
Authorised form of nameHinton; Martin Alister Campbell (1883 - 1961)
Dates1883 - 1961
Date of birth29 June 1883
Date of death03/10/1961
Deputy Keeper of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/05/1934
Bulloch's Roll
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1963 vol 9 pp 155-170, plate, by R J G Savage
Royal Society codeNA3578
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1934/06Hinton, Martin Alister Campbell: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/55/109Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'The reproductive processes of certain mammals. Part IX—Growth and reproduction in the stoat (Mustela erminea)' by Ruth Deanesley14 May 1935
RR/53/2Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'Reproduction in the common shrew (Sorex araneus Linnæus). II—Seasonal changes in the reproductive organs of the male' by Francis William Rogers Brambell[August 1934]
RR/57/13Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'Reproduction of the Bank Vole (Evotomys glareolus), Schreber). II - Seasonal changes in the reproductive organs of the male' by I W Rowlands6 September 1935
MDA/C/6/1Papers relating to an award from the Darwin Research Fund to Charles Sutherland Elton1931-1942
RR/53/3Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'Reproduction in the common shrew (Sorex araneus Linnaeus) I—The oestrous cycle of the female' by Francis William Rogers Brambell[August 1934]
RR/55/61Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'Reproduction of the Bank Vole (Evotomys glareolus, schreber). I - The oestrous cycle of the female' by Francis William Rogers Brambell and I W RowlandsSeptember 1935
RR/63/38Referee's report by Martin Alister Campbell Hinton, on a paper 'The age of sinathropus - An attempted correlation of quaternary geology, palaeontology and prehistory in Europe and China' by Wen-Chung PeiFebruary 1937
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