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Collapse CLP - Classified papers of the Royal SocietyCLP - Classified papers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'
Expand 2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'
Expand 3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Expand 3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'
Expand 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks' 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'
Expand 6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'
Expand 7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'
Expand 7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'
Expand 8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'
Collapse 9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
1 - Paper 'The Art of refining' by Christopher Merrett
2 - Paper, an account of the way of making English green copperas by Daniel Colwall
3 - Paper, an account of English alum works by Daniel Colwall
4 - Paper, an account of how to make ceruse by Philip Vernatti
5 - Paper, experiments of refining gold with antimony by Jonathan Goddard
6 - Paper, 'A way how to increase saltpeter [saltpetre] in great quantity' by Mr [William] Schroter
7 - Paper, a relation of persons killed in subterraneous damps by Robert Moray
8 - Paper, 'A relation of a sulphureous vapour which issueth out of the earth nere Wiggon in Lancashire' by Charles Howard
9 - Paper, concerning the mineral of Liege which yields brimstone and vitriol and how to extract it by Robert Moray
10 - Paper, an account of the ground of a waterpit bored at Amsterdam by Christian Huygens
11 - Paper, observations of Mr Clayton's diamond by Robert Boyle
12 - Paper, account of tin mines and working of tin in Cornwall by Christopher Merrett
13 - Extract, an account of fossil wood from the Duchy of Spoleto by Mr Henshaw
Expand 14 - Paper, 'An Account concerning the Tin mines in Devonshire' by Dr [Edward?] Cotton14 - Paper, 'An Account concerning the Tin mines in Devonshire' by Dr [Edward?] Cotton
15 - Paper, an account of a petrified piece of elm by [Philip] Packer
16 - Paper, account of a well in Ireland which produced a strange stone by James Staen
Expand 17 - Paper, 'A History of Iron or an Account of the manner of it's Preparation in the Forest of Deane' by Henry Powle17 - Paper, 'A History of Iron or an Account of the manner of it's Preparation in the Forest of Deane' by Henry Powle
Expand 18 - Paper, description of a Swedish stone, which affords sulphur, vitriol, allum and minium by Sir Gilbert Talbot18 - Paper, description of a Swedish stone, which affords sulphur, vitriol, allum and minium by Sir Gilbert Talbot
19 - Paper, an account of some mineral observations about the mines of Cornwall and Devon by Samuel Colepresse
20 - Paper, concerning earth dug at Hogsdon [Hoxton] by unknown author
21 - Paper, observations on slate for covering roofs of houses by Samuel Colepresse
22 - Paper, 'A brief relation of some things observable in a subterraneal fire, that now is in an upper coal mine betwixt Benwel and Fenham near Newcastle Upon Tyne, with some philosophical reflections thereupon' by unknown author
23 - Paper, 'Of China earth' by unknown author
24 - Paper, concerning china and porcelain production at Nankan [Nanjing] by unknown author
25 - Paper, 'De generatione auri' [On generating gold] by unknown author
26 - Letter, from Johann Christian von de Boineberg [Boyneberg]
27 - Letter, 'Lettre d'un curieux a son amy, touchant les admirables proprietes de la pierre du Mexique' [Letter from a curious person to his friend, concerning admirable attributes of Mexican stone] from I M to unknown recipient
28 - Paper, discourse on the nature of vitriol by Daniel Cox [Coxe]
29 - Paper, continuation of a discourse on the nature of vitriol by Daniel Cox [Coxe]
30 - Letter, concerning iron ore in Lancashire from [John Sturdie] to Dr [Martin] Lister
31 - Paper, concerning Henry Bond's work in longitude between London and Vaygats, by unknown author
32 - Paper, description of the diamond mines on the Coromandel Coast in India by Henry Howard
33 - Letter extract, concerning two recent earthquakes in Indonesia from President Cornelis Frans [Franks] to William Maatsuiker
34 - List, 'A table of the severall compositions of metalls to be tryd' by unknown author
35 - Paper slip, Concerning lead ore from a mountain in north Wales
Expand 36 - Paper, 'Pen Parke Hole' by unknown author36 - Paper, 'Pen Parke Hole' by unknown author
37 - Paper, 'Experiments of Dr Slare' by [Frederick] Slare
38 - Paper, 'Experiments of Irish slate' by Dr [Frederick] Slare
39 - Paper, 'A catalogue of electrical bodies by the late Dr Rob [Robert] Plott [Plot]'
40 - Letter, 'To make artificial amber' from unknown author to Mr Musgrave
41 - Paper, 'Observations about the swirling water at Hogsden [Hoxton]' by Dr Slone
42 - Paper, 'The method manner and order of transmutation of copper into brass' by Thomas Povey
43 - Paper, 'Some observations on the oyster shells in their degrees of petrification' by William Cole
44 - Paper, account of the earthquakes in Italy on 9 and 11 January 1693 by Vincentius Bonajutus
45 - Paper, 'An account of the earthquakes in Sicilia on the ninth and elevent of January 1692/3' extracted from a letter sent by Vincentius Bonajutus
46 - Paper, 'An account of the Giant's Causeway in the north of Ireland' by Sam [Samuel] Foley
