
Authorised form of nameHinshelwood; Sir; Cyril Norman (1897 - 1967); chemist
Dates1897 - 1967
Place of birthLondon, England
Date of birth19 June 1897
Place of deathLondon, England
Date of death09/10/1967
Research fieldChemistry
Early education in Toronto (-c.1904); Westminster City School; Brackenbury Scholarship to Balliol College, Oxford but did not take it up due to commencement of WW1; Balliol College, Oxford (1919 - 1920); awarded Goldsmiths Exhibition, Balliol (1919); MA (Oxon)
Department of Explosives, Queensferry, Royal Ordnance Factory (1916-1918) left as Deputy Chief Chemist; Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford (1920-1921); Fellow of Trinity College, Oxford (1921-1964); links with research groups at ICI, Alkali Division, Northwich and Dyestuffs Division, Blackley (1933 - 1965); Delegate of Oxford University Press (1934 -1967); Dr Lee's Professor of Inorganic and Physical Chemistry, University of Oxford (1937-1964), professorship linked to Exeter College; Chemical Defence Board of the Ministry of Supply (1940-1945) - Respirator Sub Committee; Chemical Advisory Board (1946-1948, 1949-1952) - Chairman of Defence Equipment Committee (1948-1951), Chairman of Committee on Pyrotechnics, Initiators, Fuses and Incendiaries, Committee of Propellants and Internal Ballistics; Liquid Fuels Committee of the Munitions Chemistry Advisory Board; Fuel Research Council of Department of Scientific and Industrial Research; Coal Research Board; Physical and Inorganic Chemistry Committee of Ministry of Supply; awarded US Medal for Freedom (1947) for his war work; Boyle Lecture (1949); member of Gas Council research committee (1950); admitted to freedom and livery of Goldsmiths Company without fine or fees (30 April 1952); gave Fourth Coal Science Lecture on 'The Carbon of Coal' (1955); served on Courtauld Foundation grants committee and Leverhulme Trusts grants committee; Italian Order of Merit (1956); President of Classical Association (1959); on Council of Assistants of Goldsmiths Company (1960); 15th Eddington Memorial Lecturer (1961); Society of Chemical Industry Medal (1961); Trustee of the British Museum (1963); Chairman of the Council of Queen Elizabeth College, London (1964-1967); President of British Association for the Advancement of Science (1964-1965); retired from Oxford (1964); chairman of education committee of Goldsmiths Company (1964); President of Oxford Branch of Modern Languages Association; President of Science Masters Association; awarded Faraday Medal and Longstaff Medal by Chemical Society; awarded Medal of Society of Chemical Industry; Honorary Foreign Member of Accademia del Lincei, Accademia dei XL, Pontifical Academy in Rome, Academy of Science, USA, Spanish Academy of Science, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, New York Academy, Bologna Academy, Ligurian Academy; held exhibition of his oil paintings at Goldsmiths Hall (20 March 1968); Senior Research Fellow, Imperial College; served on Standing Committee for Museums and Galleries; served on Advisory Committee of the National Gallery
Medals and prizes:
Nobel Prize (Chemistry) 1956 jointly
Kt 1948; OM 1960
FCS - President 1946-1947; Faraday Society - President 1961-1963
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election02/05/1929
RSActivityRoyal Society roles:
Council 1933-1934, 1949-1950; For Sec 1950-1955; PRS 1955-1960
Medals and prizes:
Davy Medal 1942; Royal Medal 1947; Leverhulme Medal 1960; Copley Medal 1962
Bakerian 1946; Faraday 1952
RelationshipsSon of Norman Macmillan Hinshelwood, chartered accountant, and Ethel Smith
Bulloch's Roll; DSB
CSAC 17/11/74. Papers deposited in the Royal Society Library
Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1973 vol 19 pp 375-431, plate, by Sir Harold Thompson
Brebis Bleaney, 'The Physical Sciences in Oxford, 1918-1939 and Earlier' in NR 1994 vol 48 pp 247-261
Edmund J Bowen, 'The Balliol-Trinity Laboratories, Oxford 1853-1940' in NR 1970 vol 25 pp 227-236
Sir Harold Hartley, 'The Exhibition of Sir Cyril Hinshelwood's Paintings at Goldsmiths' Hall on 20 March 1968' in NR 1968 vol 23 pp 23-28
Sir Harold Hartley, 'Address at the Memorial Service for Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, OM, FRS at Holy Trinity Church, Brompton Road, London on 20 November 1967' in NR 1968 vol 23 pp 21-22
Anon, 'Visit of His Excellency the Soviet Ambassador, 19 November 1959' in NR 1959 vol 14 pp 160-162
Anon, 'Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, FRS' in NR 1956-57 vol 12 p 149, plate
N N Greenwood and J A Spink, 'An antipodean laboratory of remarkable distinction' in NR 2003 vol 57 pp 85-105
J S Rowlinson, 'The war time work of Hinshelwood and his colleagues' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 161-175
P Harper, 'Preserving scientific archives: the work of NCUACS' in NR 2004 vol 58 pp 227-232
Virtual International Authority File
Archives associated with this Fellow
EC/1929/07Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/002111Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman1960
MM/22/6Letter from Sir Harold Hartley to Sir Gerald Kelly27 November 1968
IM/002116Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
IM/002113Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
IM/GA/WG/9449Presidents 1940-1970nd
IM/002114Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
MM/22/8Letter from Sir Harold Hartley to Sir Gerald Kelly17 January 1969
MM/22/3Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood to Sir Gerald Kelly24 April 1960
MM/22/9Letter from Sir Harold Hartley to Sir Gerald Kelly27 January 1969
PB/1/33/4/3President of the Royal Society1965
MM/22/7Letter from Sir Harold Hartley to Sir Gerald Kelly11 December 1969
MM/22/4Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood to Sir Gerald Kelly27 June 1960
MM/22/5Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood to Sir Gerald Kelly21 November 1946
CMB/281/41Notes on a paper passed for publication in the ProceedingsDecember 1961
CMB/281/34Notes on papers passed for publication in the Proceedings1961
CMB/281/37Notes on papers passed for publication in the ProceedingsSeptember 1961
CMB/278/71List of papers passed for publication in the ProceedingsAugust - September 1956
IM/002112Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
IM/GA/WS/2651Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman1946
MS/3/9'Hinshelwood' notebook of Arthur MourantEarly 1920s
