
Authorised form of nameBusk; George (1807 - 1886)
Dates1807 - 1886
Place of birthSt Petersburg, Russia
Date of birth12 August 1807
Place of death32 Harley Street, London
Date of death10 August 1886
Research fieldMedicine
Natural history
Surgeon, 'Dreadnought' Hospital-ship (in 1849); RCS Hunterian Professor of comparative anatomy and physiology and president of the college - zoologist and anthropologist/palaeontologist with a particular interest in bone. It was he who sparked interest in the then recently discovered Neanderthal remains. A close associate and friend of T H Huxley, with whom he translated and edited several editions of Kolliker's manuals of human histology and of microscopical anatomy. As under-secretary of the Linnaean Society, Busk read the famous Darwin-Wallace letter on natural selection to its meeting in 1858.
Membership categoryFellow
Date of election06/06/1850
Royal Society activityRoyal Society roles:
VP 1872-1873
Medals and prizes:
Royal Medal 1871
Bulloch's Roll; DNB; DSB
Roy M MacLeod, 'The X-Club: A Social Network of Science in Late-Victorian England' in NR 1969 vol 24 pp 305-322
Virtual International Authority File
Royal Society codeNA8156
Archives associated with this Fellow
Reference numberTitleDate
RR/7/391Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the fossil mammals of Australia. Part X - family macropodidae: mandibular dentition and parts of the skeleton of palorchestes; additional evidences of macropus titan, sthenurus, and procoptodon' by Richard Owen10 August 1875
IM/000692Busk, Georgend
RR/4/76Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches into the nature of the involuntary muscular tissue of the urinary bladder' by George Viner Ellis2 February 1859
RR/3/26Letter from George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the spongiadae' by John Stuart Bowerbank17 May 1858
RR/7/93Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and affinities of guynia annulata, dunc., with remarks upon the persistence of palaeozoic types of madreporaria' by Peter Martin Duncan25 November 1871
RR/3/19Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the ultimate arrangement of the biliary ducts, and on some other points in the anatomy of the liver of vertebrate animals' by Lionel Beale25 August 1855
RR/4/143Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the distorted skulls found at Wroxeter (Salop), with a mechanico-chemical explanation of the distortion' by Henry Johnson3 July 1862
RR/7/298Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the nervous system of actinia - Part I' by Peter Martin Duncan17 March 1874
RR/9/80Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of portions of a tusk of a proboscidian mammal' by Richard Owen20 May 1882
RR/4/154Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the ova and pseudova of insects' by John Lubbock8 March 1859
RR/4/13Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Further observations on the distribution of nerves to the elementary fibres of striped muscle' by Lionel Smith Beale2 July 1862
RR/6/243Letter from George Busk, regarding a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransomnd [1866]
RR/6/84Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'An inquiry into the variations of the human skull, particularly the antero-posterior direction' by John Cleland20 July 1869
RR/3/126Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the organization of the brachiopoda' by Albany Hancock8 July 1858
RR/7/494Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the development and succession of the poison-fangs of snakes' by Charles Sissmore Tomes25 March 1876
RR/7/199Referee's report by William Boyd Dawkins, on a paper 'Report on the exploration of Brixham Cave conducted by a committee of the Geological Society, and under the superintendence of Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F. R. S., aided by a local Committee; with descriptions of the animal remains by George Busk, Esq., F.R.S., and of the Flint implements by John Evans, Esq., F.R.S' by Joseph Prestwich, George Busk and John Evans16 December 1872
RR/6/141Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulke18 January 1866
RR/8/67Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and development of vascular dentine' by Charles Sissmore Tomes24 April 1877
RR/8/245Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the ova of the Echidna hystrix' by Richard Owen[1880]
RR/6/92Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Contributions towards determining the weight of the brain in different races of man' by Joseph Barnard Davis1 May 1868
RR/6/41Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'The formation and early growth of the bones of the human face' by George William Callender20 October 1868
RR/2/168Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the impregnation of the ovum in the amphibia. (Second series, revised.) And on the direct agency of the spermatozoon' by George Newport15 March 1853
RR/6/104Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the genera Heterophyllia, Battersbyia, Palaecyclus, and Asterosmilia; the anatomy of their species, and their position in the classification of sclerodermic zoantharia' by Peter Martin Duncan19 June 1867
