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Collapse CLP - Classified papers of the Royal SocietyCLP - Classified papers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'
Expand 2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'
Expand 3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Expand 3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'
Expand 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks' 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'
Expand 6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'
Expand 7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'
Expand 7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'
Expand 8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'
Collapse 8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'
1 - Paper, 'Observations made at Southwick in the county of Northampton [England]' by George Lynn
2 - Paper, 'The longitude of Lisbon and the Fort of New York from Wanstead and London determin'd by eclipses of the first satellite of Jupiter' by James Bradley
3 - Paper, 'Observatio defectus solis' [Observation of the Sun] and 'Observatio defectus lunae' [Observation of the Moon] by Giovanni Poleni
4 - Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites from 1700 to 1727' by William Derham
5 - Paper, 'Observations made at Vera Cruz [Veracruz, Mexico]' by Joseph Harris
Expand 6 - Letter, 'The construction of the famous annular eclipse of the Sun at London March 21 1764' from Joseph Smith to Edmond Halley6 - Letter, 'The construction of the famous annular eclipse of the Sun at London March 21 1764' from Joseph Smith to Edmond Halley
Expand 7 - Paper, 'Observationes Romae habitae in eclipsi solis' [Observations of the solar eclipse made at Rome] by unknown author7 - Paper, 'Observationes Romae habitae in eclipsi solis' [Observations of the solar eclipse made at Rome] by unknown author
8 - Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites from 10 July 1726 to 12 April 1725' by [Joseph Nicholas] de Lisle
9 - Paper, 'Nell'observatoni pubblico di Bologna [Italy]' [Astronomical observations made at the Bologna Observatory] by Eustachio Manfredi
9a - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made in the publick observatory at Bologna [Italy]' by Eustachio Manfredi
10 - Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites' by [Francesco] Bianchini
11 - Paper, 'An observation of the eclipse of the Moon observed at Castle Dodds, near Carrickfergus in Ireland' by Arthur Dobbs
12 - Paper, regarding observations of a total lunar eclipse by John Godfrey of Norton Court
13 - Letter, 'Observatio defectus lunae' [Observations of the Moon] by Giovanni Poleni
14 - Paper, regarding observations of the lunar eclipse of 13 February 1729 by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone
15 - Paper, regarding observations of lunar eclipse on 13 February 1729 and satellites of Jupiter in 1729 both witnessed in Paris by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone
16 - Paper, regarding observations of lunar eclipse witnessed on 13 February 1729 in Rome by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone
17 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipsis lunae totalis anno 1729' [Observations of the total lunar eclipse of 1729] by J F [Johann Friedrich] Weidler
18 - Paper, regarding a lunar eclipse witnessed in Fleet Street, London on 28 July 1729 by [George] Graham
19 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipsis lunaris in Collegio Roma Societatis Jesu' [Observations of the lunar eclipse witnessed at the Jesuit College in Rome] by unknown author
20 - Paper, regarding a total lunar eclipse witnessed at Bologna [Italy] on 8 August 1729 by Eustachio Manfredi
21 - Paper, 'Duae observationes eclipsis lunae totalis' [Two observations of total lunar eclipses] by Eustachio Manfredi
22 - Paper, regarding observations of the occultation of Venus by the Moon by J [Johann Friedrich] Weidler
23 - Paper, regarding the occultation of the Venus by the Moon on 29 September 1729 extracted from J F [Johann Friedrich] Weidler's diary
24 - Paper, 'Observatio de sectus lunae' [An observation of the Moon's orbit] by [Giovanni] Poleni
25 - Paper, 'Observatio lunaris' [Observation of the Moon] by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone
26 - Paper, 'Observata immersiones, et emersiones satellitum [Jupiter] in et ex hujus umbra Pekini [Beijing] in sinis a November 1727 usque ad November 1728' [Observing the immersions and emergences of Jupiter's satellites in and out of shadow in Peking between November 1727 to November 1728] by J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone
27 - Paper, regarding account of a spot seen in the Sun on 23 September 1730 by Mr Wasse
28 - Paper, regarding sunspots by G [Giovanni] Poleni
Expand 29 - Paper, 'Typus eclipsis solaris observatae July 1730'  [A type of solar eclipse observed on 15 July 1730 at Witteberg by J [Johann Friedrich] Weidler29 - Paper, 'Typus eclipsis solaris observatae July 1730' [A type of solar eclipse observed on 15 July 1730 at Witteberg by J [Johann Friedrich] Weidler
30 - Letter, regarding astronomical observations made in Peking [Beijing] from J B [Joanne Baptista] Carbone to Jacob de Castro Sarmento
31 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipsis lunaris totalis habita in publico observatorio Pekinensi 1729 die 14 Febru' [Observations of the lunar eclipse witnessed on 14 February 1729 at the public observatory of Peking, or Beijing] by J B Carbone
