
Authorised form of nameHartridge; Hamilton (1886 - 1976); physiologist and inventor
Dates1886 - 1976
Place of birthStamford Hill, London, England
Date of birth07 May 1886
Date of death13/01/1976
OccupationPhysiologist and inventor
Research fieldReaction kinetics
Eye physiology
Preparatory schools in Hampstead, London; St Vincent’s, Eastbourne (1897-1900); Harrow School (1900-1905); King's College Cambridge (1905-1908). MA; MD; ScD
Problem solver at The Airship Construction Station (1915-1919); Fellow (1912-1926) and Senior Demonstrator of Physiology, and Lecturer on the Physiology of the Senses, King's College Cambridge (1919-1928) where he made his discoveries that bats use sound not vision to navigate; notable for his ingenious and fruitful experimentation - in mirror galvanometry, the resonance theory of hearing, spectroscopy (he invented the reversion spectroscope while working on the oxygen and carbon monoxide combining power of haemoglobin with F W Roughton), colorimetry, and microscopy, though the projection microscope, as well as an automatic rheotome, were designed to meet teaching and research problems during his period at Barts. Graduated in medicine from St George's Hospital (1914). Professor of Physiology, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Medical School (1927-1947); to this period belong his textbook revisions and rewritings, including the 7th edition of Bainbridge and Menzies's 'Principles of Physiology ' in 1929 and the special senses section of later editions of Starling's 'Principles of Human Physiology'. He had unusuakl powers of exposition and delivered popular lectures on the special senses to audiences at the British Association, in the Christmas Lectures at the Royal Institution, and as Gresham Professor of physics at Gresham College. 'Director, Vision Research Unit in Institute of Opthalmology (1947-1951); Emeritus Professor of Physiology in the University of London.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/05/1926
Age at election40
ProposerJohn Newport Langley; Frederick Gowland Hopkins; Joseph Barcroft; Archibald Vivian Hill; Ernest Henry Starling; William Maddock Bayliss; John Scott Haldane; Francis Hugh Adam Marshall
RelationshipsParents: Henry Hill Hartridge and Sophy Annie (nee Walton).
Spouse: Kathleen Adele Wilson (1916)
Children: Three daughters, one son
Published worksRCN 17986
RCN 17987
RCN 21862
RCN 8698
General contextKnown for the Hartridge Reversion Spectrometer used for studies of haemoglobin oxygen-binding.
Royal Society Obituary or MemoirClick to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices)
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Hartridge H, GA WS 2457.jpg

Bulloch's Roll
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1977 vol 23 pp 193-211, plate, by W A H Rushton
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA3561
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
CMB/278/9Notes on papers passed for publication [Proceedings]April - May 1946
CMB/278/10Note on papers passed for publication 1945
IM/001974Hartridge, HamiltonOctober 2002
IM/GA/WS/2457Hartridge, Hamilton1946
RR/19/65Referee's report by Hugh Frank Newall, on a paper 'The relation of the personal factor to the estimation of 60 by the spectroscope' by Hamilton Hartridge[August 1912]
NLB/54/259Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Henry J. Cox Esquire16 March 1917
NLB/54/8Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Under Secretary of State; Home Office, S.W.18 January 1917
RR/67/241Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The monaural threshold: the effect of subliminal and audible contralateral and ipsilateral stimuli' by J W Hughes1939
RR/38/145Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of glare on the brightness difference threshold' by Walter Stanley StilesJanuary 1929
RR/40/78Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Visual acuity in light of different colours' by H E RoafMarch 1930
RR/39/79Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The relation of the critical frequency of flicker to the adaptation of the eye' by Richard James Lythgoe and Katharine Tansley[1929]
RR/40/102Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The scattering theory of the effect of glare on the brightness difference threshold' by Walter Stanley StilesJune 1929
RR/69/157Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/69/156Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The micro-stimulation of the human retina' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/42/88Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The pupillary mechanism of the teleostean fish Uranoscopus scaber' by John Zachary YoungNovember 1930
NLB/65/143Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Hamilton] Hartridge; Physiological Laboratory, Cambridge10 August 1923
RR/47/34Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The theory of vision' by F W Edridge-GreenSeptember 1932
RR/48/79Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The relation between initial and recovery heat production in frog's nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill[May 1933]
RR/48/18Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The three phases of nerve heat production' by Archibald Vivian Hill[May 1933]
RR/69/153Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part III' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/48/77Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The steady state of heat production of nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill[May 1933]
RR/48/78Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of frequency of stimulation on the heat production of frog's nerve' by T P Feng and Archibald Vivian Hill[May 1933]
RR/69/159Letter from John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge1 April 1946
