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Collapse CLP - Classified papers of the Royal SocietyCLP - Classified papers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'
Expand 2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'
Expand 3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Expand 3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'
Expand 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks' 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'
Expand 6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'
Expand 7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'
Expand 7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'
Expand 8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'
Expand 11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'
Expand 14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'
Expand 14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'
Expand 15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'
Collapse 16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'
1 - Letter, 'Letter in the universal character' [possibly from Cave Beck] to Robert Hooke
2 - Paper, 'An art of memory' by Cave Beck
3 - Paper, 'Non-neminis propositio super clave sua sinica, quam autor inventum brandenburgicum cognominare constituit' [Proposal of a Chinese key, which the author calls the Brandenburg discovery] by unknown author
4 - Paper, 'A designe towards an universall alfabet' by Francis Lodwick
5 - Paper, regarding a universal alphabet and primes by Francis Lodwick
6 - Paper, regarding translations of Greek words by unknown author
7 - Paper, regarding reading, numbers and writing by unknown author
8 - Paper, 'A demonstration of the rule, for finding the year of the Julian period' by John Collins
9 - Paper, 'Of reforming the yeare' by Peter du Moulin
10 - Paper, 'The conclusion of the Protestant [...] of the empire' by [John] Houghton
11 - Paper, 'The case of the style or kalendar stated, and humbly offered to the consideration of the honourable House of Commons' by unknown author
12 - Paper, 'Conclusum in conferentia evangelicorum den 30 Januarii 1723' [Concluded in the conference of the Evangelicals of 30 January 1723] by unknown author
13 - Paper, regarding a table showing the dates of Easter communicated by J [Johann Georg] Steigertahl
14 - Paper, 'Remarques upon the observations made upon a chronological index' by Isaac Newton
15 - Paper, 'Remarks upon the dissertation lately published at Paris, by the Reverend P Souciet, against Isaac Newton's chronology' by Edmond Halley
16 - Paper, 'Memoire instructif sur la nouvelle table chronologique des Chinois' [An instructive memoir of the new Chinese chronological table] by [Johannes Franciscus] Fouquet
17 - Paper, 'Explication de la nouvelle table chronologique de l'histoire Chinoise' [Explanation of a new chronological table of Chinese history] by Father Johannes Franciscus Fouquet
18 - Paper, 'The plant of the admirable stone antiquity, at Avebury, near Marlborough, Wiltshire [England]' by Dr [Walter] Charleton
19 - Extract, 'Liber Nonus' [Ninth book] by Osorius
20 - Paper, 'Extract of a Muscovy history out of Dutch' by unknown author
21 - Paper, regarding inscriptions found on marble stones at Hierapolis, Turkey by unknown author
22 - Paper, 'Ex inventorio mobilium [...] Matildis de Hakelinton' [From the inventory of the movables of Matilda de Hackelinton] by unknown author
23 - Paper, 'Sententia D [...] de origine siphrarum, ex esusdem demonstratione evangelica' [On the origin of the siphras or siphon from 'Demonstratione evangelica'] by Dr [Thomas] Gale
Expand 24 - Paper, regarding an ancient sepulchre found at Cocherel on the River Eure in France by unknown author24 - Paper, regarding an ancient sepulchre found at Cocherel on the River Eure in France by unknown author
25 - Paper, 'An account of some Saxon coynds found in Suffolk [England]' by Philip Skippon
26 - Paper, 'A copy of the Syriac inscriptions' by unknown author
27 - Paper, 'A transcript of a letter of enquiry to [...] three roomes found lately in the ruines of Ariconium or Kenchester walls [Herefordshire, England]' by unknown author
28 - Paper, 'Extrait d'une lettre écrite touchant les antiquites de valoynes en Basse Normandre' [Excerpt from a letter written concerning the antiquities of Valognes in Lower Normandy] by Mr Petiver
29 - Figures, bases of columns for a Roman altar by Ralph Thoresby
30 - Paper, regarding the description of particular parishes in County Durham, England by John Adams