RR/8/238Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen), from Australia.—Part II' by Richard Owen24 May 1880
RR/8/331Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Observations concerning transplantation of bone. Illustrated by a case of inter-human osseous transplantation, whereby over two-thirds of the shaft of a humerus was restored' by William Macewen10 May 1881
RR/7/224Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Structural elements of urinary calculi' by Henry John Carter15 April 1873
RR/5/16Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'New observations upon the minute anatomy of the papillae of the frog's tongue' by Lionel Smith Beale21 November 1864
RR/9/227Referee's report by George Busk, on three unnamed papers by Richard Owen1 February 1884
RR/3/286Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the structure and homology of the reproductive organs of the annelids' by Thomas Williams10 January 1858
RR/3/28Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the spongiadae' by James Stuart Bowerbank[May 1858]
RR/3/279Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the structure and homology of the reproductive organs of the annelids' by Thomas Williams21 April 1857
RR/5/272Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus, Linck (Comatula rosacea of Lamarck)' by Charles Thomas Wyville Thomson13 April 1863
RR/7/198Referee's report by Peter Martin Duncan, on a paper 'Report on the exploration of Brixham Cave conducted by a committee of the Geological Society, and under the superintendence of Wm. Pengelly, Esq., F. R. S., aided by a local Committee; with descriptions of the animal remains by George Busk, Esq., F.R.S., and of the Flint implements by John Evans, Esq., F.R.S' by Joseph Prestwich, George Busk and John Evans13 April 1872
RR/8/130Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and development the skull in the common snake (Tropidonotus natrix)' by William Kitchen Parker12 February 1878
RR/8/333Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of some remains of the gigantic land-lizard (Megalania prisca, Owen), from Australia.—Part III' by Richard Owennd [1881]
RR/8/325Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Polacanthus foxii, a large undescribed dinosaur from the Wealden formation in the Isle of Wight' by John Whitaker Hulkend [1881]
RR/4/158Referee's report by George Busk, on three unnamed papers by John Denis MacDonald4 February 1859
RR/3/73Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the nervous system of Lumbricus terrestris' by Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke1857
RR/6/242Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes' by William Henry Ransom10 December 1866
IM/000587Group lithograph of Royal Microscopical Society Presidentsnd
EC/1850/07Busk, George: certificate of election to the Royal Society
RR/4/131Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On certain sensory organs in insects, hitherto undescribed' by John Braxton Hicks9 July 1859
RR/2/217Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the development of muscular fibre in mammalia' by William Scovell Savory31 January 1855
RR/3/226Letter from George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and development of the cysticercus cellulosœ as found in the muscles of the pig' by George Rainey14 May 1856
RR/4/28Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Experiments and observations on the structure and function of the stomach in the vertebrate class' by William Brinton10 January 1862
RR/4/34Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on foraminifera - fourth and concluding series' by William Benjamin Carpenter1 December 1860
RR/4/231Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and growth of the tooth of echinus' by Samuel James Augustus Salter6 July 1861
RR/7/243Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On a newly discovered extinct ungulate mammal from Patagonia, homalodonto-therium cunninghami' by William Henry Flower22 May 1873
RR/5/52Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the development of the spinal cord in man, mammalia, and birds' by Jacob Augustus Lockhart Clarke2 July 1862
RR/5/169Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the marsupial pouches, mammary glands, and mammary foetus of the Echidna hystrix' by Richard Owen1865
RR/5/141Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the brain of a bushwoman; and on the brains of two 'idiots' of European descent' by John Marshall19 November 1863
RR/5/28Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the Spongiadae.—Part II' by James Scott Bowerbank2 April 1862
RR/5/89Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the chameleon's retina; a further contribution to the minute anatomy of the retina of reptiles' by John Whitaker Hulke15 May 1864
MC/7/332Letter from Geo [George] Busk, Secretary of the Linnean Society, Burlington House, London, to Dr [William] Sharpey, Secretary of the Royal Society24 May 1866
MC/7Volume 7 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1864-1866
RR/5/10Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and formation of the so-called apolar, unipolar, and bipolar nerve-cells of the frog' by Lionel Smith Beale[1863]
