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Collapse HS - Correspondence of Sir John Frederick William HerschelHS - Correspondence of Sir John Frederick William Herschel
Expand 1 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 1 Abbe-Auwers 1 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 1 Abbe-Auwers
Expand 2 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 2 Babbage  2 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 2 Babbage
Expand 3 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 3 Babinet-Beaufort3 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 3 Babinet-Beaufort
Expand 4 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 4 Beckedorff-Bullan4 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 4 Beckedorff-Bullan
Expand 5 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 5 B miscellaneous-C5 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 5 B miscellaneous-C
Expand 6 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 6 D6 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 6 D
Expand 7 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 7 Eardley Wilmot-F7 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 7 Eardley Wilmot-F
Expand 8 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 8 Galbraith-J Grahame8 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 8 Galbraith-J Grahame
Collapse 9 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 9 R Grahame-Horsburgh9 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 9 R Grahame-Horsburgh
1 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Walthamstow
2 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Miss Baldwin, dated at Glasgow
3 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Glenfair
4 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
5 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Whitehall
6 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
7 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
8 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Sr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
9 - Letter, from Robert Grahame to [Sir John Herschel], dated at Glasgow
10 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Jr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Glasgow
10a - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Robert Grahame, Jr., dated at Collingwood
11 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Jr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Glasgow
12 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Jr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Glasgow
13 - Letter, from Robert Grahame, Jr. to Sir John Herschel, dated at Glasgow
14 - Letter, from Robert Grahame Jr. to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at Paris
14a - Incomplete letter, from Robert Grahame Jr. to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at Bristol
15 - Letter, from Robert Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Solely Terrace, Lloyd Square
15a - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Robert Grant, dated at 32 Harley St.
16 - Letter, from Robert Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Astronomical Society
17 - Letter, from Robert Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Astronomical Society
18 - Letter, from Robert Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Astronomical Society
19 - Letter, from Robert Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Astronomical Society
20 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Westbrook
21 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
22 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
23 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
24 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at s.s. Great Liverpool
25 - Letter, from James William Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at Calcutta
26 - Letter, from Robert P. Graves to Sir John Herschel, dated at 33 Wellington St., Dublin
27 - Letter, from Robert P. Graves to Sir John Herschel, dated at 33 Wellington St., Dublin
28 - Letter, from Robert P. Graves to Sir John Herschel, dated at 33 Wellington St., Dublin
29 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brighton
30 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Westbourne Terrace
31 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Westbourne Terrace
32 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Westbourne Terrace
33 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Westbourne Terrace
34 - Letter, from Thomas Greenwood to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Westbourne Terrace
35 - Letter, from Olinthus G. Gregory to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
36 - Letter, from Olinthus G. Gregory to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
37 - Letter, from Olinthus G. Gregory to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
38 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Woronzow Greig, dated at Collingwood
39 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Woronzow Greig, dated at Collingwood
40 - Letter, from Woronzow Greig to Sir John Herschel, dated at Surrey Lodge Lambeth
41 - Letter, from Woronzow Greig to Sir John Herschel, dated at Surrey Lodge, Lambeth
42 - Letter, from Woronzow Greig to Sir John Herschel, dated at York House Hotel, Bath
43 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Gretton, dated at St. John's College, [Cambridge]
44 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
45 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
46 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
47 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
48 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
49 - Letter, from George Gretton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Deanery, Hereford
50 - Letter, from George Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Villa Place, Walworth
51 - Letter, from George Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Villa Place, Walworth
52 - Letter, from George Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. George's St., Camberwell
