Reference number | Title | Date |
RBO/13/20 | 'An account of Several Stones taken out of the Stomach of a horse' by Dr Scheuchzer | 1727 |
RBO/13/1 | Discussing the lower abdomen of the alpine mouse by J G Scheuchzer | 1727 |
RBO/13/42 | Account of fungus from the distilled water of plants by J Scheuchzer | 1728 |
CLP/22ii/21 | Paper, 'Case of the delivery of a human foetus through the anus from "Relazione di Nicolo Patuna...."' translated by [John Gaspar] Scheuchzer | 1728 |
CLP/22ii/14 | Paper, 'Account of some papers relating to the Philosophers stone sent from Riga to the Royal Society' communicated by [John Gaspar] Scheuchzer | [1725] |
CLP/8i/62 | Paper, regarding a lunar eclipse witnessed on 17 April 1707 by John Jacob Scheuchzer and John Gaspar Scheuchzer | 1707 |
RBO/11/105 | John G Scheuchzer's account of a book entitled 'Prodromus Crystallographiae De Crystallis improprie...' by Antonio Cappeter | 1724 |
RBO/13/24 | Concerning the eye with a cataract from a letter of Dr Walthier Rhaeti to Dr Scheuchzer | 1727 |
RBO/14/15 | 'The Bills of Mortality in Several parts of Europe for the years 1724 and 1725 Extracted from Acta Breslaviensia by J G Scheuchzer' | 1728 |
CLP/22ii/11 | Paper, Account of [Moritz Anton] Cappeller's 'Prodromus Crystallographiae de crystallis improprie sic dictis... [The forerunner of crytallograpy concerning improperly called rock crystal]' by [John Gaspar] Scheuchzer | [1724] |
CLP/4i/80 | Paper, 'Astronomical passage of a lumen boreale [aurora borealis] observed near Bologna March 14 1727' by Eustachio Manfredi | 1728 |
CLP/22ii/10 | Paper, Account of Dominic Bottoni's 'De immani trinacriae terrae motu; idea historico-physica.... [Concerning the immense Sicilian earthquakes; historical-physical philosophy]' by [John Gaspar] Scheuchzer | [1724] |
CLP/22ii/16 | Paper, Account of [Antonio] Benevoli's 'Nuova proposizione intorno alla caruncola dell'uretra detta carnosita [New proposition around the caruncle of the urethra called carnosita]' by [John Gaspar] Scheuchzer | [1725] |
RBO/12/57 | 'Account of some Papers relating to the Philosopher's Stone sent from Riga to the Royal Society drawn up by John Gaspar Scheuchzer | 1725 |
RBO/13/93 | 'The Barometrical Method of measuring the height of Mountains with two new Tables shewing the height of the Atmosphere at given Altitudes of Mercury. Extracted chiefly from the Observations of John James Scheuchzer by John Gaspar Scheuchzer' | 1728 |
RBO/13/94 | 'Remarks on the height of Mountains in general and those of Swisserland [Switzerland] in particular; with an account of the Rise of some of the most considerable Rivers of Europe' by J G Scheuchzer | 1727 |
RBO/13/23 | 'An account of the Cinnamon Tree in Ceylon and its several Sorts communicated by the Chief Inspector of the Cinnamon Trade and manufacture in that Island to Albertus Seba, a noted Druggist at Amsterdam' | 1727 |