
Authorised form of nameBartlett; Maurice Stevenson (1910 - 2002)
Dates1910 - 2002
Place of birthLondon, England
Date of birth18/06/1910
Date of death08/01/2002
Latymer Upper School, King Street, London (left 1924); DSc
Professor of Bio-mathematics, Oxford University
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election16/03/1961
Age at election50
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1965-1967
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 2004 vol 50 pp 15-33 , plate, by Peter Whittle
Royal Society codeNA5174
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
MSB/2/111'3 dim [dimensional] one sided linear models', file of M S Bartlettn.d.
MSB/2/5Correspondence file of M S Bartlett1930s - 1980s
MSB/2/8Correspondence and papers file of M S Bartlett1933 - 1957
MSB/2/3'Statistical theory and some of its applications', file of M S Bartlettc1940s
IM/GA/WRS/8852Bartlett, Maurice Stevensonnd
EC/1961/03Bartlett, Maurice Stevenson: certificate of election to the Royal Society16 March 1961
MSB/2/29'Monograph and NNM [Nearest Neighbour Model] - notes', file of M S Bartlettc1960-1970
MSB/2/24Research notes and calculations by M S Bartlettc1950s
MSB/2/37'RS [Royal Society] investigation', file of M S Bartlett1960s
MSB/2/34'Models of population growth', file of M S Bartlettc1965
MSB/2/12'Elementary course', file of M S Bartlett c1948
MSB/5/1'ISI Medal Advisory Committee' file, MS Bartlett1980-1982
MSB/3/12'Stochastic Processes' corespondence file of M S Bartlett1957 - 1967
MSB/1/3/7Lanscape painting by M S Bartlett1940s-1980s
MSB/2/18'Measles in Manchester', file of M S Bartlettc1950s
MSB/3/4'On lone uses of the moment-generating function in theoretical statistics', M S BartlettMarch 1934
MSB/1/5Photographs of M S Bartlett 1940s - 1980s
MSB/2/26Corespondence file of M S BartlettSeptember 1946
MSB/1/3Artwork by Maurice Stevenson Bartlett1930s
MSB/3/14'Stochastic Processes', M S Bartlett1977
MSB/2/109'Maths Option Biol Prelim [Preliminary] I', file of M S Bartlettn.d. post 1972
MSB/1/1/3Notebook of MS Bartlett 'Dynamics (Magall)'[1929-1933]
MSB/2/91'Muckenheim and Mander' correspondence, file of M S Barltett1984-1998
MSB/1/1/2Notebook of MS Bartlett 'Combination of observations (Professor Eddington), Theory of Statistics (Wishart). Schedule B'[1929-1933]
MSB/3/5'Stochastic Processes (Oxford)', M S Bartlett c1950
MSB/3/7'An introduction to Stochastic Processes with special reference to methods and applications, Chapters I & II', M S Bartlettc1955
MSB/2/105'Minimum variance', file of M S Bartlettn.d
MSB/3/15Papers about the publication of E S Pearson letters, M S Bartlett1986
MSB/2/51'Doubly stochastic population models', file of M S Bartlett[1970s-1980s]
MSB/2/31'Calculations', file of M S Bartlettc1964
MSB/1/3/2Painting, 'The Dial' by M S Bartlett1930
MSB/1/3/1Drawing, self portrait, by M S Bartlett[1930]
MSB/2/81Notes on 'the use of neighbouring plot values in the design and analysis of field experiments', file of M S Bartlett1981
MSB/2/97'Chaos papers' file, file of M S Bartlett1989-1990
MSB/2/100'ISI (Amsterdam) & miscellaneous, 1992', file of M S Bartlett1992
MSB/3/11'Notes for second edition', M S Bartlettc1963
MSB/3/1/4'J O Irwin', file of M S Bartlett 1982
MSB/3/1/3'E S P [Egon Pearson] obituary', file of MS Bartlett1977-1981
MSB/2/2File of calculations by M S Bartlettc1940s-1970s
MSB/2/32'Spatial patterns', file of M S Bartlettc1964
MSB/2/67'Uni of L. lectures. Spare notes, Daniel's article, Ripley's article, Mollison's article. Biometric Society meeting. Williams & Daniels letter', file of M S Bartlett1976-1979
MSB/1/4Cards made by M S Bartlett 1990s
MSB/3/13'2nd edition proofs [Stochastic Processes]', M S Bartlett 1965 - 1966
MSB/2/112'Notes on schrodinger equation etc', file of M S Bartlettn.d.
