Authorised form of name | Moore; Sir; Jonas (1617 - 1679); mathematician and astronomer |
Dates | 1617 - 1679 |
Nationality | British |
Place of birth | Whitelee [Whittle], Lancashire, England, Europe |
Date of birth | 8 February 1617 |
Place of death | Godalming, Surrey, England, Europe |
Date of death | 25 August 1679 |
Dates and places | Burial: Tower Chapel, London, England, Europe (2 September 1679) |
Occupation | Surveyor; mathematician |
Research field | Astronomy |
Mathematics |
Activity | Education: Pupil of William Oughtred Career: Clerk under Dr Burghill, Chancellor of Durham; Mathematical Tutor to the Duke of York (1647); set up as a teacher of mathematics in London but failed to get pupils; under the patronage of Giles Strangeways (FRS 1673), became Surveyor for the draining of the Fens (1649); Surveyor of Tangier (1663); Surveyor-General of the Ordnance; invited John Flamsteed (FRS 1677) to London; Governor of Christ's Hospital; instrumental in the foundation of the Royal Greenwich Observatory and the Mathematical School at Christ's Hospital Honours: Kt 1663 |
Membership category | Fellow |
Date of election | 03/12/1674 |
Age at election | 57 |
Proposer | William Brouncker |
Royal Society activity | Royal Society roles: VP 1676-; Council 1675-1678 |
Other Royal Society activity | Suggested plans for Chelsea College, including the establishment of an astronomical observatory (1674); Some correspondence published in 'Philosophical Transactions' (1678) |
Relationships | Parents: Hugh Moore and Mary Aspinall Married: Eleanor Wren Children: including Sir Jonas Moore (FRS 1680) |
Published works | RCN: 55980 RCN: 55983 RCN: 55981 RCN: 51396 RCN: 55984 RCN: 55982 |
General context | Moore's main publication was 'Moores Arithmetick', first published in 1650. He kept correspondence with John Collins (FRS 1667) and through him with John Flamsteed (FRS 1677). Moore offered to assist Flamsteed with books, instruments, and financial means following his move to Derby. Moore also paid for some of the Royal Greenwich Observatory's key instruments. He worked on a mathematical textbook for the Royal Mathematical School at Christ's Hospital up until his death and it was posthumously published with the title 'A New Systeme of the Mathematicks' (1681). His library was sold at an auction in 1684. |
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Sources | Sources: Bulloch's Roll; DNB; Hunter; Aubrey; ODNB References: Cook, Sir A. 1993. 'Halley the Londoner', in Notes and Records, vol. 47, pp. 163-177 Hall, M B. 1994. ''Surveyor of the Restoration', review of Frances Willmoth, Sir Jonas Moore: Practical Mathematics and Restoration Science', in Notes and Records, vol. 48, pp. 153-154 Meadows, A J. 1996. ''John Flamsteed, Our Astronomical Observator', review of The Correspondence of John Flamsteed, First Astronomer Royal. Volume I (1666-1682), ed. Eric G Forbes et al', in Notes and Records, vol. 50, pp. 250-253 |
Virtual International Authority File | |
Royal Society code | NA8442 |