47 - Paper, 'An account of the damage that hapnd in the Isle of Portland the 3rd of February 1695' by unknown author
48 - Paper, 'An account of a strange kind of earth taken up near Smyrna of which is made sope together with the way of making it' by an unknown author
49 - Paper, 'Ele's [discourse] of pitch, and from the stones in cole pits' by unknown author
50 - Letter, 'Concerning some shining gravel stones'
51 - Paper, 'Coal-borings with role or record had from Mr Maleverer of Arncliffe in Yorkshire' by Maleverer
Expand 52 - Paper, 'An explication of the figures in the plate with further remarks by another Fellow of the Royal Society' by Edward Lhwyd in a letter to Martin Lister52 - Paper, 'An explication of the figures in the plate with further remarks by another Fellow of the Royal Society' by Edward Lhwyd in a letter to Martin Lister
53 - Extract of letter, concerning minerals and divining rod from L Brochmand to unknown recipient
54 - Paper, 'Account of the nature of the Bourbon waters' by Dr Amyot
55 - Letter, 'Account of boreing for rock salt, at Crowley in Cheshire' from Thomas Brotherton to Hans Sloane
56 - Paper, 'A relation of the bad condition of the mountains about theTungarouse and Batavian rivers, having their source from thence, occasioned by the earthquake between the 4th and 5th of January 1699' by unknown author
57 - Paper, concerning the stone 'ichthyomorphitis' which occurs near Leipzig by [Gaspar Hogius]
58 - Paper, 'De Succina' by D Herman
59 - Paper, 'The analisation of your alum earth which you say is the residuum after alum is made' by Ambrose Godfrey-Hanckewitz
Collapse 60 - Paper, description of the bog of Kapanihane by John Honohane60 - Paper, description of the bog of Kapanihane by John Honohane
61 - Paper, 'An account of some magnetick experiments and observations' by W [William] Derham
62 - Paper, 'An odd kind of magnetick phenomenon' by W [William] Derham
63 - Paper, 'An account of a petrified honey-comb with some observations upon it' by Dr [Thomas?] Molyneux
64 - Paper, 'A particular relation of certain mines and mineralls within the Kingdom of Ireland some being Mines Royall holding much silver and some poor lead mines with several coal-mines that John Powell have seen and made tryall of in that kingdom as followeth' by Dr [Thomas?] Molyneux
65 - Paper, 'Observations concerning the subterraneous trees in Dagenham, and other marshes bordering the river of Thames in the County of Essex' by W [William] Derham
Expand 66 - Paper, account of a land slide at Clogher by the Bishop of Clogher [St George Ashe]66 - Paper, account of a land slide at Clogher by the Bishop of Clogher [St George Ashe]
67 - Paper, observations of a new burning island risen at the Azores by Captain John Robeson
68 - Letter, 'Extrait d'une lettre ecrite a Monsieur Poly par Mr [struck out]
Expand 69 - Paper, 'An account of the strata in coal mines' by John Strachey69 - Paper, 'An account of the strata in coal mines' by John Strachey
70 - Paper, 'Brevis commentatio de cobalto, auctore viro clarissimo' by Johann Heinrich Linck
71 - 'An account of the several strata of earths and fossils found in sinking the mineral wells att Holt' by Rev Mr Lewis
72 - Extract, 'Seconde relation de Dr Ernest Brukmann, docteur en medecine, de l'Academie de Brunswik, de son voyage d'Allemagne et Hongri: des salines imperiales de Soowar dans la haute Hongrie' by unknown author
73 - Extract, English translation of 'An account of the imperial saltworks of Soowar in Upper Hungary translated from the High Dutch of Ernest Bruckman of the Academy of Brunswick' by unknown author
74 - Extract, 'Extracts from Dr [Ernest] Bruckman's Relationes Itinerariae inserted in the Breslaw Miscellanys of Natural History of the year 1725' by unknown author
75 - Paper, 'Filtri lapidis Mexicani examinatio et comparatio cum aliis lapidibus facta, qua demonstratur, nullum vel exiguum ejus usum esse in depuranda aqua per illum colata' by Abraham Vater
76 - Paper, English translation of 'Filtri lapidis Mexicani examinatio et comparatio cum aliis lapidibus facta, qua demonstratur, nullum vel exiguum ejus usum esse in depuranda aqua per illum colata' by Abraham Vater
Expand 9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Expand 10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'
Expand 11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'
Expand 14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'
Expand 14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'
Expand 15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'
Expand 17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'
Expand 18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
Expand 18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'
Expand 19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers
Expand 20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers
Expand 21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers
Expand 22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books
Expand 22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books
Expand 23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations
Expand 23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations
Expand 24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of  John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics
Expand 25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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