Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse IM - Royal Society photographs and printsIM - Royal Society photographs and prints
000001 - Abbot, Charles; 1st Baron Colchester
000002 - Abel, Clarke
000004 - Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus
000006 - Abel, Sir Frederick Augustus
000008 - British Association Meeting in Newcastle
000009 - Abercrombie, Michael
000010 - Abercromby, James, 1st Baron Dunfermline
000012 - Abernethy, John
000013 - Abernethy, John
000014 - Abernethy, John
000015 - Abney, Sir William de Wiveleslie
000017 - Adams, Paul Richard
000018 - Abraham, Sir Edward Penley
000019 - Abrikosov, Alexei Alekseyevich
000020 - Acland, Sir Henry Wentworth Dyke
000021 - Acland, Sir Thomas Dyke
000023 - Adair, James
000024 - Adam, Neil Kensington
000025 - Adami, John George
000026 - Adams, Alfred Rodney
000027 - Adams, Frank Dawson
000029 - Adams, William Grylls
000030 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000031 - Composite photograph of selection of presidents from the 20th centuary
000032 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000033 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000034 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000035 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000036 - Adrian, Edgar Douglas, 1st Baron Adrian of Cambridge
000037 - Group photograph of Officers of the Royal Society 1945-50
000041 - Ainsworth, Roger
000044 - Airy, Lady Ann
000045 - Airy, Sir George Biddell
000047 - Airy, Sir George Biddell
000048 - Airy, Sir George Biddell
000049 - Airy, Sir George Biddell
000051 - Aitken, Alexander Craig
000052 - Aitken, John
000053 - Akhtar, Muhammad
000054 - Alcock, Nathan
000055 - Alexander, (Robert) McNeil
000056 - Allmand, Arthur John
000057 - Akam, Michael Edwin
000058 - Akenside, Mark
000059 - Aland, John Fortescue, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan
000060 - Aland, John Fortescue, 1st Baron Fortescue of Credan
000061 - Edward VII; King of Great Britain and Ireland
000062 - Albinus, Bernard Siegfried
000063 - Alcock, Alfred William
000064 - Aitken, Martin Jim
000065 - Monck, George , 1st Duke of Albermarle
000067 - Alcock, Alfred William
000068 - Aldous, David John
000069 - Algarotti, Francesco
000070 - Algarotti, Francesco
000071 - Alison, Archibald
000072 - Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford
000074 - Allegre, Claude Jean
000075 - Allen, Edgar Johnson
000076 - Allen, Edgar Johnson
000077 - Allen, Sir Geoffrey
000078 - Allen, Sir Geoffrey
000079 - Allen, Norman Percy
000080 - Alliaco, Petrus de
000082 - Allman, George Johnston
000084 - Althorp, George John, 2nd Earl Spencer
000085 - Alvarez, Dr Joseph of Toledo, (Duke of Alva)
000086 - Ames, Joseph
000087 - Amos, Brad
000088 - Ampere, Andre Marie
000090 - Amyot, Thomas
000091 - Preece, Sir William Henry
000092 - Anderson, Brian David Outram
000093 - Anderson, Donald Thomas
000094 - Anderson, John, 1st Viscount Waverley
000095 - Anderson, John Stuart
000096 - Andersen, Per Oskar
000097 - Anderson, Philip Warren
000098 - Anderson, Philip Warren
000100 - Costa Andrade, Edward Neville da
000101 - Andrewes, Sir Frederick William
000102 - Andrews, Thomas
000103 - Angel, James Roger Prior
000104 - Annesley, George, 2nd Earl of Mountnorris
000105 - Annesley, Arthur, 1st Earl of Anglesey
000106 - Annesley, James, 2nd Earl of Anglesey
000107 - Anniversary Day 2000
000108 - Anonymous
000109 - Anonymous
000110 - Anonymous
000111 - Unknown Gentleman
000112 - Ansted, David Thomas
000113 - Anson, George, Baron Anson of Soberton
000115 - Antarctic Expedition 1937
000117 - Appold, John George
000118 - Arago, Dominique Francois Jean
000119 - Arago, Dominique Francois Jean
000120 - Arago, Dominique Francois Jean
000121 - Arbuthnot, John
000122 - Arden, Charles George, Baron Arden
000123 - Arigoni, Duilio
000124 - Royal Society Medallists Group Photograph 1983
000125 - Armstrong, John
000126 - Armstrong, Wlliam George, Baron Armstrong of Cragside
000127 - Arndt, Ulrich Wolfgang
000130 - Arthur, James Greig
000131 - Armstrong, William George, Baron Armstrong of Cragside
000132 - Arnold, John Oliver
000133 - Howard, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Arundel
000134 - Ash, Sir Eric Albert
000135 - Opening of New Research Laboratory at Sheffield University 13 December 1999
000136 - Ashburner, Michael
000137 - Ashcroft, Frances Mary
000138 - Ashmole, Elias
000139 - Ashmore, Jonathan Felix
000140 - Ashton, Norman Henry
000141 - Ashworth, James Hartley
000142 - Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith
000143 - Asquith, Herbert Henry, 1st Earl of Oxford and Asquith
000144 - Astbury, Alan
000145 - Astle, Thomas
000146 - Aston, Francis
000147 - Aston, Francis William
000148 - Atiyah, Sir Michael
000149 - Atiyah, Sir Michael Francis
000150 - Atkins, Anna
000151 - Atkinson, Colin
000152 - Atkyns, Sir Robert
000153 - Attenborough, Sir David Frederick
000155 - Attwell, David Ian
000156 - Aubert, Alexander
000157 - Aubrey, John
000158 - Auerbach, Charlotte
000159 - Auerbach, Charlotte
000160 - Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
000161 - Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex
000162 - Auldjo, John
000163 - Auldjo, John
000165 - Godwin Austen, Robert Alfred Cloyne
000166 - Auvergne, Philip d', Duc de Bouillon
000167 - Axelrod, Julius
000168 - Ayres, Philip B
000169 - Ayrton, Hertha
000170 - Babbage, Charles
000171 - Babbage, Charles
000173 - Babington, Benjamin Guy
000175 - Babington, Charles Cardale
000176 - Babington, Charles Cardale
000178 - Back, Sir George
000179 - Bacon, Francis, 1st Baron Verulam
000180 - Bacon, John
000181 - Baddeley, Alan David
000182 - Baddiley, Sir James
000183 - Bhadeshia, Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Hansraj
000184 - Baglivi, Giorgio
000185 - Baillie, Mathew
000186 - Bailey, Kenneth
000187 - Baily, Francis
000188 - Baker, Alan
000190 - Baker, Sir George
000191 - Baker, Henry
000192 - Baker, Henry
000193 - Baker, Henry
000194 - Baker, Henry
000196 - Baker, Herbert Brereton
000197 - Baker, Herbert Brereton
000198 - Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker of Windrush, Gloucestershire
000199 - Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker of Windrush, Gloucestershire
000200 - Baker, John Fleetwood, Baron Baker of Windrush, Gloucestershire
000202 - Baker, John Randal
000203 - Baker, Raymond
000204 - Baker, Sir Samuel White
000205 - Baker, Wilson
000206 - Baker, Wilson
000207 - Baker, Wilson
000208 - Baker, Wilson
000210 - Baldwin, Sir Jack (Edward)
000211 - Baldwin, Sir Jack (Edward)
000212 - Baldwin, John Evan
000213 - Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour
000214 - Balfour, Arthur James, 1st Earl of Balfour
000215 - Balfour, Francis Maitland
000218 - Balfour, John Hutton
000221 - Ball, Peter
000222 - Ball, Sir Robert Stawell
000225 - Balme, Edward
000226 - Baltimore, David
000227 - Calvert, Frederick, 6th Baron Baltimore
000229 - Bancroft, Edward
000230 - Bancroft, Edward
000232 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000233 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000234 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000235 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000236 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000237 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000238 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000239 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000240 - Banks, Sir Joseph
000241 - Barclay, Arthur Kett
000242 - Bardeen, John
000243 - Bardin Globe
000245 - Barker, David James Purslove
000246 - Barker, David James Purslove
000247 - Barlow, Harold Everard Monteagle
000248 - Barlow, Horace Basil
000251 - Barlow, Sir Thomas
000252 - Barlow, Sir Thomas
000253 - Barlow, William
000254 - Barlow, William
000256 - Barnard, Sir Frederick Augustus
000257 - Barnard, Joseph Edwin
000258 - Barnard, Thomas
000259 - Barnes, Ernest William
000260 - Barnes, Joshua
000261 - Barnes, S A
000262 - Baron, John
000263 - Barr, Murray LLewellyn
000264 - Barrer Richard Maling
000265 - Barrer Richard Maling
000266 - Barrett, Anthony Gerald Martin
000267 - Barrett, William Fletcher
000268 - Barrington, Daines
000269 - Barrois, Charles Eugene
000271 - Barrow, Sir John
000272 - Barrow, Sir John
000273 - Barrowby, William
000274 - Barozzi da Vignola, Iacomo
000275 - Barry, Sir Charles
000276 - Barry, Sir Charles
000278 - Barton, Edwin Henry
000279 - Barton, Nicholas Hamilton
000282 - Bastwick, John
000284 - Bate, Christopher Michael
000290 - Bates, Sir David Robert
000292 - Bather, Francis Arthur
000293 - Bathurst, Ralph
000294 - Battersby, Sir Alan Rushton
000295 - Baulcombe, David Charles
000297 - Bawn, Cecil Edwin Henry
000298 - Bayes, Thomas
000299 - Bayes, Thomas
000300 - Bayliss, Sir William Maddock
000301 - Bayliss, Sir William Maddock
000302 - Beach, David Hugh
000305 - Beals, Carlyle Smith
000306 - Beament, Sir James (William Longman)
000308 - Beauclerk, Lord Amelius
000309 - Beauclerk, Topham
000310 - Beaufort, Sir Francis
000311 - Becker, Balthasar
000312 - Beckles, Samuel Husbands
000313 - Beddard, Frank Evans
000314 - Beddington, John Rex
000315 - Beddington, Rosa Susan
000318 - Beechey, Frederick William
000319 - Beilby, Sir George Thomas
000320 - Beit, Sir Otto John
000321 - Belidor, Bernard Forest de
000322 - Belius, Mattias
000323 - Bell, Sir Charles
000326 - Bell, Thomas
000327 - Bellamy, James William
000329 - Benham, William Blaxland
000330 - Benjamin, Thomas Brooke
000331 - Bennet,Henry Gray
000333 - Bennett, Martin Arthur
000334 - Benson, William Noel
000336 - Bentnick, William Henry Cavendish, 3rd Duke of Portland
000337 - Bentley, Richard
000338 - Berg, Paul
000339 - Bergel, Franz
000340 - Bergman, Torbern Olof
000341 - Berkeley, George, 1st Earl of Berkeley and Viscount Dursley
000342 - Bernal, John Desmond
000343 - Bernal, John Desmond
000344 - Bernal, John Desmond
000345 - Bernal, John Desmond
000346 - Bernal, John Desmond
000347 - Berners-Lee, Timothy John
000348 - Bernoulli, Daniel
000349 - Bernoulli, Jean
000350 - Berrill, Norman John
000351 - Berthollet, Claude Louis, Count
000352 - Berzelius, Jons Jakob
000354 - Berzelius, Jons Jakob
000355 - Berzelius, Jons Jakob
000356 - Bessemer, Sir Henry
000357 - Bessemer, Sir Henry
000358 - Best, Charles Herbert
000359 - Best, Charles Herbert
000360 - Bevan, Michael John
000361 - Bhabha, Homi Jehangir
000362 - Bhadeshia, Harshad Kumar Dharamshi Hansraj
000363 - Bhatnagar, Sir Shanti Swarupa
000364 - Bhatnagar, Sir Shanti Swarupa
000366 - Bickerton, Sir Richard Hussey
000368 - Biggin, George
000369 - Bignon, Jean Paul, Abbe de St Quentin
000370 - Bijvoet, Johannes Martin
000372 - Billing, Archibald
000373 - Billing, Archibald
000374 - Billingham, Rupert Everett
00375 - Billingham, Rupert Everett
000376 - Billingham, Rupert Everett
000378 - Biot, Jean Baptiste
000379 - Birch, Arthur John
000380 - Birch, Thomas
000381 - Birchall, James Derek
000382 - Bird, Adrian Peter
000383 - Bird, John
000384 - Birgeneau, Robert Joseph
000385 - Bishop, Ann
000386 - Bishop, George
000387 - Bishop, Peter Orlebar
000388 - Bishop, Richard Evelyn Donohue
000389 - Bisse, Philip
000390 - Blackburn, Elizabeth Helen
000391 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000392 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000393 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000394 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000395 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000396 - Rome Conference 1931
000397 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000398 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea
000399 - Blackman, Frederick Frost
000400 - Blagden, Sir Charles
000401 - Blagden, Sir Charles
000402 - Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de
000403 - Blake, William
000404 - Blakemore, Colin Brian
000405 - Blakemore, Colin Brian
000407 - Bliss, Timothy Vivian Pelham
000408 - Blondel, Monsr
000409 - Blondel, Monsr
000410 - Blow, David Mervyn
000411 - Blow, David Mervyn
000412 - Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
000413 - Blumenbach, Johann Friedrich
000414 - Blundell, Sir Tom (Leon)
000415 - Bode, Johann Elert
000416 - Bode, Johann Elert
000417 - Bodmer, Sir Walter Fred
000418 - Bodmer, Sir Walter Fred
000419 - Boerhaave, Herman
000420 - Boerhaave, Herman
000421 - Bohm, David Joseph
000423 - Bohr, Niels Henrik David
000425 - Bohr, Niels Henrik David
000427 - Boileau, John Peter
000428 - Boksenberg, Alexander
000429 - Bolton, Charles
000430 - Bolton, C J
000431 - Bolton, John Gatenby
000432 - Bond, George
000433 - Bond, Henry
000434 - Bond, John Richard
000435 - Bondi, Sir Hermann
000437 - Bonnet, Charles
000440 - Boole, George
000441 - Boole, George
000442 - Booth, Eric Stuart
000444 - Borcherds, Richard Ewen
000445 - Borman, Frank
000446 - Borman, Frank
000447 - Borman, Frank
000448 - Borman, Frank
000450 - Born, Max
000451 - Borst, Piet
000452 - Bosnich, Brice
000453 - Bostock, John
000454 - Bostock, John
000456 - Boulenger, George Albert
000457 - Boulton, Geoffrey Stewart
000458 - Boulton, Mathew
000460 - Bowden, Frank Philip
000461 - Bowditch, Nathaniel
000462 - Bowdler, Harrietta
000463 - Bowdler, Harrietta
000464 - Bowdler, John
000465 - Bowen, David Keith
000466 - Bowen, Edmund John
000467 - Bowen, Edmund John
000468 - Bowen, Edmund John
000469 - Bowen, Edmund John
000471 - Bower, Frederick Orpen
000472 - Bowerbank, James Scott
000476 - Bowerbank, James Scott
000477 - Soddy, Frederick
000478 - Bowman, Sir William
000481 - Bowman, Sir William
000483 - Bowring, Sir John
000484 - Bowring, Sir John
000485 - Bowyer, William
000486 - Boxshall, Geoffrey Allan
000487 - Boyce, Sir Rubert William
000488 - Boycott, Arthur Edwin
000489 - Boyd, Sir John Smith Knox
000490 - Boyle, Charles, 4th Earl of Orrery
000491 - Boyle, John, 5th Earl of Cork, 5th Earl of Orrery and 2nd Baron Marston
000492 - Boyle, Richard, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork
