
Authorised form of nameJurin; James (1684 - 1750); physician
Other forms of name'Philalethes Cantabrigiensis'
Dates1684 - 1750
Place of birthLondon, England
Place of deathHis home in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London
Date of death29 March 1750
Dates and placesBaptism:
15 December 1684
St James, Garlickhythe, London
OccupationPhysician; Schoolmaster
Research fieldMathematics
Christ's Hospital; Trinity College, Cambridge; BA (1706), MA (1709), MD (1716); Leyden (admitted 1709)
Fellow of Trinity (1708); Tutor to Mordechai Carey (1708-1709); Headmaster of Royal Grammar School, Newcastle-upon-Tyne (1710-1715); practised in London, acquiring a considerable fortune; Physician to Guy's Hospital (1725-1732); benefactor of Christ's Hospital; published mathematical works under the pseudonym Philalethes Cantabrigiensis
FRCP (1719, President 1750)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election14/11/1717
ProposerMartin Folkes
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Council (1718, 1720-1726); Sec 1721-1727 ; Editor Phil. Trans.: 1720-1727
RelationshipsSon of John Jurin, dyer, of London; married Mary; father of James Jurin (FRS 1756)
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Venn; Thomas; Munk's Roll
'Gentleman's Magazine' 1750, p141; 'London Magazine' 1750, p141
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA5031
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EL/N2/1Letter, from Robert Nesbitt to James Jurin, dated at Bristol1724
EL/R1/69Letter, from John Ranby to James Jurinnd
EL/M2/69Letter, from G M to James Jurin, dated at Haverfordwest2 August 1725
EL/L6/20Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth17 December 1721
CLP/23i/56Letter, from Robert Nesbitt to James Jurin21 April 1724
CLP/23ii/58Letter, from H Plumptre to James Jurin19 February 1727
EL/M2/54Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin29 September 1724
EL/H3/118Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin19 January 1728
EL/M2/37Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin, dated at Boston3 June 1723
EL/T/78Letter, from William Thinn to James Jurin, dated at Mansfield18 January 1729
EL/S2/44Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublinnd
EL/L4/69Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin, dated at Delft1 May 1722
EL/N1/95Letter, from Thomas Nettleton to James Jurin, dated at Halifax24 January 1723
EL/W3/111Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris28 April 1725
EL/L6/25Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth30 May 1722
CLP/23i/34Letter, from Robert Baker to James Jurin29 May 1727
EL/W3/109Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin27 May 1724
EL/H3/121Letter, from James Handley to James Jurin, dated at St Albans25 January 1724
EL/W3/106Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris28 January 1724
EL/I2/3Letter, from John Jablonski to James Jurin, dated at Berlin4 April 1726
CLP/23i/71Letter, from H Hepburn to James Jurin1723
EL/G2/1Letter, from J[ohn] Gorman to James Jurin14 June 1722
CLP/23ii/6Letter, from James Jurin22 February 1726
MM/16/18Note describing a small collection of letters addressed to James Jurin, Secretary of the Royal Society1878
EL/N1/92Letter, from Thomas Nettleton to James Jurin, dated at Halifax5 May 1722
RBO/11/6James Jurin's consideration of Pietro Antonio Michelotti's 'De Motu Aquarum fluentium'1722
RBO/11/106Invitation to carry out meteorological observations by James Jurin1723
CLP/23i/33Letter, from R Beard to James Jurin9 November 1726
CLP/23ii/12Letter, from James Jurin to Dr Beard3 December 1726
CLP/23ii/38Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin17 November 1725
CLP/23i/52Letter, from James Elderton to James Jurin3 November 1726
CLP/23i/32Letter, from R Beard to James Jurin10 October 1726
CLP/6/66Paper, James Jurin's defence of the paper 'De moto aquarum fluentium' [On the motion of flowing water] by Pietro Michelotti[1722]
CLP/23ii/32Note, from J Monro to James Jurin19 April 1726
L&P/1/105Letter, 'Questions in gunnery' from James Jurin to the Royal Society[1742]
EL/P2/17Translation of a letter, from Giovanni Poleni to James Jurin1737
P/0078Portrait of Jurin, James
CLP/23i/20Letter, from Edward Bayly to James Jurin29 February 1724