RR/40/83Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on two papers 'The time course of the heat effects in rapid chemical changes. Part I.—Apparatus and methods' and 'The time course of the heat effects in rapid chemical changes. Part II.—Some reactions of acids, bases, amino-acids and proteins' by Francis John Worsley Roughton25 November 1929
MDA/A/16/70Copy letter from Sir Gavin Rylands De Beer to David Christie Martin28 May 1956
MDA/A/12/88Copy letter from David Christie Martin to Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, The Royal Society17 March 1947
IM/002115Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
MS/3/10'Gas Reactions. Mr Hinshelwood. Trinity Term 1924' notebook of Arthur Mourant1924
RR/41/128Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The displacement by ultra violet light of the explosion limit in a chain reaction' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and K ClusiusSeptember 1930
RR/52/152Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'On active chlorine' by E J B Willey and S G FoordAugust 1934
RR/38/36Referee's report by James Charles Philip, on a paper 'The homogeneous reaction between hydrogen and oxygen' by C H Gibson and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodApril 1928
RR/35/114Referee's report by James Charles Philip, on a paper 'The influence of hydrogen on two homogeneous reactions' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and P J Askey12 June 1927
RR/52/151Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'On active chlorine' by E J B Willey and S G FoordApril 1934
RR/53/120Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The reaction between oxygen and the heavier isotope of hydrogen' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, A T Williamson and J H Wolfenden[July 1934]
RR/38/99Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Rates and temperature coefficients' by C H Kunsman, E S Lamar and W E DemingOctober 1929
RR/47/77Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The quantum mechanics of electrochemistry. II' by R W GurneyJanuary 1932
RR/43/49Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'The kinetics of the oxidation of cyanogen' by H J Hadow and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodMay 1931
RR/41/91Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'The kinetics of the oxidation of gaseous benzene' by R Fort and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodFebruary 1930
RR/40/110Referee's report by Robert Robertson, on a paper 'The influence of nitrogen peroxide on the combination of hydrogen and oxygen' by Harold Warris Thompson and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodMarch 1929
RR/32/81Referee's report by Thomas Martin Lowry, on a paper 'The catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide on the surface of gold: a comparison with the homogeneous reaction' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and C R PrichardFebruary 1925
RR/43/34Referee's report by James Charles Philip, on a paper 'The kinetics of the combination of hydrogen and oxygen: the influence of iodine' by W L Garstang and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood20 January 1931
RR/47/76Referee's report by Arthur John Allmand, on a paper 'The quantum mechanics of electrochemistry. II' by R W Gurney14 January 1932
RR/70/94Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The formation of hydrogen peroxide in the combustion of hydrogen at low pressures' by Alfred Charles Egerton and G J Minkoff1947
RR/43/131Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide, and its catalysis by nitric oxide' by F F Musgrave and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodNovember 1931
RR/52/107Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The homogeneous unimolecular decomposition of gaseous methyl nitrite' by Edgar William Richard Steacie and G T ShawApril 1934
RR/46/75Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The influence of foreign gases on the lower critical oxidation pressure of carbon disulphide' by A Ritchie, R R H Brown and J J Muir[April 1932]
RR/72/37Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'A comparison of the compressibilities of some gases with that of nitrogen at pressures below one atmosphere' by G A Bottomley, Doreen S Massie and Robert Whytlaw- Gray1949
RR/54/106Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of ozone' by Mowbray RitchieJune 1934
RR/44/101Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The mechanism and molecula statistics of the reaction CuSO4.5H2O = CuSO4.H2O + 4H2O' by B TopleyOctober 1931
RR/47/79Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The oxidation of carbon monoxide' by G Hadman, Harold Warris Thompson and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodApril 1932
RR/47/78Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The explosive oxidation of carbon monoxide at lower pressures' by G Hadman, Harold Warris Thompson and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodJuly 1932
RR/67/229Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermal explosion of diethyl peroxide' by E J HarrisFebruary 1940
RR/27/80Referee's report by George Thomas Beilby 'On the structure and chemical activity of copper films, and the colour changes accompanying their oxidation' by Cyril Norman HinshelwoodJune 1922
RR/47/75Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermodynamics of adsorption at the surface of solutions' by Edward Armand Guggenheim and Neil Kensington AdamSeptember 1932
RR/46/119Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Chemical equilibrium in vapour of a mixture of hydrocarbons' by Harold Albert Wilson[December 1932]
RR/52/117Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The kinetics of the decomposition of chloral and its catalysis by iodine' by F H Verhoek and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodMay 1934
RR/49/142Referee's report by Arthur John Allmand, on a paper 'The upper pressure limit in the chain reaction between hydrogen and oxygen' by G H Grant and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[April 1933]
RR/49/5Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions by iodine. The decomposition of propionic aldehyde, and a general discussion' by S Bairstow and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[June 1933]
RR/48/34Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'On the rate of oxidation of monolayers of unsaturated fatty acids' by Arthur Hentry Hughes and Eric Keightley Rideal[February 1933]