000493 - Boyle, Robert
000494 - Boyle, Robert
000495 - Boyle, Robert
000496 - Boyle, Robert
000497 - Boyle, Robert
000498 - Boyle, Robert
000499 - Boyle, Robert
000500 - Boyle, Robert
000501 - Boyle, Robert
000502 - Boyle, Robert
000503 - Quartet engraving
000504 - Robert Boyle's School, Yetminster, wall plaque
000505 - Boyle, Robert
000506 - Boys, Sir Charles Vernon
000507 - Boyse, Edward Arthur
000508 - Boze, Claude Gros de
000509 - Bradford, Sir John Rose
000510 - Bradley, Albert James
000511 - Bradley, Allan
000512 - Bostock, Hugh
000513 - Bradley, Donald Charlton
000514 - Bradley, James
000515 - Bradley, James
000516 - Bradley, James
000517 - Bradshaw, Anthony David
000518 - Brady, George Stewardson
000519 - Brady, John Michael
000521 - Bragg, Sir William Henry
000522 - Bragg, Sir William Henry
000523 - Brahe, Tycho
000524 - Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph
000525 - Bramwell, Sir Frederick Joseph
000526 - Hooke, Robert
000527 - Hooke, Robert
000529 - Hooke, Robert
000530 - Hooke, Robert
000531 - Hooke, Robert
000532 - Hooke, Robert
000533 - Hooke, Robert
000534 - Hooke, Robert
000535 - Hooke, Robert
000536 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
000537 - Hooke, Robert
000538 - Brand-Hollis, Thomas
000540 - Brande, William Thomas
000541 - Brande, William Thomas
000542 - Bray, Kenneth Noel Corbett
000543 - Brenner, Sydney
000544 - Brereton, Owen Salusbury
000545 - Breslow, Ronald
000546 - Hooke, Robert
000547 - Hooke, Robert
000548 - Hooke, Robert
000549 - Hooke, Robert
000551 - Brewster, Sir David
000552 - Brewster, Sir David
000554 - Bridgeman, Orlando
000556 - Bridges, John
000557 - Egerton, Francis, 8th Earl of Bridgewater
000558 - Briggs, Derek Ernest Gilmor
000559 - Briggs, Henry
000560 - Briggs, William
000562 - Bright, Richard
000563 - Brindley, James (1716-1772)
000564 - Brinton, William
000565 - Brisbane, Sir Thomas Makdougall
000566 - Hervey, Frederick Augustus, 4th Earl of Bristol
000567 - Hervey, Frederick William, 5th Earl of Bristol
000568 - Hervey, Frederick William, 5th Earl of Bristol
000569 - Hervey, Frederick William, 5th Earl of Bristol
000571 - British National Committee for the History of Science, Medicine and Technology final meeting, 1989
000573 - Brockedon, William
000574 - Brockes, Jeremy Patrick
000575 - Brockhouse, Betram Neville
000576 - Brockhouse, Betram Neville
000577 - Brocklesby, Richard
000581 - Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins
000582 - Brodie, Sir Benjamin Collins
000584 - Broers, Sir Alec Nigel
000586 - Bronk, Detlev Wulf
000587 - Group lithograph of Royal Microscopical Society Presidents
000588 - Brookes, Joshua
000590 - Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham and Vaux
000591 - Brouncker, William, 2nd Viscount Brouncker
000592 - Brouncker, William, 2nd Viscount Brouncker
000594 - Broussonet, Peter Maria Augustus
000595 - Brouwer, Luitzen Egbertus Jan
000598 - Brown, David Anthony
000599 - Brown, Edward
000600 - Brown, Ernest William
000602 - Brown, Sir George Lindor
000603 - Brown, Sir George Lindor
000604 - Brown, Sir George Lindor
000606 - Brown, John Michael
000607 - Brown, Michael S
000608 - Brown, Robert
000609 - Brown, Robert
000610 - Brown, Robert
000611 - Brown, Robert Hanbury
000612 - Brown, Robert Hanbury
000613 - Brown-Sequard, Charles Edward
000614 - Browne, Isaac Hawkins
000615 - Crichton Browne, Sir James
000616 - Browne, Thomas
000617 - Brownlee, George Gow
000619 - Bruce, Sir David
000620 - Bruce, Sir David
000621 - Bruce, Sir David
000622 - Bruce, James
000623 - Brunel, Isambard Kingdom
000624 - Brunel, Marc Isambard
000625 - Brunt, Sir David
000626 - Brunt, Sir David
000630 - Bryan, George Hartley
000631 - Bryant, Peter Elwood
000632 - Bryce, James, Viscount Bryce
000633 - Buch, Leopold von
000635 - Buchan, Alexander
000636 - Buchanan, George
000637 - Buchanan, George
000638 - Buchanan, Sir George
000639 - Buckingham, Amyand David
000642 - Buckland, William
000645 - Buchner, Count Andrew Elias
000646 - Leclerc, Georges Louis, Count of Buffon
000647 - Bugge, Thomas
000648 - Buissiere, Paul
000650 - Bullen, Keith Edward
000651 - Bullen, Keith Edward
000652 - Bulloch, William
000653 - Bulloch, William
000654 - Bulloch, William
000655 - Bullough, Charles Philip
000656 - Bullough, Ronald
000657 - Bulman, Oliver Meredith Boone
000658 - Bulmer, Michael George
000661 - Burch, Cecil Reginald
000664 - Burdekin, Frederick Michael
000665 - Oliver, Francis Wall
000666 - Oliver, Francis Wall
000667 - Burgen, Sir Arnold Stanley Vincent
000668 - Burgess, Thomas
000669 - Burgner, Tom
000670 - Burgoyne, Sir John Fox
000671 - Burgoyne, Sir John Fox
000673 - Burke, Philip George
000674 - Burkill, John Charles
000675 - Burkill, John Charles
000676 - Burkill, John Charles
000677 - Burnes, Sir Alexander
000678 - Burnett, Gilbert
000679 - Burnet, John
000681 - Burnett, Keith
000682 - Burney, Charles
000683 - Burney, Charles
000684 - Burns, Benedict Delisle
000686 - Burnside, William
000687 - Burnstock, Geoffrey
000688 - Burrow, Sir James
000689 - Burrow, Sir James
000690 - Bury, Sir Thomas
000691 - Bury Hill House and Observatory
000692 - Busk, George
000693 - Joachim Hammerling and Adolf Butenandt
000694 - Butler, John Alfred Valentine
000695 - Butterworth, Anthony Edward
000696 - Buys, William
000697 - Buzzard, Thomas
000699 - Thompson, Benjamin, Count Rumford
000700 - Cadogan, Sir John Ivan George
000701 - Cahn, Robert Wolfgang
000703 - Callaghan, Paul Terence
000704 - Callendar, Hugh Longbourne
000709 - Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll
000710 - Campbell, Archibald, 9th Earl of Argyll
000711 - Campbell, Iain Donald
000712 - Campbell, John Edward
000714 - Campbell, Lord Frederick
000715 - Campbell, Simon Fraser
000716 - Camper, Peter
000717 - Candolle, Augustin Pyramus de
000718 - Cann, Johnson Robin
000719 - Cannon, Herbert Graham
000721 - Card, Henry
000722 - Carey Frank Stanton
000723 - Carl Theodore, Elector Palatine of Bavaria
000724 - Carleson, Lennart Axel Edvard
000725 - Carlisle, Sir Anthony
000726 - Carlyle, Thomas (1795-1881)
000727 - Carlton House
000728 - Carlton House Terrace
000729 - Carlton House Terrace
000730 - Carlton House Terrace
000731 - Carlton House Terrace
000732 - Carlton House Terrace
000733 - Carlton House Terrace
000734 - Carmichael, Ian Stuart Edward
000736 - Carpenter, Wiliam Benjamin
000738 - Carpue, Joseph Constantine
000739 - Carr, William Holwell
000740 - Carrell, Robin Wayne
000741 - Carrington, Alan
000742 - Carrington, Sir Codrington Edmund
000744 - Cartwright, Edmund
000745 - Cartwright, Dame Mary Lucy
000746 - Cartwright, Samuel
000748 - Cashmore, Roger John
000749 - Casida, John Edward
000750 - Cass, Anthony Edward George
000751 - Casselton, Lorna Ann
000752 - Cassini, Alexandre Henri Gabriel de (1781-1832)
000753 - Casson, Andrew John
000754 - Castro-Sarmento, Jacob de
000755 - Catcheside, David Guthrie
000756 - Catcheside, David Guthrie
000757 - Catcheside, David Guthrie
000758 - Catcheside, David Guthrie
000759 - Northcote, Donald Henry
000760 - Gowans, Sir James Learmonth
000765 - Cathcart, Edward Provan
000766 - Caulfeild, James, 1st Earl of Charlemont
000767 - Cavalier-Smith, Thomas
000768 - Cavalli-Sforza, Luigi Luca
000769 - Cavallo, Tiberius
000772 - Cavendish, Henry
000774 - Cavendish, Victor Christian William, 9th Duke of Devonshire
000775 - Cavendish, William, 2nd Duke of Devonshire
000776 - Cavendish, William, 3rd Duke of Devonshire
000778 - Cayley, Arthur
000781 - Cecil, James, 1st Marquess of Salisbury
000782 - Cesaris, Angelo
000783 - Chadwick, Peter
000786 - Chambers, Richard Dickinson
000787 - Chambers, Robert Guy
000788 - Chambers, Sir William
000789 - Chance, Britton
000790 - Chance, Britton
000791 - Chance, Britton
000792 - Chance, Britton
000794 - Chandrasekhar, Subrahmanyan
000795 - Chandrasekhar, Sivaramakrishna
000796 - Chantrey, Sir Francis Legatt
000797 - Chapman, Alfred Chaston
000798 - Chapman, David Leonard
000799 - Chapman, Peter F
000800 - Chapman, Sydney
000801 - Chaptal, Jean Antonio Claude
000802 - Chardin, Sir John
000804 - Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland
000805 - Portrait of Charles II by Sir Peter Lely with the mace below
000807 - Charles William Ferdinand, Prince of Brunswick
000808 - Charlesworth, Brian
000809 - Charlesworth, Brian
000810 - Charlton, Henry Marshall
000812 - Chater, Keith Frederick
000813 - Chatt, Joseph
000814 - Chatt, Joseph
000815 - Chatt, Joseph
000816 - Chauncy, Charles
000817 - Cheetham, Anthony Kevin
000821 - Chern, Shiing-Shen
000822 - Chern, Shiing-Shen
000823 - Chern, Shiing-Shen
000824 - Chern, Shiing-Shen
000825 - Cheselden, William
000827 - Cheselden, William
000828 - Chesters, John Hugh
000829 - Chetwode, Sir John, 3rd Baronet of Oakley
000830 - Chetwynd, Walter
000831 - Cheyne, John (1777-1836)
000832 - Cheyne, George
000834 - Cheyne, William Watson
000835 - Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley
000836 - Childers, Hugh Culling Eardley
000837 - Children, John George
000838 - Children, John George
000839 - Children, John George
000840 - Chisholm, Malcolm Harold
000841 - Chothia, Cyrus
000843 - Christie, Sir William Henry Mahoney
000844 - Foster, George Carey
000845 - Chree, Charles
000850 - Ciba Foundation Dinner, 26 November 1964, signatures of guests
000851 - Clapton, Edward
000852 - Clark, Colin Whitcomb
000855 - Clark, Robin Jon Hawes
000856 - Gros Clark, Sir Wilfred Edward le
000858 - Clarke (initial not known)
000862 - Clarke, Charles Baron
000864 - Clarke, Sir Charles Mansfield
000865 - Clarke, Sir Cyril Astley
000866 - Clarke, David William
000869 - Clarke, George Sydenham, Baron Sydenham of Combe
000870 - Clarke, Professor J A
000872 - Clarke, Jacob Augustus Lockhart
000873 - Clarke, Patricia Hannah
000874 - Clarke, Patricia Hannah
000875 - Clarke, Patricia Hannah
000876 - Clarricoats, Peter John Bell
000877 - Clary, David Charles
000878 - Clegg, John Brian
000882 - Clerk, Sir Dugald
000884 - Clerk, Sir George
000885 - Clerke, Thomas Henry Shadwell
000886 - Clifford, William Kingdon
000887 - Clift, William
000888 - Clift, William
000890 - Clifton, Robert Bellamy
000891 - Cline, Henry
000892 - Clinton, Henry Fiennes Pelham, 2nd Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme
000893 - Clive, Robert, Baron Clive of Plassey
000894 - Close, Sir Charles Frederick, later Arden-Close
000895 - Close, Sir Charles Frederick, later Arden-Close
000896 - Clutton-Brook, Timothy Hugh
000898 - Cobbold, Thomas Spencer
000899 - Cobbold, Thomas Spencer
000900 - Cockayne, David John Hugh
000901 - Cockayne, Leonard
000902 - Cockburn, Sir George
000903 - Cockburn, William
000904 - Cockcroft, Sir John Douglas
000906 - Codata Conference, September 1970
000907 - Codrington, Sir Edward
000908 - Coen, Enrico Sandro
000909 - Cogene Conference, April 1979
000910 - Cohen, Ernst Julius
000911 - Cohen, Julius Berend
000912 - Cohen, Sydney
000913 - Cohoe, Wallace P
000914 - Coker, Ernest George
000915 - Cole, Francis Joseph
000916 - Cole, Kenneth Stewart
000919 - Cole, William Willoughby, 3rd Earl of Enniskillen
000920 - Coleman, Arthur Philemon
000921 - Coles, Bryan Randell
000922 - Colladon, Jean Daniel (1802-1893)
000923 - Collingridge, Graham Leon
000924 - Collier, John Gordon
000925 - Collinson, Peter
000926 - Collinson, Peter
000927 - Colwall, Daniel
000928 - Combe, Taylor
000930 - Compton, J
000931 - Comrie, Leslie John
000932 - Conway, Arthur William
000933 - Conway, John Horton
000934 - Conway Morris, Simon
000935 - Conybeare, William Daniel
000937 - Cook, James
000938 - Cook, James
000939 - Cook, James
000940 - Cook, James
000941 - Cook, James
000942 - Cook, James
000943 - Cooke, John
000944 - Cookson, Richard Clive
000945 - Cooper, Sir Astley Paston
000946 - Cooper, Bransby Blake
000947 - Copeland, Thomas
000948 - Copeman, Sydney Arthur Monckton
000949 - Copernicus, Nicholas
000951 - Copland, James
000952 - Copley, Sir Godfrey
000953 - Copley, Sir John Singleton, Baron Lyndhurst
000954 - Copley, Sir John Singleton, Baron Lyndhurst
000955 - Copp, Douglas Harold
000956 - Corey, Elias James
000957 - Corkers Club
000958 - Corrigan, Francis Edward
000959 - Cory, Suzanne
000960 - Cory, Suzanne
000961 - Cotton, Frank Albert
000962 - Cotton, William
000963 - Cottrell, Sir Alan Howard
000964 - Cottrell, Sir Alan Howard
000965 - Coulson, Charles Alfred
000966 - Covington, Syms
000967 - Cowan, William Maxwell
000969 - Cowell, Philip Herbert
000970 - Cowley, Alan Herbert
000971 - Cowling, Thomas George
000972 - Cowper, William
000973 - Cox, Sir Ernest Gordon
000974 - Cox, Stephen James
000975 - Cox, Stephen James
000977 - Coxe, William
000978 - Coxe, William
000979 - Coxeter, Harold Scott Macdonald
000980 - Cracherode, Clayton Mordaunt
000981 - Craigie, John Hubert
000982 - Crane, Peter Robert
000983 - Cranworth, Lord Robert Monsey (Rolfe), (1790-1868)
000984 - Crawford, Andrew Charles
000985 - Forsyth, Andrew Russell and others
000986 - Crawley, Michael John
000988 - Cree, Charles
000989 - Cresswell, Peter
000990 - Crew, Francis Albert Eley
000991 - Crew, Francis Albert Eley
000992 - Crick, Francis Harry Compton
000993 - Crighton, David George
000994 - Cripps, Sir Richard Stafford
000996 - Crofts, Thomas
000997 - Croll, James
000998 - Perry, John
001001 - Crookes, Sir William
001002 - Crookes, Sir William
001004 - Crookes, Sir William
001005 - Cross, Charles Frederick
001006 - Cross, George Alan Martin
001007 - Cross, George Alan Martin
001008 - Cross, George Alan Martin
001009 - Crossley, Arthur William
001010 - Crow, James Franklin
001011 - Crowther, Richard Anthony
001012 - Cruikshank, William Cumberland
001015 - Cull-Candy, Stuart Graham
001016 - Cullen, William
001017 - Cullum, Sir John
001020 - Curie, Marie and Pierre
001021 - Curran, Sir Samuel Crowe
001022 - Currie, James
001023 - Curtis, David Roderick
001024 - Curtius, Sir William
001025 - Cushing, David Henry
001026 - Cushing, Harvey Williams
001028 - Cuthbert, Alan William