53 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
54 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Henry Griesbach, dated at Slough
55 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
56 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
57 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
58 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
59 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
60 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
61 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
62 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Carlton Villas, Maida Vale
63 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Henry Griesbach, dated at Collingwood
64 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Campden Hill Villas
65 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at 48 Bedford Gardens
66 - Letter, from John Henry Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at 48 Bedford Gardens
67 - Letter, from Amédée Victor Guillemin to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Quai d'Anjou, Paris
68 - Letter, from Amédée Victor Guillemin to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Quai d'Anjou, Paris
69 - Letter, from Amédée Victor Guillemin to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Quai d'Anjou, Paris
70 - Letter, from Amédée Victor Guillemin to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Quai d'Anjou, Paris
71 - Letter, from Amédée Victor Guillemin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Orsay, near Paris
72 - Letter, from Johannes von Gumpach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hauteville, Guernsey
73 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Johannes von Gumpach, dated at Collingwood
74 - Letter, from Johannes von Gumpach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hauteville, Guernsey
75 - Letter, from Johannes von Gumpach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hauteville, Guernsey
76 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Johannes von Gumpach, dated at Collingwood
77 - Letter, from Johannes von Gumpach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hauteville, Guernsey
78 - Letter, from Richard Gwatkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
78a - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Richard Gwatkin
79 - Letter, from Richard Gwatkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
80 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Richard Gwatkin
81 - Letter, from Richard Gwatkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
82 - Letter, from Richard Gwatkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
83 - Letter, from Richard Gwatkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
84 - Letter, from Princess Galitzine to Sir John Herschel
85 - Letter, from Johann Galle to Sir John Herschel, dated at Berlin
86 - Letter, from Johann Galle to Sir John Herschel, dated at Berlin
87 - Letter, from John Galloway to Sir John Herschel, dated at Kew Observatory
88 - Letter, from Francis Galton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum
89 - Letter, from Mrs. Gardiner to Sir John Herschel, dated at Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park
90 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Mrs. Gardiner, dated at Collingwood
91 - Letter, from Thomas Gardner to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
92 - Letter, from Thomas Gardner to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
93 - Letter, from Rider Garrett to Sir John Herschel, dated at Huddersfield
94 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Rider Garrett
95 - Letter, from Rider Garrett to Sir John Herschel, dated at Huddersfield
96 - Letter, from Christian Ludwig Gerling to Sir John Herschel, dated at Marburg
97 - Letter, from Mary Ann Gilpin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Somers Town
98 - Letter, from George Gipps to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape Town
99 - Letter, from Elizabeth Gipps to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape Town
100 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John Goldingham
101 - Letter, from John Goldingham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Knighton, Radnor
102 - Letter, from Thomas Goodchild to Sir John Herschel, dated at Guildford
103 - Letter, from Samuel Goodenough to Sir John Herschel, dated at Rose Castle
104 - Letter, from George [Hamilton]-Gordon to Sir John Herschel, dated at Argyll House
105 - Letter, from George [Hamilton]-Gordon to Sir John Herschel, dated at Argyll House
106 - Letter, from Lewis Conway-Gordon to Sir John Herschel, dated at Southsea
107 - Letter, from Lewis Conway-Gordon to Sir John Herschel, dated at 6 St. George's St.
108 - Letter, from C. H. Gordon-Lennox to Sir John Herschel, dated at Board of Trade
109 - Letter, from F. Gough to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hastings
110 - Letter, from J[ohn] Gould to Sir John Herschel, dated at Burwash
111 - Letter, from Andrew Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Markree Observatory
112 - Letter, from Andrew Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Markree Observatory
113 - Letter, from James Robert George Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Whitehall
114 - Letter, from James Graham to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
115 - Letter, from Matilda Grahame to Miss Baldwin, dated at Paris
116 - Letter, from A[lexander Henley] Grant to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. Bride's Avenue
117 - Letter, from Mary Grantham to Sir John Herschel, dated at Campden Hill
118 - Letter, from Mary Grantham to Sir John Herschel, dated at 37 Tavistock Place
119 - Letter, from John Thomas Graves to Sir John Herschel, dated at Keppel St.
120 - Incomplete letter, from Asa Gray to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge, Mass.
121 - Letter, from Asa Gray to Sir John Herschel, dated at Boston, Mass.
122 - Letter, from John E. Gray to Sir John Herschel, dated at British Museum
123 - Letter, from Bertie Greatheed to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Lower Brook St.
