
Authorised form of nameDerham; William (1657 - 1735); naturalist
Dates1657 - 1735
Place of birthStoulton, Worcestershire, England
Date of birth26 November 1657
Place of deathUpminster, Essex
Date of death05 April 1735
OccupationClergyman, Church of England - Canon of Windsor
Research fieldNatural history
Natural theology
Blackley Grammar School; Trinity College, Oxford. BA (1679), DD (by diploma 1730)
Ordained deacon (1681), priest (1682); Chaplain to the dowager Lady Grey of Werke; Vicar of Wargrave (1682); Vicar of Upminster, Essex (1689-death); practised as a physician in Upminster; Boyle Lecturer (1711, 1712); Chaplain to the Prince of Wales (1716); Canon of Windsor (1730); edited the works of John Ray (FRS 1667) and Robert Hooke (FRS 1663)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election03/02/1703
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
Council: 1709, 1711, 1713, 1715, 1717
RelationshipsMarried Anne, aunt to George Scott of Chigwell, Essex
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB; Foster
Susan McMahon, 'John Ray (1627-1705) and the Act of Uniformity 1662' in NR 2000 vol 54 pp 153-178
'Gentleman's Magazine' 1735, p218
P Fontes da Costa, 'The Culture of Curiosity at The Royal Society in the first half of the eighteenth century', NR 2002 vo l56 pp 147-166
A Cook, 'The end of the affair. The correspondence of John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, vol 3 (1703-1719) by E G Forbes, L Murdin and F Willmoth' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 113-116
DSB gives place of birth as Stoughton, Worcestershire (there doesn't appear to be a Stoughton in Worcestershire); Stoulton comes from the DNB.
A Mr Durham appeared at meetings without permission and proposed candidates - may be William Derham?
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA6239
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EL/D1/63Letter, from William Derham [to the Royal Society]1714
EL/B3/5Letter, from William Dereham to Thomas Dereham1728
IM/001137Derham, Williamnd
RBO/19/22'Experiments concerning the vibrations of Pendulums' by William Derham1735
RBO/14/60Observations of Venus communicated in a letter to Hans Sloane by William Derham, Canon of Windsor1729
RBO/13/77Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites from 1700 to the year 1727 with comments about them by William Derham1727
RBO/14/7'A Description of some uncommon Appearances observ'd in an Aurora borealis' by Reverend William Derham, canon of Windsor communicated in a letter to Hans Sloane1728
RBO/16/29Account of a storm that happened at Prestbury in Gloucestershire on 24 May 1731 by Reverend Francis Weller to William Derham1731
IM/005703Derham, William2001
MS/366/5/3Experimenta et Observationes de Soni Motu, aliitque ad id attinentibus, facte a W Derham Ecclestice Upminsterentis Rectore, et Societatis Regalis Anglicane Socio1707
CLP/4ii/1Paper, 'Of the meteor called ignis fatuus from observations made in England by William Derham in England and by others in Italy' by Thomas Dereham27 February 1727
LBO/12/33Copy letter from Mr Townely to Willliam Derhamnd
LBO/20/11Copy letter from Willliam Derham, Upminster, to Dr Mortimer27 March 1732/ 1733
CLP/4i/76/2Figure, lumen boreale [aurora borealis] by William Derham1727
RBO/11/108'Observations about Wasps and the Difference of their Sexes' by William Derham, Prebendary of Windsor1724
CLP/5/7Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1705 by William Derham[1705]
L&P/13/2Paper, 'Abstract of meteorological observations made at Berlin and Lunden, Bettnam, Upsale, Bygdea and Pithea in Sweden' by William Derham1726
CLP/4i/76Paper, 'Observations of the lumen boreale [aurora borealis], or streaming' by William Derham1727
L&P/13/4Paper, 'Abstract of meteorological observations made at Naples, Bengal and Christiana' by William Derham1728
L&P/13/3Paper, 'Abstract of meteorological observations made at Naples, Bengal and Christiana' by William Derham1727
CLP/4i/58Paper, 'Critical observations concerning barometers' by W [William] Derham[1712]
CLP/4i/76/1Manuscript, 'Observations of the lumen boreale [aurora borealis], or streaming' by William Derham1727