RR/48/134Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions.—The catalytic decomposition of nitrous oxide by halogens' by F F Musgrave and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[March 1932]
RR/48/95Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of acetaldehyde and the existence of different activated states' by C J M Fletcher and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[April 1933]
RR/72/104Referee's report by unknown author, on a paper 'The utilization of potassium by Bact. lactis aerogenes' by A A Eddy and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/52/31Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The interaction of hydrogen with micro-crystalline charcoal—I' by Richard Maling Barrer and Eric Keightley RidealNovember 1934
RR/51/39Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrous oxide. Part II' by Harry Work Melville[May 1934]
RR/50/60Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrous oxide.-I' by Harry Work MelvilleJune 1933
RR/52/122Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Surface reactions and the heterogeneous catalysis of hydrogen peroxide' by J WeissJanuary 1935
RR/56/119Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The preparation of oxygen by electrolysis of baryta' by Eric M Stoddart[June 1935]
RR/52/135Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of propionic aldehyde' by C A Winkler, C J M Fletcher and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodMay 1934
RR/30/76Referee's report by Frederick George Donnan, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of nitrous oxide and hydrogen' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[July 1924]
RR/54/47Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The sorption of hydrogen and deuterium by copper and palladium I-The behaviour of copper and copper oxides' by Harry Work Melville and Eric Keightley RidealJuly 1935
RR/51/40Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrous oxide III—Effect of oxygen' by Harry Work Melville[May 1934]
RR/67/420Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The catalytic isomerization of buten-1' by G H TwiggFebruary 1941
RR/51/81Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'A comparison of the catalytic activity of liquid and solid surfaces. The decomposition of methanol on solid and liquid zinc' by Edgar William Richard Steacie and E M Elkin[June 1933]
RR/66/337Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of crystals of barium azide' by A Wischin[June 1939]
RR/53/162Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The reaction of methane and oxygen sensitized by nitrogen peroxide. Part I—Thermal ignition' by Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and Jean Wallace[January 1934]
RR/54/105Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Inert gas effects in the photosynthesis of hydrogen bromide' by Mowbray RitchieJune 1934
RR/53/161Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'A theory of the combustion of hydrocarbons' by Ronald George Wreyford Norrish[March 1934]
RR/53/119Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The modes of activation of aldehyde molecules in decomposition reactions' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, C J M Fletcher, F H Verhoek and C A Winklernd [May 1934]
RR/54/121Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the oxidation of mixtures of ethylene and acetaldehyde' by Edgar William Richard Steacie and A C PlewesFebruary 1934
RR/55/120Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Experiments on heavy hydrogen - V—The elementary reactions of light and heavy hydrogen. The thermal conversion of ortho-deuterium and the interaction of hydrogen and deuterium' by Adalbert Farkas April 1935
RR/57/3Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Some properties of adsorbed films of oxygen on tungsten' by John Keith Roberts[July 1935]
RR/60/17Referee's report by Samuel Sugden, on a paper 'The inhibition of photochemical reactions by nitric oxide' by John Wesley Mitchell and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodNovember 1936
RR/71/230Referee's report by Paul Gordon Fildes, on a paper 'The changes induced in Bact. lactis aerogenes by irradiation with ultra violet light' by A R Peacocke and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1948
RR/70/13Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The oxidation of gaseous formaldehyde' by D W E Axford and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish1947
RR/66/200Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'On the decomposition of metallic azides' by Nevill Francis Mott[June 1939]
RR/62/34Referee's report by Samuel Sugden, on a paper 'The inhibition by nitric oxide of the decomposition of ethers' by L A K Staveley and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[December 1936]
RR/66/121Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The decomposition of alkyl peroxides: dipropyl peroxide, ethyl hydrogen peroxide and propyl hydrogen peroxide' by E J Harris[1939]
RR/65/165Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide' by R M Lewis and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodAugust 1938
RR/65/128Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The mechanism of chain breaking in the thermal decomposition of ethane' by Cyril Norman Hishelwood and J E HobbsMay 1938
RR/72/16Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The utilization of carbon sources by Bact. lactis aerogenes I. General survey' by A C Baskett and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/69/56Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Determination of the velocity coefficients for polymerization processes III. Effect of environment on polymerization processes' by G M Burnett and Harry Work Melville1946
RR/66/92Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The action of ultra-violet radiation on barium and strontium azides' by William Edward Garner and J Maggs[June 1939]
RR/72/15Referee's report by Dudley Maurice Newitt, on a paper 'The slow oxidation of gaseous methyl ethyl ketone' by J Bardwell and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/66/67Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'Kinetics of the thermal decomposition of fully deuterated diethyl ether' by J G Davoud and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[1939]