124 - Letter, from W. R. Greenhill to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hawkhurst
125 - Letter, from George Bellas Greenough to Sir John Herschel, dated at Regents Park
126 - Letter, from Agnes Greig to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at Cranley Place, Onslow Square
127 - Letter, from Agnes Greig to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cranley Place, Onslow Square
128 - Letter, from Charles Grey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tunbridge Wells
129 - Letter, from Charles Grey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Tunbridge Wells
130 - Letter, from Sir John Herschel to George Grey, dated at Collingwood
131 - Letter, from George Grey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Govt. House, Adelaide
132 - Letter, from George Grey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Downing St.
133 - Letter, from Frances Annie Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hull
134 - Letter, from Frances Annie Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Aberdeen
135 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to F. A. Herschel Griesbach
136 - Letter, from F. A. Herschel Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hull
137 - Letter, from Frederick Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Inland Office, G.P.O.
138 - Letter, from J. William Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. Omer
139 - Letter, from W. Herschel Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Vegesack, Bremen
140 - Letter, from W. Herschel Griesbach to Sir John Herschel, dated at Vegesack, Bremen
140a - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to W. Herschel Griesbach, dated at London
141 - Letter, from Richard Griffin & Co. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
142 - Letter, from Richard Griffin & Co. to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
143 - Letter, from George Griffith to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Park Villas, Oxford
144 - Letter, from Stephen Groombridge to Sir John Herschel, dated at Blackheath
145 - Letter, from Stephen Groombridge to Sir John Herschel, dated at Blackheath
146 - Letter, from Dr. Groskopf to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hanover
147 - Letter, from Dr. Groskopf to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hanover
148 - Letter, from William Robert Grove to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Hare Court
149 - Letter, from Guillaume de Gruyer to Sir John Herschel, dated at Gand
150 - Letter, from C. Gubbins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Meruth, Bengal
151 - Letter, from Matwei Matwejewitsch Gussew to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
152 - Letter, from W. K. von Haidinger to Sir John Herschel, dated at Vienna
153 - Letter, from W. K. von Haidinger to Sir John Herschel, dated at Vienna
154 - Letter, from W. K. von Haidinger to Sir John Herschel, dated at Vienna
155 - Letter, from W. K. von Haidinger to Sir John Herschel, dated at Dornbach, near Vienna
156 - Letter, from W. K. von Haidinger to Sir John Herschel, dated at Dornbach, near Vienna
157 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to James Haig[?], dated at Collingwood
158 - Letter, from James Haig to Sir John Herschel, dated at Beechwood, Bournemouth
159 - Letter, from James Haig to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn
160 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to James Haig[?], dated at Collingwood
161 - Letter, from James Haig to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn
162 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at HMS Conway, Valparaiso
163 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 128 George St., Edinburgh
164 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
165 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Paris
166 - Letter, from Hall to [Sir John Herschel], dated at Bulstrode Park
167 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Putney Heath
168 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Basil Hall, dated at Slough
169 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 St. James's Place
170 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsmouth
171 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsmouth
172 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Basil Hall, dated at Slough
173 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsmouth
174 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Basil Hall, dated at Slough
175 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Athenaeum
176 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. James's St.
177 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Malta
178 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Heinfeld near Graz
179 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Feistritz near Graz
180 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Berlin
181 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
182 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Paris
183 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Paris
184 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 71 Harley St.