MSB/1/2Short stories and other writings1932-1980s
MSB/2/99File of M S Bartlett including correspondence and notes on 'Chaos'1991-1993
MSB/1/3/4Printed cover of 'The Dial', [W R Cole]1940
MSB/2/1'Dr Bartlett, top secret', file of M S Bartlettc1940s
MSB/1/3/3Painting, 'The Dial' by M S Bartlett1932
MSB/1/2/1Short story "A Broken Lock" by M S Bartlett 1932
MSB/1/2/2Short story "Last News of Arthur Feltingdon" by M S Bartlett1932
MSB/2/71'Random walks', file of M S Bartlett[1977-1978]
MSB/1/3/6Landscape painting by M S Bartlettc1940-1980s
MSB/2/53'Cambridge Conf[erence] 1972', file of M S Bartlett 1972
MSB/2/43'Transparencies, Random walks at constant speed', file of M S Bartlett c1978
MSB/2/27'D [David] J K [Kendall] correspondence', file of M S Bartlett1947 - 1962
MSB/2/66'Chapman & Hall 1976-197', file of M S Bartlett1976- 1977
MSB/2/49Draft of paper 'A re-examination of the Papadakis method in the analysis of randomized block experiments' by M S Bartlett[1970s]
MSB/2/104'Notes and transparencies, time series papers for Cambridge', file of M S Bartlettn.d
MSB/2/33File of M S Bartlett containing stochastic papers and calculationsc1964
MSB/1/3/9Caricatures and cartoons by M S Bartlett1940s - 1980s
MSB/2/82'Switzerland', file of M S Bartlett1981
MSB/2/52'Oxford Paper', file of M S Bartlettc1980
MSB/4/2Reference of Peter Louis Antonelli by M S Bartlett1977
MSB/2/68'Miscellenaeous' file of research and writings, M S Bartlett1976-1999
MSB/2/72Letter from 'John', Department of Statistics, School of Mathematics, University of Newcastle Upon Tyne to M S Bartlett5 April 1978
MSB/3/8'An introduction to Stochastic Processes with special reference to methods and applications, Chapters III & IV', M S Bartlett c1955
MSB/2/103'Frances Wood prize entry' file of M S Bartlett n.d.
MSB/2/89'Leicester seminar', file of M S Bartlett 1984
MSB/2/25'Stochastic Processes', notes on a course given by M S Bartlett at the University of North Carolina1946
MSB/3/6'Stochastic processes, 2nd edition', M S Bartlett c1950
MSB/2/14'Notes on Chicken-pox model', file of M S Bartlett c1950s - 1960s
MSB/2/48'Miscellaneous (personal and professional)', file of M S Bartlett1970 - 1974
MSB/2/83'Rough sheets on Yates papers', file of M S Bartlett[1981]
MSB/3Publications 1930s - 2000s
MSB/2/7Correspondence file of M S Bartlett1933 - 1954
MSB/3/10Publication of book 'Stochastic Processes', M S Bartlettc1955
MSB/2/15'Ecology (mice notes)', file of M S Bartlettc1950s
MSB/2/78File regarding 'Selected papers', file of M S Bartlett[1980s]
MSB/2/55'NNM [Nearest Neighbour model] 1972', file of M S Bartlett1972
MSB/2/6Correspondence file of M S Bartlett1933 - 1943
MSB/2/64'Stochastic processes, (population models), Hilary Term, 972', file of M S Bartlett1975
MSB/2/73File of M S Bartlett regarding 'Fisher' correspondence1979
MSB/2/98'Whittle papers 1990', file of M S Bartlett 1990
MSB/4/1File of M S Bartlett regarding Dr Allan Oaten1976
MSB/4/5File of references written by Bartlett1994
MSB/2/63'Miscellaneous correspondence', file of M S Bartlett1974 - 1976
MSB/1/3/5Landscape painting by M S Bartlettc1940-1980s
MSB/4/3Papers concerning candidates for election for Fellowship to the Royal Society1977 - 1979
MSB/2/65'Bristol Rencontre', file of M S Bartlett1975
MSB/3/1Writing - Obituaries1930s - 2000s
MSB/3/9'An introduction to Stochastic Processes with special reference to methods and applications, Chapters VII, VIII & IX, Bibliography', M S Bartlett c1955
