Reference number | Title | Date |
MC/21/537 | Letter from [William James] Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 15 September 1906 |
NLB/1/254 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 8 November 1886 |
NLB/3/490 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 24 June 1889 |
NLB/5/681 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 5 September 1891 |
NLB/5/342 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 May 1891 |
NLB/5/671 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 1 September 1891 |
NLB/10/887 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Robert Henry Scott, Fellow of the Royal Society | 26 February 1895 |
NLB/9/592 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 11 June 1894 |
NLB/15/78 | Copy letter from Michael Foster, to Sir Phillip Magnus, Tangley Hill, Chilworth, Guilford | 18 June 1897 |
RR/16/1 | Referee's report by Joseph Larmor and William James Russell, on a paper 'the formation of definite figures by the deposition of dust' by John Aitken | 23 July 1903 |
RR/16/224 | Referee's report by Francis Darwin, on a paper 'The action of wood on a photographic plate in the dark' by William James Russell | 4 July 1904 |
RR/16/223 | Referee's report by Harry Marshall Ward, on a paper 'The action of wood on a photographic plate in the dark' by William James Russell | July 1904 |
NLB/16/406 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr W J Russell, Vice President of the Royal Society | 30 March 1898 |
NLB/16/263 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to Dr W J Russell, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 4 March 1898 |
NLB/15/108 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. | 28 June 1897 |
NLB/16/187 | Copy letter from Arthur William Rucker, to [Dr T E] Thorpe | 18 February 1898 |
NLB/15/894 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 11 January 1898 |
NLB/17/582 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Vice President, Royal Society | 22 November 1898 |
NLB/17/621 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Vice President, Royal Society | 28 November 1898 |
NLB/21/298 | Copy telegram from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William James Russell, [Fellow of the Royal Society], 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. | [23 October 1900] |
NLB/21/270 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 October 1900 |
NLB/21/591 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 13 December 1900 |
NLB/21/459 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 21 November 1900 |
NLB/23/2/310 | Copy letter sent from Joseph Larmor, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 20 March 1903 |
NLB/23/1/593 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 10 December 1901 |
NLB/29/225 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Dr [William James] Russell, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 11 August 1904 |
NLB/37/818 | Copy Letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr W [William] J [James] Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 19 May 1908 |
NLB/29/165 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 16 July 1904 |
NLB/28/236 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 3 February 1904 |
NLB/29/218 | Copy letter from Archibald Geikie, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 3 August 1904 |
MC/21/535 | Letter from [William James] Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 29 July 1906 |
NLB/33/307 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. | 1 August 1906 |
NLB/33/197 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 13 July 1906 |
NLB/33/269 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, N.W. | 26 July 1906 |
NLB/37/499 | Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison to Dr D [Dukinfield] H [Henry] Scott, Fellow of the Royal Society | 30 March 1908 |
RR/16/222 | Referee's report by Arthur Schuster, on a paper 'The action of wood on a photographic plate in the dark' by William James Russell | July 1904 |
RR/8/340 | Referee's report by George Carey Foster, on a paper 'On the absorption spectra of cobalt salts' by William James Russell | 5 March 1881 |
RR/8/256 | Referee's report by George Downing Liveing and James Dewar, on a paper 'On the absorption spectra of cobalt salts' by William James Russell | 20 December 1880 |
RR/10/32 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'A new method for the quantitative estimation of micro-organisms present the atmosphere' by Percy Faraday Frankland | 23 January 1887 |
RR/10/132 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'A new method of determining the number of micro-organisms in air' by Thomas Carnelley and Thomas Wilson | 4 March 1888 |
RR/10/23 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'The air of sewers' by Thomas Carnelley and John Scott Haldane | 7 June 1887 |
RR/9/308 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemistry of chlorophyll. Part I' by Henry Edward Schunck | 24 July 1885 |
RR/11/133 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'Researches on turacin, an animal pigment containing copper.-II' by Arthur Herbert Church | 3 June 1892 |
RR/9/332 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'The determination of organic matter in air' by Thomas Carnelley and William Mackie | 4 October 1886 |
RR/11/89 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'Contributions to the chemistry of chlorophyll. No. IV' by Henry Edward Schunck | 24 July 1891 |
RR/15/380 | Referee's report by Joseph Larmor, on a paper 'The formation of definite figures by the deposition of dust' by William James Russell | 10 February 1903 |
RR/10/33 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'Further experiments on the distribution of micro-organisms in air (by Hesse's method)' by Percy Faraday Frankland and T G Hart | 18 December 1886 |
MS/373/1/120 | Testimonial by William James Russell, Chemical Laboratory, St Bartholomew's Hospital, supporting Thomas Edward Thorpe | 25 April 1874 |
EC/1872/07 | Russell, William James: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
NLB/5/332 | Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William James Russell, [Fellow of the Royal Society] | 16 May 1891 |
NLB/15/341 | Copy letter from Theodore E James, to Dr William James Russell, Fellow of the Royal Society | 14 August 1897 |
RR/14/181 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'On the action of heat on the absorption-spectra an chemical constitution of saline substances' by Walter Noel Hartley | 2 November 1899 |
RR/10/35 | Referee's report by William James Russell, on a paper 'Studies on some new micro-organisms obtained from air' by Percy Faraday Frankland | 2 March 1887 |
RR/8/60 | Referee's report by Heinrich Debus, on a paper 'An attempt to form double salts of nitrate of silver and other nitrates' by William James Russell and Mervyn Herbert Nevil Story-Maskelyne | 1 December 1877 |
AP/59/9 | Unpublished paper, 'An attempt to form double salts of nitrate of silver and other nitrates' by W J [William James] Russell and [Mervyn Herbert] Nevil Story-Maskelyne | 1877 |
RR/15/379 | Referee's report by John William Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'The formation of definite figures by the deposition of dust' by William James Russell | February 1903 |
MC/15/67 | Letter from [William James Russell], Chemical Laboratory, St Bartholomew's Hospital, to the Royal Society | 19 March 1890 |
MC/15 | Volume 15 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1889-1892 |
MC/23/402 | Letter from J McIntosh, Secretary, The Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain, 66 Russell Square, London, to [Robert] Harrison, [Assistant Secretary], Royal Society | 7 November 1908 |
MC/19/711 | Letter from William James Russell, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 10 February 1904 |
MC/19/713 | Letter from William James Russell, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 13 March 1904 |
MC/19/715 | Letter from William James Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to Professor Archibald Geikie | 13 August 1904 |
MC/19/716 | Letter from William James Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to Mr James | 26 August 1904 |
MC/19/717 | Letter from William James Russell, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, to the Secretaries of the Royal Society | 7 October 1904 |
MC/19/714 | Letter from William James Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to Sir Archibald Geikie | 10 August 1904 |
MC/19/712 | Letter from William James Russell, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 16 February 1904 |
MC/19 | Volume 19 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1904 |
MC/21/536 | Letter from [William James] Russell, St Ives, Ringwood, Hants, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 3 August 1906 |
MC/21/534 | Letter from [William James] Russell, 34 Upper Hamilton Terrace, to [Robert William Frederick] Harrison | 14 July 1906 |
MC/21 | Volume 21 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society | 1906 |