Authorised form of name | Neumann; Caspar (1683 - 1737) |
Dates | 1683 - 1737 |
Nationality | German |
Place of birth | Zullichau [Sulechow], Poland |
Date of birth | 11 July 1683 |
Place of death | Berlin, Germany |
Date of death | 20 October 1737 |
Research field | Chemistry |
Activity | Education: Apprenticed to his godfather, a pharmacist; Halle; MD (1727) Career: In charge of an apothecary's shop, brewery and distillery in Unruhstadt (1698-1704) when he fled to Berlin because of the Great Northern War; Assistant to the King of Prussia's Travelling Apothecary (1705-1711); developed an interest in experimental chemistry and travelled to Holland and England at the King's expense (1711-1713); after King Frederick's death he found himself stranded in London and was employed by Abraham Cyprianus (FRS 1700) in his chemical laboratory and gave private lessons in chemistry (1713-1716); went to Hanover with George I and then to Berlin (1716), where he was again given a travel stipend by the Prussian Court; travelled in England, France, where he carried out experiments with Estienne Francois Geoffroy (FRS 1698) and Claude Joseph Geoffroy (FRS 1715), and Italy (1716-1717); Court Apothecary in Berlin (1719-death); Professor of Practical Chemistry at the College of Medicine and Surgery in Berlin (1723-death), Dean of the College (1736); travelled to Silesia, Moravia, Vienna and Bohemia (1727) and to Pomerania (1734) Memberships: Academia des Curieux de la Nature (?Leopoldina) (1728); Istituto delle Scienze di Bologna (1734) |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 09/12/1725 |
Proposer | Sir Hans Sloane |
Relationships | Son of Georg Neumann, Apothecary, of Sulichow |
Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DSB; Eloy Notes: Last entry in Printed list 1724 |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA6151 |
Reference number | Title | Date |
EL/N2/3 | Letter, from Casper Neumann [to the Royal Society], dated at Berlin | 19 April 1727 |
RBO/17/70 | Remarks by John Brown, chemist, on Casper Neumann's treatise on ambergris | nd |
RBO/16/52 | 'De Camphora Thymi' by Carl Neumann | 1731 |
RBO/12/9 | 'De Camphora' by Caspar Neumann | 1725 |
CLP/22ii/45 | Paper, Account of Caspar Neumann's 'De ambra grysea [Of ambergris]' by Thomas Stack | 18th century |
EL/N2/5 | Letter, from Casper Neumann [to the Royal Society] | 30 September 1734 |
RBO/12/13 | 'De Experimento probandi Spiritum Vini Gallici perquam usitato sed revera falso et fallaci' by Casper Neumann | 1725 |
CLP/11ii/8 | Paper, 'De camphora' by C [Caspar] Neuman [Neumann] | [1725] |
CLP/11ii/30 | Paper, 'A farther account of his camphire of thyme' by Caspar Neumann | 5 March 1731 |
RBO/17/69 | Treatise on ambergris by Casper Neumann, Professor of Chemistry at Berlin | 1730 |
CLP/11ii/9 | Paper, 'De experimento probandi spiritum vini gallici, perquam usitato, sed revera falso et fallaci' by C [Caspar] Neuman [Neumann] | 1724 |
CLP/11ii/29 | Paper, 'De camphora thymi' by Casparo Neumanno [Caspar Neumann] | 5 March 1731 |
CLP/11ii/11 | Paper, 'De salibus alcalino-fixis' by C [Caspar] Neuman [Neumann] | September 1725 |
EL/N1/73 | Letter, from Casper Neumann to Henry Justel, dated at Breslau | 9 December 1692 |
EL/N1/74 | Letter, from Casper Neumann to Edmund Halley, dated at Breslau | 1694 |
CLP/11ii/28 | Paper, 'De ambra grysea' by Casparo Neumanno [Caspar Neumann] | 15 October 1729 |
CLP/11ii/20 | Paper, 'A treatise of ambargris' by Caspar Neuman [Neumann] | 15 October 1729 |
CLP/11ii/21 | Extract, 'Remarks on Caspar Neumann's paper on ambergris' by John Brown [Browne] | [1730] |
CLP/11ii/22 | Letter, regarding Caspar Neumann's treatise on ambergris from A [Ambrose] Godfrey [Hanckewitz] to Sir Hans Sloane | [1731] |
CLP/11ii/24 | Paper, 'Editoris recensio experimentorum circa ambram gryseam à Domino Joh. Browne, R. S. S. & à Dno. Ambrosio Godofredo Hanckewitz, R. S. S. institutorum, cum D. Neumanni, R. S. S. Experimenti sui vindicatione' by [John Browne and Ambrose Godfrey-Hanckewitz] | [1730] |
RBO/11/103 | 'Extract of a letter from Caspar Neumann to Dr Woodward' | 1724 |
RBO/14/125 | Account by Thomas Stack of a treatise entitled 'De Ambra grysea' by Caspar Neuman | 1730 |
EL/N2/4 | Letter, from Casper Neumann to Hans Sloane, dated at Berlin | 16 April 1733 |
RBO/12/29 | 'De Salibus alcalino-fixis' by Caspar Neumann | 1725 |