RR/52/137Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The measurement and analysis of colour adaptation phenomena' by W D WrightFebruary 1934
RR/69/149Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge1945
RR/53/6Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Studies on conditioned responses in fishes III' by H O Bull[October 1934]
RR/69/160Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The visual acuity of the human eye for lights of different colour. III.' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/69/161Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The visual acuity of the human eye for lights of different colour. III.' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/53/85Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'An experimental investigation of the measurability of visual sensation' by F H Gage[May 1934]
RR/41/69Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The contraction of the extrinsic muscles of the eye by choline and nicotine' by William Stewart Duke-Elder and P M Duke-ElderOctober 1930
RR/54/125Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The liminal brightness increment as a function of wave-length for different conditions of the foveal and parafoveal retina' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H CrawfordMay 1934
RR/69/158Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'Cluster formation by the cones of the fovea' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/63/35Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The nature of fatigue in the auditory system' by R C ParkerMarch 1937
RR/61/99Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The change of visual sensitivity with time' by B H CrawfordMarch 1937
RR/69/151Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part II' by Hamilton Hartridge1945
RR/63/17Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Experiments on muscle haemoglobin in vivo; the instantaneous measurement of muscle metabolism' by G A MillikanApril 1937
RR/59/31Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The dependence of pupil size upon external light stimulus under static and variable conditions' by B H Crawford[September 1936]
RR/69/152Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part II' by Hamilton Hartridge1945
RR/61/100Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of light entering the eye pupil at different points and its relation to brightness threshold measurements' by B H Crawford20 May 1937
RR/60/50Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing in insects: The nature of the response of certain receptors to auditory stimuli' by Richard Julius Pumphrey and A F Rawdon-SmithMay 1936
RR/63/82Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'A graphical solution of a differential equation with application to hill’s treatment of nerve excitation' by William Albert Hugh RushtonMay 1937
RR/62/35Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of a glaring light source on extrafoveal vision' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford[January 1937]
RR/62/103Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The foveal light adaptation process' by W D Wright[November 1936]
RR/69/176Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The threshold of audition for short periods of stimulation' by J W Hughes 1945
RR/63/104Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of monochromatic rays entering the eye pupil at different points and a new colour effect' by Walter Stanley StilesMarch 1937
RR/65/248Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The directional sensitivity of the retina and the spectral sensitivities of the rods and cones' by Walter Stanley StilesNovember 1938
RR/69/154Referee's report by John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part III' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
NLB/65/241Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Hamilton] Hartridge Esq.; 3 Millington Road, Cambridge28 September 1923
RR/68/381Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The visual perception of movement by toads' by H Honigmann[1943]
RR/69/148Letter from Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge to J D Griffit Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society30 July 1946
RR/69/147Referee's report by Walter Stanley Stiles, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge1945
RR/68/402Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The nature of normal trichromatic and dichromatic vision' by F H G Pitt12 May 1943
RR/69/150Letter from John Herbert Parsons, on a paper 'The anti-chromatic response, part I' by Hamilton Hartridge to u known recipient14 October 1946
NLB/65/9Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS12 July 1923
RR/71/123Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing. II. The physical basis of the action of the cochlea' by Thomas Gold[1948]
RR/67/30Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The subjective judgement of the elastic and plastic properties of soft bodies; the "differential thresholds" for viscosities and compression moduli' by George William Scott Blair and Flora Margaret Valda CoppenApril 1939
NLB/65/73Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS24 July 1923
NLB/65/125Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [William Bate] Hardy Esq., Secretary of the Royal Society4 August 1923
NLB/65/19Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Hamilton] Hartridge Esq.; Physiological Laoratory, Downing Place, Cambridge13 July 1923
NLB/65/44Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS17 July 1923
NLB/65/67Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society21 July 1923
NLB/65/41Copy letter from James Hopwood Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Professor [John Newport] Langley, FRS[17 July 1923]