185 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
186 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
187 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
188 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
189 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Galashiels
190 - Letter, from Margaret Hall to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at 30 Portland Place
191 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Streatham
192 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsmouth
193 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsmouth
193a - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel
194 - Letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel
195 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel
196 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Margaret Brodie Herschel
197 - Incomplete letter, from Basil Hall to Sir John Herschel
198 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
199 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
200 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Marshall Hall
201 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Marshall Hall
202 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
203 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
204 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
205 - Letter, from Marshall Hall to Sir John Herschel, dated at 14 Manchester Square
206 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Surrey Place
207 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Maiden Newton
208 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
209 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to William A. Baillie- Hamilton
210 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
211 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
212 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
213 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
214 - Letter, from William A. Baillie- Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Admiralty
216 - Letter, from William Richard Hamilton to Sir John Herschel
217 - Letter, from William Richard Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Naples
218 - Letter, from William Richard Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at King's Rd., Chelsea
219 - Letter, from William Richard Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at Chelsea
220 - Letter, from William Richard Hamilton to Sir John Herschel, dated at 12 Bolton Row
221 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nuneham Park, Abingdon
222 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Wheldrake near York
223 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Wheldrake near York
224 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bolton Percy, Tadcaster
225 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bolton Percy, Tadcaster
226 - Letter, from William Vernon Harcourt to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bishopsthorpe, York
227 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at 6 Crown Office Row
228 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 Gresham St.
229 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at Temple
230 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Paper Bldgs. Temple
231 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Paper Bldgs. Temple
232 - Letter, from Henry Hardcastle to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nather Hall
233 - Letter, from Charles L. Harding to Sir John Herschel, dated at Göttingen
234 - Letter, from Charles L. Harding to Sir John Herschel, dated at Göttingen
235 - Letter, from Charles L. Harding to Sir John Herschel, dated at Göttingen
236 - Letter, from Charles L. Harding to Sir John Herschel, dated at Göttingen
237 - Letter, from Charles L. Harding to Sir John Herschel, dated at Göttingen
238 - Letter, from Robert Harley to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brighouse
239 - Letter, from Robert Harley to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Manse, Brighouse
240 - Letter, from Robert Harley to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Manse, Brighouse
241 - Letter, from Robert Harley to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Manse, Brighouse
242 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Cape Town]
243 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Cape Town]
244 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel
245 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Cape Town]
246 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at [Cape Town]
247 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Ludgate Hill
248 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Limerick
249 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Limerick
250 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Dublin
251 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cork
252 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel
253 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel
254 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel
255 - Letter, from William Henry Harvey to Sir John Herschel
256 - Letter, from William Hawkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Rio de Janeiro
257 - Letter, from William Hawkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape Town
258 - Letter, from William Hawkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape Town
259 - Letter, from William Hawkins to Sir John Herschel
260 - Letter, from William Hawkins to Sir John Herschel
261 - Letter, from Thomas Emerson Headlam to Margaret Brodie Herschel, dated at Newcastle/Tyne
262 - Letter, from Thomas Emerson Headlam to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newcastle/Tyne
263 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas Emerson Headlam, dated at Collingwood
264 - Letter, from Thomas Emerson Headlam to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newcastle/Tyne
265 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
266 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
267 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
268 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
269 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
270 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
271 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
272 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
273 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to George W. Hearn, dated at Collingwood
274 - Letter, from George W. Hearn to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Military College, Sandhurst
275 - Letter, from Wilfred Heeley to William James Herschel, dated at Calcutta
276 - Letter, from Wilfred Heeley to Sir John Herschel, dated at Calcutta
277 - Letter, from Wilfred Heeley to Sir John Herschel, dated at Calcutta
278 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Wilfred Heeley, dated at Collingwood
279 - Letter, from Ebenezer Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newferry near Birkenhead
280 - Letter, from Ebenezer Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Newferry near Birkenhead
281 - Letter, from Ebenezer Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. Helen's
282 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Basil Hall, dated at Edinburgh
283 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas Henderson, dated at London
284 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Old Palace Yard, Westminster
285 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas Henderson, dated at Slough
286 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape of Good Hope
287 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cape of Good Hope
288 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
289 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
290 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
291 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
292 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
293 - Letter, from [Thomas] Henderson to Captain Beaufort, dated at Observatory, Edinburgh
294 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
295 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
296 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
297 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
298 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas Henderson, dated at Collingwood
299 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
300 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
301 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
302 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
303 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
304 - Letter, from Thomas Henderson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Edinburgh
305 - Letter, from Alexander Henning to Sir John Herschel, dated at 10 Russell Square
306 - Letter, from Alexander Henning to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Orsett Place
307 - Letter, from Alexander Henning to Sir John Herschel, dated at George's Hotel
308 - Letter, from Alexander Henning to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Chester Place
309 - Letter, from John Stevens Henslow to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge
310 - Letter, from John Stevens Henslow to Sir John Herschel, dated at Mitcham, Hadley, Sufk
311 - Letter, from John Stevens Henslow to Sir John Herschel, dated at Mitcham, Hadley, Sufk
312 - Letter, from John Stevens Henslow to Sir John Herschel, dated at Mitcham, Hadley, Sufk
313 - Letter, from Samuel Highley to Sir John Herschel, dated at 70 Dean St.