001029 - Cutler, Sir John
001030 - Cuvier, Frederic
001031 - Cuvier, Georges Baron
001032 - Vincent, Edgar, Viscount D'Abernon
001033 - Dainton, Frederick Sydney, Baron Dainton of Hallam Moors
001034 - Dainton, John Bourke
001035 - Dalby, William Ernest
001036 - Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
001037 - Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
001038 - Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
001040 - Dalgarno, Alexander
001041 - Fuchs, Sir Vivian Ernest
001042 - Antarctic Group Photograph 1956
001044 - Dalrymple, Alexander
001045 - Dalton, Sir Howard
001046 - Dalton, Sir Howard
001047 - Dalton, John
001048 - Dalton, John
001049 - Dalton, John
001050 - Dampier, Sir William Cecil Dampier
001051 - Dandelin, Germinal Pierre (1794-1847)
001052 - Daniell, Edmund Robert
001053 - Daniell, John Frederic
001055 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001056 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001057 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001059 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001060 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001061 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001062 - Darwin, Charles Robert
001063 - Darwin, Erasmus
001064 - Darwin, Erasmus
001066 - Darwin, Sir Horace
001069 - Dashwood, Francis, 15th Baron Le Despencer
001070 - Daubenton, Louis Jean Marie
001072 - Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle
001074 - Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle
001075 - D'Auvergne, Philip, Duc de Bouillon
001076 - D'Auvergne, Philip, Duc de Bouillon
001077 - Davenport, Harold
001078 - David, Sir Tannatt William Edgeworth
001079 - Davidson, John Frank
001080 - Davidson, Thomas
001082 - Davies, Edward Brian
001083 - Davies, Edward Brian
001084 - Group photograph at Physics Laboratory at R R E Malvern
001085 - Sigmund Freud and others
001086 - Davies, Julian Edmund
001087 - Davies, Nicholas Barry
001088 - Davies, Robert Ernest
001089 - Davies, Rodney Deane
001090 - Davis, Hart
001092 - Davis, Roger John
001093 - Davison, Alan
001094 - Davy, Sir Humphry
001095 - Davy, Sir Humphry
001096 - Dawes, Geoffrey Sharman
001097 - Dawkins, Richard Clinton
001100 - Dawkins, Sir William Boyd
001101 - Day, Peter
001102 - Day, Peter
001103 - Dearnaley, Geoffrey
001104 - De Beer, Sir Gavin Rylands
001105 - Born, (Le Chevalier) Ignace de
001106 - De Bruyne, Norman Adrian
001107 - Debye, Peter Joseph Wilhelm
001108 - Debye, Peter Joseph Wilhelm
001109 - Dee, Philip Ivor
001110 - De Duve, Christian Rene Marie Joseph, Viscount
001111 - Townshend, George, 2nd Marquess Townshend
001112 - Townshend, George, 2nd Marquess Townshend
001113 - De Gennes, Pierre-Gilles
001115 - De la Beche, Sir Henry Thomas
001116 - Chamette, Lee La
001117 - De la Condamine, Charles Maria
001120 - De la Rue, Warren
001121 - West, John, 1st Earl De la Warr
001122 - De Lionne, Hughes Louis
001123 - Dell, Anne
001124 - Delpy, David Thomas
001125 - De Luc, Jean Andre
001128 - Dendy, Arthur
001130 - Denham, Sir John
001131 - Denis, Jean-Baptiste
001132 - Denison, Albert, 1st Baron Londesborough
001133 - Denman, Sir Thomas
001134 - Denton, Derek Ashworth
001135 - Denton, Richard Michael
001136 - Derham, William
001137 - Derham, William
001139 - Descartes, Rene
001140 - Descartes, Rene
001141 - Descartes, Rene
001142 - Des Cloizeaux, Alfred Louis Olivier
001143 - De Valera, Eamon
001144 - Devons, Samuel
001145 - Devons, Samuel
001146 - Dexter, Thomas Michael
001147 - Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Eustace Henry William
001148 - Dibden, Thomas Frognall
001149 - Dickens, Frank
001150 - Dieffenbach, Ernst
001151 - Digby, Sir Kenelm
001152 - Dillwyn, Lewis Weston
001153 - Dimsdale, Thomas
001154 - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
001156 - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
001157 - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
001160 - Distinguished men of science living in years 1807/8
001163 - Dixey, Frederick Augustus
001165 - Dixon, Alfred Cardew
001166 - Dixon, Arthur Lee
001167 - Dixon, Gordon Henry
001170 - Dixon, Henry Horatio
001171 - Dixon, Raymond Alan
001172 - Dixon-Lewis, Graham
001173 - Dobbie, Sir James Johnston
001174 - Dobell, Cecil Clifford
001175 - Dobson, Christopher Martin
001176 - Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich
001177 - Dodds, Sir Edward Charles
001178 - Dodds, John Macalister
001179 - Doherty, Peter Charles
001182 - Dollond, John
001183 - Dollond, John
001184 - Dollond, George
001185 - Dolomieu, Deodat (1750-1801)
001186 - Dolphin, David Henry
001187 - Donald, Athene Margaret
001188 - Donnan, Frederick George
001189 - Donnan, Frederick George
001190 - Denton, John Douglas
001191 - Dodson, Arthur Thomas
001192 - Ortous de Mairan, Jean Jacques d'
001193 - Douglas, Sir Henry Percy (Vice Admiral)
001194 - Douglas, Stewart Ranken
001195 - Douglas, Sylvester, Baron Glenbervie
001196 - Dowell, John Derek
001197 - Dowling, Patrick Joseph
001198 - Downie, Allan Watt
001199 - Downs, Sir Diarmund
001200 - Drake, Francis
001201 - Dreyer, Georges
001202 - Drummond, Henry
001203 - Drury, Sir Alan Nigel
001204 - Duane, Matthew
001205 - Ducarel, Andrew Coltee
001207 - Duddell, William
001208 - Dudley, Harold Ward
001209 - Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis
001210 - Dulong, Pierre Louis
001211 - Dumaresq, Daniel
001212 - Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre
001213 - Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre
001215 - Duncan, Peter Martin
001217 - Dunstan, Sir Wyndham Rowland
001218 - Dunstan, Sir Wyndham Rowalnd
001219 - Durbin, Richard Michael
001220 - Dutton, Peter Leslie
001221 - Duval, Philip
001222 - Dwek, Raymond Allen
001223 - Dyson, Sir Frank Watson
001224 - Dyson, James
001225 - Drury, Sir Alan Nigel
001226 - Earle, William Benson
001227 - Earle, Sir James
001228 - East, Sir Edward Hyde
001229 - Eastlake, Sir Charles Lock
001231 - Eaves, Laurence
001232 - Ebner, (Baron)
001233 - Heiron, Guilielmus Ebner
001234 - Fortescue, Hugh, 2nd Earl Fortescue
001235 - Eccles, Sir John Carew
001236 - Eccles, Sir John Carew
001238 - Eddington, Sir Arthur Stanley
001239 - Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland
001240 - Eden, William, 1st Baron Auckland
001241 - Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany
001242 - Edward Augustus, Duke of York and Albany
001243 - Edwards, Bryan
001244 - Edwards, Dianne
001245 - Edwards, George
001246 - Edwards, Sir George Robert
001247 - Edwards, John Hilton
001248 - Edwards, Peter Philip
001249 - Edwards, Sir Samuel Frederick
001250 - Efstathiou, George Petros
001251 - Egerton, Lady Anne Sophia
001253 - Grey Egerton, Sir Philip de Malpas
001254 - Eglinton, Geoffrey
001255 - Wyndham, George O'Brien, 3rd Earl of Egremont
001256 - Ehrenberg, Christian Gottfried
001257 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
001258 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
001259 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
001260 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
001262 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
001263 - Eigen, Manfred
001264 - Plot, Robert
001267 - Einstein, Albert
001268 - Einstein, Albert
001269 - Einstein, Albert
001270 - Einstein, Albert
001271 - Einstein, Albert
001272 - Einstein, Albert
001273 - Einstein, Albert
001274 - Eisner, Thomas
001275 - Ekins, Roger Philip
001276 - Elderfield, Henry
001277 - Eley, Daniel Douglas
001278 - Elie de Beaumont, Jean Baptiste Jacques
001279 - Elion, Gertrude Belle
001281 - Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
001282 - Enderby, John Edwin
001283 - Elizabeth II, Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
001284 - Elizabeth, The Queen Mother
001285 - Ellicott, John
001286 - Ellington, Charles Porter
001287 - Elliott, Charles Thomas
001288 - Elliott, Charles Thomas
001289 - Elliot, Walter Elliot
001290 - Elliotson, John
001291 - Elliott, Edwin Bailey
001292 - Ellis, George James Welbore Agar, 1st Baron Dover
001293 - Ellis, John
001294 - Ellis, Reginald John
001295 - Ellis, Richard Salisbury
001297 - Ellis, John and Solander, Daniel Charles
001298 - Elton, Charles Sutherland
001299 - Enders, John Franklin
001300 - England, Philip Christopher
001301 - Englefield, Sir Henry Charles
001302 - Erdelyi, Arthur
001303 - Erdelyi, Arthur
001304 - Erdos, Paul
001306 - Ernst, Richard R
001307 - Eschenmoser, Albert Jakob
001308 - Erskine, David Stuart, 11th Earl of Buchan
001309 - Erskine, Henry David, 10th Earl of Buchan
001310 - Erskine, Sir Thomas, 1st Baron Erskine
001311 - Essen, Louis
001315 - Euclid
001316 - Euler, Leonhard
001317 - Euler, Ulf Svante von
001318 - Evans, Anthony Glyn
001319 - Evans, Sir Arthur John
001320 - Evans, Sir Arthur John
001321 - Evans, Sir John
001323 - Evans, Sir John
001324 - Evans, Martin John
001325 - Evans, Meredith Gwynne
001326 - Evans, Trevor
001327 - Evans, Ulick Richardson
001328 - Evans, Ulick Richardson
001329 - Eve, Arthur Stewart
001330 - Evelyn, John
001331 - Evetts, Jan Edgar
001332 - Evelyn, John
001335 - Evershed, John
001336 - Ewald, Paul Peter
001339 - Ewens, Warren John
001342 - Ewing, Sir James Alfred
001343 - Ewing, Sir James Alfred
001344 - Eyre, Brian Leonard
001345 - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
001346 - Fairbairn, Sir William
001349 - Fairbairn, Sir William
001350 - Fairley, Neil Hamilton
001351 - Fairley, Neil Hamilton
001352 - Falcon, Norman Leslie
001354 - Falconer, Hugh
001355 - Fano, Ugo
001356 - Faraday, Michael
001357 - Deputation to Michael Faraday
001362 - Faraday, Michael and Brande, William Thomas
001363 - Faraday, Michael
001364 - Faraday, Michael
001365 - Faraday, Michael
001366 - Faraday, Michael and Daniell, John Frederic
001368 - Farmer, Sir John Bretland
001369 - Farmer, Richard
001370 - Farquhar, Graham Douglas
001372 - Farr, William
001373 - Fasham, Michael John Robert
001374 - Fawcett, Henry
001377 - Fearon, Douglas Thomas
001378 - Feast, William James
001379 - Feast, William James
001380 - Fabian, Andrew Christopher
001381 - Feather, Norman
001382 - Visit to the Institute of Animal Genetics
001385 - Fellowes, Sir James
001386 - Fenner, Frank John
001387 - Fenner, Frank John
001388 - Fenner, Frank John
001389 - Ferguson, Adam, FRSE
001390 - Ferguson, James
001391 - Ferguson, James
001392 - Ferguson, Michael Anthony John
001393 - Ferguson, Robert
001394 - Fergusson, Sir William
001396 - Fergusson, Sir William
001398 - Fergusson, Sir William
001399 - Fergusson, Sir William
001400 - Fayrer, Sir Joseph
001401 - Fermat, Pierre de (1601-1665)
001402 - Fermi, Enrico
001404 - Ferrier, David
001405 - Ferrier, David
001408 - Fettiplace, Robert
001410 - Field, Sir Arthur Mostyn
001411 - Field, John Edwin
001412 - Field, Joshua
001413 - Fields, John Charles
001414 - Filon, Louis Napoleon George
001415 - Fincham, John Robert Stanley
001416 - Finniston, Harold Montague
001417 - Finniston, Harold Montague
001418 - Horrocks, Jeremiah
001420 - Fisher, Herbert Albert Laurens
001422 - Fisher, Michael Ellis
001424 - Fitzclarence, George Augustus Frederick, 1st Earl of Munster
001425 - Fitzmaurice, Sir Maurice
001426 - Fitzpatrick, John, 2nd Earl of Upper Ossory
001428 - Fitzroy, Robert
001430 - Flamsteed, John
001432 - Flamsteed, John
001433 - Flamsteed, John
001434 - Flamsteed, John
001435 - Flamsteed, John
001436 - Flamsteed, John
001437 - Flatman, Thomas
001438 - Flavell, Richard Anthony
001439 - Flavell, Richard Bailey
001440 - Flaxman, John, (1755-1826)
001441 - Fleming, Sir Alexander
001442 - Fleming, Sir Charles Alexander
001443 - Fleming, Graham Richard
001444 - Fleming, Ian
001447 - Fleming, John Ambrose
001448 - Fletcher, Sir Lazarus
001449 - Fletcher, Sir Walter Morley
001450 - Fletcher, Sir Walter Morley
001451 - Flett, Sir John Smith
001452 - Flett, Sir John Smith
001453 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001454 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001455 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001456 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001457 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001458 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001459 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001460 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001461 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001462 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001463 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001465 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001466 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001467 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001468 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001469 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001470 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001471 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001472 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001473 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001474 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001475 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
001477 - Fludd, Robert
001478 - Folkes, Martin
001479 - Folkes, Martin
001480 - Folkes, Martin
001481 - Folkes, Martin
001482 - Folkes, Martin
001483 - Folkes, Martin
001484 - Follett, Brian Keith and Smith, Sir Francis Graham
001485 - Follett, Sir Brian Keith
001486 - Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de
001487 - Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de
001488 - Forbes, David
001489 - Forbes, Edward
001491 - Forbes, James
001492 - Forbes, James David
001494 - Forbes, Sir John
001495 - Fordham, Michael J
001496 - Fordyce, George
001497 - Forrest, John Samuel
001498 - Forster, Edward
001499 - Forster, George
001500 - Forster, Martin Onslow
001501 - Forster, Thomas (1761-1825)
001502 - Forster, Thomas
001503 - Forster-Cooper, Sir Clive
001504 - Forsyth, Andrew Russell