IM/002469Jurin, Jamesnd
CLP/23ii/61Letter, from J Pawlett to James Jurin13 March 1726
CLP/23ii/85Letter, from Benjamin Wrench to James Jurin20 February 1723
L&P/1/401Paper, 'On the force of bodies in motion' by James Jurin1745
CLP/23ii/80Letter, from J Wemyss to James Jurin5 March 1727
CLP/23ii/17aLetter, from J Johnson to James Jurin18th century
CLP/23ii/86Letter, from Benjamin Wrench to James Jurin20 March 1723
CLP/23ii/41Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin8 May 1725
CLP/23ii/81Letter, from W Whitaker to James Jurin9 April 1724
CLP/23ii/54Letter, from Robert Pemberton to James Jurin24 February 1724
CLP/23i/30Letter, from James Burges to James Jurin21 April 1726
CLP/23i/13Letter, from Samuel Angiers to James Jurin27 January 1727
EL/C2/67Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to James Jurin, dated at Naples1726
CLP/23i/62Letter, from Isaac Degrave to James Jurin13 April 1724
CLP/23i/57Letter, from Thomas Fuller to James Jurin13 February 1725
L&P/1/188/1Letters, 'Medical observations showing relation between weather and human food, excetra, exercise' from John Lining to James Jurin11 April 1741
L&P/1/463Paper, 'Principia dynamica mechanico-metaphysica' from James Jurin1746
CLP/23ii/50Letter, from W Offley to James Jurin19 February 1724
CLP/23ii/1Letter, from Thomas Johnson to James Jurin10 February 1724
CLP/23i/43Letter, from Thomas Curteis to James Jurin24 December 1726
CLP/23i/25Letter, from W Bohun to James Jurin25 March 1724
CLP/23i/49Letter, from Thomas Dixon to James Jurin15 February 1726
CLP/23ii/57Letter, from H Plumptre to James Jurin[c.1727]
CLP/23ii/56aLetter, from [Robert] Pemberton to James Jurin20 February 1726
CLP/23ii/40Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton, to James Jurin22 March 1726
CLP/23i/38Letter, from E Chandler to James Jurin30 April 1724
CLP/22ii/55Paper, Account of James Jurin's book 'Dissertationes physico-mathematicae... [Physical-mathematical dissertations]' by John Eames [1732]
CLP/23i/76Letter and report, from Hannibal Hall to James Jurin18 February 1727
CLP/23ii/36Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin5 June 1724
CLP/23ii/35Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin20 March 1724
CLP/23ii/25Letter, from George Lynch to James Jurin20 January 1727
CLP/23i/40Letter, from E Chandler to James Jurin23 April 1724
CLP/23i/29Letter, from Silvanus Bevan to James Jurin12 April 1726
CLP/23i/27Letter, from W Beeston to James JurinOctober 1724
CLP/23ii/34Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin11 November 1723
CLP/23ii/2Letter, from James Jurin to Mr Hepburn18 February 1724
CLP/23i/70Letter, from J Hepburn to James Jurin21 January 1724
CLP/23i/54Letter, from E Edlin to James Jurin1726
CLP/23ii/46Letter, from Edmund Naish to James Jurin13 May 1727
CLP/23i/72Letter, from George Huxley to James Jurin20 May 1724
CLP/23i/44Letter, from William Rutty to James Jurin8 January 1724
CLP/23ii/7Letter from James Jurin to Mr [Thomas] Jones22 February 1726
CLP/23i/7Letter, from Claude Amyand to James Jurin28 March 1726
CLP/23ii/16Letter, from [Henry] Jones to James Jurin18th century
CLP/23ii/60Letter, from J Pawlett to James Jurin16 April 1726
CLP/23i/19Letter, 'Concerning the inoculation of Elizabeth Spendlove' from W Brady to James Jurin21 February 1723
CLP/23i/48Letter, from W Damant to James Jurin12 April 1725
EL/B2/119Letter, from Eric Burman to James Jurin, dated at Uppsala8 October 1728
EL/R1/64Letter, from Thomas Robie to James Jurin, dated at Salem7 June 1725
EL/L6/31Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth17 October 1724
EL/C2/55Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurin1723
EC/1756/03Jurin, James: certificate of election to the Royal Society
EL/P1/121Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm19 August 1724
EL/K/33Letter, from Salomon Knigner to James Jurin23 February 1729
EL/W3/105Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris1723
EL/C2/64Letter, from Nicolaus Cruquius to James Jurin, dated at LeydenOctober 1725
EL/M2/40Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin6 June 1723
EL/M2/39Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin5 June 1723
EL/F2/13Letter, from John Freeman to James Jurin, dated at Southrow-west near Pembroke19 October 1726
