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1 - Extract of a letter, from Signor Sarotti [to the Royal Society]
2 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald [to the Royal Society] dated at Edinburgh
3 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Richard Waller, dated at Edinburgh
4 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Richard Waller, dated at Edinburgh
5 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Nehemiah Grew, dated at Edinburgh
6 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Richard Waller, dated at Edinburgh
7 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald [to the Royal Society], dated at Edinburgh
8 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Martin Lister, dated at Edinburgh
9 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Martin Lister, dated at Edinburgh
10 - Letter, from Robert Sibbald to Hans Sloane, dated at Edinburgh
11 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Dr [Domenico] Bottoni
12 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Richard Waller
13 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Richard Waller, dated at London
14 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to G[ottfried Wilhelm] Leibniz, dated at London
15 - Letter, from Hans Sloane [to the Royal Society]
16 - Letter, from Mr [George] Stepney [to the Royal Society]
17 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Antoni van Leeuwenhoek
18 - Extract of a letter, from Hans Sloane to Mr Sheldrake
19 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Lady Essex [Elizabeth Capell]
20 - Letter, from Edward Southwell to Hans Sloane
21 - Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Dr Beeston at Hadley, dated at Keldon
22 - Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Dr Beeston, dated at Keldon
23 - Letter, from John Scarlett to John Houghton, dated at Berlin
24 - Letter, from W Sherard to Hans Sloane, dated at Rome
25 - Letter, from A Spes to Hans Sloane, dated at Chelmsford
26 - Letter, from Pierre Silvestre to Hans Sloane, dated at Berne
27 - Letter, from Pierre Silvestre [to the Royal Society] dated at London
28 - Letter, from Pierre Silvestre [to the Royal Society]
29 - Abstract of two letters, 'Giving an Account of a young woman, who speaks, without tongue' by Pierre Silvestre
30 - Extract of a letter, from H[enry] Stanyan [to the Royal Society], dated at Harfield
31 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to John Flamsteed , dated at Crane Court
32 - Account of trees and alpine plants by Joannes Scheuchzerus [Johann Jakob Scheuchzer], dated at Tigurum [Zurich]
33 - Extract of two letters, from Johann Jakob to Scheuchzer and Hans Sloane
34 - Letter, from Alexander Stuart [to the Royal Society], dated at Leyden
35 - Letter, from Edward Southwell to Hans Sloane, dated at Dublin
36 - Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane, dated at Bath
37 - Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane, dated at Bath
38 - Paper, an Examen of the Chalybeat or spa water, called by the Germans Acid or Sowre Brunns, or fountains but proved to be of the contrary nature that is Alkalis by Frederick Slare
39 - Letter, from John Stirling to Hans Sloane, dated at Glasgow
40 - Letter, from Frederick Slare to Hans Sloane
41 - Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin
42 - Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin
42a - Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin
43 - Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin
44 - Letter, from William Stephens to James Jurin, dated at Dublin
45 - Letter, from William Stephens to Philip Miller, dated at Dublin
46 - Copy of a letter, from Edward Saul to the Duke of Rutland [John Manners]
47 - Letter, from Robert Simson [to the Royal Society]
48 - Letter, from Robert Simson [to the Royal Society] dated at Glasgow
49 - Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow
50 - Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow
51 - Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow
52 - Letter, from Robert Simson to James Jurin, dated at Glasgow
53 - Letter, from Thomas Shaw to G Kalne, dated at Algiers
54 - Letter, from Thomas Short to James Jurin, dated at Coventry
55 - Letter, from Thomas Short [to the Royal Society], dated at Coventry
55a - Extract of a letter, from Thomas Short to Hans Sloane, dated at Sheffield
56 - Letter, from Raphael Sedgwick communicated to the Royal Society by Dr [John Theophilus] Desaguliers
57 - Account of a deathwatch beetle by Hugh Stackhouse to Reverend Timothy Collins, dated at Bridgnorth
58 - Letter, from Joseph Stokes to Mr [John] Eames
59 - Extract of a letter, from Albert Seta to Hans Sloane
60 - Translation of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane, dated at Zurich
61 - Letter, from William Saunderson to Edmond Halley, dated at Bombay
62 - Extract of a letter, from John Strachey [to the Royal Society]
63 - Letter, from J[ohn] Smart to James Jurin, dated at Guildhall
64 - Letter, from William Stukeley to [William] Rutty, dated at Grantham
65 - Letter, from William Stukeley to William Rutty, dated at Grantham
66 - Letter, from William Stukeley to Roger Gale, dated at Stamford
67 - Letter, from Henry de Saumarez to William Rutty
67a - Letter, from Scheurer to the Royal Society
68 - Letter, from William Stevenson to Benjamin Hoadly, dated at Ledbury
69 - Letter, from J S to William Rutty, dated at Birmingham
70 - Letter, from Edward Stone to the Royal Society
71 - Extract of a letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer
72 - Observations of the hair condition 'plica polonia' in Poland from an article to the Society of Breslau
73 - Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury Square
74 - Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury Square
75 - Translation of a letter, from Albertus Seba to Hans Sloane and the Royal Society
76 - Letter, from Philip Stubbs to Hans Sloane, dated at the Royal Hospital Greenwich
77 - Translation of a letter, from J D S to Baron Monckhuissen, dated at Gottingen
78 - Postscript of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane
79 - Observations by John Scheuchzer
80 - Account of a fasting woman and how she began to eat again by [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
81 - Account of the baths at Baden by John James [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
82 - Extract of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
83 - Account of three earthquakes which happened in Switzerland in the years 1728 and 1729 by Dr [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
84 - Account of a phenomenon in the sky called 'white iris' sent by Dr [Johnann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
85 - Account of a woman who was bitten by a chaplain and died sent by Dr [Johann Jakob] Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
86 - Letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
87 - Extract of a letter, from John Scheuchzer to Hans Sloane
88 - Observations by John Scheuchzer
89 - Letter, from S S to Edward Davis, dated at Melksham
90 - Letter, from Brand Henry Schilden to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover
91 - Letter, from J[ohann] A[ndreas von] Segner to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Gottingen
92 - Translation of a letter, from J[ohann] A[ndreas von] Segner to Hans Sloane
93 - Translation of a letter, from John Andrew Segner to Cromwell Mortimer
94 - Letter, from Hans Sloane to Job Baster
95 - Copy of a letter, from Hans Sloane to Job Baster
96 - Translation of a proposal to examine a new machine to raise water
97 - Translated extract of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover
98 - Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury
99 - Letter, from Conrad Sprengell to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bloomsbury
100 - Translation of a letter, from John Philip Seip to Hans Sloane, dated at Pyrmont
101 - Translation of a letter, from Dr [Johann Georg] Steigertahl to Hans Sloane, dated at Hanover
102 - Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Keldon
103 - Letter, from Bezaleel Sherman to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Keldon
104 - Letter, from John Seip to Mr G[eorge] Tilson
105 - Letter, from Thomas Steward to Cromwell Mortimer, dated at Bury St Edmund
106 - Extract of a letter, from Hans Stanley to Hans Sloane, dated at Lausanne
107 - Paper, 'Report on a cave emitting sulphurous vapours at Pyrmont which resembles one at Naples called Grotto del Cane described by Mr Mission and others' by John Seip
108 - Translation of a paper on the sulphurous grotto at Pyrmont which resembles the one at Naples called Grotto del Cane by John Seip
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