001506 - Forsyth, Andrew Russell
001507 - Forsyth, Christina (nee Glen)
001508 - Forsyth, John
001509 - Forsyth, John
001510 - Fortey, Richard Alan
001512 - Foster, Sir Michael
001516 - Foster, Sir Michael
001517 - Foster, Sir Michael
001518 - Fothergill, John
001519 - Fourier, Jean Baptiste Joseph
001521 - Fowden, Sir Leslie
001522 - Fowler, Alan Bicksler
001524 - Fowler, David
001525 - Fowler, Peter Howard
001526 - Fownes, George
001527 - Fownes, George
001529 - Fox, Robert Were
001530 - Fraenkel, Ludwig Edward
001531 - Frank, Sir Frederick Charles
001532 - Frank, Sir Frederick Charles
001534 - Frankel, Sir Otto Herzberg
001535 - Frankel, Sir Otto Herzberg
001537 - Frankland, Sir Edward
001538 - Frankland, Percy Faraday
001539 - Franklin, Benjamin
001540 - Franklin, Benjamin
001541 - Franklin, Benjamin
001542 - Linnaeus, Carl
001543 - Franklin, Benjamin
001544 - Franklin, Sir John
001545 - Franklin, Sir John
001546 - Franklin, Sir John
001547 - Franklin, Norman Laurence
001548 - Franks, Sir Augustus Wollaston
001549 - Franzini-Armstrong, Clara
001550 - Fraser, Archibald Campbell
001551 - Fraser, Sir William
001552 - Frazer, Sir Augustus Simon
001553 - Frazer, Sir Augustus Simon
001554 - Frazer, Robert Alexander
001555 - Frederick Augustus, Duke of York and Albany
001556 - Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales
001557 - Freeman, Kenneth Charles
001558 - Freeth, Francis Arthur
001559 - Freind, John
001561 - Frere, John
001562 - Friedel, Jacques
001564 - Friend, Sir Richard Henry
001565 - Frith, Christopher Donald
001566 - Frohlich, Albrecht
001567 - Frohlich, Herbert
001568 - Frohlich, Herbert
001569 - Frohlich, Herbert
001573 - Fryer, John
001574 - Fryer, Sir John Claud Fortescue
001575 - Fuchs, Dr Vivian Ernest
001576 - Fuchs, Dr Vivian Ernest
001577 - Fukui, Kenichi
001579 - Furber, Stephen Byram
001580 - Fyfe, William Sefton
001583 - Foster, Sir Michael
001584 - Gabathuler, Erwin
001585 - Gabor, David
001587 - Gage, John
001589 - Galaup de la Perouse, Jean Francois
001590 - Galaup de la Perouse, Jean Francois
001591 - Gale, Michael Denis
001592 - Gale, Thomas
001593 - Gale, Thomas
001594 - Galilei, Galileo
001595 - Galilei, Galileo
001596 - Golitsyn, Dmitry Vladimirovich
001599 - Galton, Sir Francis
001600 - Galvani, Aloysii
001601 - Galvani, Luigi
001603 - Gamble, James Sykes
001604 - Garner, Christopher David
001606 - Garrett, Christopher John Raymond
001610 - Garrod, Sir Archibald Edward
001611 - Garrow, Sir William
001612 - Garth, Sir Samuel
001613 - Garwood, Edmund Johnston
001615 - Gassendi, Pierre
001617 - Gassiot, John Peter
001618 - Gassiot, John Peter
001619 - Gates, Reginald Ruggles
001620 - Gates, Reginald Ruggles
001621 - Gauss, Karl Freidrich
001622 - Gaydon, Alfred Gordon
001623 - Gay-Lussac, Joseph Louis
001624 - Gegenbauer, Carl
001625 - Gehring, Walter Jakob
001626 - Geikie, Sir Archibald
001627 - Geikie, Sir Archibald
001628 - Gell-Mann, Murray
001629 - George, Prince of Denmark
001630 - George I, King of Great Britain and Ireland
001632 - George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland
001633 - George III, King of Great Britain and Ireland
001634 - George IV, King of Great Britain and Ireland, as Prince of Wales
001635 - Gerrans, Henry Tresawna
001636 - Ghana Academy of Sciences: visit of agricultural specialists from the UK
001637 - Gibbons, Gary William
001638 - Gibbs, James
001639 - Hill, Archibald Vivian and Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
001640 - Gibson, Quentin Howieson
001641 - Ginzburg, Vitaly Lazarevich
001642 - Ginzburg, Vitaly Lazarevich
001643 - Gilbart, James William
001644 - Gilbart, James William
001646 - Gilbert (Giddy), Davies
001647 - Gilbert (Giddy), Davies
001648 - Gilbert (Giddy), Davies
001649 - Gilbert (Giddy), Davies
001650 - Gilbert, Davies
001652 - Gilbert, William (1544-1603)
001653 - Gilchrist, Percy Carlyle
001654 - Gill, Adrian Edmund
001655 - Gill, Sir David
001658 - Gillespie, Ronald James
001659 - Gillies, John
001660 - Gilman, Henry
001661 - Giro, Tomb of
001662 - Gladstone, John Hall
001664 - Gladstone, John Hall
001667 - Gladstone, William Ewart
001668 - Glaisher, James
001670 - Glaisher, James
001674 - Glanvill, Joseph
001675 - Thomson, William, Lord Kelvin's jubilee at Glasgow University
001676 - Glasse, Samuel
001677 - Glauber, Roy Jay
001679 - Glisson, Francis
001680 - Gloucester, William Frederick, 2nd Duke of Gloucester
001681 - Glover, Keith
001682 - Gluckman, Peter David
001683 - Glueckauf, Eugen
001684 - Gluecksohn-Waelsch, Salome
001685 - Gluecksohn-Waelsch, Salome
001686 - Godel, Kurt
001687 - Godfray, Hugh Charles Jonathan
001689 - Goebel, Karl Eberhard Ritter von
001690 - Goedert, Michel
001691 - Gold, Thomas
001692 - Goldie, Sir George Dashwood Taubman
001693 - Gold, Thomas
001694 - Goldingham, John
001695 - Goldschmidt, Victor Moritz
001696 - Goldstein, Joseph L
001697 - Goldstein, Joseph L
001698 - Goldstein, Sydney
001699 - Goldstein, Sydney
001700 - Good, John Mason
001701 - Goodenough, George Trenchard
001702 - Goodfellow, Peter Neville
001703 - Goodwin, Graham Clifford
001704 - Gopalan, Coluther
001705 - Gordon, Michael John Caldwell
001707 - Goschen, George Joachim
001709 - Gosse, Philip Henry
001711 - Gough, Dougals Owen
001712 - Gough, Richard
001713 - Gould, John
001715 - Gould, John
001716 - Gould, John
001717 - Gould, John
001718 - Gould, John
001719 - Gould, John
001720 - Gould, John
001721 - Gould, John
001722 - Gould, John
001723 - Goulette, Michael J
001724 - Gowans, Sir James Learmonth
001725 - Lord Jellicoe, Gowans, Sir James Learmouth and Rees, David
001727 - Gowers, William Timothy
001728 - Gowland, William
001729 - Graham, George
001730 - Graham, George
001731 - Graham, Thomas
001733 - Graham, Thomas
001734 - Graham, Thomas
001735 - Graham, Thomas
001736 - Graham, Thomas
001737 - Graham-Smith, Sir Francis
001738 - Graham-Smith, George Stuart
001739 - Grant, Ian Philip
001746 - Gravesande, Willem Jakob 's
001748 - Gray, Edward George
001749 - Gray, Edward George
001750 - Gray, Edward Whitaker
001751 - Gray, Harry Barkus
001752 - Gray, Henry
001753 - Gray, John
001754 - Gray, John Edward
001757 - Gray, John Edward
001758 - Graham-Smith, George Stuart
001759 - Gream
001761 - Green, Arthur George
001762 - Green, David Headley
001763 - Green, Joseph Henry
001764 - Green, Joseph Henry
001766 - Green, Malcolm Leslie Hodder
001767 - Green, Monika Joanna
001768 - Greenhalgh, John of Brandlesome
001769 - Greenough, George Bellas
001770 - Greenland, Dennis James
001771 - Greenwood, Duncan Joseph
001772 - Greenwood, Duncan Joseph
001773 - Greenwood, Brian Hellor
001774 - Greenwood, Geoffrey Wilson
001775 - Greenwood, Norman Neill
001776 - Gregory, David
001777 - Gregory, John
001778 - Gregory, John
001779 - Gregory, John Walter
001780 - Gregory, Olinthus Gilbert (1774-1841)
001781 - Gregory, Sir Richard Arman
001782 - Gregory, Sir Richard Arman
001783 - Gregory, Richard Langton
001785 - Gresham, Sir Thomas, 1519? - 1579
001786 - Greville, Charles Francis
001788 - Greville, Robert Fulke
001789 - Grew, Nehemiah
001790 - Grew, Nehemiah
001791 - Grey, Edward, Viscount Grey of Fallodon
001793 - Grierson, Donald
001794 - Griffith, Alan Arnold
001796 - Griffiths, Ernest Howard
001797 - Grigg, Ronald Ernest
001798 - Grime, John Philip
001799 - Grindall, Richard
001800 - Groombridge, Stephen
001801 - Grosveld, Franklin Gerardus
001804 - Grove, Sir William Robert
001807 - Grove, Sir William Robert
001810 - Green, Malcolm Leslie Hodder
001811 - Grubb, Sir Howard
001812 - Gubbins, David
001813 - Gull, Sir William Withey
001815 - Gurney, Hudson
001816 - Gutfreund, Herbert
001817 - Guthrie, George James
001818 - Haak, Theodore
001819 - Hadcock, Sir Albert George
001821 - Haddon, Alfred Cort
001823 - Haddu, Muhammed ib
001824 - Harden, Sir Arthur
001825 - Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott
001826 - Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott
001827 - Hadfield, Sir Robert Abbott
001828 - Hadley, John
001829 - Haidinger, Karl (1756-1797)
001830 - Hahn, Erwin Louis
001832 - Haig, Robert Wolseley
001833 - Haighton, John
001834 - Haldane, Frederick Duncan Michael
001835 - Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson
001837 - Haldane, John Scott
001838 - Haldane, Richard Burdon, Viscount Haldane of Cloan
001839 - Hales, Charles Nicholas
001840 - Hales, Stephen
001841 - Hales, Stephen
001842 - Hales, Stephen
001843 - Halford, Sir Henry
001844 - Halifax, George Savile
001846 - Hall, Alan
001847 - Hall, Sir Alfred Daniel
001848 - Hall, Sir Alfred Daniel
001849 - Hall, Sir Arnold Alexander
001850 - Hall, Sir Arnold Alexander
001851 - Hall, Sir Arnold Alexander
001852 - Hall, Sir Arnold Alexander
001853 - Hall, Marshall
001854 - Hall, Michael George
001855 - Hall, Peter Gavin
001856 - Hall, Philip
001857 - Hallam, Henry
001858 - Haller, Albrecht von
001859 - Haller, Albrecht von
001860 - Haller, Albrecht von
001861 - Halley, Edmond
001862 - Halley, Edmond
001863 - Halley, Edmond
001864 - Halley, Edmond
001865 - Halley, Edmond
001866 - Halley, Edmond
001867 - Halliburton, William Dobinson
001868 - Halliday, Alexander Norman
001869 - Halliwell Phillips, James Orchard
001870 - Hallpike, Charles Skinner
001871 - Halpern, Jack
001872 - Hamilton, J
001873 - Hamilton, Sir William
001874 - Hamilton, William Richard
001875 - Barrow, John David
001876 - Baylor, Denis
001877 - Bienz, Miriam
001878 - Bonfield, William
001879 - Brown, John Milton
001880 - Chase, Mark Wayne
001881 - Coey, John Michael David
001882 - Davies, Kay Elizabeth
001883 - Dickinson, Anthony
001884 - Dodson, Eleanor Joy
001885 - Dornan, Peter John
001886 - Dowling, Ann Patricia
001887 - Errington, Jeffrey
001888 - Kafatos, Fotis Constantine
001889 - Fletcher, Roger
001890 - Flower, Roderick John
001891 - Greaves, Melvyn Francis
001892 - Green, Peter James
001893 - Gull, Keith
001894 - Holland, Peter WIlliam Harold
001895 - Hough, James
001896 - Irving, Malcolm
001897 - Jones, Jonathan Dallas George
001898 - Klein, Michael Lawrence
001899 - MacDiarmid, Alan Graham
001900 - Mann, Stephen
001901 - Nelmes, Richard John
001902 - Ogilvie, Dame Bridgit Margaret
001903 - O'Rahilly, Stephen Patrick
001904 - Palmer, Timothy Noel
001905 - Papaloizou, John
001906 - Ramakrishnan, Venkatraman
001907 - Robertson, Elizabeth Jane
001908 - Robson, John Gair
001909 - Sarukhan, Jose
001910 - Scott, John Donald
001911 - Sibson, Richard Hugh
001912 - Simon, Leon Melvyn
001913 - Sinclair, Anthony Ronald Entrican
001914 - Smith, Geoffrey Lilley
001915 - Sutton, Adrian Peter
001916 - Telegdi, Valentine Louis
001917 - Klitzing, Klaus von
001918 - Vousden, Karen Heather
001919 - Watson, Andrew James
001920 - Watt, Fiona Mary
001921 - Wells, Peter Neil Temple
001922 - Hamilton, Sir William Rowan (1806-1865)
001923 - Hamond, Andrew Snape
001924 - Handy, Nicholas Charles
001925 - Hampe, Joannes Henricus
001926 - Godfrey-Hanckewitz, Ambrose
001927 - Handy, Nicholas Charles
001928 - Hanmer, Sir Thomas (1677-1746)
001929 - Hanna, David Colin
001930 - Hanson, Emmeline Jean
001931 - Hansen, Jean-Pierre
001932 - Harborne, Jeffrey Barry
001935 - Harcourt, Augustus George Vernon
001936 - Harcourt, Simon, 1st Earl Harcourt
001937 - Hardinge, George
001938 - Hardinge, Sir Henry, First Viscount Hardinge of Lahore (1785 - 1856)
001940 - Hardwicke, Thomas
001941 - Hardy, Sir Alister Clavering
001942 - Hardy, Godfrey Harold
001945 - Hardy, Sir William Bate
001946 - Hardy, Sir William Bate
001947 - Hardy, Sir William Bate
001948 - Hargreaves, Edward
001950 - Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford and Mortimer
001953 - Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield
001954 - Harris, Harry
001955 - Harris, Sir Henry
001956 - Harris, John
001957 - Harris, John
001958 - Harris, John Edward
001959 - Harris, Thomas Maxwell
001960 - Harris, Thomas Maxwell
001961 - Harris, Thomas Maxwell
001962 - Harris, Sir William Snow
001963 - Harris, Sir William Snow
001964 - Harrison, Sir George
001965 - Harrison, John (1693-1776)
001966 - Harrison, Robert William Frederick (1858-1945)
001967 - Hartley, David
001968 - Hartley, Sir Harold Brewer
001969 - Hartley, Sir Harold Brewer
001970 - Hartley, Sir Harold Brewer
001971 - Hartley, Sir Harold Brewer
001972 - Hartline, Haldan Keffer
001973 - Hartree, Douglas Rayner
001974 - Hartridge, Hamilton
001975 - Harvey, Paul H
001976 - Sir John Harvey
001977 - Harvey, William
001979 - Haselden, Thomas
001980 - Hastie, Nicholas Dixon
001981 - Hastings, Warren
001982 - Haswell, William Aitcheson
001983 - Hatch, Marshall Davidson
001984 - Hatch, Marshall Davidson
001985 - Hatfield, William Herbert
001986 - Littleton, Edward John, 1st Baron Hatherton
001987 - Hatchett, Charles
001988 - Hauy, Rene Just
001989 - Hawkes, Leonard
001990 - Hawkes, Leonard
001991 - Hawkes, Leonard
001992 - Hawkesworth, Christopher John
001993 - Hawkhurst Church
001994 - Hawkins, B W
001996 - Hawkins, Edward
001997 - Hawkins, Herbert Leader
001998 - Hay, Allan Stuart
001999 - Hay, Allan Stuart
002000 - Hayes, William
002004 - Head, Alan Kenneth
002005 - Head, Sir Henry
002006 - Head, Sir Henry
002007 - Heap, Sir Robert Brian
002008 - Heap, Sir Robert Brian
002009 - Heap, Sir Robert Brian
002011 - Heape, Walter
002012 - Heape, Walter
002013 - Heath, George
002014 - Heath, Robert Samuel (1858-1931)
002015 - Heath, Robert Samuel (1858-1931)
002016 - Heath, Sir Thomas Little
002017 - Heath-Brown, David Rodney
002018 - Heaviside, John
002019 - Heaviside, John
002020 - '1886 New Zealand: recent volcanic eruption', Tarawera Range by James Hector
002021 - Hedgeland, Dr D R S
002022 - Heidelberger, Michael
002023 - Heilbronn, Hans Arnold
002024 - Heine, Victor
002025 - Heisenberg, Werner
002026 - Heister, Lawrence
002028 - Hele-Shaw, Henry Selby
002029 - Helmholtz, Hermann Ludwig Ferdinand von
002030 - Helvetius, Jean Claude Adrian
002031 - Hems, Benjamin Arthur
002033 - Henderson, George
002034 - Henderson, Richard
002035 - Henderson, Richard