EL/R1/65Letter, from B R to James Jurin, dated at DublinApril 1724
EL/H3/117Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth25 July 1727
RBO/17/22John Eames' account of a book entitled 'Dissertationes Physico-mathematicae etc' by James Jurin1732
CLP/23i/31Letter, from William Barcroft to James Jurin30 June 1725
CLP/23ii/11Letter, from James Jurin to Mr Hargrave10 July 1725
CLP/23ii/5Letter, from James Jurin19 February 1726
CLP/23ii/39Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin26 November 1724
EL/M2/44Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin10 June 1723
CLP/23ii/42Table, 'Table of those who have been inoculated for smallpox in and about Halifax' by [Thomas] Nettleton2 April 1727
RBO/11/11'An Account of the Depth of Rain fallen from April 1 1722 to April 1 1723 observed at Widdrington in Northumberland' communicated to James Jurin by Reverend Horsley1723
EL/C2/56Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurin, dated at Newcastle17 August 1725
EL/L6/55Letter, from Walter Lynn to James Jurin, dated at Venice2 December 1730
EL/H3/109Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth20 January 1726
EL/D2/8Letter, from Arthur Dobbs to the Royal Society, dated at Castle-Dobbs18 August 1722
L&P/1/83Letter, 'Of the earthquake at Leghorn from 16 to 27 January 1742' from Fremond Calmad, communicated by James Jurin17 February 1742
CLP/23ii/3Letters, from James Jurin to Dr Woodhouse12 February 1726
CLP/23i/45Letter, from J Dymer to James Jurin7 February 1724
CLP/23i/79Letter, from F Hargraves to James Jurin20 June 1725
CLP/11ii/3Paper, 'Experiments for making the Prussian blue' by Mr [John] Brown [Browne][1724]
CLP/12ii/23Paper, 'An extraordinary case in surgery' by Joseph Atkinson[1725]
CLP/14ii/36Letter, regarding the case of a man who died of an uncommon colic from Dr [John] Huxham to Dr [James] Jurin14 March 1731
EL/W3/103Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris9 September 1723
EL/P1/124Letter, from Richard Pole to James Jurin, dated at the Hague24 August 1725
EL/B2/87Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to James Jurin, dated at La Fere24 March 1728
EL/M2/50Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin24 September 1724
EL/M2/52Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin26 September 1724
EL/W3/134Letter, from Perrott Williams to James Jurin, dated at Haverfordwest21 March 1726
EL/W3/107Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris1734
EL/D2/11Letter, from Richard Dobbs to James Jurin, dated at Trinity College, Dublin14 October 1726
EL/M2/61Letter, from Pietro Michelotti to James Jurin1723
EL/D1/77Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg3 November 1722
EL/L6/34Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth16 November 1726
EL/W3/116Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris14 May 1726
EL/L6/27Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth13 February 1722
EL/S2/63Letter, from J[ohn] Smart to James Jurin, dated at Guildhall28 July 1727
EL/I2/28Letter, from Thomas Jones to James Jurin, dated at New Crane17 February 1736
EL/S2/54Letter, from Thomas Short to James Jurin, dated at Coventry9 August 1725
EL/R1/67Letter, from Reneaume to James Jurin10 April 1726
EL/H3/115Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin1725
EL/B2/121Letter, from Zabdiel Boylstone to James Jurin, dated at Boston14 December 1726
EL/W3/135Letter, from Perrott Williams to James Jurin17 January 1727
EL/N2/2Letter, from Robert Nesbitt to James Jurin17 October 1727
EL/L6/32Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth6 November 1724
EL/W3/143Letter, from George Warren to James Jurinnd
EL/P1/120Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm27 July 1724
EL/W3/108Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin26 April 1724
EL/D2/31Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Rome27 March 1728
EL/S2/50Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow14 June 1723
EL/G2/7Letter, from Isaac Greenwood to James Jurin, dated at CambridgeMay 1727
EL/L6/33Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth30 April 1725
EL/Z/6Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at Paris21 June 1724
EL/W3/117Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris18 May 1726