RR/5/171Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On some foraminifera from the North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans, including Davis Straits and Baffin's Bay' by William Kitchen Parker and Thomas Rupert Jones10 February 1865
RR/6/207Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of the cavern of Bruniquel, and its organic contents.—Part II. Equine remains' by Richard Owen18 April 1869
MC/10/204Letter from Geo [George] Busk, 32 Harley Street, to [Thomas Henry] Huxley, [Secretary of the Royal Society]25 January 1875
MC/10Volume 10 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal SocietyJuly 1873-1876
MC/11/289Letter from Geo [George] Busk, 32 Harley Street, to Jn [John] Evans, Treasurer of the Royal Society16 December 1878
MC/11Volume 11 of miscellaneous correspondence regarding business matters, sent to the Royal Society1877-1879
RR/7/276Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On a new genus of amphipod crustaceans' by Rudolph von Willemöes-Suhm15 April 1873
RR/3/120Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the poison-apparatus in the actiniadae' by Philip Henry Gosse1858
RR/5/27Second referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the Spongiadae.—Part II' by James Scott Bowerbank5 May 1862
MS/427/36Copy letter from [Thomas Henry] Huxley, Secretary of the Royal Society; to the Secretary, Treasury18 June 1880
RR/6/99Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Ovibos moschatus (Blainville)' by William Boyd Dawkins28 January 1868
RR/6/212Referee's report by George Busk, on two papers 'On remains of a large extinct lama (Palauchenia magna, Owen) from quaternary deposits in the Valley of Mexico' and 'On the molar teeth, lower jaw, of Macrauchenia patachonica, Ow' by Richard Owen6 November 1869
RR/6/37Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the nematoids, parasitic and free; with observations on their zoological position and affinities to the echinoderms' by Henry Charlton Bastian23 April 1866
AP/54/9Unpublished paper, 'On the distribution of the fibres in the muscular tunics of the stomach in man and other mammalia' by James Bell Pettigrew1867
RR/7/448Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the behaviour of the fixed elements of the connective tissue of the tongue in inflammation' by George F Dowdeswell23 October 1876
RR/7/261Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the fossil mammals of Australia. Part VIII - Family macropodidæ: genera macropus, osphranter, phascolagus, sthenurus, and protemnodon' by Richard Owen1873
RR/8/22Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of the living and extinct races of gigantic land-tortoises.—Parts III. and IV. The races of the aldabra group and mascarene islands' by Albert Günther23 February 1877
RR/7/86Referee's report by George Busk, on an unnamed paper by Chimmo30 October 1871
RR/2/82Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the relation of the angular aperture of the object-glasses of compound microscopes to their penetrating power and to oblique light' by J W Griffith7 June 1854
RR/5/9Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the anatomy and physiology of the nematoids, parasitic and free; with observations on their zoological position and affinities to the echinoderms' by Henry Charlton Bastian30 October 1865
RR/2/134Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the nerves which supply the muscular structure of the heart' by Robert Lee7 April 1854
RR/3/225Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and development of the cysticercus cellulosœ as found in the muscles of the pig' by George Rainey1856
RR/3/227Letter from George Busk, on a paper 'On the structure and development of the cysticercus cellulosœ as found in the muscles of the pig' by George Rainey18 June 1856
RR/3/282Letter from George Busk, on a paper 'Researches on the structure and homology of the reproductive organs of the annelids' by Thomas Williams22 October 1857
RR/4/212Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the aquiferous and oviducal system in the Lamellibranchiate mollusks' by George Rolleston and C Robertson9 July 1859
RR/4/216Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the aquiferous and oviducal system in the Lamellibranchiate mollusks' by George Rolleston and C Robertson1862
RR/5/124Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the osteology of the genus glyptodon' by Thomas Henry Huxley20 May 1864
RR/6/95Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the dentition of Rhinoceros leptorhinus (Owen)' by William Boyd Dawkins21 October 1866
RR/7/309Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'Description of the living and extinct races of gigantic land-tortoises. Parts I. & II - Introduction, and the tortoises of the galapagos islands' by Albert Charles Louis Gotthilf Gunther25 July 1874
RR/7/426Referee's report by George Busk, on a paper 'On the development of the teeth of fishes (elasmobranchii and teleostei)' by Charles Sissmore Tomes1875
AP/53/1Unpublished paper, 'On the effect of exercise upon the bodily temperatures' by Thomas Clifford AllbuttOctober 1870
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