MSB/2/84Draft of 'Chance and Change', file of M S Bartlett1981
MSB/2/108'Transparencies etc for pop[ulation] growth', file of M S Bartlettn.d
MSB/5Committees1980 - 1982
MSB/2/13File of hand written calculations by M S Bartlettc1950
MSB/2/106'Doubly stochastic population models (seminar transparencies)', file of M S Bartlett n.d
MSB/2/42'Random Walks', file of M S Bartlettn.d c1978
MSB/2/17File of research notes and calculations by M S Bartlettc1950s
MSB/1/2/3Article 'Over half a century of international "hiccups"' by M S Bartlett [1985]
MSB/2/69'Papadakis paper', file of M S Bartlett1977
MSB/2/46'Statistical inference 1970-71', file of M S Bartlett1970 - 1971
MSB/2/30'Seminar, Oct 8', file of M S Bartlett1953 - 1972
MSB/3/1/2'[Jerzy] Neyman memoir', file of M S Bartlettc1981
MSB/2/38'Correlation structure of autologistic (Ising) model & spatial stochastic models', file of M S Bartlettc1971
MSB/2/39'Paired centres, 3rd draft', file of M S Bartlett1962
MSB/2/9Bound notebook of M S BartlettLate 1930s
MSB/2/102'Miscellaneous correspondence etc. 2000 and some earlier', file of M S Bartlett1999-2001
MSB/2/45'Time series analysis', file of M S Bartlett1969 - 1970
MSB/2/110'Monte Carlo work on measles', file of M S Bartlettn.d c1950s
MSB/4References1930s - 2000s
MSB/3/1/1'J [John] B [Burdon] S [Sanderson] Haldane', file of M S Bartlettc1936
MSB/2/86'Current work', fiel of M S Bartlett 1982
MSB/2/44'Statistical Inference', file of M S Bartlett1969
MSB/2/59Two letters between M S Bartlett and R A Parker, Professor of Zoology and Computer Science, Washington State University8 March 1973 - 3 May 1973
MSB/4/6Papers concerning the election of candidates to the Royal Society, file of M S Bartlett1998 - 2001
MSB/2/22Reproductions of correspondence between M S Bartlett and J Wishart, file of M S Bartlett1943 - 1993
MSB/2/87'The doubly-stochastic mixed Poisson process, etc', file of M S Bartlett 1983
MSB/3/3Copy of 'the distributional properties of functions of statistical variables', M S Bartlettc1941
MSB/2/16File of research notes and calculations by M S Bartlettc1950s
MSB/2/85'Wilkinson paper (Envelope 1)', file of M S Bartlett1982
MSB/2/74'Populations models (suitcase)', file of M S Bartlett[1979]
MSB/2/35'[Professor M] Polanyi correspondence' file of M S Bartlett1957 - 1959
MSB/4/4Draft of references written by M S Bartlett1982
MSB/2/93'AIDS' (Research Workshop on the Mathematical Models for AIDS), file of M S Bartlett1987
MSB/2/96Photocopied manuscripts of articles, file of M S Bartlett[1989]
MSB/2/94'Santa Barbara interview etc', file of M S Bartlett1987-1989
MSB/2Research, lecture notes, and correspondence files1930s - 2000s
MSB/2/70'NNM [Nearest Neighbour Model] papers etc', file of M S Bartlett1977
MSB/2/80Correspondence and notes regarding a paper by G N Wilkinson, file of M S Bartlett1981
MSB/2/77'Switching model etc', file of M S Bartlett1980-1981
MSB/2/21File of M S Bartlett containing research notes on 'Rational electrodynamics' and a copy of 'The teaching of mathematics to physicists'1943 - 1944
MSB/2/61'Stochastic Processes [Lectures]', file of M S Bartlett1972 - 1974
MSB/2/56'Historical remarks on multivariate analysis', file of M S Bartlett 1972
MSB/2/88'Workshop on spatial methods in field experiments', file of M S Bartlett1984
