Reference number | Title | Date |
EC/1952/22 | Tolansky, Samuel: certificate of election to the Royal Society | |
IM/004621 | Tolansky, Samuel | nd |
PB/4/8/53/10 | Correspondence with Samuel Tolansky (also JG Crowther) on appointments, and Tolansky's first publication his Fabry-Perot interference fringes | 1942 |
RR/47/134 | Referee's report by Ralph Howard Fowler, on a paper 'Fine structure in the arc spectra of bromine and iodine' by Samuel Tolansky | February 1932 |
RR/47/133 | Referee's report by John Cunningham McLennan, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of arsenic' by Samuel Tolansky | May 1932 |
RR/52/109 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The nuclear spins and magnetic moments of the isotopes of antimony' by Samuel Tolansky | April 1934 |
RR/52/110 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of iodine I— fine structure in the first spark spectrum' by Samuel Tolansky | November 1934 |
RR/51/116 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of tin' by Samuel Tolansky | [December 1933] |
RR/65/264 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of iodine III. Further measurements upon the fine structures in the first spark spectrum' by Samuel Tolansky and G O Forester | July 1938 |
RR/70/237 | Referee's report by Robert John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'Interference studies of diamond faces. A crossed fringe technique' by Samuel Tolansky and W L Wilcock | 19 February 1947 |
RR/66/315 | Letter from Samuel Tolansky, regarding a paper 'Hyperfine structure in the arc spectrum of bromine' by Samuel Tolansky and S A Trivedi | 19 January 1940 |
MS/926/5/2/5 | Papers and correspondence of lunar principle investigators, collected by Colin Pillinger | 25 August 1967 - 6 April 1971 |
MS/926/5/2/6 | NASA papers and correspondence to Apollo lunar sample analysis principle investigators, collected by Colin Pillinger | 6 June 1973 - 9 August 1978 |
RR/69/310 | Referee's report by Cecil Reginald Burch, on a paper 'Further interferometric studies with mica. New multiple-beam fringes and their application' by Samuel Tolansky | 1945 |
RR/69/309 | Referee's report by Robert John Strutt, Lord Rayleigh, on a paper 'Further interferometric studies with mica. New multiple-beam fringes and their application' by Samuel Tolansky | 1945 |
RR/56/87 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of iodine II-Fine structure in the arc spectrum and a fine structure perturbation effect' by Samuel Tolansky | [July 1935] |
RR/62/58 | Referee's report by Owen Willans Richardson, on a paper 'Fine structure in the arc spectrum of platinum (A) The nuclear spin of pt 195 (B) Even isotope displacement' by Samuel Tolansky and E Lee | [July 1936] |
MS/926/5/1/1 | Proposals from the United Kingdom to NASA for the analysis of Apollo lunar surface samples, compiled by the Lunar, Planetary and Interplanetary Matter Working Group | 10 June 1966 |
PB/1/33/2 | Correspondence concerning the Copley Medal of the Royal Society | 1956 |
MS/926/5/3/5 | Papers regarding the background to early lunar separations, collected by Colin Pillinger | 1970 |
MS/926/5/3/2 | Correspondence relating to Apollo 11 lunar sample analysis, collected by Colin Pillinger | 14 July 1969 - 1973 |
RR/42/69 | Referee's report by Alfred Fowler, on a paper 'Fine structure in the mercury singlet terms' by Samuel Tolansky | 21 December 1930 |
RR/68/508 | Referee's report by Cecil Reginald Burch, on two papers 'The topography of crystal faces - I. The topography of a (100) face of a left-handed quartz crystal' and 'The topography of crystal faces - II. The topography of cleavage faces of mica and selenite' by Samuel Tolansky | [1944] |
RR/65/265 | Referee's report by William Edward Curtis, on a paper 'The nuclear spin of iodine. IV. A new type of hyperfine structure deviation from the interval rule' by Samuel Tolansky | November 1938 |
RR/66/314 | Referee's report by Alfred Fowler, on a paper 'Hyperfine structure in the arc spectrum of bromine' by Samuel Tolansky and S A Trivedi | [December 1939] |
RR/79/147 | Letter from Samuel Tolansky to D C Martin, concerning two papers: 'Variations in the texture of diamonds' by F C Champion, and 'Variations in the β-particle counting properties of diamond' by N G Trott | 28 July 1953 |
RR/79/148 | Referee's report by Samuel Tolansky, on a paper 'Variations in the texture of diamonds' by F C Champion | 28 July 1953 |
RR/79/149 | Referee's report by Samuel Tolansky, on a paper 'Variations in the β-particle counting properties of diamond' by N G Trott | 28 July 1953 |