314 - Letter, from Samuel Highley to Sir John Herschel, dated at 70 Dean St.
315 - Letter, from Samuel Highley to Sir John Herschel, dated at 70 Dean St.
316 - Letter, from John Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Orchard St., Kensington
317 - Letter, from John Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Orchard St., Kensington
318 - Letter, from John Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 5 Orchard St., Kensington
319 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Spencer Place Brixton
320 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
321 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
322 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
323 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to John R. Hind, dated at Collingwood
324 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
325 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
326 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
327 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
328 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 7 Allsop's Place, Regents Park
329 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
330 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
331 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
332 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
333 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
334 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
335 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
336 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
337 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John R. Hind, dated at Collingwood
338 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
339 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
340 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
341 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 3 Allsop's Terrace, New Rd.
342 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
343 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
344 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
345 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
346 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
347 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
348 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
349 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 11 Hanover Cottages
350 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
351 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
352 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
353 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
354 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
355 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
356 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
357 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
358 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
359 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
360 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
361 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
362 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
363 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John R. Hind, dated at 32 Harley St.
364 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
365 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
366 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
367 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
368 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
369 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
370 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
371 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
372 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
373 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
374 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
375 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to John R. Hind, dated at Collingwood
376 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
377 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
378 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
379 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
380 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 22 Grove Rd., St. John's Wood
381 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
382 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
383 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
384 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
385 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
386 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
387 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
388 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
389 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
390 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Matson Villas, Richmond
391 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Matson Villas, Richmond
392 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Matson Villas, Richmond
393 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Matson Villas, Richmond
394 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at 8 Matson Villas, Richmond
395 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at London
396 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Meadow Lodge, Twickenham
397 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
398 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Twickenham
399 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Nautical Almanac Office
400 - Letter, from John R. Hind to Sir John Herschel, dated at Twickenham
401 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Rome
402 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
403 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
404 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
405 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
406 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
407 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at New Broad St.
408 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Finsbury Circus
409 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Finsbury Circus
410 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Finsbury Circus
411 - Letter, from Thomas Hodgkin to Sir John Herschel, dated at Lower Brook St.
412 - Copy of draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas Hodgkin
413 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
414 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
415 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
416 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
417 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
418 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
419 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
420 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at Hôtel du Louvre, Paris
421 - Letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel, dated at The Lodge, Louth
422 - Incomplete letter, from George C. Hodgkinson to Sir John Herschel
423 - Letter, from Frederick W. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsea Place, Connaught Square
424 - Letter, from Frederick W. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsea Place Connaught Square
425 - Letter, from Frederick W. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Alexandria
426 - Letter, from Frederick W. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Portsea Place, Connaught Square
427 - Copy letter, from Sir John Herschel to Frederick W. Holland
428 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
429 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
430 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
431 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
432 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
433 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at 72 Brook St.
434 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
435 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
436 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
437 - Letter, from unknown sender to Sir John Herschel, dated at 25 Brooke Street
438 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
439 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
440 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at 25 Brook St.
441 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at 25 Brook St.
442 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
443 - Letter, from Henry Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Brook St.