002039 - Henniker Major, John, 2nd Baron Hennniker
002041 - Henry, William
002042 - Henry, Frederick William, Duke of Cumberland
002043 - Henslow, John Stevens (1796-1861)
002044 - Herbert, Henry, 9th Earl of Pembroke and 6th Earl of Montgomery
002046 - Herdman, Sir William Abbott
002047 - Mansfield, Terence Arthur
002048 - Heron-Allen, Edward
002049 - Herschel, Caroline
002050 - Herschel, John Frederick William
002051 - Herschel, John Frederick William
002054 - Herschel, John Frederick William
002055 - Herschel, John Frederick William
002056 - Herschel, Sir William
002057 - Herschel, Sir William
002058 - Herschel, Sir William
002059 - Herschel, Sir William
002060 - Herschel, Sir William
002061 - Herschel, Sir William
002062 - Herschel, Sir William
002063 - Herschel, Sir William
002064 - Herschel, Sir William
002065 - Herschel, Sir William
002066 - Hertz, Heinrich Rudolf (1857-94)
002067 - Herzberg, Ewald Friedrich
002068 - Herzberg, Gerhard
002069 - Heslop-Harrison, John
002070 - Heslop-Harrison, John
002071 - Heucher, Johann Heinrich
002072 - Hevelius, Johannes
002074 - Hewish, Antony
002075 - Hewish, Antony
002076 - Hewitt, Eric John
002077 - Hewson, William
002078 - Hey, James Stanley
002079 - Hey, William
002080 - Heyne, Christian Gottlob
002081 - Heywood, James
002084 - Hicks, William Mitchinson
002085 - Hicks, William Mitchinson
002088 - Higgins, Dame Julia Stretton
002089 - Higgins, Dame Julia Stretton
002090 - Higman, Graham
002091 - Hill, Abraham
002092 - Hill, Abraham
002093 - Hill, Archibald Vivian
002094 - Hill, Sir Arthur William
002095 - Hill, Hugh Allen Oliver
002096 - Hill, Hugh Allen Oliver
002097 - Hill, Micaiah John Muller
002098 - Hill, Rodney
002100 - Hill, Sir Rowland
002101 - Hill, Thomas
002103 - Hinch, Edward John
002104 - Hinde, Robert Aubrey
002105 - Hinde, Robert Aubrey
002106 - Hindle, Edward
002107 - Hindle, Edward
002108 - Hindle, Edward
002109 - Hinks, Arthur Robert
002110 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002111 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002112 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002113 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002114 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002115 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002116 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002117 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002118 - Hinshelwood, Sir Cyril Norman
002119 - Hinton, Geoffrey Everest
002120 - Hinton, Howard Everest
002122 - Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
002123 - Hirohito, Emperor of Japan
002124 - Hirsch, Sir Peter Bernhard
002126 - Hirzebruch, Friedrich Ernst Peter
002127 - Guettard
002128 - Hitchin, Nigel James
002129 - Hitchin, Nigel James
002130 - Hitchings, George Herbert
002131 - Hitchings, George Herbert
002132 - Hoadley, Benjamin, Bishop of Winchester
002133 - Hoare, Cecil Arthur
002134 - Hoare, Cecil Arthur
002135 - Hoare, Sir Charles Antony Richard
002136 - Hoare, Henry Hugh
002137 - Hoare, Sir Richard
002138 - Hoare, Sir Richard
002139 - Hobart, John, Earl of Buckinghamshire
002140 - Hobbes, Thomas
002141 - Hobbes, Thomas
002142 - Hobhouse, Sir Benjamin
002144 - Hobhouse, John Cam, Baron Broughton de Gyfford
002145 - Hoblyn, Robert
002147 - Hodge, Sir William Vallance Douglas
002148 - Hodge, Sir William Vallance Douglas
002149 - Hodge, Sir William Vallance Douglas
002150 - Hodge, Sir William Vallance Douglas
002151 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
002152 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
002153 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
002154 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd and Keynes, Richard Darwin
002155 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
002156 - Hodgkin, Sir Alan Lloyd
002157 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
002158 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
002159 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
002160 - Hodgkin, Jonathan Alan
002161 - Hodgson, Joseph
002162 - Hodgson, William
002163 - Hoffmann, Friedrich
002164 - Hoffmann, Roald
002166 - Hofmann, Augustus Wilhelm
002167 - Hofmann, Augustus Wilhelm
002168 - Hofmann, Augustus Wilhelm
002169 - Hogan, Brigid L M
002170 - Hogben, Lancelot Thomas
002171 - Hogben, Lancelot Thomas
002174 - Todd, Alexander Robertus and Hogg, Quintin McGarel
002176 - Holder, William
002178 - Casimir, Hendrick Brught Gerhard
002179 - Holland, Henry
002180 - Holland, Henry
002181 - Holliday, Robin
002182 - Hollis, Thomas
002183 - Holloway, John Ernest
002185 - Holman, James
002186 - Holman, James
002187 - Holman, John
002188 - Holmes, Andrew Bruce
002189 - Holmes, George
002190 - Holmes, Sir Gordon Morgan
002191 - Holmes, Kenneth Charles
002192 - Holroyd, John Baker, 1st Earl of Sheffield
002193 - Holtedahl, Olaf
002194 - Holwell, John Zephamiah
002195 - Home, Sir Everard
002196 - Home, Sir Everard
002197 - Home, Sir Everard
002198 - Hondros, Ernest Demetrios
002199 - Honeycombe, Sir Robert , Smith, Harry and Cahn, Robert
002200 - Hook, James
002201 - Hooke, Robert
002202 - Hooke, Robert
002203 - Hooke, Robert
002204 - Hooke, Robert
002205 - Hooke, Robert
002206 - Hooke, Robert
002208 - Hooke, Robert
002209 - Hooke, Robert
002210 - Hooke, Robert
002211 - Hooke, Robert
002212 - Hooke, Robert
002213 - Hooke, Robert
002214 - Hooke, Robert
002215 - Hooke, Robert
002216 - Hooke, Robert
002217 - Hooke, Robert
002219 - Hooke, Robert
002220 - Hooke, Robert
002221 - Hooke, Robert
002222 - Hooke, Robert
002223 - Hooke, Robert
002224 - Hooke, Robert
002225 - Hooke, Robert
002227 - Hooke, Robert
002230 - Hooke, Robert
002231 - Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
002234 - Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
002235 - Hooker, Sir Joseph Dalton
002237 - Hooker, Sir William Jackson
002238 - Hooker, Sir William Jackson
002239 - Hooker, Sir William Jackson
002240 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
002241 - Hooper, Edward
002242 - Hope, Frederick William
002243 - Hope, Frederick William
002244 - Hope, Thomas Charles
002245 - Hope, Sir William Johnstone
002246 - Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
002247 - Hopkins, Harold Horace
002248 - Hopkins, William
002250 - Hopwood, Sir David Alan
002251 - Hopwood, Sir David Alan
002252 - Horlock, John Harold
002253 - Horne, John
002254 - Horne, John and Peach, Benjamin Neeve
002255 - Horneck, Anthony
002256 - Horsley, Samuel
002257 - Hoskins, Sir John
002258 - Hoskins, Sir John
002259 - Hoskins, Sir John
002261 - Houghton, John Theodore
002262 - Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
002263 - Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
002264 - Hounsfield, Sir Godfrey Newbold
002265 - Houssay, Bernardo Alberto
002266 - Howard, Charles, 1st Earl of Carlisle
002267 - Howard, George, 6th Earl of Carlisle
002268 - Howard, George William Frederick, 7th Earl of Carlisle
002269 - Howard, Henry, 6th Duke of Norfolk
002270 - Howard, Hugh
002271 - Howard, James Griffiths
002272 - Howard, John
002273 - Howard, Jonathon Charles
002274 - Howard, Judith Ann Kathleen nee Duckworth
002275 - Howard, Lord Thomas
002276 - Howells, Muir S
002278 - Howie, Archibald
002279 - Howorth, Sir Heny Hoyle
002280 - Hoyle, Sir Fred
002281 - Hubel, David Hunter
002282 - Huckel, Erich Armand Arthur Joseph
002283 - Huddart, Joseph
002284 - Huddart, Joseph
002285 - Huddart, Joseph
002286 - Hudson, Robert
002287 - Hudson, Robert Francis
002288 - Huggins, Sir William
002289 - Huggins, Sir William
002291 - Huggins, Sir William
002294 - Hughes, Griffith
002295 - Hughes, John Pinnington
002297 - Hughes, Reverend Mr
002298 - Hughes-Jones, Nevin Campbell
002299 - Hull, Edward
002301 - Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
002302 - Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
002303 - Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
002305 - Hume, Joseph
002306 - Hume-Rothery, William
002307 - Hume-Rothery, William
002308 - Hulme, Nathaniel
002310 - Humphrey, John Herbert
002311 - Humphrey, P P A
002312 - Hunt, John David
002313 - Hunt, Richard Timothy
002314 - Hunter, Alan
002315 - Hunter, Anthony Rex
002316 - Graaff Hunter, James de
002317 - Hunter, John
002318 - Hunter, John
002319 - Hunter, John
002320 - Hunter, John
002322 - Hunter, William
002323 - Hunter, William
002324 - Hunter, William
002325 - Huntingford, George Isaac
002326 - Hush, Noel Sydney
002327 - Hussey, Thomas
002328 - Hutchinson, Sir Jonathan
002329 - Hutchison, Sir William Kenneth
002330 - Hutton, Charles
002331 - Hutton, Charles
002332 - Hutton, Frederick Wollaston
002333 - Huxham, John
002334 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002335 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002336 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002337 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002338 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002339 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002340 - Huxley, Sir Andrew Fielding
002341 - Huxley, Hugh Esmor
002342 - Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell
002343 - Huxley, Sir Julian Sorell
002344 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002345 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002346 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002348 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002349 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002351 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002352 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002353 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
002354 - Huygens, Christian
002355 - Huygens, Christian
002357 - Hyde, Edward, 1st Earl of Clarendon
002358 - Hyde, Henry, 2nd Earl of Clarendon
002360 - Ing, Harry Raymond
002361 - Ingenhousz, John
002362 - Ingham, Philip William
002363 - Inglefield, Sir Edward Augustus
002364 - Inglis, Sir Claude Cavendish
002365 - Inglis, Sir Claude Cavendish
002366 - Inglis, Sir Robert Harry
002367 - Ingold, Keith Usherwood
002368 - Ingold, Keith Usherwood
002369 - Ingold, Keith Usherwood
002370 - Ingram, Vernon Martin
002371 - Ireland, Peter
002372 - Irvine, Robin Francis
002373 - Irving, Edward
002374 - Irwin, George Rankin
002375 - Isaak, George Richard
002376 - Ish-Horowicz, David
002377 - Israelachvili, Jacob Nissim
002378 - Issigonis, Sir Alec Arnold Constantine
002379 - Ito, Masao
002380 - Iveagh, Rupert Edward Cecil Lee (Guiness)
002381 - Iversen, Leslie Lars
002382 - Jack, Sir David
002383 - Jack, James Julian Bennett
002384 - Jackson, Sir Henry Bradwardine
002385 - Jackson, James Anthony
002386 - Jackson, John
002388 - Jackson, Roy
002389 - Jackson, Willis, Baron Jackson of Burnley
002391 - Jacob, Francois
002392 - Jacobs, Patricia Ann
002393 - Jacobsen, Theodore
002394 - Jacquin, Nicolas Joseph
002395 - Jaffe, John
002396 - Jakeman, Eric
002397 - James I, King of England and Scotland
002398 - James II, when Duke of York
002399 - James, Anthony Trafford
002400 - James, Reginald WIlliam
002401 - James, Sir Walter, 1759 - 1829
002402 - Jameson, Guy Antony
002403 - Jamitzer, Wenzel
002404 - Jamitzer, Wenzel
002405 - Jansen, Zacharias, 1588-1628/31
002406 - Jardine, Sir William
002407 - Jarvis, Paul Gordon
002408 - Jeans, Sir James Hopwood
002411 - Jebb, John
002412 - Jefferson, Geoffrey
002414 - Jeffreys, Sir Alec John
002415 - Jeffreys, Sir Harold
002417 - Jekyll, Joseph
002418 - Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe
002419 - Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe
002420 - Jellicoe, George Patrick John Rushworth, 2nd Earl Jellicoe
002421 - Jencks, William Platt
002422 - Jenkins, Michael
002423 - Jenkinson, David Stewart
002424 - Jenner, Edward
002425 - Jenner, Edward
002426 - Jenner, Sir William
002427 - Jenner, Sir William
002430 - Jessell, Thomas Michael
002431 - Jodrell, Richard Paul
002432 - Johnson, Alan Woodworth
002433 - Johnson, Brian Frederick Gilbert
002434 - Johnson, Dame Louise Napier
002436 - Johnson-Laird, Philip Nicholas
002437 - Johnson, William
002438 - Johnston, Sir Alexander
002440 - Jones, Sir Bennett Melvill
002441 - Jones, Frederic Wood
002442 - Group Photograph
002443 - Jones, Geoffrey Melvill
002444 - Jones, Geoffrey Melvill
002447 - Jones, Steve
002448 - Jones, Terry
002449 - Jones, Thomas Alwyn
002454 - Jones, Owen Thomas
002455 - Jones, Sir William
002456 - Jones, Vaughan Federick Randal
002457 - Jordan, Heinrich Ernst Karl
002458 - Josephson, Brian David
002459 - Josephson, Brian David
002460 - Joule, James Prescott
002462 - Joule, James Prescott
002463 - Joyce, Bruce Arthur
002464 - Juan y Santacillia, Jorge
002469 - Jurin, James
002470 - Justel, Henry
002471 - Kahn, Franz Daniel
002472 - Kane, Sir Robert John
002473 - Kao, Kuen Charles
002475 - Kapitza, Piotr Leonidovich
002476 - Kapitza, Piotr Leonidovich
002477 - Group photograph
002478 - Kapitza, Piotr Leonidovich
002479 - Kaplan, Jack Henri
002480 - Karplus, Martin
002481 - Karsten, Wenceslaus Gustav (1732-1787)
002482 - Kassanis, Basil
002483 - Kastner, Abraham Gotthelf
002484 - Katchalski-Katzir, Ephram
002486 - Katz, Sir Bernard
002487 - Katz, Sir Bernard
002488 - Kay, John (of Bury)
002490 - Keate, George
002491 - Keay, Ronald William John
002492 - Keene, Sir Benjamin
002493 - Keir, James
002495 - Keith, Sir Arthur
002496 - Keith, Sir Arthur
002497 - Kellaway, Charles Halliley
002498 - Kellaway, Charles Halliley
002499 - Keller, Andrew
002500 - Keller, Andrew
002501 - Kelly, Michael Joseph
002503 - Kemmer, Nicholas
002504 - Kemp, Bruce Ernest
002505 - Kendall, David George
002506 - Kendall, Kevin
002507 - Kendall, Percy Fry
002508 - Kendrew, Sir John Cowdrey
002509 - Kennard, Olga
002511 - Kennedy, Sir Alexander Blackie William
002512 - Kennedy, John Stodart
002513 - Kennedy, William Quarrier
002515 - Kenner, James
002516 - Kent, Sir (Peter) Percy Edward
002517 - Kerensky, Oleg Alexander
002518 - Kerensky, Oleg Alexander
002519 - Kersey, John (1616-1690?)
