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Collapse EL - 'Early letters': letters from correspondents in natural philosophy sent to the Royal Society and its FellowsEL - 'Early letters': letters from correspondents in natural philosophy sent to the Royal Society and its Fellows
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1 - Letter, from Samuel Foley to the Royal Society
1a - Paper, Computatio Universalis seu Logica Rerum; being an essay attempting in a Geometrical method to demonstrate an universal standard whereby one may judge of the True Value of every thing in the world by Samuel Foley
2 - Letter, from Samuel Foley to the Secretary, dated at Stourbridge in Worcestershire
3 - Letter, from Abbot Fornalarius to the Royal Society
4 - Letter, from John Freind to Hans Sloane
5 - Letter, from George Francus to Frederick Slare, dated at Wittenberg
6 - Abstract of a letter, from J[ean] Chr[istophe] Facio Duillier to Nic[olas] Facio [Duillier], dated at Geneva
7 - Letter, from Facio Duillier [to the Royal Society], dated at Geneva
8 - Letter, from Felix de Valreas to the Royal Society
9 - Translation of a letter, from Felix de Valreas to the Royal Society
10 - Note on the three last objections concerning the impossibility of a perpetual motion by Felix de Valrea
11 - Letter, from Thomas Forster to John Machin, dated at London
12 - Letter, from John Freeman to James Jurin, dated at Southrow-west near Pembroke
13 - Letter, from John Freeman to James Jurin, dated at Southrow-west near Pembroke
14 - Letter, from Thomas Farrant to the Secretary, dated at Winchester
15 - Letter, from Philip Richard Fremont to the Royal Society
16 - Copy of a letter, from Messieurs Fabri and Bartillot to Hans Sloane
17 - Letter, from S Forster to William Rutty, dated at Newcastle
18 - Letter, from John Freke to Hans Sloane
19 - Letter, from John Freke [to the Royal Society]
20 - Letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] du Fay to the Duke of Richmond [Charles Lennox], dated at Paris
21 - Translation of a letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Charles the Duke of Richmond and Lenox , dated at Paris
22 - Letter, from M Pigault to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Calais
23 - Translated extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
24 - Letter, from Stephen de Fourmont to Cromwell Mortimer
25 - Account of seven copper works or mines in Coniston by Roger Fleming, dated at Corniston
26 - Letter, from Nicolas Facio de Duillier to Charles Port, dated at Worcester
27 - Letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
28 - Translation of a letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
29 - Letter, from Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle to the Royal Society, dated at Paris
30 - Translation of a letter, from Bernard le Bovier de Fontenelle to the Royal Society, dated at Paris
31 - Translation of a letter, from Jean Paul Grandjean de Fouchy to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
32 - Letter, from [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to G[eorge] Graham
33 - Letter, from De Fouchy to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
34 - Letter, from John Fuller to Hans Sloane
35 - Letter, from J B de Freval to the Royal Society, dated at London
36 - Copy of a letter, from H[enry] Forth to Cromwell Mortimer
37 - Extract of a letter, from Rose Fuller to Hans Sloane, dated at Spanish Town
38 - Extract of a letter, from Cromwell Mortimer to [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay
39 - Letter, from Martin Folkes to Cromwell Mortimer
40 - Copy of a letter, from Henry Forth to the William Derham, dated at Darlington
41 - Letter, from Henry Forth to Cromwell Mortimer
42 - Letter, from Henry Forth to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Darlington
43 - Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer
44 - Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer
45 - Extract of a letter, from M [Charles Francois de Cisternay] Du Fay to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Paris
46 - Letter, from [Etienne] Fourmont to George II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
47 - John Ferguson to William Cheselden
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Expand N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'
Expand N2 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N2'N2 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N2'
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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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