EL/H3/102Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington16 July 1723
EL/W3/137Letter, from Richard Wright to James Jurin, dated at Haverfordwest10 March 1723
EL/W3/99Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris1723
EL/L6/24Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth27 March 1722
EL/F2/14Letter, from Thomas Farrant to the Secretary, dated at Winchester1726
EL/L6/22Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth14 February 1721
EL/L6/17Letter, from Colin McLaurin to James Jurin, dated at Luneville18 April 1724
EL/S2/49Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow22 March 1722
EL/P1/119Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm18 March 1724
EL/F2/12Letter, from John Freeman to James Jurin, dated at Southrow-west near Pembroke25 February 1726
EL/D2/13Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence17 July 1722
EL/T/74Letter, from Daniel Turner to James Jurin, dated at Devonshire Square6 December 1725
EL/M2/41Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin7 June 1723
EL/S2/42aLetter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin10 April 1722
EL/D1/67Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle27 November 1722
EL/W3/144Letter, from George Warren to James Jurin, dated at Cambridge15 February 1726
EL/W3/142Letter, from George Warren to James Jurin17 October 1725
EL/D2/30Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence29 November 1727
EL/M2/56Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin5 October 1724
EL/L6/28Extracts of letters, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin1722
CLP/23ii/15Letter, from James Jurin to Mr Towgood6 April 1727
EL/M2/36Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin, dated at Boston21 May 1723
EL/W3/100Letter, from John [Thomas] Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris8 July 1723
EL/C2/53Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurin, dated at Newcastle28 June 1723
EL/L6/36Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth6 March 1726
EL/B2/106Letter, from Richard Beard to James Jurin, dated at Worcester11 June 1724
EL/L6/58Letter, from George Lynn to James JurinFebruary 1735
EL/C2/76Letter, from John Calandrini to James Jurin, dated at GenevaNovember 1726
EL/G2/3Letter, from Petrus Gribius to James Jurin, dated at Delft1723
EL/L6/41Letter, from Henry Linckius to James Jurin, dated at Leipzig1726
EL/S2/52Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow10 January 1724
EL/T/80Letter, from William Thinn to James Jurin, dated at Mansfield24 May 1729
EL/L6/42Letter, from George Lynn of Southwick to James Jurin, dated at Northamptonshire26 October 1726
EL/O2/182Letter, from William Oliver to James Jurin, dated at Bath29 July 1730
EL/S2/43Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin14 May 1724
CLP/2/31Paper, ‘A curious dissertation concerning the causes of the power and effects of musick’ by Robt [Robert] Hooke[1726]
CLP/23i/18Paper, 'Concerning the inoculation of Joseph and Elizabeth Brooksbank's two daughters' from the Brooksbank daughters to James Jurin8 November 1723
EL/C2/63Letter, from Nicolaus Cruquius to James Jurin, dated at Leyden1725
EL/D2/19Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence14 July 1724
EL/C2/66Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to James Jurin, dated at Naples1725
EL/Z/5Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at Paris20 May 1724
EL/L4/83Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin, dated at Delft20 November 1722
EL/B2/86Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to James Jurin, dated at La Fere14 December 1726
EL/H3/101Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington1 July 1723
EL/B2/114Letter, from George Bulffinger to James Jurin, dated at Petropoli (St Petersburg)October 1726
EL/C2/80Letter, from Gabriel Cramer to James Jurin, dated at Paris18 January 1729
EL/D2/17Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence10 June 1724
EL/M2/48Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin22 September 1724
EL/D1/78Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg6 July 1723
EL/N1/83Letter, from Henry Newman to James Jurin, dated at the Middle Temple17 April 1722
EL/L6/26Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth13 October 1722