002521 - Keverne, Eric Barrington
002522 - Kew Observatory
002523 - Kew Observatory
002525 - Keynes, Richard Darwin
002526 - Keynes, Richard Darwin
002527 - Khalatnikov, Isaac Markovich
002528 - Khush, Gurdev Singh
002529 - Kidd, John
002530 - Kilmartin, John Vincent
002531 - King, Sir David Anthony
002532 - King, Edmund
002533 - King, Harold
002534 - King, James
002535 - King, James
002536 - King, John Glen
002537 - King, Louis Vessot
002538 - King, William
002539 - King, William Bernard Robinson
002540 - King-Hele, Desmond George
002541 - King-Hele, Desmond George
002542 - King-Hele, Desmond George
002543 - Kinnaird, George William Fox, Ninth Lord Kinnaird of Inchture
002545 - Kipping, Fredric Stanley
002546 - Kipping, Fredric Stanley
002547 - Kippis, Andrew
002548 - Kirby, Anthony John
002549 - Kirby, William
002550 - Kirby, William
002553 - Kirwan, Frances Clare
002554 - Kitchin, Finlay Lorimer
002555 - Klaproth, Martin Heinrich
002556 - Klug, Sir Aaron
002557 - Klug, Sir Aaron
002558 - Klug, Sir Aaron
002559 - Klug, Sir Aaron
002560 - Knight, Gowin
002561 - Knight, Peter Leonard
002562 - Knight, Richard Payne (1750-1824)
002563 - Knight Bruce, James Lewis
002564 - Knott, John Frederick
002565 - Knott, John Frederick
002566 - Knowles, John
002567 - Kohn, Walter
002568 - Konig, Charles Dietrich Eberhard
002569 - Kornberg, Arthur
002572 - Krebs, Sir John (Richard)
002573 - Krebs, Sir John (Richard)
002574 - Krishnan, SIr Kariamanikkam Srinivasa
002575 - Krishnan, Sir Kariamanikkam Srinivasa
002576 - Krishnan, Sir Kariamanikkam Srinivasa
002577 - Kronheimer, Peter Benedict
002578 - Kroto, Sir Harold Walter
002579 - Kroto, Sir Harold Walter
002580 - Kruskal, Martin David
002581 - Kulkarni, Shrivinas R
002582 - Kupffer, Adolph Theodor
002583 - Kuypers, Hans Gerardus Jocobus Maria
002584 - Kuypers, Hans Gerardus Jocobus Maria
002585 - Morren, Edward
002586 - Lacaze-Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de
002587 - Bernard Germain Etienne de la Ville-sur-Illion,Count of Lacepede
002588 - Lachmann, Sir Peter Julius
002589 - Lachmann, Sir Peter Julius
002591 - La Cour, Leonard Francis
002592 - La Cour, Leonard Francis
002593 - La Cour, Leonard Francis
002594 - Lacroix, Francois Antoine Alfred
002595 - Lagny, Thomas Fantet de
002596 - Lagrange, Joseph Louis Marie, Compte de
002597 - Lagrange, Joseph Louis Marie, Compte de
002599 - Lainson, Ralph
002600 - Lalande, Joseph Jerome le Francais de
002601 - Lalande, Joseph Jerome le Francais de
002602 - Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de (1744-1829)
002603 - Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet de (1744-1829)
002605 - Lamb, Sir Horace
002606 - Lamb, Sir Horace
002607 - Lamb, Trevor David
002608 - Lamb, William, 2nd Viscount Melbourne
002609 - Lambeck, Kurt
002610 - Lambert, Aylmer Bourke
002611 - Lambert, Aylmer Bourke
002612 - Lancaster, William
002613 - Land, Edwin Herbert
002614 - Land, Michael Francis
002615 - Landau, Lev Davydovitch
002616 - Lane, Sir David Philip
002617 - Lane, Timothy
002618 - Lane-Fox, Augustus Henry (later Pitt-Rivers)
002619 - Lang, Andrew Richard
002620 - Langford, William
002621 - Langlands, Robert Phelan
002623 - Lankester, Edwin
002624 - Lankester, Edwin
002627 - Lankester, Sir Edwin Ray
002629 - Laplace, Pierre Simon, Marquis de Laplace
002631 - Lapworth, Arthur
002632 - Lardner, Dionysius
002633 - Larmor, Sir Joseph
002634 - Larmor, Sir Joseph
002638 - Lassell, Willliam
002639 - Lassell, Willliam
002640 - Latham, John
002643 - Laughlin, Simon Barry
002644 - Laughton, Sir Anthony Seymour
002645 - Launder, Brian Edward
002646 - Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
002647 - Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
002649 - Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
002650 - Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent
002651 - Law, Geroge Henry
002656 - Lawes, Sir John Bennet
002657 - Lawrence, Peter Anthony
002658 - Lawrence, Sir Thomas
002660 - Lawrence, Sir William
002661 - Lea, Harvey Charles (1825-1909)
002662 - Leach, Sydney
002663 - Leadlay, Peter Francis
002664 - Leake, William Martin
002666 - Leathes, John Beresford
002667 - Leathes, John Beresford
002668 - Leblond, Charles Philippe
002669 - Leblond, Charles Philippe
002670 - Le Cat, Claude Nicholas
002671 - Le Comber, Peter George
002672 - Le Comber, Peter George
002673 - Le Couteur, Sir John
002674 - Le Couteur, Sir John
002675 - Lediard, Thomas
002676 - Ledingham, Sir John Charles Grant
002677 - Le Douarin, Nicole Marthe
002678 - Le Douarin, Nicole Marthe
002679 - Le Drain, Henri Francois
002680 - Lederberg, Joshua
002681 - Ledwith, Anthony
002683 - Lee, John
002684 - Lee, John
002685 - Lee, John
002686 - Lee, John
002687 - Lee, John
002688 - Lee, Louisa Catherine
002689 - Lee, Louisa Catherine
002691 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
002692 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
Expand 002694 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van002694 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
002695 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
002696 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
002698 - Leguat, Francois
002699 - Legendre, Louis
002700 - Legge, George, 3rd Earl of Dartmouth
002701 - Bilson Legge, Henry
002702 - Petty, Sir William
002703 - Legon, Anthony Charles
002704 - Lehmann, Hermann
002705 - Lehmann, Johann Gottleib
002706 - Lehn, Jean-Marie Pierre
002707 - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
002708 - Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von
002709 - Leigh, Charles
002710 - Lemieux, Raymond Urgel
002711 - Lemieux, Raymond Urgel
002712 - Le Neve
002713 - Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond and Lennox
002714 - Lennox-Conyngham, Sir Gerald Ponsonby
002715 - Leonhard, C C et al
002716 - Leonhard, C C et al
002717 - Leray, Jean
002718 - Leray, Jean
002719 - Leray, Jean
002720 - Leslie, Andrew Greig William
002721 - Leslie, Frank Mathews
002722 - Leslie, Sir John, 1766 - 1832
002723 - Leti, Gregorio
002724 - Lettsom, John Coakley
002725 - Le Vaillant, Francois
002726 - Lever, Sir Ashton
002727 - Le Verrier, Urbain Jean Joseph
002728 - Levick, William Russell
002729 - Levi-Montalcini, Rita
002730 - Levi-Montalcini, Rita
002731 - Levitt, Michael
002732 - Lewis, Dan
002733 - Lewis, Edward Butts
002734 - Lewis, Gilbert Newton
002735 - Morrogh, Henton
002736 - Lewis of Newnham, Jack, Baron
002737 - Lewis, Wilfrid Bennett
002738 - Lewis, William Cudmore McCullagh
002740 - Lewis, William James
002741 - Ley, Steven Victor
002742 - Ley, Steven Victor
002743 - Library and Archive staff 2002
002744 - Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph
002745 - Lidell, Edward George Tandy
002746 - Liebig, Justus
002747 - Liebig, Justus
002748 - Liggins, Sir Graham Collingwood
002749 - Lighthill, Sir Michael James
002750 - Ligonier, John, Earl Ligonier of Ripley
002751 - Lilley, David Malcolm James
002752 - Lilly, Malcolm Douglas
002753 - Linck, Johann Heinrich
002754 - Lindahl, Thomas Robert
002755 - Lindemann, Frederick Alexander, Viscount Cherwell
002757 - Lindley, John
002758 - Lindley, John
002759 - Lindsay, David Alexander Edward, 27th Earl of Crawford and 10th Earl of Balcarres
002760 - Lindsay, James Ludevic, 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres
002761 - Lindsay, James Ludevic, 26th Earl of Crawford and 9th Earl of Balcarres
002762 - Lindsay, John, 20th Earl of Crawford
002763 - Lindsey, Robert, Earl of
002764 - Link, Heinrich Friedrich
002765 - Linnaeus, Carolus
002766 - Linnaeus, Carolus
002767 - Linnane, Anthony William
002768 - Linnane, Anthony William
002769 - Linstead, Sir Reginald Patrick
002770 - Linstead, Sir Reginald Patrick
002771 - Lions, Jacques-Louis
002772 - Lipperhey, Hans
002773 - Lipson, Henry Solomon
002774 - Lipson, Henry Solomon
002775 - Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister of Lyme Regis
002776 - Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister of Lyme Regis
002777 - Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister of Lyme Regis
002778 - Lister, Joseph, 1st Baron Lister of Lyme Regis
002779 - Lister, Martin and Goedartius, Johannes
002783 - Lloyd, David Graham
002785 - Lloyd, Humphrey
002786 - Lloyd, John Augustus
002787 - Lloyd, Robert Glanville
002788 - Lobb, Theophilus
002789 - Locke, John
002790 - Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph
002793 - Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph
002794 - Lodge, Sir Oliver Joseph
002795 - Long, Roger
002796 - Long, Walter Hume
002797 - Long, William
002798 - Long, William
002799 - Long, William
002800 - Long, William
002801 - Longuet-Higgins, Hugh Christopher
002802 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002803 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002804 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002806 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002807 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002808 - Lonsdale, Dame Kathleen Yardley
002809 - Lorenz, Edward Norton
002810 - Lorenz, Konrad Zacharias
002811 - Lort, Michael
002812 - Love, Augustus Edward Hough
002813 - Lovell, Sir Alfred Charles Bernard
002814 - Lovell-Badge, Robin Howard
002815 - Low, Martin Geoffrey
002816 - Lowe, Edward Joseph
002818 - Lowry, Thomas Martin
002819 - Lowry, Wilson
002820 - Lowth, Robert
002821 - Lubbock, Sir John , 1st Baron Avebury
002822 - Lubbock, Sir John William
002823 - Lubbock, Richard
002824 - Lugeon, Maurice
002825 - Lumsden, Andrew Gino Sita
002826 - Lund, Raymond Douglas
002827 - Lusk, Graham
002828 - Lusk, Graham
002829 - Llusk, Graham
002831 - Lyell, Sir Charles
002834 - Lyell, Sir Charles
002835 - Lyell, Sir Charles
002836 - Lyne, Andrew Geoffrey
002838 - Lyon, Mary Frances
002839 - Lyons, Terence John
002840 - Lysons, Daniel
002841 - Lysons, Samuel
002842 - Lysons, Samuel
002843 - Lythgoe, Basil
002844 - Lyttelton, Charles
002845 - Lyttelton, Charles
002847 - Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur
002848 - Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur
002849 - Lyttleton, Raymond Arthur
002850 - Macallum, Archibald Bryan
002851 - McCance, Robert Alexander
002854 - McCanny, John Vincent
002855 - Macaulay, Mrs Catherine (1731-1791)
002858 - MacBride, Ernest William
002859 - McClintock, Barbara
002861 - McClintock, Sir Francis Leopold
002862 - McCormick, Francis Patrick
002863 - McCormick, Sir William Symington
002864 - McCulloch, Ernest Armstrong
002865 - MacCulloch, John
002866 - McCullagh, Peter
002867 - McDevitt, Hugh O'Neill
002868 - McDonald, Ian Grant
002869 - McDuff, Dusa
002870 - MacDonald, Hector Munro
002871 - MacDonald, Hector Munro
002872 - MacDonald, John (died 1850)
002874 - MacFarlane, Sir Alistair George James
002875 - MacFarlane, Robert Gwyn
002876 - MacFarlane, Robert Gwyn
002877 - McGillivray, Simon
002878 - McGrigor, Sir James
002879 - Macintosh, Frank Campbell
002881 - Macintyre, Angus John
002882 - MacIntyre, Iain Alexander
002883 - MacIntyre, Iain Alexander
002884 - McIntyre, Michael Edgeworth
002885 - MacKay, Robert Sinclair
002886 - McKechnie, Dame Sheila
002889 - McKenzie, Dan Peter
002890 - Mackie, George Owen
002891 - McKittrick, Ian
002892 - McLaren, Dame Anne Laura
002893 - MacLennan, David Herman
002894 - McLennan, Sir John Cunningham
002895 - McLennan, Sir John Cunningham
002896 - McLennan, Sir John Cunningham
002897 - McKenzie, Dan Peter
002898 - MacKintosh, Sir James
002899 - McLachlan, Andrew David
002900 - McLauchlan, Keith Alan
002901 - MacLaurin, Colin
002902 - McLeay, Alexander
002903 - McLeay, Alexander
002907 - McLeod, James Walter
002908 - McLeod, John Bryce
002909 - MacLeod, John James Rickard
002910 - McMichael, Andrew James
002911 - McMichael, Sir John and Pickering, Sir George White
002913 - MacRobbie, Enid Anne Campbell
002914 - McWhirter, John Graham
002916 - Mackintosh, Allan Roy
002917 - Mace, Georgina Mary
002919 - Madden, Paul Anthony
002920 - Maddox, Sir John Royden
002921 - Maffei, Scipione
002922 - Maheshawi, Panchanan
002923 - Mahler, Kurt
002924 - Mahler, Kurt
002925 - Mahler, Kurt
002927 - Mahon, Philip Henry, 5th Earl Stanhope
002928 - Maiden, Joseph Henry
002929 - Maier, John Paul
002930 - Maiden, Joseph Henry
002931 - Maiden, Joseph Henry
002932 - Maizels, Montague
002933 - Mak, Tak Wah
002934 - Makins, Roger Mellor, 1st Baron Sherfield
002935 - Maldonado, Pedro Vicente (1704-1748)
002936 - Maldonado, Pedro Vicente (1704-1748)
002937 - Report of the Earthquake of 1857
002938 - Physical Features of the Neapolitan Earthquake
002939 - Mallock, Henry Reginald Arnulph
002940 - Malpighi, Marcello
002941 - Malpighi, Marcello
002942 - Malpighi, Marcello
002943 - Malpighi, Marcello
002944 - Malpighi, Marcello
002945 - Malpighi, Marcello
002947 - Maltby, Edward
002948 - Malthus, Thomas Robert
002949 - Manby, George William
002950 - Manby, George William
002951 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002952 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002953 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002954 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002955 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002956 - Mantell, Gideon Algernon
002957 - Mander, Lewis Norman
002958 - Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph
002959 - Mann, Thaddeus Robert Rudolph
002960 - Manners, John Robert
002961 - Mansfield, Eric Harold
002962 - Mansfield, Sir Peter
002963 - Mansfield, Terence Arthur
002964 - Mansfield, WIlliam Murray (1705-1793)
002965 - Mansfield, WIlliam Murray (1705-1793)
002966 - Manson, Sir Patrick
002967 - Manteuffel, Ernst Christoph
002968 - Manton, Irene
002969 - Manton, Irene
002970 - Manton, Nicholas Stephen
002971 - Manning, Sidnie Milana
002972 - Manton Crater on Venus
002973 - Marcet, Alexander John Gaspard
002974 - Marconi, Guglielmo
002975 - Marcus, Rodulph Arthur
002976 - Marion, Leo Edmund
002977 - Markl, Hubert Simon
002978 - Marrack, Philippa Charlotte
002979 - Marrian, Guy Frederic
002980 - Marryat, Frederick
002981 - Marsden, William
002982 - Marsh, Herbert
002984 - Marshall, Barry James
002985 - Marshall, Christopher John
002986 - Marshall, Robin
002987 - Marshall, Sheina MacAlister
002988 - Marshall, Walter Charles, Baron Marshall of Goring
002989 - Marsham, Charles, 1st Earl of Romney and Viscount Marsham
002990 - Marsham, Robert
002991 - Marsiglius, Aloysius Ferdinandus
002992 - Martin, Sir Charles James
002993 - Martin, Sir David Christie
002994 - Martin, Sir David Christie
002995 - Martin, Sir David Christie
002996 - Martin, Sir Charles James
002997 - Martin, George Steven
002998 - Martin, Sir James Ranald
002999 - Martin, Thomas John
003000 - Martyn, David Forbes
003001 - Martyn, Joannes
003002 - Martyn, Joannes
003003 - Martyn, Joannes
003004 - Martyn, Thomas
003005 - Martyn, Thomas
003006 - Maseres, Francis
003007 - Mashelkar, Raghunath Anant
003008 - Maskelyne, Nevil
003009 - Mason, Sir Basil John
003010 - Mason, Sir Basil John
003011 - Mason, Charles
003012 - Mason, Paul James
003013 - Mason, Sir Ronald
003014 - Massey, Sir Harrie Stewart Wilson
003015 - Masui, Yoshio
