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Collapse CLP - Classified papers of the Royal SocietyCLP - Classified papers of the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'1 - Classified papers: volume 1 concerning 'Arithmetick, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry'
Expand 2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'2 - Classified papers: volume 2 concerning 'Surveying, Opticks, Perspective, Sculpture, Painting, Music, Acoustics Mechanicks'
Expand 3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'3i - Classified papers: volume 3i concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades, Engineering, Navigation'
Expand 3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'3ii - Classified papers: volume 3ii concerning 'Mechanicks, Trades'
Expand 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks' 4i - Classified papers: volume 4i concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'4ii - Classified papers: volume 4ii concerning 'Physiology, Meteorology, Pneumaticks'
Expand 5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'5 - Classified papers: volume 5 concerning 'Weather'
Expand 6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'6 - Classified papers: volume 6 concerning 'Staticks, Hydrostaticks, Hydraulicks, Hydrology'
Expand 7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'7i - Classified papers: volume 7i concerning 'Architecture, ship-building, geography, navigation, voyages, travels'
Expand 7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'7ii - Classified papers: volume 7ii concerning 'Architecture, Ship-building, Geography, Navigation, Voyages, Travels'
Expand 8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'8i - Classified papers: volume 8i concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'8ii - Classified papers: volume 8ii concerning 'Astronomy'
Expand 9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9i - Classified papers: volume 9i concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
Collapse 9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'9ii - Classified papers: volume 9ii concerning 'Mineralogy, Magneticks'
1 - Notes, observations of variation of a magnetic needle at Whitehall by Mr Philips [Henry Phillippes?] and Mr Marre
Collapse 2 - Paper, 'Observations of the varyation of the needle in sayling from the coast of Brasile by the Cape of Good Hope to Bantam, extracted out of the journalls of Captaine John Davis, and Captaine Wm [William] Mynors' by Henry Phillippes2 - Paper, 'Observations of the varyation of the needle in sayling from the coast of Brasile by the Cape of Good Hope to Bantam, extracted out of the journalls of Captaine John Davis, and Captaine Wm [William] Mynors' by Henry Phillippes
3 - Paper, 'Mr Powle's account of Mr Phillippes' paper concerning the variation of needle' by Henry Powle
4 - Paper, Of magnets and magnetic rocks in Anglesey by William Persall
5 - Extract, 'Osservatione del Signor Adriano Auzout fatta in Roma nel principio di quest'anno intorno alla declinatione della Calamita, estratta dal primo Giornale de' Letterati dell'anno 1670'
6 - Paper, Details of experiments with magnets by unknown author
7 - Paper, 'Mr Perkins' discourse of variation' by Concerning variation of the compass by Mr [Peter?] Perkins
8 - Paper, 'Paper about the magnet' by Thomas Henshaw
9 - Paper, 'Experiments of heat on magneticall bodies' by Pagitt
10 - Paper, 'Severall observations of the respect of the needle to a piece of iron held perpendicular, made [by] a master of a ship crossing the æquinoctial line' by unknown author
11 - Paper, copy of 'Concerning the magnetism of drills' by Mr Ballard
11a - Paper, 'Concerning the magnetism of drills' by Mr Ballard
12 - Paper, 'Some experiments and discoveries concerning ascititious magnetism' by Dr [Nathaniel] Vincent
13 - Paper, 'Observations upon the variation of the needle made in the Baltick anno 1720' by William Sanderson
14 - Paper, 'Observations of the variation of the compass in the western and Atlantick Ocean' by John Maxwell
15 - Paper, 'Observations of the variation aboard the Royall African Pacquett' by unknown author
16 - Paper, 'A catalogue of observations of the variation of the compass between the Lizard and Cape Passero in Sicily' by Henry Wilson
17 - Paper, 'A magnetical experiment' by William Palmer
18 - Paper, 'An account of observations made of the variation of the horizontal needle at London, in the latter part of the year 1722 and beginning of 1723' by George Graham
19 - Paper, 'Observations of the dipping made at London at the beginning of the year 1723' by George Graham
20 - Paper, 'Experiments on iron and its oars by the magnet in the year 1724 and 1725 by John Payne whereby it appears to him that the power of attraction between iron and the magnet is a property produced by art' by John Payne
21 - Paper, 'Magnetical observations and experiments' by [Servington] Savery
22 - Paper, 'A new and exact table collected from severall observations taken from the year 1721 to 1729 in 9 voyages to Hudson Bay North America by Capt C Middleton shewing the variation of the compass according to the lattitudes and longitudes under mentioned accounting the longitude from the meridian of London' by C [Christopher] Middleton