EL/H3/114Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin1724
EL/H3/116Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth18 October 1726
EL/H3/107Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth1 May 1725
EL/N2/16Letter, from Henry Newman to James Jurin, dated at the Middle Temple8 May 1723
EL/B2/73Letter, from Patrick Blair to James Jurin, dated at Boston9 May 1726
EL/H3/119Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth14 February 1730
EL/W3/113Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris15 October 1725
EL/M2/38Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin4 June 1723
EL/N1/98Letter, from Thomas Nettleton to James Jurin, dated at Halifax31 May 1725
EL/H3/104Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurinnd
EL/W3/102Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris11 August 1723
EL/I2/6Letter, from N B to James Jurin, dated at Knutsford16 April 1725
CLP/23ii/17Letter, from Henry Jones to James Jurin25 April 1724
EL/L6/35Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth21 December 1726
EL/M2/45Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin, dated at Boston3 August 1723
EL/W3/118Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris10 September 1726
EL/D2/29Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence26 February 1727
EL/H3/105Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth22 May 1724
EL/H3/103Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington13 February 1724
EL/S2/42Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin3 April 1722
EL/B2/99Letter, from George Bayly to James Jurin, dated at Havant21 June 1725
EL/N1/99Letter, from Thomas Nettleton to James Jurin, dated at Halifax28 July 1726
EL/T/77Letter, from William Thinn to James Jurin, dated at Mansfield6 January 1729
EL/S2/41Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin12 December 1721
EL/I2/5Letter, from unknown author to James Jurin, dated at Knatsford17 April 1725
EL/H3/98Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth31 August 1722
EL/D2/43Letter, from Antoine Deidier to James Jurin16 July 1723
EL/D1/64Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle27 October 1722
EL/H3/120Letter, from James Handley to James Jurin, dated at London6 January 1724
EL/M2/46Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin and John Woodward, dated at Boston1724
EL/M2/57Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin, dated at Boston15 December 1724
CLP/5/31Letter, regarding details of the thermometer, barometer and hygroscope used for observations from John Huxham to James Jurin24 April 1724
EL/P1/122Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague29 June 1725
EL/M2/43Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin10 June 1723
EL/V/58Letter, from John Villa to James Jurin, dated at Berlin13 March 1725
EL/W3/110Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin19 June 1724
EL/W3/104Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris20 October 1723
EL/W3/132Letter, from Perrott Williams to James Jurin, dated at Haverfordwest23 April 1724
EL/D1/76Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg3 November 1722
EL/M2/42Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin8 June 1723
EL/I2/32Letter, from James Jurin [to the Royal Society]19 January 1747
EL/C2/69Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to James Jurin, dated at Naples1727
EL/D1/88Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg21 December 1725
EL/P2/21Letter, from Giovanni Poleni to James Jurin1 June 1737
EL/P1/113Letter, from Reverend James Pound to James Jurin, dated at Wanstead14 November 1723
EL/D1/84Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg2 April 1725
EL/D1/89Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg21 January 1726
EL/I2/31Letter, from James Jurin, dated at Lincoln's Inn Fields9 December 1746
EL/P1/125Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague8 February 1726
EL/W3/114Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris21 March 1726
EL/B2/72Letter, from Patrick Blair to James JurinFebruary 1725
EL/H3/110Letter, from John Hanneker to James Jurin, dated at Cambray29 November 1722
EL/W3/119Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris26 July 1727