444 - Letter, from P. H. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Grosvenor St., Manchester
445 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to P. H. Holland, dated at Collingwood
446 - Letter, from P. H. Holland to Sir John Herschel, dated at Grosvenor St., Manchester
447 - Letter, from [William Jackson] Hooker to [Charles] May, dated at Glasgow
448 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
449 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
450 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
451 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
452 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
453 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
454 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
455 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
456 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
457 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
458 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
459 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
460 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
461 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
462 - Letter, from Sir William J. Hooker to Sir John Herschel, dated at Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
463 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Sir William J. Hooker, dated at Collingwood
464 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
465 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Trafalgar Hotel, Spring Gds.
466 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgebury Park Cranbrook
467 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgebury Park Cranbrook
468 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
469 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
470 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgebury Park Cranbrook
471 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgebury Park Cranbrook
472 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at British Hotel Cockspur St.
473 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at British Hotel Cockspur St.
474 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
475 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
476 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Bedgebury Park, Cranbrook
477 - Letter, from Alexander J. Beresford Hope to Sir John Herschel, dated at Arklow Ho. Connaught Place
478 - Letter, from William Hopkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge
479 - Letter, [William] Hopkins to [George Gabriel Stokes], dated at Cambridge
480 - Letter, from William Hopkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge
481 - Letter, from William Hopkins to Sir John Herschel, dated at Cambridge
482 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
483 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
484 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
485 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
486 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
487 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Thomas W. Hornbuckle, dated at [56 Devonshire St.]
488 - Letter, from Thomas W. Hornbuckle to Sir John Herschel, dated at St. John's College, Cambridge
489 - Letter, from Joanna B. Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 4 the Grove Highgate
490 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Joanna B. Horner
491 - Letter, from Joanna B. Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Queens Rd., West
492 - Draft letter, from Sir John Herschel to Leonard Horner
493 - Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 2 Bedford Place
494 - Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at Rivermead, Hampton Wick
495 - Letter, from Leonard Horner to Sir John Herschel, dated at 17 Queens Rd., West
496 - Letter, from [James] Horsburgh to Captain Basil Hall, dated at East India House, London
497 - Letter, from [James] Horsburgh to Captain Basil Hall, dated at East India House, London
498 - Letter, from James Horsburgh to Sir John Herschel, dated at East India House
499 - Letter, from James Horsburgh to Sir John Herschel, dated at East India House
500 - Letter, from James Horsburgh to Sir John Herschel, dated at East India House
Expand 10 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 10 Howard-J miscellaneous10 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 10 Howard-J miscellaneous
Expand 11 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 11 Kane-L miscellaneous11 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 11 Kane-L miscellaneous
Expand 12 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 12 Macann-Murray12 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 12 Macann-Murray
Expand 13 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 13 M miscellaneous-Plana13 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 13 M miscellaneous-Plana
Expand 14 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 14 Pogson-R miscellaneous14 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 14 Pogson-R miscellaneous
Expand 15 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 15 Sabine-Selwyn15 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 15 Sabine-Selwyn
Expand 16 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 16 Sheepshanks-Spencer16 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 16 Sheepshanks-Spencer
Expand 17 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 17 Stark-V miscellaneous17 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 17 Stark-V miscellaneous
Expand 18 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 18 Wackerbarth-Zucchini18 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 18 Wackerbarth-Zucchini
Expand 19 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 19 Miscellaneous19 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 19 Miscellaneous
Expand 20 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 20 Copies of outgoing letters 20 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 20 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 21 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 21 Copies of outgoing letters 21 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 21 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 22 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 22 Copies of outgoing letters 22 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 22 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 23 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 23 Copies of outgoing letters 23 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 23 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 24 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 24 Copies of outgoing letters 24 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 24 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 25 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 25 Copies of outgoing letters 25 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 25 Copies of outgoing letters
Expand 26 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 26  letters related to specific topics26 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 26 letters related to specific topics
Expand 27 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 27 letters related to specific topics27 - Correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 27 letters related to specific topics
Expand 28 - Papers related to the correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 2828 - Papers related to the correspondence of John Frederick William Herschel: volume 28

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