
Authorised form of nameRobertson; Muriel (1883 - 1973); protozoologist and bacteriologist
Dates1883 - 1973
Place of birthGlasgow, Scotland
Date of birth08 April 1883
Place of deathAltnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry, Northern Ireland
Date of death14/06/1973
Occupationprotozoologist and bacteriologist
Research fieldMicrobiology
At home; Glasgow University. MA (1905), DSc (1922)
Research at Glasgow University; Carnegie Fellow (1907-1910); travelled to Ceylon to study blood parasites of reptiles (1907); returned to Glasgow (1908); research assistant to E A Minchin (FRS 1911) at the Lister Institute of Preventitive Medicine, London (1909-1911), and joined the staff of the Institute (1910); Protozoologist to the Protectorate of Uganda in the Royal Society laboratory, Mpumu (1911-1914); returned to the Lister Institute when war broke out (1914); studied the bacterial causes of gangrene, which she returned to when evacuated to Cambridge (1939); Head, Department of Protozoology, Lister Institute (1944); her main research was in Trichomonas; had one eye removed due to glaucoma (1950s); worked part-time in the laboratory of the Agricultural Research Council Institute of Animal Physiology, Babraham, near Cambridge; went to live with her sister in Limvady and spent the last 18 months of her life in hospital there.
Royal Society of Tropical Medicine
Institute of Biology
Pathological Society
Society for Experimental Biology
Medical Research Club
Society of General Microbiology (founding member and serving on its council 1945-1948)
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election20/03/1947
Age at election64
ProposerWilliam Ewart Gye
James Walter McLeod
Edwin Hindle
Alan Nigel Drury
Sydney Price James
Alexander Fleming
Samuel Phillips Bedson
Charles Morley Wenyon
Charles James Martin
John Graham Kerr
RelationshipsParents: Robert Andrew Robertson (1842–1899), engineer, and Elizabeth Ritter (b. 1851), originally from Limavady, co. Londonderry, Northern Ireland.
Published worksRCN R76855
RCN R76884
RCN R76890
RCN R76891
RCN R76881
RCN R76894
RCN R76883
RCN R76880
RCN R76900
RCN R76893
RCN R76887
RCN R76859
RCN R76861
RCN R76882
RCN R76857
RCN 18705
RCN R76866
RCN R76876
RCN R76877
RCN 18704
RCN R76864
RCN 18718
RCN R76867
RCN R76868
RCN 18719
RCN R76871
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RCN 18717
RCN R76870
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RCN R76869
RCN 18708
RCN R76896
RCN R76895
RCN R76856
RCN R76854
RCN R76872
RCN 8985
RCN R76875
RCN R76879
RCN R76901
RCN R76897
RCN R76898
RCN R76889
RCN R76858
RCN R76860
RCN R76878
RCN R76899
RCN R76862
RCN R76886
RCN R76863
RCN 18715
RCN R76873
General contextDistinguished for her researches in Protozoology and Immunology.
Made key discoveries of the life cycle of trypanosomes (notably Trypanosoma gambiense, which causes African trypanosomiasis or sleeping sickness), flagellates, and those on the antigenic properties of the group of anaerobic bacteria which cause gas-gangrene.
Contributed towards the understanding, prevention, and cure of disease.
Royal Society Obituary or MemoirClick to view (may be contained within a meeting notice, presidential address or list of death notices)
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Robertson, Muriel.jpg

Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society 1974 vol 20 pp 317-347, plate, by Ann Bishop and Sir Ashley Miles
Joan Mason, 'The Women Fellows' Jubilee' in NR 1995 vol 49 pp 125-140
Royal Society codeNA8015
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
EC/1947/22Robertson, Muriel: certificate of election to the Royal Society
IM/GA/WS/2673/BRobertson, Muriel1946
CMB/51/16Programme of proposed research, submitted by Muriel Robertson to the Royal Society Tropical Diseases CommitteeFebruary 1911
CMB/51/49Copy, telegram from the Officer Administering the Government of Uganda, to the Secretary of State for the Colonies 30 October 1912
CMB/51/69Copy, letter from Muriel Robertson, Kampala, Uganda, to [the Secretary of the Royal Society]22 September 1913
CMB/51/89Copy, letter from Muriel Robertson, from the Lister Institute of Preventive Medicine, to Sir David Bruce, Chair of the Tropical Diseases Committee17 March 1919
CMB/51/43Programme of proposed work, 1912-1913, prepared for the Tropical Diseases Committee by Miss Muriel RobertsonSeptember 1912
CMB/51/68Copy, letter from Muriel Robertson, the camp, Norther Province Uganda, to [the Secretary of the Royal Society]13 August 1913
RR/18/177Referee's report by David Bruce, on a paper 'Transmission of flagellates living in the blood of certain freshwater fishes' by Muriel Robertson30 January 1911
NLB/43/514Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Miss [Muriel] Robertson1 February 1911
NLB/46/69Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Miss Muriel Robertson6 June 1912
NLB/50/461Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Miss Muriel Robertson, Lister Institute13 July 1914
RR/19/105Referee's report by Edward Alfred Minchin, on a paper 'Notes on the life-history of Trypanosoma gambiense, etc' by Muriel Robertson[October 1912]
RR/19/104Referee's report by William Boog Leishman, on a paper 'Notes on the life-history of Trypanosoma gambiense, with a brief reference to the cycles of Trypanosoma nanum and Trypanosoma pecorum in Glossina palpalis' by Muriel Robertson[November 1912]
NLB/57/157Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, Assistant Secretary of the Royal Society; to Sir David Bruce, FRS, KCB, Surgeon General31 July 1919
RR/19/102Referee's report by Edward Alfred Minchin, on a paper 'Notes on certain aspects of the development of Trypanosoma gambiense in Glossina palpalis' by Muriel Robertson[March 1912]
CMB/51/42Copy, letter from Miss Muriel Robertson, Mpumu, Uganda, to [the Secretaries of the Royal Society]2 September 1912
MC/27/289Letter from Muriel Robertson, Mpumi, Uganda, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]11 March 1912
CMB/51/70Copy, letter from Muriel Robertson, Kampala, Uganda, to [the Secretary of the Royal Society]27 September 1913
IM/GA/WS/2673/CRobertson, Muriel1946
NLB/57New Letter Book volume 57, copy letters sent from Royal Society administration27 June 1919-27 February 1920
NLB/46/687Copy letter from John Rose Bradford, to The Under Secretary of State, the Colonial Office16 October 1912
RR/18/176Referee's report by Sidney Frederic Harmer, on a paper 'Transmission of flagellates living in the blood of certain freshwater fishes' by Muriel Robertson20 January 1911
RR/19/103Referee's report by Edward Alfred Minchin, on a paper 'Notes on the life-history of Trypanosoma gambiense, with a brief reference to the cycles of Trypanosoma nanum and Trypanosoma pecorum in Glossina palpalis' by Muriel Robertson[October 1912]
MC/27/291Letter from Muriel Robertson, Mpumi, Uganda, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]3 August 1912
MC/27/290Letter from Muriel Robertson, Mpumi, Uganda, to Mr [Robert] Harrison, [Royal Society]15 July 1912
MC/27/292Letter from Muriel Robertson, Mpumi, Uganda, to Sir John Rose Bradford, [Royal Society]3 November 1912
NLB/48/124Copy letter from Robert William Frederick Harrison, to Miss Muriel Robertson, Kampala, Uganda19 May 1913
MC/29/74Letter from Alexander Frazer, Optician and Scientific Instrument Maker, 22 Teviot Place, Edinburgh, to The Assistant Secretary, The Royal Society10 July 1914
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