EL/H3/100Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Widdington near Morpeth2 April 1723
EL/P2/11Letter, from Giovanni Poleni to James Jurin, dated at Padova [Padua]1731
EL/D2/12Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin2 June 1722
EL/D1/80Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg3 October 1724
EL/W3/139Letter, from Reverend Joseph Wasse to James Jurin, dated at Aynho19 September 1724
EL/D2/23Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence31 March 1726
EL/B2/103Letter, from Eric Benzelius to James Jurin, dated at Uppsala6 October 1724
EL/D2/28Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence18 July 1727
EL/H3/106Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin, dated at Morpeth4 February 1725
EL/P1/123Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague17 July 1725
EL/Z/4Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at Paris13 May 1724
EL/Z/8Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at London11 September 1724
EL/Z/7Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at ParisJuly 1724
EL/S2/51Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow1 July 1723
EL/D2/18Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence27 June 1724
MC/8/192Letter from Reverend Charles William Knyvett, the Rookery, Sonning, Reading, Berkshire, to Walter White, [Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society], Burlington House12 May 1868
CLP/14ii/35Extract of a letter, regarding smallpox in Hastings from Dr Threwen to Dr [James] Jurin28 January 1731
CLP/23ii/4Letter, from James Jurin to Mr [George] Lake19 February 1726
CLP/23i/14Letter, from Samuel Brady to James Jurin18 January 1722
CLP/23i/1Paper, 'List of people inoculated by Claude Amyand, principal and serjeant, surgeon in ordinary to his majesty' by Claude Amyand15 June 1723
EL/D2/26Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence28 September 1726
EL/D2/7Letter, from Richard Dobbs to the Royal Society, dated at Castle-Dobbs18 August 1722
EL/W3/101Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris30 July 1723
EL/L6/14Letter, from Colin McLaurin to James Jurin, dated at Cambray29 August 1722
RBO/14/36'Of vivid Forces' in a Letter from G Cramer to James Jurin1729
RBO/13/9'Some further Remarks on P Souciet's Dissertation against Sir Isaac Newton's Chronology in a letter to Dr Jurin by Dr Halley'1727
CLP/23i/63Letter, from J Gill to James Jurin21 April 1726
EL/G2/11Letter, from Hieronymus Giuntini to James Jurin, dated at Florence4 July 1727
CLP/5/16Letter, regarding meteorological observations from Morpeth, Northumberland [England], in 1722 from M Cary to James Jurin12 January 1723
CLP/4i/69Paper, 'Invitatio ad observationes meteorologicas communi consilio instituendas' [Invitation to make meteorological observations] by James Jurin1723
CLP/5/32Letter, regarding meteorological observations from John Huxham to [James Jurin]10 January 1725
CLP/5/30Paper, regarding weather observations for 1724 to February 1725 by T Nettleton1725
CLP/5/42aLetter, regarding notes on the weather from John Archer to James Jurin16 April 1725
EL/B2/107Letter, from Richard Beard to James Jurin, dated at Wrocester4 June 1726
EL/L4/70Translation of a letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin1722
EL/P2/3Letter, from Robert Payne to James Jurin, dated at Lowestoft5 November 1725
CLP/5/41Letter, regarding meteorological observations for December 1724 from John Huxham to James Jurin2 February 1725
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
EL/H3/99Letter, from John Horsley to James Jurin13 November 1722
EL/L6/29Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth3 March 1722
EL/N1/94Extract of a letter, from Thomas Nettleton to James Jurin, dated at Halifax16 December 1722
EL/G2/4Letter, from Petrus Gribius to James Jurin, dated at Delft1723
EL/Z/9Letter, from Philip Zollman to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm5 November 1724
EL/L6/30Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth12 May 1723
EL/M2/2Letter, from Ferdinand Marsigli to the Secretary of the Royal Society24 December 1725
EL/D1/86Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg5 April 1725
EL/B3/33Translation of a letter, from F Baget to James Jurin, dated at Paris1731
