Reference number | Title | Date |
RR/2/168 | Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia. (Second series, revised.) And on the direct agency of the spermatozoon' by George Newport | 15 March 1853 |
RR/2/54 | Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'Some observations on the ova of the Salmonidae' by John Davy | 19 April 1852 |
RR/1/172 | Referee's report by John Bostock, on an unnamed paper by George Newport | 27 June 1837 |
EC/1846/14 | Newport, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
RR/2/17 | Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On animal and vegetable fibre, as originally composed of twin spiral filaments in which every other structure has its origin' by Martin Barry | 28 April 1853 |
RR/2/169 | Referee's report by Allen Thomson, on a paper 'Researches on the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia; and on the early stages of development of the embryo. ( third series.)' by George Newport | September 1854 |
PT/27/10 | Paper, 'On the structure, relations, and development of the nervous and circulatory systems, and on the existence of a complete circulation of the blood in vessels, in myriapoda, and macrourous arachnida' by George Newport | [1843] |
MC/2 | Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1832-1838 |
RR/2/170 | Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'Researches on the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia; and on the early stages of development of the embryo. ( third series.)' by George Newport | 26 October 1854 |
RR/2/173 | Letter from George Newport, regarding a referee report on a paper 'The reproduction of the Ascaris mystax' by Henry Nelson | 21 April 1852 |
RR/2/142 | Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On the anatomy of Nautilus umbilicatus, compared with that of Nautilus pompilius' by John Denis MacDonald | 26 May 1853 |
MC/2/272 | Letter from Marshall Hall, 14 Manchester Square, to the Council of the Royal Society | 1 February 1838 |
MC/2/273 | Reply to the Note to Mr [George] Newport's paper, p.259, of the last part of the Transactions by Marshall Hall | 1 February 1838 |
MC/2/279 | Letter from George Newport to [Prince Augustus Frederick] the President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 7 March 1838 |
PT/74/1/26 | Drawings, nervous system of various butterflies and centipedes by G [George] Newport | 1833-1834 |
PT/74/1/22 | Drawings, nervous system of Sphinx ligustri by [George Newport] | [1833] |
PT/74/1/27 | Drawings, nervous system of the lobster by G [George] Newport | September 1833 |
PT/74/1/25 | Drawings, nervous system of Papilio urticae by G [George] Newport | 1832 |
PT/74/1/23 | Drawings, circulatory, alimentary, and nervous systems of Sphinx ligustri and Sphinx elpenor by G [George] Newport | 1833 |
PT/74/1/24 | Drawings, nervous system of Papilio urticae and Sphinx ligustri by G [George] Newport | 1832 |
MC/4/276 | Letter from George Newport, 49 Cambridge Street, Hyde Park Square, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 14 February 1849 |
PT/75/1/2 | Drawings, 'Organs of reproduction in Myriapoda (Julus.)' by G [George] Newport | [1841] |
PT/74/3/26 | Drawing, muscles, tracheae, and nervous system by [George Newport] | [1836] |
MC/4/315 | Letter from George Newport, 49 Cambridge Street, to the [Earl of Rosse] President of the Royal Society and to the Council | 17 January 1850 |
MC/4 | Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1844-1850 |
PT/75/1/3 | Drawings, 'Development of Myriapoda (Julus)' by G [George] Newport | [1841] |
PT/75/3/7 | Drawings, 'Reproduction of lost parts in Myriapoda and Insecta' by G [George] Newport | [1844] |
PT/40/9 | Paper, 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia' by George Newport | [1850] |
RR/2/167 | Referee's report by William Sharpey, on a paper 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia. (Second series, revised.) And on the direct agency of the spermatozoon' by George Newport | 17 February 1853 |
AP/17/11 | Unpublished paper, 'On the respiratory organs of the common leech (hirudo officinalis, linn.) and their connections with the circulatory system' by George Newport | June 1833 |
PT/49/2 | Paper, 'Researches on the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia; and on the early stages of development of the embryo (third series) by George Newport | [1854] |
AP/30/5 | Unpublished paper, 'An account of some observations made on the depth of rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts of Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire [England]' by S C [Samuel Collett] Homersham | 24 May 1848 |
PT/74/3/25 | Drawings, anatomy of the Papilio brassicae, Bombus terrestris, Phalaena vinula, and Papilio urticae by G [George] Newport | [1836] |
AP/30/5/1 | Unpublished manuscript, 'An account of some observations made on the depth of rain which falls in the same localities at different altitudes in the hilly districts of Lancashire, Cheshire and Derbyshire [England]' by S C [Samuel Collett] Homersham | 24 May 1848 |
AP/33/20 | Unpublished paper, 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the Amphibia (second series) and on the nature of the impregnating influence' by George Newport | 1851 |
RR/2/171 | Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'The reproduction of the Ascaris mystax' by Henry Nelson | 11 February 1852 |
PT/46/7 | Paper, 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia (second series, revised) and on the direct agency of the spermatozoon' by George Newport | [1852] |
RR/2/16 | Referee's report by George Newport, on a paper 'On the penetration of spermatozoa into the interior of the ovum; a note showing this to have been recorded as an established fact in the Philosophical Transactions for 1843' by Martin Barry | 27 April 1853 |
RR/2/166 | Referee's report by Allen Thomson, on a paper 'On the impregnation of the ovum, in the amphibia' [First Series], by George Newport | [1850] |
PT/74/1/21 | Drawings, nervous system of Sphinx ligustri and Chrysomela tenebricosa by G [George] Newport | 1833 |