RR/66/43Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The combustion of aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons. II. The ignition of aromatic hydrocarbons at high temperatures' by J H Burgoyne[March 1939]
RR/65/187Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The rates of transformation in ethyl alcohol of ammonium and ethylammonium cyanates to the corresponding ureas' by Christina Cruickshank Miller and James R Nicholson1938
RR/71/212Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines IV. Results obtained by the foregoing techniques' by Harry Work Melville and J C Robb1948
RR/67/43Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The combustion of aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons. V. The products of combustion of benzene and its monoalkyl derivatives' by J H BurgoyneMay 1940
RR/69/116Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reactions of the steam-carbon system' by J Gadsby, Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and K W Sykes1946
RR/69/55Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Determination of the velocity coefficients for polymerization processes II. The photosensitized polymerization of vinyl acetate by benzoyl peroxide' by G M Burnett and Harry Work Melville1946
RR/66/218Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'A study of sensitized explosions. IV. The carbon monoxide-oxygen reaction catalysed by nitrogen peroxide' by E J Buckler and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish[1939]
RR/69/54Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Determination of the velocity coefficients for polymerization processes. - I. The direct photopolymerization of vinyl acetate' by G M Burnett and Harry Work Melville1946
RR/71/153Referee's report by Walter Norman Haworth, on a paper 'Adjustments in bacterial reaction systems. II. Adaptive mechanisms' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and P R Lewis[1948]
RR/71/207Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines II. Diffusion theory' by Harry Work Melville and J C Robb1948
RR/68/379Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper [attributed] 'The thermal decomposition of acetone' by J R E Smith and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[1943]
RR/67/293Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The kinetics of mutarotation in solution' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes and John Cowdery Kendrew to Cyril Norman Hinshelwood17 July 1940
RR/67/295Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of mutarotation in solution' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes and John Cowdery Kendrew to J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society18 July 1940
RR/68/39Referee's report by Harry Work Melville, on a paper 'The polymerization of olefines induced by free radicals' by C J Danby and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[July 1941]
RR/67/299Letter from Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The kinetics of mutarotation in solution' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes and John Cowdery Kendrew to Cyril Norman Hinshelwood25 June 1940
RR/67/237Memorandum and letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of acetophenone' Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and R E Smith to Eric Keightley Rideal17 July 1940
RR/71/210Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines III. Theory and technique involved in the use of the oxides of molybdenum and tungsten as hydrogen atom removers' by Harry Work Melville and J C Robb1948
RR/68/82Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The detection and inhibition of free radical chain reactions' by J R E Smith and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[1941]
RR/69/183Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on two papers 'The photochemical polymerization of methyl vinyl ketone vapour' and 'The free radical polymerization of the vapours of certain vinyl derivatives' by Thomas Tyrwhitt Jones and Harry Work Melville1945
RR/67/298Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of mutarotation in solution' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes and John Cowdery Kendrew to Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton19 June 1940
RR/67/297Letter from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The kinetics of mutarotation in solution' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes and John Cowdery Kendrew to Cyril Norman Hinshelwood13 June 1940
RR/68/352Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Continuous spectra inflames: the role of atomic oxygen in combustion' by Alfred Gordon Gaydon[1943]
RR/72/232Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The pyrolysis of methane, ethane and n-butane on a platinum filament' by A J B RobertsonMay 1949
RR/68/378Referee's report by Juda Hirsch Quastel, on a paper 'A physico-chemical study of some induced changes in the morphology of Bacterium lactis aerogenes. A theory of the balance and adaptive variation of certain enzyme processes in bacteria' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and R M Lodge[1943]
RR/72/245Referee's report by Meredith Gwynne Evans, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons II. Comparative measurements on the series from propane to n-decane' by F J Stubbs and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/71/182Referee's report by Walter Norman Haworth, on a paper 'Adjustments in bacterial reaction systems I. The reducing power of Bact. ladis aerogenes under various conditions' by P R Lewis and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[1948]
RR/71/206Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines I. Apparatus and use of para-hydrogen techniques' by Harry Work Melville and J C Robb1948
RR/68/490Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of hydrogen peroxide vapour' by Robert C Mackenzie and Mowbray Ritchie[1944]
RR/68/293Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Dielectric properties of dipolar substances' by Herbert Fröhlich and R Sack[1943]
RR/72/17Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria. II. Anaerobic growth of Bact. lactis aerogenes' by A C Baskett and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/72/21Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Studies on the ionization produced by metallic salts in flames II. Reactions governed by ionic equilibria in coal-gas/air flames containing alkali metal salts' by H Belcher and Theodore Morris Sugden1949
