Reference number | Title | Date |
CMB/278/9 | Notes on papers passed for publication [Proceedings] | April - May 1946 |
CMB/278/10 | Note on papers passed for publication | 1945 |
IM/001974 | Hartridge, Hamilton | October 2002 |
IM/GA/WS/2457 | Hartridge, Hamilton | 1946 |
RR/19/65 | Referee's report by Hugh Frank Newall, on a paper 'The relation of the personal factor to the estimation of 60 by the spectroscope' by Hamilton Hartridge | [August 1912] |
NLB/54/259 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Henry J. Cox Esquire | 16 March 1917 |
NLB/54/8 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State; Home Office, S.W. | 18 January 1917 |
RR/67/241 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The monaural threshold: the effect of subliminal and audible contralateral and ipsilateral stimuli' by J W Hughes | 1939 |
RR/38/145 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of glare on the brightness difference threshold' by Walter Stanley Stiles | January 1929 |
RR/40/78 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Visual acuity in light of different colours' by H E Roaf | March 1930 |
RR/39/79 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The relation of the critical frequency of flicker to the adaptation of the eye' by Richard James Lythgoe and Katharine Tansley | [1929] |
RR/40/102 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The scattering theory of the effect of glare on the brightness difference threshold' by Walter Stanley Stiles | June 1929 |
RR/69/157 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/69/156 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The micro-stimulation of the human retina' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/42/88 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The pupillary mechanism of the teleostean fish Uranoscopus scaber' by John Zachary Young | November 1930 |
NLB/65/143 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Hamilton] Hartridge; Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge | 10 August 1923 |
RR/47/34 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The theory of vision' by F W Edridge-Green | September 1932 |
RR/48/79 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The relation between initial and recovery heat production in frog's nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill | [May 1933] |
RR/48/18 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The three phases of nerve heat production' by Archibald Vivian Hill | [May 1933] |
RR/69/153 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part III' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/48/77 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The steady state of heat production of nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill | [May 1933] |
RR/48/78 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of frequency of stimulation on the heat production of frog's nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill | [May 1933] |
RR/69/159 | Letter from John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1 April 1946 |
RR/52/137 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The measurement and analysis of colour adaptation phenomena' by W D Wright | February 1934 |
RR/69/149 | Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1945 |
RR/53/6 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Studies on conditioned responses in fishes III' by H O Bull | [October 1934] |
RR/69/160 | Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The visual acuity of the human eye for lights of different colour. III.' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/69/161 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The visual acuity of the human eye for lights of different colour. III.' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/53/85 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'An experimental investigation of the measurability of visual sensation' by F H Gage | [May 1934] |
RR/41/69 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The contraction of the extrinsic muscles of the eye by choline and nicotine' by William Stewart Duke-Elder and P M Duke-Elder | October 1930 |
RR/54/125 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The liminal brightness increment as a function of wave-length for different conditions of the foveal and parafoveal retina' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford | May 1934 |
RR/69/158 | Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/63/35 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The nature of fatigue in the auditory system' by R C Parker | March 1937 |
RR/61/99 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The change of visual sensitivity with time' by B H Crawford | March 1937 |
RR/69/151 | Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part II' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1945 |
RR/63/17 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Experiments on muscle haemoglobin in vivo; the instantaneous measurement of muscle metabolism' by G A Millikan | April 1937 |
RR/59/31 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The dependence of pupil size upon external light stimulus under static and variable conditions' by B H Crawford | [September 1936] |
RR/69/152 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part II' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1945 |
RR/61/100 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of light entering the eye pupil at different points and its relation to brightness threshold measurements' by B H Crawford | 20 May 1937 |
RR/60/50 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing in insects: The nature of the response of certain receptors to auditory stimuli' by Richard Julius Pumphrey and A F Rawdon-Smith | May 1936 |
RR/63/82 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'A graphical solution of a differential equation with application to hill’s treatment of nerve excitation' by William Albert Hugh Rushton | May 1937 |
RR/62/35 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of a glaring light source on extrafoveal vision' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford | [January 1937] |
RR/62/103 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The foveal light adaptation process' by W D Wright | [November 1936] |
RR/69/176 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The threshold of audition for short periods of stimulation' by J W Hughes | 1945 |
RR/63/104 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of monochromatic rays entering the eye pupil at different points and a new colour effect' by Walter Stanley Stiles | March 1937 |
RR/65/248 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The directional sensitivity of the retina and the spectral sensitivities of the rods and cones' by Walter Stanley Stiles | November 1938 |
RR/69/154 | Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part III' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
NLB/65/241 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Hamilton] Hartridge Esq.; 3 Millington Road, Cambridge | 28 September 1923 |
RR/68/381 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The visual perception of movement by toads' by H Honigmann | [1943] |