Expand 32 - Paper, regarding a description and use of an instrument for taking the latitude of a place at any time of the day by Richard Graham32 - Paper, regarding a description and use of an instrument for taking the latitude of a place at any time of the day by Richard Graham
Expand 33 - Letter, regarding an invention to find latitude mechanically from Andrew Reid to John Machin33 - Letter, regarding an invention to find latitude mechanically from Andrew Reid to John Machin
34 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipsis o die 15 July 1730, habita Pekini' [Observations of the solar eclipse on 15 July 1730 in Peking, or Beijing] by Ignatius Kegler and Andrew Pereyra
34a - Paper, 'Observation of a solar eclipse on 15 July 1730, made at Pekin [Beijing] in the publick observatory of that royal city' by Ignatius Kegler and Andrew Pereyra
35 - Paper, 'Eclipses of Jupiter's second, third and fourth satellites for 1731' by Edmund Weaver
36 - Paper, 'Immersiones, atque emersiones, satellitum Jupiter observatae Pekini' [Observations of immersions and emersions of Jupiter's satellites in Peking, or Beijing] by Ignatius Kegler and Andrew Pereira
37 - Paper, 'An eclipse of the moon observ'ed in Fleet Street, London, 20 November 1732 at night' by George Graham
38 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipse lunaris Romae habita die 1 Decembris 1732' [Observations of the lunar eclipse in Rome on 1 December 1732] by D Didacus Revillas
Expand 39 - Paper, ‘A farther account of an instrument for taking angles, described in Philosophical Transactions volume 420 in a postscript to an account of observations made on board the Chatham yacht August 30th and 31st and September 1st &c with the same’ by John Hadley39 - Paper, ‘A farther account of an instrument for taking angles, described in Philosophical Transactions volume 420 in a postscript to an account of observations made on board the Chatham yacht August 30th and 31st and September 1st &c with the same’ by John Hadley
40 - Paper, 'Observations of the appearances among the fixt [fixed] stars, called nebulous stars' by William Derham
41 - Paper, regarding an instrument to show the latitude at sea without seeing the horizon by Stephen Plank
42 - Paper, 'An observation of the eclipse of the Sun on 2 May 1733 in the afternoon' by George Graham
Expand 43 - Paper, 'Conjectures for what purpose a ring is given to Saturn' by J P Biester43 - Paper, 'Conjectures for what purpose a ring is given to Saturn' by J P Biester
44 - Paper, 'A spirit level to be fixed to a quadrant for taking a meridional altitude at sea when the horizon is not visible' by John Hadley
Expand 45 - Paper, 'The variation of the polar [pole] stars determin'd, in observing the hour of the night' by Thomas Wright45 - Paper, 'The variation of the polar [pole] stars determin'd, in observing the hour of the night' by Thomas Wright
46 - Paper, 'An easy, simple and entire new method for finding a true meridian line' by Thomas Wright
47 - Paper, 'Observations of the occultation of Mars by the Moon October 7 and of the transit of Mercury over the Sun's disk October 31 1736' by George Graham
Expand 48 - Paper, 'An account of Thomas Godfrey's improvement of Davy's [Davis's] quadrant transferred to the mariner's bow' by J Logan48 - Paper, 'An account of Thomas Godfrey's improvement of Davy's [Davis's] quadrant transferred to the mariner's bow' by J Logan
49 - Paper, 'Observations of the transit of Mercury over the Sun 31 October 1736' by George Graham
50 - Paper, 'An observation of an eclipse of the Moon, made in Fleet Street London' by George Graham and James Short
51 - Paper, 'Observations of the lunar eclipse of 15 March 1736 made at Mr Graham's House in Fleet Street' by [Andreas] Celsius
52 - Paper, regarding astronomical observations from Covent Garden [London] on 15 March 1736 by John Bevis
53 - Paper, regarding astronomical observations from Covent Garden in September 1736 by John Bevis
54 - Paper, 'Observation of an occultation of Mars by the Moon witnessed in Covent Garden [London] 1736' by John Bevis
Expand 55 - Paper, 'Observation of the Moon's transit by Aldebaran, 3 April 1736, made at London' by John Bevis55 - Paper, 'Observation of the Moon's transit by Aldebaran, 3 April 1736, made at London' by John Bevis
Expand 56 - Paper, 'Mercurius a Venere occultatus maii 17 1737, in observatorio regio Grenovici' [Mercury hidden by Venus on 17 May 1737, observed at Royal Observatory Greenwich]' by John Bevis56 - Paper, 'Mercurius a Venere occultatus maii 17 1737, in observatorio regio Grenovici' [Mercury hidden by Venus on 17 May 1737, observed at Royal Observatory Greenwich]' by John Bevis
Expand 57 - Letter, regarding a comet observed at Greenwich [London] from John Bevis to John Machin57 - Letter, regarding a comet observed at Greenwich [London] from John Bevis to John Machin
Expand 58 - Paper, 'The description and life of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, consisting of a mercurial level for taking the co-altitude of the Sun or star at sea, without the visual assistance of the sensible horizon which frequently is obscure' by Charles Leigh58 - Paper, 'The description and life of an apparatus added as an improvement to Davis's quadrant, consisting of a mercurial level for taking the co-altitude of the Sun or star at sea, without the visual assistance of the sensible horizon which frequently is obscure' by Charles Leigh