RR/72/160Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'An investigation of the nature of certain adaptive changes in bacteria' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and S Jackson1949
RR/72/26Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The mechanism and kinetics of the heterogeneous polymerization of vinyl monomers I. The benzoyl peroxide catalyzed polymerization of vinyl chloride' by W I Bengough and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish to Graddon1 September 1949
RR/71/87Referee's report by Meredith Gwynne Evans, on a paper 'Influence of chlorine substitution on the rate of oxidation of paraffin hydrocarbons' by C F Cullis, Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and M F R Mulcahy3 September 1948
RR/35/113Referee's report by Thomas Martin Lowry, on a paper 'Homogeneous reactions involving complex molecules.—The kinetics of the decomposition of gaseous dimethyl ether' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and P J AskeyMarch 1927
RR/71/194Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Metabolic changes which form the basis of a microbiological assay of nicotinic acid' by H McIlwain[1948]
RR/72/246Referee's report by Meredith Gwynne Evans, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons - I. The inhibition of chains and the nature of the residual reaction' by F J Stubbs and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1949
RR/72/25Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The mechanism and kinetics of the heterogeneous polymerization of vinyl monomers I. The benzoyl peroxide catalyzed polymerization of vinyl chloride' by W I Bengough and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish1949
RR/72/23Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Studies on the ionization produced by metallic salts in flames I. The determination of the collision frequency of electrons in coal-gas/air flames' by H Belcher and Theodore Morris Sugden1949
RR/49/24Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The slow combustion of ethylene' by William Arthur Bone, A E Haffner and H F Rance[September 1933]
RR/34/11Referee's report by Harold Brewer Hartley, on a paper 'On the theory of unimolecular reactions' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood20 August 1926
RR/30/75Referee's report by Frederick George Donnan, on a paper 'The homogeneous thermal decomposition of nitrous oxide' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and R E Burk[July 1924]
NLB/72/714Copy letter from Francis Alexander Towle, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to [Cyril Norman] Hinshelwood Esq., FRS17 March 1930
IM/002110Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
IM/002118Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
IM/002117Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Normannd
RR/26/63Referee's report by William Jackson Pope, on a paper 'The influence of physical conditions on the velocity of decomposition of certain crystalline solids' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Edmund John Bowen7 March 1921
RR/57/4Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Some properties of adsorbed films of oxygen on tungsten' by John Keith Roberts[July 1935]
RR/45/82Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The lower pressure limit in the chain reaction between hydrogen and oxygen' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and E A Moelwyn-Hughes[July 1932]
RR/56/53Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The oxidation of aromatic hydrocarbons at high pressures. I— Benzene. II— Toluene. III— Ethyl Benzene' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and J H Burgoyne[September 1935]
RR/69/76Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The mechanism of the hydrogen-oxygen reaction. Parts IV and V' by C F.Cullis and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood1945
RR/66/66Memoranda, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of diethyl ether' by J G Davoud and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood6 March 1939
RR/67/236Memorandum from J D Griffith Davies, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of gaseous benzaldehyde' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and R E Smith to Eric Keightley Rideal12 February 1940
MDA/A/16/51Minutes of the British Committee for Cooperation with UNESCO in the Natural Sciences16 May 1956
RR/55/8Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The structure and physical properties of thin films of metal on solid surfaces' by Edward Neville Da Costa Andrade and J G MartindaleFebruary 1935
RR/66/18Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The photosynthesis of carbohydrates from hydrated carbon dioxide' by Edward Charles Cyril Baly[January 1939]
RR/72/156Referee's report by Ronald Aylmer Fisher, on a paper 'The stability of D-arabinose adaption of Bact. lactis aerogenes' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and S Jackson 1949
RR/67/35Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the polymerization of isoprene on sodium surfaces' by J L BollandNovember 1940
RR/34/5Referee's report by Thomas Martin Lowry, on a paper 'A homogeneous unimolecular reaction-the thermal decomposition of acetone in the gaseous state' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and William Kenneth Hutchison[March 1926]
RR/46/45Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The combination of hydrogen and oxygen photosensitised by nitrogen peroxide' by Ronald George Wreyford Norrish and J G A Griffiths[September 1932]
RR/45/83Referee's report by Eric Keightley Rideal, on a paper 'The combination of hydrogen and oxygen in a silver vessel' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, E A Moelwyn-Hughes and A C Rolfe[December 1932]
RR/50/61Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and nitrous oxide.-I' by Harry Work Melville28 July 1933
RR/52/32Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The interaction of hydrogen with micro-crystalline charcoal II—activated sorption of hydrogen and methane by carbon' by Richard Maling BarrerNovember 1934
RR/71/195Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Metabolic changes which form the basis of a microbiological assay of nicotinic acid' by H McIlwain30 August 1948
RR/34/12Referee's report by Harold Brewer Hartley, on a paper 'An apparently unimolecular reaction.—the homogeneous decomposition of gaseous propionic aldehyde' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Harold Warris Thompson20 August 1926