CLP/8i/59/1Manuscript, 'The appearance of the spots on the Sun in June and July 1703' by William Derham1703
CLP/8i/59Paper, 'The appearance of the spots on the Sun in June and July 1703' by William Derham1703
RBO/7/73Part of a letter from William Derham, Rector of Upminster, dated December 6 1697, 'Giving an account of Some experiments about the height of the Mercury in the Barometer at the Top and bottom of the Monument and about Portable Barometers'1697
RBO/14/44'Observations of a Lunar Eclipse' in a letter from William Derham to Hans Sloane1728
EL/B2/77Letter, from Joseph Bennett to Mr Derham, dated at the Breach near Dagenham in Essex20 October 1713
IM/001136Derham, Williamnd
EL/D1/62Letter, from William Derham to Edmond Halley, dated at Upminster17 August 1714
CLP/9i/62Paper, 'An odd kind of magnetick phenomenon' by W [William] Derham[1705]
CLP/8ii/40Paper, 'Observations of the appearances among the fixt [fixed] stars, called nebulous stars' by William Derham1732
CLP/9i/61Paper, 'An account of some magnetick experiments and observations' by W [William] Derham[1705]
MC/2Volume 2 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1832-1838
MC/2/270Letter from [Charles] Turnor, Doctor's Common, to the Royal Society24 January 1838
CLP/14i/67Paper, 'A short dissertation concerning the child's crying in the womb' by W [William] Derham[1709]
EL/D1/69Letter, from William Derham to William Rutty15 February 1728
CLP/8i/59/2Drawing, sunspots by William Derham1703
EL/D1/66Letter, from William Derham [to the Royal Society]21 November 1728
EL/R1/63Letter, from Thomas Robie to William Derham, dated at Salem4 June 1723
EL/B3/5bLetter, from William Derham to Thomas Dereham1728
EL/F2/40Copy of a letter, from Henry Forth to the William Derham, dated at Darlington1734
EL/D1/67Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle27 November 1722
EL/D1/57Letter, from William Derham [to the Royal Society], dated at Upminster30 May 1712
CLP/4i/51Paper, 'Experiments about the motions of pendulums in vacuo' by William Derham1704
CLP/2/31Paper, ‘A curious dissertation concerning the causes of the power and effects of musick’ by Robt [Robert] Hooke[1726]
EL/D1/48Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster1698
EL/D1/64Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle27 October 1722
CLP/3ii/10Paper, 'Observations concerning the motion of chronometers' by W [William] Derham4 August 1714
EL/T/32Letter, from Richard Towneley to William Derham, dated at Towneley6 December 1703
EL/D1/70Letter, from William Derham to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Upminster27 March 1732
EL/D1/59Letter, from William Derham to John Chamberlayne, dated at Upminster22 August 1713
EL/D1/61Letter, from William Derham to Richard Waller, dated at Upminster23 June 1714
EL/T/69Letter, from Michael Angelo Tilli to William Derham, dated at Pisa1712
EL/D1/54Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster13 November 1709
CLP/9i/65Paper, 'Observations concerning the subterraneous trees in Dagenham, and other marshes bordering the river of Thames in the County of Essex' by W [William] Derham[1710]
CLP/3ii/38Paper, 'Experiments concerning the vibrations of pendulums' by William Derham1735
EL/D1/68Letter, from William Derham to William Rutty, dated at Windsor Castle25 November 1728
EL/D1/55Letter, from William Derham to Richard Waller, dated at Upminster3 December 1711
CLP/8ii/4Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites from 1700 to 1727' by William Derham1727
EL/D1/49Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster23 January 1699
RBO/14/9'The Difference in Time of the Meridians of diverse places computed from Observations of the Eclipses of Jupiter's Satellites' by William Derham1729
RBO/18/38Meteorological observations from Italy, India and Norway in 1727, communicated to the Royal Society by Peter Kinck, and abridged by William Derham1733
CLP/5/8Paper, observations of the weather for 1705 by William Derham[1705]