59 - Paper, 'A scheme for finding the longitude' by Lionel Browne
60 - Paper, 'Ephemeris for June 1736' by William Ross
61 - Paper, regarding observations of a comet witnessed from the Aventine in Rome by Didacus Revillas
62 - Paper, regarding observations of a comet seen at Madras [Chennai] and at Lisbon by M Sartorine and G R [Giles Richard] Vanbrugh
63 - Paper, 'The Sun’s eclipse on 18 February 1737, observed in Fleet Street, London' by George Graham
64 - Paper, '1735/6 March 15. Eclipse of the Moon observed in Fleet Street [London]' by George Graham
65 - Paper, 'An observation of an eclipse of the Moon made at Christ's Hospital London on 15 March 1736' by James Hodgson
66 - Letter, 'Observations of the Moon's eclipse March 15th 1735/6 at Yeovil, Somerset [England] from John Milnes to John Allen
Expand 67 - Paper, regarding a comet at West Horsley in Surrey [England] by William Nicholas67 - Paper, regarding a comet at West Horsley in Surrey [England] by William Nicholas
67a - Paper, 'Errata in Ph Trans [Philosophical Transactions] no 439' by Colin Macklauren [Maclaurin]
68 - Paper, 'An account of a conjunction of Mercury with the Sun observed at the Astronomical Observatory of the Institute of Bologna [Italy] 11 November 1736 in the morning' by Eustachio Manfredi
69 - Letter, regarding the 'obliquity of the ecliptick' from John Machin to unknown recipient
70 - Paper, 'Observations upon the comet that appeared in the months of January, February and March 1737, made at Oxford [England]' by J [James] Bradley
71 - Paper, 'An observation of the eclipse of the Moon September 8 1736 made in Hudson's Bay [Canada]' by Christopher Middleton
72 - Letter, regarding observations of a comet and an eclipse at Philadelphia in Pennsylvania [USA] from Dr Kearsly to Peter Collinson
Expand 73 - Paper, 'A description of a water level to be fixed to Davis's Quadrant whereby an observation may be taken at sea in thick and hazy weather without seeing the horizon' by Charles Leigh73 - Paper, 'A description of a water level to be fixed to Davis's Quadrant whereby an observation may be taken at sea in thick and hazy weather without seeing the horizon' by Charles Leigh
74 - Paper, 'An account of the observations of the late solar eclipse made at Edinborough [Edinburgh] on 18 February 1737' by Sir John Clerk
Expand 75 - Observations, regarding a solar eclipse seen from the Observatory of the Institute of Bologna [Italy] on 1 March 1737 by unknown author75 - Observations, regarding a solar eclipse seen from the Observatory of the Institute of Bologna [Italy] on 1 March 1737 by unknown author
76 - Documents, regarding Stephen Plank's new octant to take heights and distances at sea
Collapse 77 - Translated paper, 'Inquiry concerning the figure of such planets as revolve about an Axis supposing the Density continually to vary, from the Center towards the Surface' by Alexis Claude Clairaut77 - Translated paper, 'Inquiry concerning the figure of such planets as revolve about an Axis supposing the Density continually to vary, from the Center towards the Surface' by Alexis Claude Clairaut
77a - Letter extract, 'Observatio Eclipseos Telluris Romae habita in aedibus eminentissimi cardinalis' [observations of the solar eclipse made at the house of an eminent Cardinal in Rome], from Didacus de Revillas [Diego Ravillas] to Eustachio Manfredi
78 - Tables, 'Apparent Times of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiters Satellites which will happen in the year 1737 computed to the meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson
79 - Tables, 'Immersions and Emersions of the four Satellites of Jupiter for the year 1738 computed to the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson
80 - Tables, 'Apparent Times of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiters Satellites for the year 1739 computed to the Meridian of the Royal Observatory at Greenwich' by James Hodgson
81 - Tables, 'Apparent Times of such of the Immersions and Emersions of Jupiter's Satellites, as are Visible at London in the year 1735' by James Hodgson
Expand 9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'
Expand 11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'
Expand 14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'
Expand 14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'
Expand 15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'
Expand 17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'
Expand 18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
Expand 18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'
Expand 19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers
Expand 20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers
Expand 21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers
Expand 22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books
Expand 22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books
Expand 23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations
Expand 23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations
Expand 24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of  John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics
Expand 25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades

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