RR/79/208Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Low temperature oxidation and cool flames of propane' by John Henderson Knox and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish20 August 1953
RR/41/49Referee's report by Gilbert Thomas Morgan, on three papers 'Homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions. Part I.—The decomposition of isopropyl ether under the influence of halides', 'Homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions. Part II.—The decomposition of Diethyl Ether Catalysed by Iodine' and 'Homogeneous catalysis of gaseous reactions. Part III.—The decomposition of acetaldehyde catalysed by iodine' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and K Clucius11 April 1930
RR/73/65Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Studies in copolymerization The evaluation of the kinetic coefficients for the system styrene-butyl acrylate' by E J Arlman and Harry Work Melville1950
RR/45/40Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'On the mass rate of reactions in solids' by R S Bradley, James Colvin and J Hume[May 1932]
RR/26/64Referee's report by Frederick Alexander Lindemann, Viscount Cherwell, on a paper 'The influence of physical conditions on the velocity of decomposition of certain crystalline solids' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and Edmund John Bowen[November 1921]
RR/34/6Referee's report by James Charles Philip, on a paper 'A comparison between unimolecular and bimolecular gaseous reactions. The thermal decomposition of gaseous acetaldehyde' by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood and William Kenneth Hutchison1 April 1926
RR/41/92Referee's report by David Leonard Chapman, on a paper 'The kinetics of the oxidation of gaseous benzene' by R Fort and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodJuly 1930
RR/43/35Referee's report by James Charles Philip, on a paper 'The combination of hydrogen and oxygen on the surface of silica and its relation to the propagation of reaction chains in the gas' by W L Garstang and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood15 July 1931
RR/43/140Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of gaseous diethyl ether at high pressures' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and M A Vernon7 August 1931
RR/44/53Referee's report by Arthur John Allmand, on a paper 'The kinetics of the decomposition, in carbon tetrachloride solution, of ozone and of ozone-chlorine mixtures' by Edmund John Bowen, E A Moelwyn-Hughes and Cyril Norman HinshelwoodAugust 1931
RR/49/19Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'An analysis of the dipole moments of some aromatic compounds' by George Macdonald Bennett and Samuel Glasstone[January 1934]
RR/50/25Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and sulphur' by Ernest E Aynsley, T G Pearson and Percy L RobinsonOctober 1933
RR/50/27Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the reaction between hydrogen and sulphur' by Ernest E Aynsley, T G Pearson and Percy L RobinsonOctober 1934
RR/51/52Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Slow oxidations at high pressures I—Methane and ethane, II—Methyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, acetaldehyde, and acetic acid' by Dudley Maurice Newitt and P Szego[September 1934]
RR/53/95Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The induction period of the photochemical reaction between hydrogen and chlorine' by John G A Griffiths and Ronald George Wreyford Norrish[July 1934]
RR/54/48Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The sorption of hydrogen and deuterium by copper and palladium II-The sorption by palladium and diffusion through copper' by Harry Work Melville and Eric Keightley RidealJuly 1935
RR/55/121Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Experiments on heavy hydrogen - V—The elementary reactions of light and heavy hydrogen. The thermal conversion of ortho-deuterium and the interaction of hydrogen and deuterium' by Adalbert Farkas 15 July 1935
RR/55/139Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The effect of pressure on reactions in solution I—Sodium ethoxide and ethyl iodide to 3000 kg/cm2 II—Pyridine and ethyl iodide to 8500 kg/cm2' by R O Gibson, E W Fawcett and M W PerrinFebruary 1935
RR/56/117Referee's report by Henry Thomas Tizard, on a paper 'Catalysis and inhibition of a homogeneous gas reaction the influence of nitric oxide on the decomposition of diethyl ether' by L A K Staveley and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood[January 1936]
RR/57/31Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The influence of pressure on the spontaneous ignition of inflammable gas-air mixtures - IV—methane-, ethane-, and propane-air mixtures' by Donald T A Townend and E A C Chamberlain[September 1935]
RR/57/33Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The influence of pressure on the spontaneous ignition of inflammable gas-air mixtures - IV—methane-, ethane-, and propane-air mixtures' by Donald T A Townend and E A C Chamberlain[December 1935]
RR/61/73Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The combustion of aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons I—The slow combustion of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, n-propylbenzene, n-butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene and mesitylene' by J H BurgoyneMarch 1937
RR/61/74Second referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The combustion of aromatic and alicyclic hydrocarbons I—The slow combustion of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, n-propylbenzene, n-butylbenzene, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene and mesitylene' by J H BurgoyneMarch 1937
RR/51/124Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on three papers 'Phase boundary potentials of absorbed films on metals.—Part I.—On the behaviour of oxygen on gold', 'Phase boundary potentials of absorbed films on metals.—Part II.—On the behaviour of iodine on platinum' and 'Phase boundary potentials of adsorbed films on metals.—Part III.—The examination of the interaction of copper and iodine vapour by the method of surface potentials' by Harold Kenneth Whalley, Eric Keightley Rideal and Lewis Jacobs[February 1933]
RR/73/61Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Entropies of mixing in certain athermal binary solutions' by Edward Armand Guggenheim19 March 1950
