12/230 | Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'On the reflection and refraction of light' by George Adolphus Schott | [1893] |
RR/50/134 | Referee's report by James Hopwood Jeans, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | November 1933 |
RR/50/136 | Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | November 1933 |
RR/31/58 | Referee's report by Sydney Chapman, on a paper 'A new type of concentrated electromagnetic radiation and its bearing on the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | 29 October 1924 |
RR/56/97 | Referee's report by Arthur William Conway, on a paper 'On the spinless rectilinear motion of a uniformly and rigidly electrified sphere—II' by George Adolphus Schott | [March 1936] |
NLB/57 | New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration | 27 June 1919-27 February 1920 |
RR/29/50 | Referee's report by John William Nicholson, on a paper 'On the scattering of X- and Y- rays by rings of electrons. The effect of damping of the incident radiation' by George Adolphus Schott | May 1923 |
RR/29/49 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'On the scattering of X- and Y- rays by rings of electrons. The effect of damping of the incident radiation' by George Adolphus Schott | June 1923 |
RR/34/100 | Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The theory of the linear electric oscillator and its bearing on the electron theory' by George Adolphus Schott | [May 1926] |
RR/56/99 | Referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'The electromagnetic field due to a uniformly and rigidly electrified sphere in spinless accelerated motion and its mechanical reaction on the sphere—I' by George Adolphus Schott | [January 1936] |
RR/46/93 | Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'On the electromagnetic fields due to variable electric charges and the intensities of spectrum lines according to the quantum theory' by George Adolphus Schott | [October 1932] |
RR/56/96 | Second referee's report by Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac, on a paper 'The electromagnetic field due to a uniformly and rigidly electrified sphere in spinless accelerated motion and its mechanical reaction on the sphere—I' by George Adolphus Schott | [May 1936] |
RR/56/98 | Referee's report by Charles Galton Darwin, on a paper 'The electromagnetic field due to a uniformly and rigidly electrified sphere in spinless accelerated motion and its mechanical reaction on the sphere—I' by George Adolphus Schott | [February 1936] |
MC/25/215 | Letter from [George Adolphus] Schott, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, to The Secretary, Royal Society | 16 March 1910 |
MC/33/153 | Letter from [George Adolphus] Schott, Mintaro, North [Road], Aberystwyth, to The Secretaries, Royal Society | 15 April 1918 |