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Expand N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'N1 - Letters from correspondents in natural philosophy to the Royal Society and its Fellows: 'Early Letters N1'
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Expand OB - Early Letters OB (Oldenburg and Beale)OB - Early Letters OB (Oldenburg and Beale)
Collapse P1 - Early Letters P1P1 - Early Letters P1
1 - Letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
2 - Observations of the magnetic declination at Paris by Pierre Petit
3 - Letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
4 - Letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg
5 - Copy of a letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg
6 - Paper, 'On magnetic declination' by Pierre Petit
7 - Translation of a letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
8 - Letter, from Pierre Petit to the Royal Society, dated at Paris
9 - Letter, from Pierre Petit to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
10 - Letter, from Henry Power to William Croone
11 - Letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society], dated at Dublin
12 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
13 - Letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society]
14 - Letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
15 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
16 - Letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin
17 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin
18 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker, dated at Dublin
19 - Letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
20 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
21 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to William Brouncker
22 - Extract of a letter, from William Petty to Mr Graunt
23 - Letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin
24 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray, dated at Dublin
25 - Letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society]
26 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty to Robert Moray
27 - Letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society], dated at Dublin
28 - Extract of a letter, from William Petty to Mr Graunt
29 - Letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society]
30 - Letter, from William Petty to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Oxford
31 - Extract of a letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society], dated at Dublin
32 - Letter, from L M [to unknown recipient]
33 - Copy of a letter, from William Petty [to the Royal Society]
34 - Paper, 'The humble proposals of Sir William Petty concerning his double bodyed shipping' by William Petty to King Charles II
34a - Account of the ship (catamaran) in 12 points with a figure by William Petty
34b - Account of the maiden voyage of William Petty's double-bottomed ship (catamaran) by unknown author
35 - Account of William Petty's double-bottomed ship (catamaran) by unknown author
36 - Account of William Petty's double-bottomed ship (catamaran) called 'the experiment' by unknown author
37 - Account of William Petty's double-bottomed ships (catamaran) by unknown author
38 - Paper, 'Report of the committee of the members of the Royal Society in Ireland concerning the structure and sayling of Sir William Petty's new Shipp' to William Brouncker
39 - Letter, from Francis Potter to John Aubrey
40 - Account of Francis Potter's invention of a cart with legs by Robert Hooke
41 - Letter, from Johann Perbandt to Henry Oldenburg
42 - Letter, from Johann Perbandt to Henry Oldenburg
43 - Letter, from Walter Pope to John Wilkins, dated at Rome
44 - Letter, from Walter Pope to John Wilkins, dated at Padova [Padua]
45 - Letter, from Walter Pope to John Wilkins, dated at Brussels
46 - Account of quicksilver mines in Idria by Walter Pope, dated at Venice
47 - Letter, from [Jean] Picard to Monsieur [Francis] Vernon, dated at Paris
48 - Extract of a letter, from Henry Powell to his father [William Daniel Powell]
48a - Extract of a letter, from Henry Powell to his father [William Daniel Powell]
49 - Letter, from Antoine Francois Payen to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
50 - Letter, from John Palmer to Henry Oldenburg
51 - Letter, from John Palmer to Henry Oldenburg
52 - Letter, from Henry Philips to John Wallis
53 - Copy of a letter, from Andrew Paschall to Joseph Glanvill, dated at Chedsey
54 - Letter, from Andrew Paschall to Joseph Glanvill
55 - Copy of a letter, from Andrew Paschall to Mr [John] Aubrey
56 - Copy of a letter, from Andrew Paschall to Mr [John] Aubrey
57 - Letter, from Andrew Paschell to Robert Hooke
58 - Letter, from Andrew Paschall to Francis Lodwick
59 - Letter, from Andrew Paschell to Robert Hooke
60 - Letter, from Andrew Paschell to Francis Ludwik
61 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg
62 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg
63 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Hamburg
64 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Hamburg
65 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Hamburg
66 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Hamburg
67 - Letter, from Matthew Paisen to Henry Oldenburg
68 - Extract of a letter, from Henry Powle to Paul Neile
69 - Letter, from Henry Powle to Henry Oldenburg
70 - Letter, from Henry Powle to Henry Oldenburg
71 - Letter, from Abraham Benedict Peganis to Henry More, dated at Regensburg
72 - Letter, from F Prothais [to the Royal Society], dated from Jamaica
73 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg
74 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
75 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
76 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
77 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
78 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
79 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
80 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
81 - Letter, from Ignatius Pardies to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Paris
82 - Letter, from Thomas Platt to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Florence
83 - Letter, from J Pechlinus [Jan Nicolaus Pechlin] to Henry Oldenburg, dated at Leyden
84 - Letter, from Thomas Pigot to Robert Hooke, dated at Oxford
85 - Letter, from Thomas Pigot [to the Royal Society]
86 - Extract of a letter, from unknown author to T[heodor] H[aak], dated at Berlin
87 - Letter, from Giles Pooley to Robert Southwell
88 - Paper, 'On a machine to raise weights by gunpowder' by Denis Papin
89 - Letter, from Denis Papin to Edmund King, dated at Marburg
90 - Letter, from Denis Papin [to the Royal Society]
91 - Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane
92 - Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane, dated at London
93 - Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane
94 - Letter, from Denis Papin to Hans Sloane
95 - Letter, from Robert Plot to Robert Southwell, dated at London
96 - Letter, from Mr Paul to Mr [John] Houghton
97 - Letter, from W P to Mr Gale
98 - Letter, from Octavian Pulleyn to Mr [Edmond] Halley, dated at Rome
99 - Note on natural evacuation by R Pitt
100 - Letter, from Mr [James] Petiver [to the Royal Society]
101 - Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane
102 - Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh
103 - Letter, from Charles Preston [to the Royal Society], dated at Paris
104 - Letter, from Charles Preston to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh
105 - Letter, from Reverend Abraham de la Pryme to Hans Sloane, dated at Hull
106 - Letter, from Reverend Abraham de la Pryme to Hans Sloane, dated at Hull
107 - Letter, from R[ichard] P[ollard] [to the Royal Society]
108 - Letter, from Monsieur [Francois] Poupart to Martin Lister
109 - Letter, from Samuel Pont to Charles Peter, dated at Cambridge
110 - List of journals and papers received by William Perry for the library
111 - Letter, from Robert Paterson [to the Royal Society], dated at Marshall College
112 - Letter, from Reverend James Pound to Edmond Halley, dated at Wanstead
113 - Letter, from Reverend James Pound to James Jurin, dated at Wanstead
114 - Letter, from Mr Pulteney to Hans Sloane, dated at Copenhagen
115 - Letter, from Philip Percival to his brother Lord Percival, dated at Dublin
116 - Letter, from Lord Paisley [James Hamilton] to George Graham, dated at Witham
117 - Extract of a letter, from Lord Paisley [James Hamilton] to George Graham
118 - Letter, from Richard Poley to Eric Benzelius, dated at Stockholm
119 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm
120 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm
121 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at Stockholm
122 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague
123 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague
124 - Letter, from Richard Pole to James Jurin, dated at the Hague
125 - Letter, from Richard Poley to James Jurin, dated at the Hague
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Expand Z - Early Letters ZZ - Early Letters Z

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