RR/76/4Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Alkali metal ions in the metabolism of Bact. lactis aerogenes III General discussion of their role and mode of action' by A A Eddy and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood3 February 1951
RR/73/295Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood on a paper 'Corresponding states in mixtures of slightly imperfect gases' by Edward Armand Guggenheim and M L McGlashan17 December 950
RR/73/305Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Statistical mechanics of regular mixture' by Edward Armand Guggenheim and M L McGlashan2 January 1951
RR/79/139Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of hydrolysis' by E A Moelwyn-Hughes19 June 1953
RR/73/237Referee's report by Dudley Maurice Newitt, on a paper 'The cool flame of methyl ethyl ketone' by J Bardwell and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood10 October 1950
RR/77/130Referee's report by Harry Work Melville, on a paper 'Activation energies and frequency factors in the thermal decomposition of paraffin hydrocarbons' by M G Peard, F J Stubbs and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood21 July 1952
RR/73/31Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines. V. Results obtained for a further series of compounds' by Harry Work Melville and J C Robb25 January 1950
RR/75/60Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The densities and limiting densities of vapours' by F L Casado, Doreen S Massie and Robert Whytlaw-Gray21 February 1951
RR/74/27Letter from Henry Gerard Thornton, on three papers 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria Parts I, II and III' by A C Baskett and Cyril Hinshelwood, to [David Christie] Martin[1] July 1950
RR/76/32Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Mechanism of the training of Bact. lactis aerogenes to D-arabinose' by A C Baskett and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood23 January 1951
RR/75/97Referee's report by Edward David Hughes, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons IV Modes of rupture of the carbon chain' by Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, Keith Usherwood Ingold and F J Stubbs28 April 1951
RR/75/91Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The C-Br bond dissociation energy in substituted benzyl bromides' by C H Leigh, A H Sehon and Michael Szwarc6 April 1951
RR/80/39Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The stability of various adaptations of Bact. lactis aerogenes (Aerobacter aerogenes)' by A C R Dean and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood8 October 1953
P/0181Portrait of Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman1987
RR/75/271Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of polysuphone formation. Part I. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone at 25° C' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and K J Ivin12 October 1951
RR/76/49Referee's report by Percival Hartley, on a paper 'Adaptation and Mendellian segregation in the utilization of galactose by yeast' by B C Kilkenny and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood10 August 1951
RR/75/272Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of polysulphone formation. Part II. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone in the region of the ceiling temperature' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and K J Ivin12 October 1951
RR/75/274Authors' responses to points raised by the referee of two papers, 'The kinetics of polysuphone formation. Part I. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone at 25° C' and 'The kinetics of polysulphone formation. Part II. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone in the region of the ceiling temperature' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and K J Ivin[1951]
RR/75/39Referee's report by Dudley Maurice Newitt, on a paper 'The kinetics of the oxidation of gaseous methyl ethyl ketone. Part I' by J Bardwell and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood26 February 1951
RR/76/1Letter from Henry Gerard Thornton, on three papers 'Alkali metal ions in the metabolism of Bact. lactis aerogenes' Parts I, II and III by A A Eddy, T C N Carrol, C J Danby and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, to D C Martin3 February 1951
RR/76/3Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Alkali metal ions in the metabolism of Bact. lactis aerogenes II Connection with viability, growth rate and enzyme activity' by A A Eddy, Sir Cyril Hinshwelwood3 February 1951
RR/76/2Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Alkali metal ions in the metabolism of Bact. lactis aerogenes I Experiments on the uptake of radioactive potassium, rubidium and phosphorus', by A A Eddy, T C N Carrol, C J Danby and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood3 February 1951
RR/76/17Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The utilization of carbon sources by certain yeast strains' by B C Kilkenney and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood19 March 1951
RR/77/85Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of branched chain paraffin hydrocarbons. Part II. The isomeric hexanes' by M G Peard, F J Stubbs, Sir Cyril Hinshelwood3 June 1952
RR/77/84Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of branched chain paraffin hydrocarbons. Part I. Iso-butane, iso-pentane, and neo-pentane' by M G Peard, F J Stubbs, Sir Cyril Hinshelwood and C J Danby3 June 1952
RR/77/184Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The slow combustion of cyclopropane I' by A C McEwan and C F H Tipper8 September 1952
RR/79/69Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Studies in energy transfer. III. The effect of added gases on the decomposition of cyclobutane' by H O Pritchard, R G Sowden and A F Trotman-Dickenson27 March 1953
RR/78/43Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Colony formation by Bact. lactis aerogenes on solid media containing antibacterial agents' by A C R Dean and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood13 June 1952
RR/79/16Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'Studies in energy transfer Part II The isomerization of cyclopropane - a quasi-unimolecular reaction' by H O Pritchard, R G Sugden and A F Trotman-Dickenson21 January 1953
RR/78/63Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Death rate of populations of Bact. lactis aerogenes I Active adjustment of cells to adverse environments' by A A Eddy and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood14 November 1952