CLP/15i/64Appendix, 'A supplement to the account of the Pediculus pulsatorius, or death-watch published in Philosophical Transactions number 271, serving to the more perfect natural history of that insect' by William DerhamApril 1704
CLP/15i/74Paper, 'Observation about wasps, and the difference of their sexes' by William DerhamJanuary 1724
P/0033Portrait of Derham, William
CLP/5/9Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1706 by William Derhamc1706
CLP/5/10Paper, observations of the weather for 1706 by William Derham[1706]
CLP/5/3Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1701 by William Derham[1701]
CLP/5/2Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1700 by William Derham[1700]
CLP/5/14Paper, meteorological observations at Coventry, Warwickshire, and Upminster, Essex, by Henry Beighton and William Derham[1708]
CLP/5/5Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1704 by William Derham[1704]
EL/D1/58Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster23 February 1712
EL/D1/52Letter, from William Derham to John Houghton, dated at Upminster5 April 1703
EL/D1/65Letter, from William Derham to James Jurin, dated at Windsor Castle24 October 1722
CLP/5/39Paper, regarding weather observations from Petersburgh [New York] for September to December 1724 by Mr Consett1724
CLP/5/4Paper, register of the weather at Upminster, Essex for 1703 by William Derham[1703]
MS/366/4/7The history of the Great Frost in the last winter 1708 and 1708/9 by W Derham, Rector of Upminster FRS1710
CLP/5/6Paper, 'A prospect of the weather, winds and height of the mercury in the barometer, on the first day of the month and of the whole raine in every month in the year 1703 and the beginning of 1704 observed at Towneley in Lancashire by Richard Towneley and at Upminster in Essex' by William Derham[1704]
CLP/5/11Paper, tables of the barometrical altitudes at Zurich in Switzerland in 1708 observed by J J [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer and at Upminster by William Derham[1708]
CLP/8i/60Paper, 'An instrument for seeing the Sun, Moon and stars pass the meridian of any place usefull for setting watches in all parts of the world with the greatest exactness; to correct sun-dials; to assist in the discovery of the longitudes of places etc' by William Derham1705
RBO/7/75Letter from William Derham to Hans Sloane 'about a contrivance to measure the height of the Mercury in the Barometer by a Circle on one of the weather Plates'1698
RBO/9/87'Account of the Papers, Models and Figures which the Society received from Mr Hobbs of Wymouth in Doresetshire [Dorset]' by William Derham1709
RBO/9/105'Account of Conical Appearances in the Heavens which seem to account for the Increase both of the Magnitude of the heavenly Bodies and their Distance from one another near the horizon' by William Derham1711
RBO/14/68Observations by Monsignor Bianchini in a letter of William Derham to Sir Thomas Dereham1729
RBO/15/56'An account of the late hard Frost communciated in a Letter to Hans Sloane' by William Derham1730
RBO/16/21Several meteorological observations with comments by William Derham1731
RBO/18/35Abstract of meteorological observations from Berlin and Sweden by William Derham1732
EL/D1/47Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster3 January 1697
EL/D1/50Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster5 March 1700
EL/D1/51Letter, from William Derham [to the Royal Society], dated at Upminster7 April 1702
EL/D1/53Letter, from William Derham to Hans Sloane, dated at Upminster20 December 1703
EL/D1/56Letter, from William Derham to Richard Waller, dated at Upminster14 January 1711
EL/D1/60Letter, from William Derham to Richard Waller, dated at Upminster30 November 1713
EL/D1/93Letter, from Paul Dudley to Reverend [William] Derham, dated at Boston17 April 1735
EL/T/68Letter, from Michael Angelo Tilli to William Derham, dated at Pisa26 February 1708
L&P/13/1Paper, 'Abstract of meteorological observations made at Petersburgh and Lunden, Sweden' by William Derham1724
RBO/13/14'A curious Dissertation concerning the Causes of the Power and Effects of Musick' by Robert Hooke communicated by William Derham1727
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