EL/H3/113Letter, from John Huxham to James Jurin, dated at Plymouth1723
EL/P2/12Letters, from Giovanni Poleni to James Jurin, dated at Padova [Padua]1731
EL/I2/1Paper, 'On inoculation with smallpox' by James Jurin1722
CLP/23ii/8Letter, from James Jurin to Mr Parry5 March 1726
EL/B2/98Letter, from George Bayly to James Jurin, dated at Havant4 July 1724
EL/W3/131Letter, from Perrott Williams to James Jurin, dated at Haverfordwest19 March 1723
CLP/23ii/13Letter, from James Jurin to [Thomas] Curteis4 January 1727
EL/B3/32Letter, from F Baget to James Jurin, dated at Paris1 October 1731
EL/C2/68Letter, from Nicolaus Cyrillus to James Jurin, dated at Naples1727
EL/D2/9Letter, from Richard Dobbs to James Jurin, dated at Trinity College, Dublin30 November 1723
CLP/23ii/22Letter and report, from George Lake to James Jurin26 January 1725
EL/L4/86Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin, dated at Delft1723
EL/H3/112Letter, from Johannes Hoogvliet to James Jurin, dated at Delft1723
EL/L4/87Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin, dated at Delft1723
EL/D1/65Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle24 October 1722
EL/L4/84Letter, from Antoni van Leeuwenhoek to James Jurin, dated at Delft19 March 1723
CLP/23ii/9Letter, from James Jurin to Dr [Thomas] Nettleton31 March 1726
CLP/23ii/14Letter, from James Jurin to Dr [William] Thorold30 March 1727
CLP/23ii/23Letter, from George Lake to James Jurin23 February 1725
CLP/23ii/31Letter, from Cotton Mather to James Jurin21 May 1723
CLP/14ii/14Paper, 'Account of a person who became infected with smallpox' by James JurinOctober 1722
CLP/12ii/14Paper, 'An account of a dropsie of the left ovarium cur'd by a large incision made in the side of the abdomen' by [Robert Houston][1723]
CLP/23ii/33Letter, from [Thomas] Nettleton to James Jurin28 October 1723
CLP/23ii/45Letter, from Edmund [Edward] Naish to James Jurin20 February 1727
CLP/23ii/55Letter, from Robert Pemberton to James Jurin3 March 1724
CLP/23ii/56Letter, from [Robert] Pemberton to James Jurin20 March 1725
CLP/23ii/64Letter, from E Parry to James Jurin1 March 1726
CLP/23ii/65Letter, from E Parry to James Jurin13 March 1726
CLP/23ii/66Letter, from George Riley to James Jurin4 February 1726
CLP/23ii/69Letter, from S Skinner to James Jurin30 January 1725
CLP/23ii/70Letter, from C Sprengell to James Jurin16 November 1725
CLP/23ii/75Letter, from Nehemiah Towgood to James Jurin18 March 1727
CLP/23ii/76Letter, from [Nehemiah] Towgood to James Jurin3 May 1727
CLP/23ii/83Letters, from G Warren to James Jurin1723
CLP/23ii/84Letter, from Perrot Williams to James Jurin11 January 1724
RBO/11/62'An account of a remarkable Instance of the Infection of the Small pox' by James Jurin1722
EL/B2/84Letter, from Bernard Forest de Belidor to James Jurin, dated at La Fere27 August 1726
EL/B2/116Letter, from Eric Burman to James Jurin, dated at Uppsala18 October 1726
EL/B2/117Letter, from Eric Burman to James Jurin, dated at Uppsala27 October 1727
EL/D1/87Letter, from Paul Dudley to James Jurin, dated at Roxburg9 November 1725
EL/D2/6Letter, from Richard Dobbs to James Jurin, dated at Trinity College, Dublin19 May 1722
EL/D2/10Letter, from Richard Dobbs to James Jurin, dated at Trinity College, Dublin19 March 1724
EL/D2/20Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence24 November 1724
EL/D2/22Letter, from Thomas Dereham to James Jurin, dated at Florence7 December 1725
EL/G2/6Letter, from Isaac Greenwood to James Jurin, dated at Boston1 May 1727
EL/N1/82Letter, from Henry Newman to James Jurin, dated at the Middle Temple10 April 1722
EL/W3/98Letter, from John Woolhouse to James Jurin, dated at Paris24 January 1721
EL/L6/21Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth12 January 1721
EL/L6/23Letter, from Benjamin Langwith to James Jurin, dated at Petworth22 March 1721
EL/I2/7Letter, from Joseph De Lisle to James Jurin, dated at St Petersburg31 December 1728
EL/C2/51Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurin, dated at Newcastle27 January 1723
EL/C2/54Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurinnd
EL/C2/52Letter, from Robert Cay to James Jurin, dated at Newcastle23 March 1723
EL/V/60Letter, from du Val to James Jurin, dated at Luneville22 February 1727
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