RR/79/36Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The kinetics of the interaction of atomic hydrogen with olefines. VI. An extension of the method and application to substituted olefines and aromatics' by P E M Allen, Harry Work Melville and J C Robb21 February 1953
RR/79/15Letter from Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The theoretical rate of isomerization of cyclopropane' by N B Slater, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society7 March 1953
RR/79/41Referee's report by Cecil Edwin Henry Bawn, on a paper 'The irreversible formation of methane in the system ethane-ethylene-hydrogen' by C J Danby, B C Spall, F J Stubbs and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood12 March 1953
RR/80/49Letter from Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The adaptation of Bact. coli mutabile to lactose' by A C R Dean and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, to D C Martin[c.20 November 1953]
RR/80/50Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The adaptation of Bact. coli mutabile to lactose' by A C R Dean and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood20 November 1953
RR/75/93Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The C-Br bond dissociation energy in halogenated bromomethanes' by A H Sehon and Michael Szwarc6 April 1951
RR/80/31Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Further observations on galactose adaptation of yeast strains' by A A Eddy and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood8 August 1953
RR/78/7Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'An investigation of some adaptive changes in yeast cells' by B C Kilkenny and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood6 March 1952
RR/79/306Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'Modes of decomposition of n-pentane. II. Kinetic considerations' by B C Spall, F J Stubbs and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood27 December 1953
RR/79/40Referee's report by Cecil Edwin Henry Bawn, on a paper 'The influence of nitric oxide on the two opposing reactions of the equilibrium C2H6 = C2H4 + H2' by B C Spall, F J Stubbs and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood12 March 1953
RR/74/29Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria. II. Anaerobic growth of Bact. Lactis aerogenes' by A C Baskett and Cyril Hinshelwood1 July 1950
RR/74/30Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria. III. The pasteur effect Bact. Lactis aerogenes' by A C Backett and Cyril Hinshelwood[1 July 1950]
RR/75/181Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshwelwood, on a paper 'Studies on the ionization produced by metallic salts, in flames. III. Ionic equilibria in hydrogen / air flames containing alkali metal salts' by H Smith and Theodore Morris Sugden23 July 1951
RR/75/182Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshwelwood, on a paper 'Studies on the ionization produced by metallic salts, in flames. IV. The stability of gaseous alkali hydroxides in flames' by H Smith and Theodore Morris Sugden23 July 1951
RR/75/273Copy of Referees' comments on two papers, 'The kinetics of polysuphone formation. Part I. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone at 25° C' and 'The kinetics of polysulphone formation. Part II. The formation of 1-butene polysulphone in the region of the ceiling temperature' by Frederick Sydney Dainton and K J Ivin[1951]
RR/77/38Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The influence of pressure on the equilibrium between carbon dioxide and air' by T J Webster[1952]
RR/78/51Referee's report by Donald Devereux Woods, on a paper 'Changes in the growth characteristics of yeast on union of haploids, and segregation of haploids from diploids' by B C Kilkenny and Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood14 July 1952
RR/76/16Letter from Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The utilization of carbon sources by certain yeast strains' by B C Kilkenney and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood, to D C Martin, assistant secretary of the Royal Society21 March 1951
RR/76/45Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'The resistance of Bact. lactis aerogenes to proflavine (2:8-diaminoacridine) The applicability of statistical fluctuation test' by A C R Dean and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood30 August 1951
RR/73/151Referee's report by Meredith Gwynne Evans, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons. III. Activation energies and possible mechanisms of molecular reactions' by Keith Usherwood Ingold, F J Stubbs and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood24 June 1950
RR/74/28Referee's report by Henry Gerard Thornton, on a paper 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria. I. The reducing power of Bact. Lactis aerogenes' by A C Baskett and Cyril Hinshelwood1 July 1950
RR/74/25Letter from Paul Gordon Fildes, on three papers 'Oxidation-reduction processes in cultures of bacteria Parts I, II and III' by A C Baskett and Cyril Hinshelwood, to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society31 May 1950
RR/77/121Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The limiting densities of vapours' by F L Casado, Doreen S Massie and Robert Whytlaw-Gray9 July 1952
RR/77/47Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'The kinetics of the thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons V Order of reaction over extended ranges of pressure' by F H Stubbs, K U Ingold, D C Spau, C J Danby and Sir Cyril Hinshelwood26 March 1952
RR/77/206Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The thermal decomposition of normal paraffin hydrocarbons' by C G Silcocks and Morris William Travers[1952]
RR/79/155Referee's report by Cyril Norman Hinshelwood, on a paper 'The slow combustion of cyclopropane II Analytical results and mechanism' by A C McEwan and C F J Tripper8 July 1953
RR/79/305Referee's report by Alfred Charles Glyn Egerton, on a paper 'Modes of decomposition of n-pentane. I. Pressure changes and mass spectrometric analysis' by C J Danby, B C Spall, F J Stubbs and Cyril Norman Hinshelwood27 December 1953
CHPapers of Sir Cyril Norman Hinshelwood FRS, chemist1919-1974
P/0065Portrait of Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman1960
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