
Authorised form of namePrestwich; Sir; Joseph (1812 - 1896)
Dates1812 - 1896
Place of birthPensbury, Clapham, London, England
Date of birth12 March 1812
Place of deathShoreham, Kent
Date of death23 June 1896
Dates and placesBurial:
Shoreham churchyard, Kent
Research fieldGeology
Kt 1896
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election02/06/1853
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1868-1869, 1882-1883
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1865
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Proc Roy Soc 1896-1897 vol 60 pp xii-xvi signed by J E
C Gamble and T Mooutsiou 'The time revolution of 1859 and the stratificqtion of the primeval mind' in NR, 2011 vol 65 pp43-64
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA3811
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
IM/003656Prestwich, Josephnd
IM/003655Prestwich, Joseph02 September 1868
NLB/1/105Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich10 April 1886
NLB/1/193Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich2 October 1886
NLB/13/158Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Messrs Harrison & Sons24 June 1896
NLB/7/762Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings20 April 1893
NLB/7/491Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society1 March 1893
NLB/7/490Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Wiliam Topley, Fellow of the Royal Society1 March 1893
NLB/7/480Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society27 February 1893
NLB/7/743Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company18 April 1893
NLB/7/770Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society24 April 1893
NLB/7/818Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company3 May 1893
NLB/7/759Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society20 April 1893
NLB/7/680Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich10 April 1893
NLB/7/744Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Mr Collings, 172 Strand18 April 1893
NLB/7/769Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Messrs West, Newman & Company25 April 1893
NLB/7/903Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society24 May 1893
NLB/7/867Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor [John] Prestwich18 May 1893
NLB/11/353Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society10 June 1895
NLB/13/481Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Sir John Evans, Treasurer, Royal Society25 September 1896
NLB/12/186Copy letter from Theodore E James, to [Harrison & Sons Limited]1 January 1896
NLB/14/387Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to M G Ramond, 25 Rue Jacques-Bulud, Neuilly, Paris2 March 1897
RR/7/327Referee's report by Joseph Prestwich, on a paper 'On the mechanism stromboli' by Robert Mallet26 June 1874
RR/7/199Referee's report by William Boyd Dawkins, on a paper 'Report on the exploration of Brixham Cave conducted by a committee of the Geological Society, and under the superintendence of Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F. R. S., aided by a local Committee; with descriptions of the animal remains by George Busk, Esq., F.R.S., and of the Flint implements by John Evans, Esq., F.R.S' by Joseph Prestwich, George Busk and John Evans16 December 1872
RR/7/335Referee's report by Richard Strachey, on a paper 'Tables of temperatures of the sea at different depths beneath the surface, reduced and collated from the various observations made between the years 1749 and 1868, discussed. With map and sections' by Joseph Prestwich1874
RR/9/304Referee's report by John Wesley Judd, on a paper 'On the agency of water in volcanic eruptions; with some observations on the thickness of the Earth's crust from a geological point of view; and on the primary cause of volcanic action' by Joseph Prestwich26 May 1885
RR/4/210Letter from Joseph Prestwich, on two unnamed papers by unknown author16 May 1862
NLB/8/1112Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Joseph Prestwich, Fellow of the Royal Society27 February 1894
RR/7/198Referee's report by Peter Martin Duncan, on a paper 'Report on the exploration of Brixham Cave conducted by a committee of the Geological Society, and under the superintendence of Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F. R. S., aided by a local Committee; with descriptions of the animal remains by George Busk, Esq., F.R.S., and of the Flint implements by John Evans, Esq., F.R.S' by Joseph Prestwich, George Busk and John Evans13 April 1872