003017 - Mato Grosso Exhibition 1967-9
003018 - Mattaj, Iain William
003019 - Matthews, Richard Ellis Ford
003020 - Matthey, George
003021 - Maty, Matthew
003022 - Maty, Matthew
003023 - Mauduit, Israel
003024 - Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Morceau de
003025 - Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Morceau de
003026 - Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace
003027 - Maxwell, James Clerk
003028 - Maxwell, James Clerk
003029 - Maxwell, James Clerk
003030 - Maxwell, Sir Herbert Eustace
003031 - Maxwell, James Rankin
003032 - Maxwell, Sir Murray
003033 - Mawson, Sir Douglas
003034 - May, Michael David
003035 - May, Robert McCredie, Baron May of Oxford
003036 - Plaque of "Pride of India" tree
003037 - Maynard Smith, John
003038 - Mayo, Charles
003039 - Mayo, Herbert
003041 - Evelyn, John and Mayow, John
003042 - Mead, Richard
003043 - Meade, Thomas Wilson
003044 - Meade, Thomas Wilson
003045 - Medallists 2000
003046 - Medawar, Sir Peter Brian
003047 - Meerman, Gerard
003049 - Mees, Charles Edward Kenneth
003050 - Origins of HIV and the Aids epidemic discussion meeting
003052 - Lise Meitner's grave
003053 - Melbourne Telescope
003054 - Meldola, Raphael
003056 - Meldolae Clock
003057 - Mellanby, Sir Edward
003058 - Melville, Sir Harry Work
003059 - Volcans - troisieme et derniers epoque
003060 - Mendel, Gregor
003061 - Mendeleef, Dmitri Ivanovich
003062 - Mendeleef, Dmitri Ivanovich
003063 - Mendelssohn, Kurt Alfred Georg
003064 - Mendelssohn, Kurt Alfred Georg
003065 - Mendoca, Diego de
003066 - Mendoza y Rios, Joseph
003067 - Menshikov, Alexander Danilovich, 1663-1729
003068 - Menzies, Sir Robert Gordon
003069 - Mercer, Frank Brian
003070 - Mercer, Frank Brian
003071 - Mercer, Frank Brian
003072 - Mercer, James
003073 - Merewether, John
003075 - Merton, Sir Thomas Ralph
003076 - Metcalf, Donald
003077 - Meyerhof, Otto Fritz
003078 - Metcalf, Donald
003079 - Metcalfe, Philip
003081 - Meyrick, Edward
003082 - Michaelis, John David
003083 - Michell, Anthony George Maldon
003084 - Michell, John
003085 - Michell, John Henry
003086 - Middlemiss, Charles Stewart
003087 - Middleton, Thomas Fanshawe
003089 - Miers, Sir Henry Alexander
003090 - Miers, Sir Henry Alexander
003091 - Miles, Sir Arnold Ashley
003092 - Miles, Sir Arnold Ashley
003093 - Miller, David Andrew Barclay
003094 - Miller, Jacques Francis Albert Pierre
003095 - Miller, John
003096 - Miller, Philip
003097 - Miller, Stewart Crichton
003100 - Miller, William Allen
003101 - Miller, William Hallowes
003102 - Millington, Sir Thomas, 1628-1704
003103 - Mills, Bernard Yarnton
003105 - Mills, Ian Mark
003106 - Milman, Sir Francis
003107 - Milne, Colin, 1743? - 1815
003108 - Milne, Colin, 1743? - 1815
003109 - Milne, John
003110 - Milner, Arthur John Robin Gorell
003111 - Milner, Isaac
003112 - Milstein, César and Todd, Alexander Robertus
003113 - Milton, John, 1608-1674
003114 - Milton, John, 1608-1674
003115 - Milton, John, 1608-1674
003116 - Milton, John, 1608-1674
003117 - Mingos, David Michael Patrick
003118 - Mirbel, Charles Francoise Brisseau
003119 - Mitchell, John Wesley
003120 - Mitchell, Joseph Stanley
003121 - Mitchell, Sir Peter Chalmers
003122 - Mitchison, Nicholas Avrion
003123 - Mitford, John, 1st Baron Redesdale
003124 - Mitra, Ashesh Prosad
003125 - Mitscherlich, Eilhard
003126 - Mitscherlich, Eilhard
003127 - Mitchison, Timothy John
003130 - Moir, James Reid
003131 - Moivre, Abraham de
003132 - Molesworth, Richard, 3rd Viscount Molesworth
003133 - Molesworth, Robert, 1st Viscount Molesworth and Baron Molesworth
003134 - Mollon, John Dixon
003135 - Molyneux, William
003136 - Moncada, Salvador
003137 - Money, William Taylor
003138 - Monod, Jacques Lucien
003139 - Monro, Alexander
003140 - Monro, Alexander
003141 - Monro, Charles
003142 - Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax
003143 - Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax
003144 - Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax
003145 - Montagu, Edward, 1st Earl of Sandwich and Viscount Hinchinbroke
003146 - Montagu, Edward, 2nd Earl of Manchester
003147 - Montagu, Edward Wortley
003148 - Brudenell-Montagu, George , Duke of Montagu
003149 - Montagu, John, 2nd Duke of Montagu
003150 - Montefiore, Sir Moises Haim
003151 - Moon, Philip Burton
003152 - Moor, Robert Michael
003153 - Moore, Brian Cecil Joseph
003154 - Moore, Derek William
003155 - Moore, Sir Jonas
003156 - Moore, Sir Jonas
003157 - Moore, Sir Patrick Arthur Caldwell
003158 - Morand, Saveur Francois
003160 - Mordell, Louis Joel
003161 - More, Henry
003162 - Moreau, Cesar
003163 - Morell, Thomas
003164 - Morgagni, Giambattista
003165 - Morgagni, Giambattista
003166 - Morgan, Sir Charles
003167 - Morgan, Charles Octavius Swinnerton
003168 - Morgan, Charles Octavius Swinnerton
003171 - Morgan, Conway Lloyd
003172 - Morgan, Conway Lloyd
003173 - Morgan, Sir Morien Bedford
003174 - Morgan, Walter Thomas James
003175 - Morley, George
003176 - Morley, Leslie Sydney Dennis
003177 - Morris, William
003178 - Morren, Edoard
003179 - Morris, John Gareth
003180 - Morris, Sir Peter John
003181 - Morris, Richard Graham Michael
003182 - Mortimer, Clifford Hiley
003183 - Morton, George, 16th Earl of Morton
003184 - Morton, Richard Alan
003185 - Morton, Richard Alan
003186 - Morton, Richard Alan
003188 - Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, 1887-1915
003189 - Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, 1887-1915
003190 - Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, 1887-1915
003191 - Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, 1887-1915
003192 - Moseley, Henry Gwyn Jeffreys, 1887-1915
003193 - Moseley, Henry Nottidge
003195 - Mott, Sir Frederick Walker
003196 - Mott, Sir Nevill Francis
003197 - Mounsey, James
003198 - Mountbatten, Louis, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma
003199 - Mountcastle, Vernon Benjamin
003200 - Mourant, Arthur Ernest
003201 - Mourant, Arthur Ernest
003202 - Mourant, Arthur Ernest
003203 - Mourant, Arthur Ernest
003204 - Moxon, Joseph
003205 - Mudge, John
003206 - Mudge, Sir Thomas (1717-1794)
003207 - Mueller, Ferdinand Jacob Heinrich
003208 - Regiomontanus
003209 - Muir, Isabella Helen May
003210 - Portrait of Roderick Impey Murchison
003211 - Muir, Sir Robert
003212 - Muller, Johannes
003213 - Muratori, Ludovico Antonio
003214 - Murchison, Charles
003215 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003216 - Portrait of Roderick Impey Murchison
003217 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003218 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003219 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003220 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003221 - Murchison, Sir Roderick Impey
003222 - Murdoch, Thomas
003223 - Murray, Sir George
003224 - Murray, James Dickson
003226 - Murrell, John Norman
003227 - Musgrave, Sir William
003228 - Myers, Charles Samuel
003229 - Mylne, Robert
003230 - Mylne, Robert
003231 - Mylne, William Chadwell
003232 - Nagai, Kiyoshi
003233 - Napoleon I and Josephine, Emperor and Emporess of France
003234 - Narasimha, Roddam
003235 - Narasimhan, Mudambai Seshachulu
003236 - Nares, Robert
003237 - Nasmyth, Sir James
003238 - Needham, Dorothy Mary (Moyle)
003239 - Needham, Dorothy Mary (Moyle)
003240 - Needham, Dorothy Mary (Moyle) and Needham, Joseph
003241 - Needham, Joseph
003242 - Needham, Joseph
003243 - Needham, Roger Michael
003244 - Neher, Erwin
003245 - Neish, Arthur Charles
003246 - Nelson, Robert
003247 - Neuberger, Albert
003248 - Neuberger, Michael Samuel
003249 - Nevill, Edmund Neville
003250 - Newall, Hugh Frank
003251 - Newall, Hugh Frank
003253 - Pelham-Holles, Thomas, Duke of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and Duke of Newcastle-under-Lyme
003254 - Newitt, Dudley Maurice
003255 - Newman, Ronald Charles
003256 - Newsom Davis, John Michael
003257 - Newstead, Robert
003259 - Newton, Ian
003260 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003261 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003262 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003263 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003265 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003266 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003267 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003268 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003269 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003270 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003271 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003272 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003273 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003274 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003275 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003276 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003277 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003278 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003279 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003280 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003281 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003282 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003283 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003284 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003285 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003286 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003287 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003288 - Apple Tree
003289 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003290 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003291 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003292 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003293 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003294 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003295 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003296 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003297 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003298 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003299 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003300 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003301 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003302 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003303 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003304 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003305 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003306 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003307 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003308 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003309 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003310 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003312 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003313 - Newton, Sir Isaac
003314 - Nicholl, Sir John
003315 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
003316 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
003317 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
003318 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
003319 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
003320 - Nicholls, John Graham
003321 - Nicholson, John William
003322 - Nicholson, Robert
003323 - Nicholson, Sir Robin Buchanan
003324 - Tereshkova, Valentina
003325 - Nishizuka, Yasutomi
003326 - Niven, Sir William Davidson
003327 - Niven, Sir William Davidson
003328 - Nixon, John Forster
003330 - Noad, Henry Minchin
003331 - Nobili, Leopoldo, 1784-1835
003332 - Noble, Sir Andrew
003333 - Nokolds, Stephen Robert
003334 - Nolcken, Gustavus Adam
003335 - Nollet, Jean Antoine
003336 - Norden, Frederic Lewis
003339 - Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford
003340 - Norrish, Ronald George Wreyford
003341 - North, Richard Alan
003342 - North, William, 6th Baron North and 2nd Lord Grey
003343 - Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, 2nd Marquess of Northampton
003344 - Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, 2nd Marquess of Northampton
003345 - Compton, Spencer Joshua Alwyne, 2nd Marquess of Northampton
003346 - Percy, Hugh, 2nd Duke of Northumberland
003347 - Nossal, Sir Gustav Joseph Victor
003348 - Nott, Sir Thomas
003349 - Nuffield, William Richard Morris, 1st Viscount Nuffield
003350 - Nurse, Sir Paul Maxime
003351 - Nurse, Sir Paul Maxime
003352 - Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner
003353 - Nuttall, George Henry Falkiner
003355 - Ockendon, John Richard
003356 - Oersted, Hans Christian
003357 - Royal Society Officers at Anniversary Day 2000
003358 - Ogilvy, Sir John
003359 - Oglethorpe, James Edward
003360 - Ogston, Sir Alexander, 1844-1929
003361 - Ogston, Alexander George
003362 - Ogston, Alexander George
003363 - O'Hara, Michael John
003364 - Ohm, Georg Simon
003365 - O'Keefe, John Michael
003366 - Olah, George Andrew
003367 - Olbers, Heinrich Wilhelm Mathias
003368 - Oldenburg, Henry
003369 - Oldfield, Martin
003370 - Oldham, Richard Dixon
003372 - Oliveira, Benjamin
003373 - Oliphant, Sir Marcus Lawrence Elwin
003376 - Oliver, Francis Wall
003377 - Oliver, Francis Wall
003378 - Oliver, Francis Wall
003379 - Burg-el-Arab
003380 - Burg-el-Arab
003381 - Onsager, Lars
003382 - Oort, Jan Hendrick
003383 - Orange, WIlliam Charles Henry Frisco, Prince of Orange
003384 - Orgel, Leslie Eleazer
003385 - Orgel, Leslie Eleazer
003386 - Ormerod, George
003387 - Orowan, Egon
003388 - Orowan, Egon
003389 - Orr, William McFadden
003390 - Osborn, Henry Fairfield
003391 - Osborn, Henry Fairfield
003392 - Osmond, Charles Barry
003394 - O'Sullivan, Cornelius
003396 - Owen, Sir Richard
003398 - Owen, Sir Richard
003399 - Owen, Sir Richard
003401 - Oxford, A W
003402 - Pacichelli, Giovanni Battista
003403 - Packer, Kenneth John
003404 - Pagel, Bernard Ephraim Julius
003405 - Paget, Sir James
003406 - Paget, Thomas
003408 - Palaozzi, Eduardo and Atiyah, SIr Michael
003409 - Palgrave, Sir Francis
003410 - Palgrave, Sir Francis
003414 - Pallas, Peter Simon
003415 - Palmer, Andrew Clennel
003417 - Temple, Henry John, 3rd Viscount Palmerston
003419 - Paoli, Pasquale de
003421 - Paris, John Ayrton
003425 - Parker, David
003426 - Parker, George, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield
003427 - Parker, George, 2nd Earl of Macclesfield
003428 - Parker, Robert Ladislav
003429 - Parker, Thomas, 1st Earl of Macclesfield and Viscount Parker
003430 - Parkes, Sir Alan Sterling
003431 - Parkes, Sir Edward
003432 - Parkin, Stuart Stephen Papworth
003434 - Parkyns, Thomas Boothby, Baron Rancliffe
003435 - Parrington, Francis Rex
003436 - Parry, Caleb Hillier
003437 - Parry, William
003438 - Parry, Sir William Edward
003439 - Parry, Sir William Edward
003441 - Parsons, Roger
003443 - Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse
003444 - Partridge, Linda
003445 - Partridge, Stanley Miles
003447 - Parry, Sir William Edward
003448 - Pasteur, Louis
003450 - Pasteur, Louis
003451 - Pasteur, Louis
003452 - Paterson, Michael Stewart