RR/69/148 | Letter from Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge to J D Griffit Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 30 July 1946 |
RR/69/147 | Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1945 |
RR/68/402 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The nature of normal trichromatic and dichromatic vision' by F H G Pitt | 12 May 1943 |
RR/69/150 | Letter from John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge to u known recipient | 14 October 1946 |
NLB/65/9 | Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS | 12 July 1923 |
RR/71/123 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing. II. The physical basis of the action of the cochlea' by Thomas Gold | [1948] |
RR/67/30 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The subjective judgement of the elastic and plastic properties of soft bodies; the "differential thresholds" for viscosities and compression moduli' by George William Scott Blair and Flora Margaret Valda Coppen | April 1939 |
NLB/65/73 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS | 24 July 1923 |
NLB/65/125 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William Bate] Hardy Esq., Secretary of the Royal Society | 4 August 1923 |
NLB/65/19 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Hamilton] Hartridge Esq.; Physiological Laoratory, Downing Place, Cambridge | 13 July 1923 |
NLB/65/44 | Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS | 17 July 1923 |
NLB/65/67 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society | 21 July 1923 |
NLB/65/41 | Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS | [17 July 1923] |
NLB/65/132 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS | 8 August 1923 |
NLB/67/428 | Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Hamilton] Hartridge; King's College, Cambridge | 18 December 1924 |
NLB/71/499 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hamilton] Hartridge, FRS | 15 June 1928 |
RR/27/68 | Referee's report by Charles James Martin, on a paper 'The kinetics of haemoglobin - II. The velocity with which oxygen dissociates from its combination with haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton | 23 October 1922 |
NLB/73/336 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hamilton] Hartridge, FRS, St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 6 Giltspur Street, EC1 | 9 June 1931 |
EC/1926/16 | Hartridge, Hamilton: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/19/64 | Referee's report by John Scott Haldane, on a paper 'The relation of the personal factor to the estimation of 60 by the spectroscope' by Hamilton Hartridge | [August 1912] |
RR/28/96 | Referee's report by Arthur Harden, on a paper 'The kinetics of hæmoglobin.—II. The velocity with which oxygen dissociates from its combination with haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton | [July 1923] |
RR/48/19 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of veratrine on the heat production of medullated nerve' by Archibald Vivian Hill | [May 1933] |
RR/27/67 | Referee's report by Archibald Vivian Hill, on a paper 'Interfacial tension and hydrogen-ion concentration' by Hamilton Hartridge and Rudolph Albert Peters | April 1922 |
RR/51/82 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The liminal brightness increment as a function of wave-length for different conditions of the foveal and parafoveal retina' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford | [July 1933] |
RR/53/87 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'An experimental investigation of the measurability of auditory sensation' by F H Gage | [May 1934] |
RR/65/3 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The electrical response of the auditory mechanism in cold-blooded vertebrates' by Edgar Douglas Adrian, K J W Craik and R S Sturdy | May 1938 |
RR/57/96 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Some new forms of visual purple found in sea fishes with a note on the visual cells of origin' by L E Bayliss, Richard James Lythgoe and Katharine Tansley | [January 1936] |
RR/64/40 | Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge, on a paper 'On the response of the human ear to audio-frequency electrical stimulation' by Charles Skinner Hallpike and Hamilton Hartridge | [April 1937] |
NLB/69/119 | Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society | 14 January 1926 |
RR/27/69 | Referee's report by Charles James Martin, on a paper 'The velocity with which carbon monoxide displaces oxygen from combination with hœmoglobin - Part I' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton | October 1922 |
RR/27/65 | Referee's report by Thomas Ralph Merton, on a paper 'The coincidence method for the wave-length measurement of absorption bands' by Hamilton Hartridge | July 1922 |
RR/27/66 | Referee's report by Thomas Ralph Merton, on a paper 'The coincidence method for the wave-length measurement of absorption bands' by Hamilton Hartridge | November 1922 |
RR/28/95 | Referee's report by William Hobson Mills, on a paper 'A method of measuring the velocity of very rapid chemical reactions' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton | 10 July 1923 |
RR/30/64 | Referee's report by Arthur Harden, on a paper 'The kinetics of haemoglobin. III.—The velocity with which oxygen combines with reduced haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton | [December 1924] |
RR/34/30 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'A comparative study of turacin and haematin and its bearing on cytochrome' by David Keilin | [April 1926] |
RR/42/24 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The influence of coloured surrounds and coloured backgrounds on visual thresholds' by Herbert E Roaf | January 1932 |
RR/47/111 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of rays entering the eye pupil at different points' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford | December 1932 |
RR/53/34 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The behaviour of electrolytes in mixed solvents VI—The electrical conductivities of some salts in water-ethyl alcohol solutions' by L C Connell, R T Hamilton and John Alfred Valentine Butler | [August 1934] |
RR/57/85 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Photoelectric measurements of the luminous efficiency of daylight' by William Ringrose Gelston Atkins and H H Poole | [May 1936] |
RR/60/15 | Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, on a paper 'On the electrical responses of the cochlea and the auditory tract of the cat to a phase reversal produced in a continuous musical tone' by Charles Skinner Hallpike, Hamilton Hartridge and A F Rawdon-Smith | October 1936 |
RR/69/155 | Referee's report by unknown referee, on a paper 'The visual perception of fine detail' by Hamilton Hartridge | 1946 |
RR/69/303 | Referee's report and letter from Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Separation of the ‘blue’ and ‘green’ mechanisms of foveal vision by measurements of increment thresholds' by Walter Stanley Stiles to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society | 2 August 1945 |
RR/71/120 | Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing. I. The cochlea as a frequency analyzer' by Thomas Gold and Richard Julius Pumphrey | [1948] |
MC/37/73 | Letter from [Hamilton] Hartridge, 3 Millington Road, Cambridge, to the Assistant Secretary, [Royal Society] | 26 September 1923 |