RR/8/182Referee's report by Archibald Geikie, on a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich13 May 1879
RR/5/208Referee's report by Charles Lyell, on a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich8 June 1863
RR/5/207Referee's report by Andrew Crombie Ramsay, on a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich3 July 1863
EC/1853/12Prestwich, Sir Joseph: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/4/208Referee's report by Roderick Impey Murchison, on a paper 'On the occurrence of flint-implements, associated with the remains of animals of extinct species in beds of a late geological period, in France at Amiens and Abbeville, and in England at Hoxne' by Joseph Prestwich1 July 1859
PT/61/1/10Plate, 'Flint implements, Amiens' by L Scott[1859]
PT/61/1/8Plate, 'Section of brick-pit at Hoxne' by unknown artist[1859]
PT/61/1/9Plate, 'Flint implements, Abbeville' by L Scott[1859]
PT/61/1/3Plate, figures 6-7 and 9-11 showing sections and worked flints from pits at St Acheul by unknown artist[1859]
PT/61/1/12Plate, flint implement from Menchecourt by L Scott[1859]
PT/61/1/4Plate, figures 12-13 showing worked flint from pits at St Acheul and section from Hoxne brickfield by unknown artist[1859]
PT/61/1/11Plate, 'Flint implements, fig 5 Amiens; fig 6 Hoxne' by L Scott[1859]
PT/61/1/2Plate, figures 1-5 showing sections from pits at Menchecourt and St Acheul, gravel pit near Moulin Quignon, and moat outside town walls at Port Mercadé by unknown artist[1859]
PT/61/1/5Plate, map of Abbeville and Amiens and section of earth through Abbeville by unknown artist[1859]
RR/4/207Referee's report by Charles Lyell, on a paper 'On the occurrence of flint-implements, associated with the remains of animals of extinct species in beds of a late geological period, in France at Amiens and Abbeville, and in England at Hoxne' by Joseph Prestwich3 June 1859
PT/70/4/2Plate, high-level gravels by [Joseph] PrestwichMay 1862
PT/70/4/3Plate, high- and low-level gravels by [Joseph Prestwich]May 1862
PT/70/4/4Plate, 'Sections in the gravel-pits of St Acheul' by unknown artistMay 1862
PT/70/4/6Plate, 'Diagram representing one side of a valley with a series of gravel and loess beds' by [Joseph Prestwich][1862]
PT/70/4/5Plate, 'Diagram representing one side of a valley with a series of gravel and loess beds' by [Joseph Prestwich]1862
MC/7/274Letter from C B [Charles Beaumont] Phipps, Windsor Castle, to Dr [William] Sharpey, [Secretary of the Royal Society]6 November 1865
MC/7Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1864-1866
RR/5/211Letter from William Sharpey, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich15 August 1863
MC/10/91Letter from J [Joseph] Prestwich, Shoreham near Sevenoaks, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]18 March 1874
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
PT/70/4Paper, 'Theoretical considerations on the condition under which the drift deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint-implements were accumulated and on their geological age and on the loess of the south of England and north of France' by Jos [Joseph] Prestwich[1862]
PT/61/1/1Manuscript, 'On the occurrence of flint implements associated with the remains of animals of extinct species in beds of a late geological period, in France at Amiens and Abbeville, and in England at Hoxne' by Josh [Joseph] Prestwich[1859]
PT/61/1/6Plate, maps of Abbeville and Amiens and section of earth through the Valley of the Somme by unknown artist[1859]
PT/61/1/7Plate, map of Hoxne, diagram of ground level in Hoxne, and section of earth through Waveney Valley at Hoxne by unknown artist[1859]
PT/70/4/1Manuscript, 'Theoretical considerations on the condition under which the drift deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint-implements were accumulated and on their geological age and on the loess of the south of England and north of France' by Jos [Joseph] Prestwich[1862]
RR/4/209Referee's report by Roderick Impey Murchison, on a paper 'On the occurrence of flint-implements, associated with the remains of animals of extinct species in beds of a late geological period, in France at Amiens and Abbeville, and in England at Hoxne' by Joseph Prestwich10 May 1860
RR/5/177Referee's report by Joseph Prestwich, on a paper 'The lignites and clays of Bovey Tracey, Devonshire' by William PengellyMarch 1862
AP/44/13Paper, 'On the loess of the valleys of the South of England, the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich1862