NLB/65/132Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Charles Thomas] Heycock Esq., FRS8 August 1923
NLB/67/428Copy letter from William Bate Hardy, Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr [Hamilton] Hartridge; King's College, Cambridge18 December 1924
NLB/71/499Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hamilton] Hartridge, FRS15 June 1928
RR/27/68Referee's report by Charles James Martin, on a paper 'The kinetics of haemoglobin - II. The velocity with which oxygen dissociates from its combination with haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton23 October 1922
NLB/73/336Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Dr. [Hamilton] Hartridge, FRS, St Bartholomew's Hospital Medical College, 6 Giltspur Street, EC19 June 1931
EC/1926/16Hartridge, Hamilton: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/19/64Referee's report by John Scott Haldane, on a paper 'The relation of the personal factor to the estimation of 60 by the spectroscope' by Hamilton Hartridge[August 1912]
RR/28/96Referee's report by Arthur Harden, on a paper 'The kinetics of hæmoglobin.—II. The velocity with which oxygen dissociates from its combination with haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton[July 1923]
RR/48/19Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The effect of veratrine on the heat production of medullated nerve' by Archibald Vivian Hill[May 1933]
RR/27/67Referee's report by Archibald Vivian Hill, on a paper 'Interfacial tension and hydrogen-ion concentration' by Hamilton Hartridge and Rudolph Albert PetersApril 1922
RR/51/82Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The liminal brightness increment as a function of wave-length for different conditions of the foveal and parafoveal retina' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H Crawford[July 1933]
RR/53/87Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'An experimental investigation of the measurability of auditory sensation' by F H Gage[May 1934]
RR/65/3Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The electrical response of the auditory mechanism in cold-blooded vertebrates' by Edgar Douglas Adrian, K J W Craik and R S SturdyMay 1938
RR/57/96Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Some new forms of visual purple found in sea fishes with a note on the visual cells of origin' by L E Bayliss, Richard James Lythgoe and Katharine Tansley[January 1936]
RR/64/40Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge, on a paper 'On the response of the human ear to audio-frequency electrical stimulation' by Charles Skinner Hallpike and Hamilton Hartridge[April 1937]
NLB/69/119Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [James Hopwood] Jeans, Secretary of the Royal Society14 January 1926
RR/27/69Referee's report by Charles James Martin, on a paper 'The velocity with which carbon monoxide displaces oxygen from combination with hœmoglobin - Part I' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley RoughtonOctober 1922
RR/27/65Referee's report by Thomas Ralph Merton, on a paper 'The coincidence method for the wave-length measurement of absorption bands' by Hamilton HartridgeJuly 1922
RR/27/66Referee's report by Thomas Ralph Merton, on a paper 'The coincidence method for the wave-length measurement of absorption bands' by Hamilton HartridgeNovember 1922
RR/28/95Referee's report by William Hobson Mills, on a paper 'A method of measuring the velocity of very rapid chemical reactions' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton10 July 1923
RR/30/64Referee's report by Arthur Harden, on a paper 'The kinetics of haemoglobin. III.—The velocity with which oxygen combines with reduced haemoglobin' by Hamilton Hartridge and Francis John Worsley Roughton[December 1924]
RR/34/30Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'A comparative study of turacin and haematin and its bearing on cytochrome' by David Keilin[April 1926]
RR/42/24Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The influence of coloured surrounds and coloured backgrounds on visual thresholds' by Herbert E RoafJanuary 1932
RR/47/111Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The luminous efficiency of rays entering the eye pupil at different points' by Walter Stanley Stiles and B H CrawfordDecember 1932
RR/53/34Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'The behaviour of electrolytes in mixed solvents VI—The electrical conductivities of some salts in water-ethyl alcohol solutions' by L C Connell, R T Hamilton and John Alfred Valentine Butler[August 1934]
RR/57/85Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Photoelectric measurements of the luminous efficiency of daylight' by William Ringrose Gelston Atkins and H H Poole[May 1936]
RR/60/15Referee's report by Edgar Douglas Adrian, on a paper 'On the electrical responses of the cochlea and the auditory tract of the cat to a phase reversal produced in a continuous musical tone' by Charles Skinner Hallpike, Hamilton Hartridge and A F Rawdon-SmithOctober 1936
RR/69/155Referee's report by unknown referee, on a paper 'The visual perception of fine detail' by Hamilton Hartridge1946
RR/69/303Referee's report and letter from Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Separation of the ‘blue’ and ‘green’ mechanisms of foveal vision by measurements of increment thresholds' by Walter Stanley Stiles to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society2 August 1945
RR/71/120Referee's report by Hamilton Hartridge, on a paper 'Hearing. I. The cochlea as a frequency analyzer' by Thomas Gold and Richard Julius Pumphrey[1948]
MC/37/73Letter from [Hamilton] Hartridge, 3 Millington Road, Cambridge, to the Assistant Secretary, [Royal Society]26 September 1923
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