Authorised form of name | Sutton; Leslie Ernest (1906 - 1992) |
Dates | 1906 - 1992 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | 48 Newry Road, Isleworth, London, England |
Date of birth | 22/06/1906 |
Date of death | 30/10/1992 |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 16/03/1950 |
Age at election | 43 |
Sources | AssocMaterial: NCUACS 51/7/94. Papers deposited in the Bodleian Library, Oxford Obituaries: Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1994 vol 40 pp 367-382, plate, by D H Wiffen |
Royal Society code | NA3404 |
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference number | Title | Date |
IM/GA/WS/3892 | Sutton, Leslie Ernest | nd |
EC/1950/22 | Sutton, Leslie Ernest: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/004455 | Sutton, Leslie Ernest | 1982 |
RR/48/5 | Referee's report by Thomas Martin Lowry, on a paper 'The determination of the valency angles of the oxygen and sulphur atoms and the methylene and sulphoxy groups, from electric diploe moments' by G C Hampson, R H Farmer and Leslie Ernest Sutton | [August 1933] |
RR/44/86 | Referee's report by Christopher Kelk Ingold, on a paper 'The significance of the differences between the dipole moments of saturated and unsaturated substances' by Leslie Ernest Sutton | 1 August 1931 |
RR/79/13 | Referee's report by Leslie Ernest Sutton, on a paper 'Gaseous unimolecular reactions theory of the effects of pressure and of vibrational degeneracy' by N B Slater | 13 February 1953 |
RR/79/31 | Referee's report by Leslie Ernest Sutton, on a paper 'The molecular orbital theory of chemical valency. XIV. Paired electrons in the presence of two unlike attracting centres' by A C Hurley and Sir John Edward Lennard-Jones | 6 March 1953 |
RR/79/33 | Referee's report by Leslie Ernest Sutton, on a paper 'The molecular orbital theory of chemical valency. XV. Illustrative calculations of the properties of polar bonds' by A C Hurley | 6 March 1953 |
RR/79/178 | Referee's report by Leslie Ernest Sutton, on a paper 'The molecular orbital theory of chemical valency XVI A theory of paired-electrons in polyatomic molecules' by A C Hurley, Sir John Edward Lennard-Jones and John Anthony Pople | 31 July 1953 |