MSB/2/10'Micellaneous' correspondence file of M S Bartlett1936 - 1959
MSB/1/6Photographs belonging to M S Bartlett1950s - 1930s
MSB/2/4'Time calculations', file of M S Bartlettc1940s
MSB/2/107'Maths option Biol Prelim II', file of M S Bartlettn.d
MSB/2/11'Professional and confidential' correspondence file of M S Bartlett1937 - 1957
MSB/2/79'Paper for J. Appl. Prob (1987) copies. Also spare transparencies for d.s. processes', file of M S Bartlett[1980s]
MSB/2/60'Romania conference', file of M S Bartlett1974
MSB/2/57'Sydney lectures', file of M S Bartlett 1973
MSB/2/62Assorted corespondence to Bartlett mainly regarding publications and memberships of societies1974 - 1975
MSB/3/2Rejected and un-submitted manuscripts of M S Bartlett1930s - 1950s
MSB/2/90'Durham visit', file of M S Bartlett1984-1985
MSB/2/50'J B [Julian Besag]', file of M S Bartlett1970s
MSB/2/114File of M S Bartlett containing correspondence with J Wishart and F P White1943-1991
MSB/2/20'Correspondence, R Penrose etc, Mrs Weston-Smith', file of M S Bartlett1941-2001
MSB/2/41'Mathematical statistics (Oxford, 1967 - 1968)', file of M S Bartlett 1967 - 1968
MSB/2/28Research papers and notes of M S Bartlett1947-[1980s]
MSB/2/75'Pat Moran paper (old transparencies etc)', file of M S Bartlett 1980
MSB/2/54'Statistical inference (with reference to statistical processes and time series), Hilary Term, 1972', file of M S Bartlett1972
MSB/1/3/8Sketch of R A Fisher by M S Bartlett1940s - 1980s
MSB/2/19File of correspondence, 'Anscombe file', of MS Bartlett1940s-2000s
MSB/2/58'Notes on spatial patterns etc', file of M S Bartlett 1973
RR/55/19Referee's report by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, on a paper 'Statistical information and properties of sufficiency' by Maurice Stevenson BartlettOctober 1935
RR/61/35Referee's report by Ronald Aylmer Fisher, on a paper 'Properties of sufficiency and statistical tests' by Maurice Stevenson BartlettJanuary 1937
RR/55/20Referee's report by Major Greenwood, on a paper 'Statistical information and properties of sufficiency' by Maurice Stevenson BartlettNovember 1935
MSB/2/23'Jose Moyal correspondence', file of M S Bartlett1944
MSB/2/113'Physical [processes]', file of M S Bartlettn.d.
MSB/1/1/4Notebook of MS Bartlett 'General dynamics (Pass), (Schedule B). Quantum theory' [1929-1933]
MSB/1/1/1Notebook of MS Bartlett 'Practical work, 1930-1931'1930-1931
MSB/2/76Drafts of papers and associated correspondence regarding referee reports, file of M S Bartlett1980-1981
MSB/2/36File containing research notes and papers by Bartlett and others1957 - 1970
RR/49/11Referee's report by Harold Jeffreys, on a paper 'Probability and chance in the theory of statistics' by Maurice Stevenson Bartlett[March 1933]
MSB/1/1Notebooks on university education, kept by Maurica Stevenson Bartlett1929 - 1930s
MSB/1Biographical and personal papers of Maurice Stevenson Bartlett1929 - 1990s
RR/49/12Referee's report by Edmund Taylor Whittaker, on a paper 'Probability and chance in the theory of statistics' by Maurice Stevenson Bartlett[May 1933]
RR/57/93Referee's report by Harold Jeffreys, on a paper 'On fiducial probability theory' by Maurice Stevenson Bartlett[October 1936]
MSBPapers of Maurice Stevenson Bartlett1929 - 2002
MSB/6Correspondence between Maurice Stevenson Bartlett and Wolfgang Muckenheim1982 - 2002
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