31 - Paper, 'An account of a Latin manuscript history of the Kingdom of Scotland' by unknown author
32 - Note, regarding coins found in Scotland by unknown author
33 - Paper, 'An account of some Roman, French and Irish inscriptions and antiquities lately found in Ireland and Scotland by Mr Edward Lluyd [Lhwyd]' by William Musgrave
Expand 34 - Paper, 'Part of a letter, concerning some Roman coins and other antiquities lately found in Lincolnshire [England]' by [Rastrick]34 - Paper, 'Part of a letter, concerning some Roman coins and other antiquities lately found in Lincolnshire [England]' by [Rastrick]
35 - Paper, 'A paper concerning a statue of a gladiator or Tages' description of a small bronze statue by Stephen Geoffroy
36 - Paper, 'Some observations of the invention of printing' by Humphry [Humfrey] Wanley
37 - Paper, 'An essay of the invention of printing' by John Bagford
38 - Paper, regarding the history of printing by John Bagford
39 - Paper, 'Memorabilia nonnulla lacus Vetteri' [On Lake Vättern, Sweden] by Urbanus Hiärne
40 - Paper, regarding Wroxeter and its Roman history by unknown author
Collapse 41 - Letter, regarding the Roman pavement at Stonesfield in Oxfordshire, England from Dewe to [Edmond?] Halley41 - Letter, regarding the Roman pavement at Stonesfield in Oxfordshire, England from Dewe to [Edmond?] Halley
42 - Paper, 'An account of Roman vessels found in Hertfordshire [England], 1723' by unknown author
Expand 43 - Paper, 'An account of a Roman inscription found at Chichester [England]' by Roger Gale43 - Paper, 'An account of a Roman inscription found at Chichester [England]' by Roger Gale
44 - Paper, 'An essay upon glass and the several uses of it among the ancients' by Charles Lamotte
Expand 45 - Paper, 'De equuleo' [on a Roman torture method involving a horse] by Joanne Ward45 - Paper, 'De equuleo' [on a Roman torture method involving a horse] by Joanne Ward
46 - Note, regarding gold pieces found in the north of Ireland by unknown author
47 - Paper, regarding Roman antiquities found in York [England] by Martin Lister
48 - Paper, 'An examination of the Roman and Greek foot, as well as of several other Italian measures, compared with the English foot' by Martin Folkes
Expand 49 - Paper, regarding the conveyance of a marble sepulchre owned by Hans Sloane by Roger Gale49 - Paper, regarding the conveyance of a marble sepulchre owned by Hans Sloane by Roger Gale
50 - Paper, regarding Norway by Jacob Rasch
Expand 51 - Paper, 'De runis Helsingicis' [Of the Hälsingland runes, Sweden] by Andreas Celsius51 - Paper, 'De runis Helsingicis' [Of the Hälsingland runes, Sweden] by Andreas Celsius
52 - Paper, regarding the city and university of Göttingen, Germany by Dr Hampe
Expand 53 - Papers, regarding the dating of antiquities at Widgel Hall, Hertfordshire, England by John [Mordaunt] Cope53 - Papers, regarding the dating of antiquities at Widgel Hall, Hertfordshire, England by John [Mordaunt] Cope
Expand 54 - Paper, regarding a description of an antique metal stamp by Cromwell Mortimer54 - Paper, regarding a description of an antique metal stamp by Cromwell Mortimer
55 - Table, chronological table of the history of China by the Viceroy of Canton in 1724
56 - Paper, 'Remarks upon an antient date at Widgel Hall near Buntingford in Hertfordshire [England]' by John Ward
57 - Letter, regarding papers on Widgel Hall [Hertfordshire, England] and on Worcester from John Ward to the Royal Society
58 - Paper, 'Fascia isiaca statuae capitolinae' [The bust of the Capitoline statue] by unknown author
Expand 17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'
Expand 18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
Expand 18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'
Expand 19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers
Expand 20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers
Expand 21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers
Expand 22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books
Expand 22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books
Expand 23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations
Expand 23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations
Expand 24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of  John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics
Expand 25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades

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