
Authorised form of nameHarley; George (1829 - 1896)
Dates1829 - 1896
Place of birthHarley House, Haddington, East Lothian, Scotland
Date of birth12 February 1829
Place of deathHis house in Harley Street, London
Date of death27 October 1896
Dates and placesBurial:
Kingsbury Old Church, Middlesex
MD (1850, Edinburgh)
Lecturer in Physiology and histology, University College, London (1855); set up in practice; Professor of Medical Jurisprudence, University College, London (1859); advocate of cremation; cremated at Woking
FCS; Corr Memb Acad Sci Munich; Phys Med Gesellschaft, Wurzburg
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election01/06/1865
Bulloch's Roll; DNB
Proc Roy Soc 1897 vol 61 pp v-x signed by W M
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA5917
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1865/08Harley, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society
NLB/1/375Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society1 February 1887
NLB/2/1022Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society31 January 1888
NLB/3/170Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society4 April 1889
NLB/3/318Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society7 May 1889
NLB/3/349Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1889
NLB/3/347Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to George Harley, Fellow of the Royal Society17 May 1889
NLB/11/354Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Professor Michael Foster, Secretary, Royal Society10 June 1895
NLB/14/462Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr Thomas Lauder Brunton, Fellow of the Royal Society4 March 1894
NLB/15/283Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Thomas Pridgin Teale, Fellow of the Royal Society29 July 1897
AP/38/19/2Unpublished diagrams, experimental apparatus by George Harley1856
RR/10/270Second referee's report by Henry Clifton Sorby, on a paper 'The structural arrangement of the mineral matters in sedimentary and crystalline pearls' by George Harleynd [1889]
AP/66/10/6Unpublished figures, 'Prisms of crystalline pearl from Alismoda margaritifera [Freshwater pearl mussel]' by George Harley1889
NLB/14/487Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Dr William Marcet, [Fellow of the Royal Society]18 March 1897
AP/66/10/2Unpublished figure, 'Sedimentary pearl' by George Harley1889
PT/71/7Paper, 'On the influence of physical, and chemical agents upon blood; with special reference to the mutual action of blood, and the respiratory gases' by George Harley[1864]
AP/66/10/4Unpublished figures, 'carbonate of lime in organic solutions' by George Harley1889
AP/66/10/3Unpublished figure, 'Crystalline pearl' by George Harley1889
AP/66/10/5Unpublished figure, 'Oblique section of a crystalline pearl' by George Harley1889
PP/11/33Paper, 'The chemical composition of pearls' by George Harley and Harald S Harley1888
AP/47/3Unpublished appendix, 'Appendix to Dr Harley's paper "On the influence of physical and chemical agents on the blood" &c' by [George] Harley1864
RR/3/129Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood during respiration' by George Harley15 May 1856
RR/3/128Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood during respiration' by George Harley5 May 1856
AP/38/19Unpublished paper, 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood in respiration' by George Harley1856
AP/38/19/1Unpublished manuscript, 'On the condition of the oxygen absorbed into the blood in respiration' by George Harley1856
AP/66/10/1Unpublished manuscript, 'The structural arrangement of the mineral matters in sedimentary and crystalline pearls' by George Harley1889
AP/66/10Unpublished paper, 'The structural arrangement of the mineral matters in sedimentary and crystalline pearls' by George Harley1889
AP/68/3Unpublished paper, 'The role played by sugar in the animal economy' by Vaughan Harley1892
PP/19/10Paper, 'Interference with icterus [jaundice] in occluded ductus choledochus' by Vaughan Harley1892
RR/5/93Referee's report by Alexander William Williamson, on a paper 'On the influence of physical and chemical agents upon blood; with special reference to the mutual action of the blood and the respiratory gases' by George Harley14 June 1864
RR/5/94Referee's report by Henry Bence Jones, on a paper 'On the influence of physical and chemical agents upon blood; with special reference to the mutual action of the blood and the respiratory gases' by George Harley20 June 1864
RR/7/323Referee's report by George Harley, on a paper 'On the physiological action of the chinoline and pyridine bases' by John Gray McKendrick and James Dewar9 October 1874
PP/22/14Paper, 'Some of the effects and chemical changes of sugar injected into a vein' by Vaughan Harley1893
PP/22/30Paper, 'Sugar as a food in the production of muscular work' by Vaughan Harley1893
PP/24/12Paper, 'The influence of intra-venous injection of sugar on the gases of the blood' by Vaughan Harley1894
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