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Collapse EXP - Royal Society Expeditions PapersEXP - Royal Society Expeditions Papers
Collapse 2 - Southern Chile Expedition papers2 - Southern Chile Expedition papers
Expand 1 - Southern Chile Expedition - Financial papers1 - Southern Chile Expedition - Financial papers
Expand 2 - Southern Chile Expedition - Logistics and planning papers2 - Southern Chile Expedition - Logistics and planning papers
Collapse 3 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee papers3 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee papers
Expand 1 - South Pacific Expedition Committee agendas1 - South Pacific Expedition Committee agendas
Collapse 2 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee papers2 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee papers
1 - Outline plan [for Southern Chile expedition] by Dr M Holdgate
2 - Regional information for the South Pacific Expedition Committee.
3 - Expedition to Southern Chile - draft press release
4 - Copy of a letter from Juan Gomez Millas, Rector, University of Chile to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society
5 - Draft regulations regarding publicity and photographs for members of the Southern Chile expedition
6 - Southern Chile expedition progress report by Dr M Holdgate
7 - Copy of a letter from Professor W P Rogers, University of Adelaide to Dr C F A Pntin FRS, Cambridge
8 - Translation of a letter from the Hydrographer of the Chilean Navy, Captain de Navio Alberto Andrade Taraba to Rear-Admiral K St B. Collins, Hydrographer of the Navy
9 - Copies of letters between the Royal Society and Dr R A Falla, Dominion Museum, New Zealand
10 - Supplementary Report of the Organiser [of the expedition to Southern Chile]
11 - Copy of a letter from Juan Gomez Millas, Rector, University of Chile to D C Martin, Assistant Secretary, Royal Society
12 - Memorandum on the disposal of expedition specimens by Dr M W Holdgate
13 - Copy of a letter from Dr M W Holdgate, Santiago, Chile to Dr D C Martin, Royal Society
14 - Comments from the British Museum (Natural History) on 'Memorandum on the disposal of expedition specimens'
15 - Southern Chile Expedition's 'obligation list'
16 - Royal Society Southern Chile Expedition discussions with LIFE magazine
17 - Progress report of the Royal Society Expedition to Chile by G E Hemmen
18 - Copies of letters regarding the expedition to Southern Chile
19 - Copy of a letter from Dr Martin Holdgate, Chepu, Isla de Chiloe to Dr C F A Pantin FRS, Cambridge
20 - Details of first colour film from the Royal Society expedition to Southern Chile
21 - Copies of letters from Dr Martin Holdgate, San Pedro, Isla de Chiloe to Dr C F A Pantin FRS, Cambridge
22 - Copy of a letter from Dr Martin Holdgate c/o Compania Maritima de Punta Arenas, Chile to Dr CFA Pantin FRS, Cambridge
23 - Royal Society expedition to Southern Chile - report by organiser April 1959
24 - Royal Society expedition to Southern Chile - progress report June 1959
25 - Correspondence in connexion with the disposal of expedition specimens and the loan of type material since the last meeting of the South Pacific Expedition Committee on 22 April 1959.
26 - Copies of correspondence relating to Commonwealth and UK interests in future expeditions to the South Pacific area
27 - 'A short account of the expedition [to Southern Chile]' by Dr Martin Holdgate
Expand 3 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee correspondence3 - Southern Chile Expedition - Committee correspondence
Expand 4 - Southern Chile Expedition - Correspondence4 - Southern Chile Expedition - Correspondence
Expand 5 - Southern Chile Expedition - Results and findings5 - Southern Chile Expedition - Results and findings
Expand 3 - North Borneo Expeditions papers3 - North Borneo Expeditions papers
Expand 4 - Tristan Da Cunha Expeditions papers4 - Tristan Da Cunha Expeditions papers
Expand 5 - Solomon Islands [South-West Pacific] Expedition papers5 - Solomon Islands [South-West Pacific] Expedition papers
Expand 6 - Central Brazil Expedition papers6 - Central Brazil Expedition papers
Expand 11 - Halley Bay expedition papers11 - Halley Bay expedition papers
Expand 12 - British Himalayan Expedition to Cho Oyu12 - British Himalayan Expedition to Cho Oyu

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