AP/44/12Paper, 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the drift deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated and their geological age' by Joseph Prestwich1862
MC/13/70Letter from Joseph Prestwich, 35 St Giles', Oxford, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [President of the Royal Society]17 June 1884
MC/13Volume 13 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1884
RR/7/270Referee's report by Joseph Prestwich, on a paper 'On the composition and origin of the waters of a salt spring in Huel Seton Mine, with a chemical and microscopical examination of certain rocks in its vicinity' by John Arthur Phillips12 May 1873
AP/56/4Paper, 'Tables of temperatures of the sea at different depths beneath the surface, reduced and collated from the various observations made between the years 1772 and 1868 with notes and sections' by Joseph Prestwich1874
RR/9/228Referee's report by Joseph Prestwich, on a paper 'Description of parts of a human skeleton from a pleistocene (palaeolithic) bed, Tilbury, Essex' by Richard Owen2 February 1884
RR/9/305Letter from Joseph Prestwich, on his paper 'On underground temperature; with observations on the conductivity of rocks; on the thermal effects of saturation and imbibition; and on a special source of heat in mountain ranges' to the Secretary of the Royal Society31 July 1885
PP/6/38Paper, 'Regional metamorphism' by Joseph Prestwich1885
RR/5/210Letter from Joseph Prestwich, regarding a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich27 July 1863
PT/61/1Paper, 'On the occurrence of flint implements associated with the remains of animals of extinct species in beds of a late geological period, in France at Amiens and Abbeville, and in England at Hoxne' by Josh [Joseph] Prestwich[1859]
RR/5/206Referee's report by William Hopkins, on a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich8 April 1862
RR/5/209Letter from Walter White, regarding a paper 'Theoretical considerations on the conditions under which the (drift) deposits containing the remains of extinct mammalia and flint implements were accumulated, and on their geological age. - On the Loess of the valleys of the South of England, and of the Somme and the Seine' by Joseph Prestwich14 July 1863
RR/7/334Referee's report by Richard Strachey, on a paper 'Tables of temperatures of the sea at different depths beneath the surface, reduced and collated from the various observations made between the years 1749 and 1868, discussed. With map and sections' by Joseph Prestwich17 June 1874
RR/8/183Referee's report by Charles Darwin, on a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich28 May 1879
RR/8/184Letter from Joseph Prestwich, to Walter White, regarding a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich30 July 1879
RR/8/185Letter from Joseph Prestwich, to George Gabriel Stokes, regarding a paper 'On the origin of the parallel roads of Lochaber and their bearing on other phenomena of the glacial period' by Joseph Prestwich11 September 1879
RR/9/302Referee's report by John Wesley Judd, on a paper 'On underground temperature; with observations on the conductivity of rocks; on the thermal effects of saturation and imbibition; and on a special source of heat in mountain ranges' by Joseph Prestwich15 April 1885
RR/9/303Referee's report by Joseph David Everett, on a paper 'On underground temperature; with observations on the conductivity of rocks; on the thermal effects of saturation and imbibition; and on a special source of heat in mountain ranges' by Joseph Prestwich2 May 1885
RR/12/18Referee's report by John Wesley Judd, on a paper 'On the evidences of a submergence of Western Europe, and of the Mediterranean coasts, at the close of the glacial or so-called post-glacial period, and immediately preceding the Neolithic or recent period' by Joseph Prestwich1 February 1893
RR/12/19Referee's report by William Topley, on a paper 'On the evidences of a submergence of Western Europe, and of the Mediterranean coasts, at the close of the glacial or so-called post-glacial period, and immediately preceding the Neolithic or recent period' by Joseph Prestwich2 March 1893
MC/16/88Letter from Joseph Prestwich, 21 Park Crescent, Portland Place, to Professor [Michael] Foster, Secretary of the Royal History30 January 1894
MC/16Volume 16 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1893-1896
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