
Authorised form of nameGrove; Sir; William Robert (1811 - 1896)
Dates1811 - 1896
Place of birthSwansea, Glamorgan, Wales
Date of birth11 July 1811
Place of deathHis residence, 115 Harley Street, London
Date of death01 or 02 August 1896
Research fieldElectrochemistry
MA (Oxford)
Inventor of the fuel cell
Kt 1872
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election26/11/1840
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1848-1849; 1856-1858; 1861-1862; 1878-1879
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1847
Bakerian 1847
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
H G L, 'A Fragment of History' in NR 1938 vol 1 pp 28-31
Vanity Fair 08 October 1887
DNB, DSB and Boase give death date as 01 August 1896, but Royal Society sources (TR and YB) give 02 August 1896.
Woking has a statue of Grove (the only one in Britain).
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA7589
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
NLB/13/370Copy letter from an unknown correspondent, to Messrs Harrison & Sons5 July [August] 1896
IM/Maull/001806Grove, Sir William Robertnd
MDA/A/4/185Letter from Juliet Grove-Hills, Grayswood Copse, Haslemere, Surrey, to Sir Henry Dale30 November [1942]
IM/Maull/001805Grove, Sir William Robertnd
RR/4/105Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot7 February 1859
NLB/10/1031Copy letter from Herbert Rix, to Dr William Sharp, Fellow of the Royal Society, Horton House, Rugby27 March 1895
RR/4/177Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the electric conducting power of alloys' by Augutsus Matthiessen12 April 1860
RR/4/178Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the specific gravity of alloys' by Augustus Matthiessen5 May 1860
MS/928/2/80Letter from William Robert Grove, 115 Harley Street, to Charles Vernon Boys 26 June 1894
RR/3/199Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches. Physical and chemical phenomena of muscular contraction.— Tenth series. Part I' by Carlo Matteucci3 November 1856
RR/1/82Referee's report by Thomas Graham, on a paper 'On some electro-nitrogurets' by William Robert Grove7 March 1841
MS/426/494Note of a letter from [the Secretaries of] the Royal Society; to the Earl of Aberdeen [George Hamilton-Gordon][30 November 1853]
MS/426/252Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Lord Northampton [Spencer Joshua Alwyne Compton] President of the Royal Society29 January1847
EC/1840/32Grove, Sir William Robert: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/1/109Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on an unnamed paper by Robert Hunt[c. 1840]
IM/001804Grove, Sir William Robertnd
P/0056Portrait of Grove, Sir William Robert1872
IM/001357Deputation to Michael Faradaynd
IM/001807Grove, Sir William Robertnd
PT/32/2Paper, 'Supplementary paper on certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and on the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove10 November 1846
PT/35/3/3Plate, figure 2 showing bent tube of hydrogen and platinum wire by William Robert Grove[1848]
PT/35/3/2Plate, figure 1 showing apparatus for testing ignition of wire in atmospheres of various gases by William Robert Grove[1848]
PT/32/1/4Plate, perspective view of gas battery by William Robert Grove21 August 1846
PT/43/7Paper, 'On the electro chemical polarity of gases' by W R [William Robert] Grove27 December 1851
PT/29/13Paper, 'On the gas voltaic battery. Voltaic action of phosphorus, sulphur and hydrocarbons' by W R [William Robert] Grove30 May 1845
PT/27/8Paper, 'On the gas voltaic battery - Experiments made with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action and its application to eudiometry' by William Robert Grove[1843]
PT/32/1/2Plate, figures 1-10 showing eudiometer apparatuses by William Robert Grove21 August 1846
PT/32/1/1Manuscript, 'On certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove21 August 1846
PT/32/1Paper, 'On certain phenomena of voltaic ignition and the decomposition of water into its constituent gases by heat' by W R [William Robert] Grove21 August 1846
PT/35/3Paper, 'On the effect of surrounding media on voltaic ignition' by W R [William Robert] Grove[1848]
PT/37/13Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches' by C [Carlo] MatteucciJune 1849
PT/35/3/4Plate, figure 3 showing iron cylinders in hydrogen tubes by William Robert Grove[1848]
PT/35/3/1Manuscript, 'On the effect of surrounding media on voltaic ignition' by W R [William Robert] Grove[1848]
RR/2/74Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Researches into the identity of the existences or forces, light, heat, electricity and magnetism' by John GoodmanOctober 1851
RR/4/107Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the stratifications in electrical discharges, as observed in torricellian and other vacua - second communication' by John Peter Gassiot14 April 1859
PT/39/3Paper, 'Electro-physiological researches on induced contraction. 9th series' by Mr Ch [Carlo] Matteucci1 April 1850
MC/4/127Letter from Edward William Brayley, London Institution, Finsbury Circus, to [William Robert] Grove 18 February 1846
MC/4Volume 4 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1844-1850
MS/426/530Copy letter from C R [Charles Richard] Weld, the Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to James Wilson Esq28 October 1854
PT/32/1/3Plate, figures 1-5 showing arrangement of eudiometer and gas battery by William Robert Grove21 August 1846
MC/8/81Letter from Geo [George] Grant Francis, Cae Bailey, Swansea, to W R [William Robert] Grove 12 September 1867
RR/1bis/24Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'Experiments on the gas voltaic battery, with a view of ascertaining the rationale of its action, and on its application to eudiometry' by William Robert Grove29 May 1843
AP/25/8Unpublished paper, 'On some electro-nitrogurets' by W R [William Robert] Grove1841
RR/2/251Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'On the vibrations and tones produced by the contact of bodies having different temperatures' by John Tyndall15 February 1854
RR/2/83Referee's report by Michael Faraday, on a paper 'On the electro-chemical polarity of gases' by William Robert Grove10 April 1852
RR/3/103Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Experimental researches in electricity - thirtieth series' by Michael Faraday11 December 1856
MC/8Volume 8 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1867-1869
RR/4/171Referee's report by William Robert Grove, on a paper 'Electro-physiological researches - Eleventh series. On the secondary electromotor power of nerves, and its application to the explanation of certain electrophysiological phenomena' by Carlo Matteucci26 June 1860
PP/14/24Paper, 'A new form of gas battery' by Ludwig Mond and Carl Langer1889
AP/32/11Unpublished paper, 'On the direct production of heat by magnetism' by W R [William Robert] Grove23 May 1849
MC/17Volume 17 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1897-1899
P/0147Deputation to Michael Faradayc1857
HS/9/148Letter, from William Robert Grove to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Hare Court27 April 1847
HS/23/379Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Robert Grove1862
HS/22/314Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to William Robert Grove, dated at Collingwood22 April 1847
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