23 - Paper, 'A new and exact table collected from severall observations taken in four voyages to Hudsons Bay in North America from London shewing the variation of the magnetical needle or sea compass in the pathway to the said bay according to the severall lattitudes and longitudes from the years 1721 to 1725' by Christ [Christopher] Middleton
24 - Paper, 'Observations on the weather in a voyage to Hudson Bay in North America in 1730' by Christ [Christopher] Middleton
25 - Paper, 'Observations of lattitudes and variation taken on board the Hartford in her passage from Java Head to St Hellena' by unknown author
26 - Paper, 'An account of an extraordinary effect of lightning from Wakefield in York-Shire' by Dr Cookson
Expand 27 - Paper, 'A furthere account of the extraordinary effect of lightning at Wakefield' by Dr Cookson27 - Paper, 'A furthere account of the extraordinary effect of lightning at Wakefield' by Dr Cookson
Expand 28 - Paper, 'An account of some magnetical observations made in May, June and July 1732 in the Atlantick [Atlantic] or Western Ocean; as also the description of a water spout' by Joseph Harris28 - Paper, 'An account of some magnetical observations made in May, June and July 1732 in the Atlantick [Atlantic] or Western Ocean; as also the description of a water spout' by Joseph Harris
29 - Extract, 'From the Journal Books of the Royal Society concerning magnets having more poles than two' by John Eames with some observations by Dr [John] Desaguliers
30 - Extract, 'Of a memoire read in the Society of Arts on the 6th of July 1732 relating to a new construction of the magnetick needle with three circles' by unknown author
31 - Paper, 'The use of a new azimuth compass for finding the variation of the compass or magnetic needle at sea, with greater ease and exactness, than by any ever yet contrived for that purpose' by Captain Christopher Middleton
32 - Paper, 'Of the magnetic needle affeced by cold' by Christopher Middleton
33 - Paper, 'A journal of observations made on the variation of the magnetic needle in 1722 and 1723' by George Graham
Expand 10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'10i - Classified papers: volume 10i concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'10ii - Classified papers: volume 10ii concerning 'Botany'
Expand 10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'10iii - Classified papers: volume 10iii concerning 'Agriculture'
Expand 11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11i - Classified papers: volume 11i concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'11ii - Classified papers: volume 11ii concerning 'Pharmacy, Chemystry'
Expand 12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12i - Classified papers: volume 12i concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'12ii - Classified papers: volume 12ii concerning 'Anatomy, Surgery'
Expand 13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'13 - Classified papers: volume 13 concerning 'Monsters, Longevity'
Expand 14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'14i - Classified papers: volume 14i concerning 'Physick'
Expand 14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'14ii - Classified papers: volume 14ii concerning 'Physick'
Expand 15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'15i - Classified papers: volume 15i concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'15ii - Classified papers: volume 15ii concerning 'Zoology'
Expand 16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'16 - Classified papers: volume 16 concerning 'Grammar, Chronology, History, Antiquities'
Expand 17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'17 - Classified papers: volume 17 concerning 'Miscellaneous Papers'
Expand 18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'18i - Classified papers: volume 18i of classified papers concering 'Papin and Hauksbee papers'
Expand 18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'18ii - Classified papers: volume 18ii concerning 'Desaguliers papers'
Expand 19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers19 - Classified papers: volume 19, questions and answers
Expand 20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers20 - Classified papers: volume 20, Robert Hooke's papers
Expand 21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers21 - Classified papers: volume 21, Edmond Halley's papers
Expand 22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books22i - Classified papers: volume 22i , accounts of books
Expand 22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books22ii - Classified papers: volume 22ii, accounts and books
Expand 23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations23i - Classified papers: volume 23i, inoculations
Expand 23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations23ii - Classified papers: volume 23ii, inoculations
Expand 24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of  John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics24 - Classified papers: volume 24, papers of John Collins, Henry Oldenburg, Robert Hooke, mathematics
Expand 25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades25 - Classified papers: volume 25 concerning politics and trades

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