003453 - Paton, Diarmid Noel
003454 - Paton, Sir Thomas Angus Lyall
003455 - Paton, Sir William Drummond MacDonald
003456 - Pattenden, Gerald
003457 - Patterson, Robert
003458 - Pavlov, Ivan Petrovich
003461 - Pawley, Godfrey Stuart
003462 - Pawson, Anthony James
003463 - Peacock, George
003464 - Peacock, William James
003465 - Peaker, Malcolm
003466 - Pearce, William
003467 - Pearce, Zachary
003468 - Pearse, Barbara Mary Frances
003469 - Pearson, Sir Edwin
003471 - Pearson, George
003472 - Pearson, John
003473 - Pearson, Karl
003474 - Peart, Sir William Stanley
003475 - Peart, Sir William Stanley
003476 - Pease, Rendel Sebastian
003477 - Pease, Rendel Sebastian
003479 - Pedler, Sir Alexander
003480 - Pedley, Timothy John
003481 - Peel, Sir Robert
003482 - Pegge, Sir Christopher
003483 - Peierls, Sir Rudolph Ernst
003484 - Pelham, Henry
003485 - Pelham, Hugh Reginald Brentnall
003486 - Pelham, Hugh Reginald Brentnall
003487 - Pelham, Thomas, 2nd Earl of Chichester
003488 - Pellet, Thomas
003489 - Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair
003490 - Pembrey, Marcus Seymour
003491 - Herbert, Thomas, 8th Earl of Pembroke and 5th Earl of Montgomery
003492 - Pengelly, William
003495 - Penn, Richard
003496 - Penn, William
003497 - Pennant, Thomas
003498 - Pennel, Montague Mattinson
003499 - Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred
003500 - Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred
003501 - Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred
003502 - Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred
003503 - Penney, William George, Baron Penney of East Hendred
003504 - Pennycuick, Colin James
003505 - Penrose, Oliver
003506 - Pepys, Mark Brian
003507 - Pepys, Sir Lucas
003508 - Pepys, Samuel
003509 - Pepys, Samuel
003510 - Pepys, William Hasledine
003511 - Percivale, Sir John
003512 - Pereira, Sir Herbert Charles
003513 - Pereira, Jonathan
003514 - Perkin, Arthur George
003518 - Perkins, Donald Hill
003520 - Perrin, Jean Baptiste
003521 - Perrins, Christopher Miles
003522 - Perronet, Jean Rodolphe
003525 - Perry, William
003526 - Pert, Geoffrey James
003527 - Perutz, Max Ferdinand
003528 - Perutz, Max Ferdinand
003529 - Petavel, Sir Joseph Ernest
003530 - Petavel, Sir Joseph Ernest
003531 - Petavel, Sir Joseph Ernest
003532 - Peters, Sir David Keith
003533 - Peters, Sir Rudolph Albert
003534 - Peters, Sir Rudolph Albert
003535 - Peters, Sir Rudolph Albert
003536 - Petersen, Ole Holger
003537 - Pethica, John Bernard
003538 - Petit, Jean Louis
003539 - Petre, Robert Edward
003540 - Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders
003541 - Petrie, Sir William Matthew Flinders
003543 - Pettifor, David Godfrey
003544 - Pettifor, David Godfrey
003545 - Pettigrew, James Bell
003546 - Pettigrew, Thomas Joseph
003547 - Petty, Sir William
003548 - Petty, Sir William
003566 - Petty Fitzmaurice, Henry, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne
003567 - Herschel, Sir William
003568 - Pfeiffer, Richard Friedrich Johannes
003569 - Philip, Alexander Philips Wilson
003570 - Philip, James Charles
003571 - Philip, John Robert
003572 - Phillips, Dr
003573 - Phillips, David
003575 - Phillips, John
003576 - Phillips, Richard
003577 - Phillips, William
003578 - Phipps, Constantine John, 2nd Baron Mulgrave
003579 - Pickering, Sir George White
003580 - Pickering, Sir George White and McMichael, Sir John
003582 - Pickering, Percival Spencer Umfreville
003583 - Pickering, Roger
003584 - Pickett, George Richard
003585 - Pickford, Lillian Mary
003586 - Pictet, Marc-Auguste
003587 - Pilgrim, Henry Guy Ellcock
003588 - Pilkington, James Holme
003589 - Pillinger, Colin Trevor
003590 - Pines, Alexander
003591 - Pippard, Sir Alfred Brian
003592 - Pitt, William Morton
003593 - Pitt-Rivers, Rosalind Venetia
003595 - Planta, Joseph
003596 - Planta, Joseph
003597 - Plaskett, Harry Hemley
003598 - Platt, Charles
003599 - Platt, Trevor Charles
003600 - Playfair, John
003601 - Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair
003603 - Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair
003604 - Playfair, Lyon, 1st Baron Playfair
003605 - Plot, Robert
003606 - Plot, Robert
003607 - Plot, Robert
003608 - Plotkin, Gordon David
003609 - Plumb, Raymond Alan
003610 - Plumer, Sir Thomas
003611 - Plummer, Henry Crozier Keating
003612 - Plowright, Walter
003613 - Plunkett, Sir Horace Curzon
003614 - Poisson, Simeon Denis
003615 - Polani, Paul Emanuel
003616 - Pole, William
003617 - Poliakoff, Martyn
003620 - Pollock, Sir Jonathan Frederick
003621 - Pond, Arthur
003622 - Pond, John
003623 - Ponder, Bruce Anthony John
003624 - Pontecoulant, Philippe Gustave Doulcet de
003625 - Pope, Sir William Jackson
003626 - Popham, Sir Home Riggs
003627 - Popják, George Joseph
003629 - Porritt, Jonathon
003630 - Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham
003631 - Porter, George, Baron Porter of Luddenham
003632 - Porter, Robert
003634 - Portman, Sir William
003635 - Poste, George Henry
003636 - Postgate, John Raymond
003637 - Pott, Percival
003639 - Pounds, Kenneth Alwyne
003640 - Powell, Cecil Frank
003641 - Powell, Herbert Marcus
003643 - Prance, Ghillean Tolmie
003644 - Prance, Ghillean Tolmie
003645 - Prandtl, Ludwig
003646 - Pratt, Charles, 1st Earl Camden and Viscount Bayham
003647 - Pratt, James
003650 - Prescott, James Arthur
003651 - Prescott, James Arthur
003652 - Press, Frank
003653 - Preston, Reginald Dawson
003654 - Preston, William
003655 - Prestwich, Joseph
003656 - Prestwich, Joseph
003657 - Price, Richard
003658 - Price, Richard
003659 - Price, Richard
003660 - Price, Thomas Slater
003661 - Priest, Eric Ronald
003662 - Priestley, Charles Henry Brian
003663 - Priestley, Charles Henry Brian
003664 - Priestley, Charles Henry Brian
003665 - Priestley, Joseph
003666 - Priestley, Joseph
003667 - Priestley, Joseph
003668 - Priestley, Joseph
003669 - Priestley, Joseph
003670 - Priestley, Joseph
003671 - Priestley, Joseph
003672 - Priestley, Joseph
003673 - Priestley, Joseph
003674 - Priestley, Joseph
003675 - Priestley, Joseph
003676 - Pringle, SIr John
003677 - Pringle, Sir John
003678 - Pringle, Sir John
003679 - Pringle, John William Sutton
003680 - Pringle, John William Sutton
003681 - Prior, George Thurland
003682 - Prior, Matthew
003683 - Proust, Joseph Louis, 1754-1826
003684 - Prout, William
003685 - Prusiner, Stanley Ben
003686 - Ptolemeus, Claudius
003687 - Puddephatt, Richard John
003688 - Pugh, Sir William John
003689 - Pugsley, SIr Alfred Grenvile
003690 - Pugsley, SIr Alfred Grenvile
003691 - Pugsley, SIr Alfred Grenvile
003692 - Pugsley, SIr Alfred Grenvile
003693 - Pulteney, Richard
003694 - Pulteney, Richard
003695 - Pulteney, William
003696 - Pumphrey, Richard Julius
003697 - Pumphrey, Richard Julius
003698 - Pumphrey, Richard Julius
003699 - Punnett, Reginald Crundall
003701 - Purkyne, Johannes Evangelista
003702 - Pusey, Peter Nicholas
003703 - Pusey, Philip
003705 - Quesnay, Francois
003706 - Quain, Sir Richard
003707 - Quastel, Juda Hirsch
003708 - Quastel, Juda Hirsch
003709 - Quate, Calvin Forrest
003710 - Quekett, John Thomas
003711 - Quetelet, Lambert Adolophe Jacques
003712 - Quetelet, Lambert Adolophe Jacques
003713 - Quinn, Terence John
003714 - Rabbit shown to the Royal Society on 8 July 1736
003716 - Raghunathan, Madabusi Santanam
003717 - Raine, Matthew
003718 - Rainey, Reginald Charles
003719 - Rainger, Peter
003720 - Raisman, Geoffrey
003721 - Raistrick, Harold
003722 - Ramage, Robert
003723 - Ramakrishnan, Tiruppattur Venkatachalamurti
003724 - Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
003725 - Raman, Sir Chandrasekhara Venkata
003726 - Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aaiyangar
003727 - Ramanujan, Srinivasa Aaiyangar
003729 - Ramelli, Agostino
003730 - Ramelli, Agostino
003731 - Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
003732 - Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
003734 - Ramsey, Sir Andrew Crombie
003735 - Ramsay, James Arthur
003737 - Ramsay, Sir William
003738 - Ramsden, Jesse
003739 - Ramsden, Jesse
003740 - Ramsay, Sir William
003741 - Randolph, John
003745 - Ransome, George
003746 - Rao, Chintamani Nagesa Ramachandra
003747 - Rao, Calyanpupi Radhakrishna
003748 - Raper, Henry Stanley
003749 - Rashleigh, Philip
003750 - Ratcliffe, Peter John
003751 - Raven, John Albert
003752 - Raven, Peter
003755 - Rawlinson, Richard
003756 - Ray, John
003757 - Raymond, Robert, First Baron Raymond, 1673-1733
003758 - Raynal, Guillaume Thomas
003759 - Raynor, Geoffrey Vincent
003760 - Read, David John
003761 - Read, John
003763 - Reade, Joseph Bancroft
003764 - Reade, Joseph Bancroft
003765 - Reade, Joseph Bancroft
003766 - Reade, Joseph Bancroft
003767 - Reade, Joseph Bancroft
003768 - Rees, Abraham
003769 - Rees, Charles Wayne
003770 - Rees, Sir Dae, David Allan
003771 - Rees, Sir Dae, David Allan
003773 - Rees, Martin John, Lord Rees of Ludlow
003774 - Rees, Susan Mary
003775 - Reeve, Lovell Augustus, 1814 - 1865
003776 - Reeves, John
003777 - Reichstein, Tadeus
003778 - Reichstein, Tadeus
003779 - Reid, Clement
003780 - Reid, Edward Waymouth
003781 - Reid, Kenneth Bannerman Milne
003782 - Reid, Miles Anthony
003784 - Rendle, Alfred Barton
003785 - Proudman, Joseph
003786 - Rennell, James
003787 - Rennell, James
003789 - Rennie, James
003790 - Rennie, John
003791 - Rennie, John
003792 - Reynolds, Edward Osmund Royle
003793 - Reynolds, Edward Osmund Royle
003794 - Reynolds, Henry Revell
003798 - Reynolds, Sir Joshua
003799 - Reynolds, Osborne
003800 - Rhind, David William
003801 - Rhodes, John David
003802 - Rhodes, John David
003803 - Ricardo, Sir Harry Ralph
003804 - Rice, James Robert
003805 - Rice, Thomas Maurice
003806 - Richards, Francis John
003807 - Richards, Owain Westamacott
003808 - Richards, Sir Rex Edward
003809 - Richardson, Archibald Read
003810 - Richardson, Sir Benjamin Ward
003811 - Richardson, Sir John
003812 - Richardson, Kenneth
003813 - Richardson, Lewis Fry
003814 - Richardson, Lewis Fry
003815 - Richardson, Lewis Fry
003816 - Richardson, Sir Owen Willans
003817 - Richardson, Peter Damian
003818 - Richardson, Richard
003819 - Richey, James Ernest
003820 - Lennox, Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond and Lennox
003822 - Richmond, Sir Mark Henry
003823 - Rickinson, Alan Bernard
003824 - Rickman, John
003825 - Ridley, Brian Kidd
003826 - Ridley, Henry Nicholas
003827 - Ridley, Henry Nicholas
003828 - Rigaud, Stephen Peter
003829 - Rigaud, Stephen Peter
003830 - Riley, Sir Ralph
003831 - Rimington, Claude
003832 - Riou, Edward
003833 - Rittenhouse, David
003834 - Rittenhouse, David
003837 - Robartes, John, 1st Earl of Radnor and Viscount Bodmin
003838 - Robb, Alfred Arthur
003839 - Robb, Michael Alfred
003840 - Roberts, Sir Derek Harry
003841 - Roberts, Edward
003842 - Roberts, Sir Gareth Gwyn
003844 - Roberts, John Alexander Fraser
003845 - Roberts, Lewis Edward John
003847 - Roberts, Lewis Edward John
003848 - Roberts, Richard John
003850 - Robertson, Robert
003851 - Robertson, Sir Robert
003852 - Robinson, Derek Charles
003853 - Robinson, Derek Charles
003854 - Robinson, Frederick John, 1st Earl of Ripon
003855 - Robinson, Harold Roper
003856 - Robinson, Sir Robert
003857 - Robinson, Sir Robert
003858 - Robinson, Sir Robert
003859 - Robinson, Sir Robert
003860 - Robinson, Sir Robert
003861 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
003862 - Robinson, Thomas Romney
003863 - Robinson-Morris, Matthew, 2nd Baron Rokeby
003864 - Rochester, George Dixon
003865 - Rogers, Charles
003867 - Rogers, Sir Leonard
003868 - Rogers, Samuel
003871 - Roget, Peter Mark
003872 - Roget, Peter Mark
003874 - Marsham, Robert, 1st Baron Romney
003876 - Ronalds, Sir Francis
003877 - Rooke, Sir Denis Eric
003880 - Rosenbrock, Howard Harry
003881 - Rosenbrock, Howard Harry
003882 - Rosenhead, Louis
003883 - Ross Silver Cup
003884 - Ross, Graham Garland
003887 - Ross, Sir James Clark
003888 - Ross, John
003890 - Ross, Sir Ronald
003891 - Rossant, Janet
003892 - Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
003894 - Rossmann, Michael George
003895 - Rotblat, Sir Joseph
003896 - Roth, Sir Martin
003897 - Rothschild, Lionel Walter, 2nd Baron Rothschild
003898 - Rothschild, Nathaniel Mayer Victor, 3rd Baron Rothschild
003908 - Blair, Robert
003910 - Routh, Edward John
003912 - Rousseau, Jean Jacques, 1712 - 1778
003913 - Roux, Pierre Paul Emile
003914 - Rowell, John Martin
003915 - Rowlinson, John Shipley
003920 - Rucker, Sir Arthur William
003921 - Rudge, Sir Alan Walter
003922 - Rudge, Edward
003923 - Ruffles, Philip Charles
003925 - Rupert, Prince
003927 - Russell, Alexander
003928 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003929 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003930 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003931 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003932 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003933 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003935 - Russell, Bertrand Arthur William, 3rd Earl Russell
003936 - Russell, Francis
003939 - Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford
003940 - Russell, Herbrand Arthur, 11th Duke of Bedford
003941 - Russell, John, 4th Duke of Bedford
003942 - Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell
003943 - Russell, John, 1st Earl Russell
003944 - Russell, John Scott
003945 - Russell, John Scott
003946 - Rutherford, Daniel, 1749-1819
003947 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
003948 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
003950 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
003952 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
003953 - Album of visit on 29 October 1971 to Rutherford High Energy Lab
003955 - Rutter, Sir Michael Llewellyn
003956 - Ruysch, Friedrich
003959 - Rycaut, Sir Paul
003960 - Rycaut, Sir Paul
003961 - Ryle, Martin
003962 - Sabine, Sir Edward
003967 - Sabatier, Paul
003968 - Sabine, Sir Edward
003972 - Sabine, Sir Edward and Miller, William Allen
003973 - Sabine, Sir Edward
003975 - Sabine, Joseph
003976 - Sachrajda, Christopher Tadeusz Czeslaw
003977 - Sachs, Leo
003978 - Sackler Plaque
003979 - Sadler, Michael Thomas
003980 - Saha, Megnad N
003981 - Sahni, Birbal
003982 - Sahni, Birbal
003983 - Sakmann, Bert
003984 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
003985 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
003986 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
003987 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
003988 - Salisbury, Sir Edward James
003989 - Salisbury, Sir Edward James
003990 - Salje, Ekhard Karl Hermann
003992 - Salmon, George
003993 - Salpeter, Edwin Ernest
003995 - Salter's Hall exterior
003998 - Sambles, John Roy
003999 - Sandby, William
004000 - Sanders, Dale
004001 - Sanders, Jeremy Keith Morris
004003 - Sanger, Frederick
004004 - Sanger, Frederick
004005 - Burdon Sanderson, Sir John Scott
004008 - Saunders, William
004009 - Saunderson, Nicholas
004010 - Savile, Sir George
004011 - Sawbridge, John
004012 - Salam, Muhammad Abdus
004013 - Scarburgh, Sir Charles
004014 - Saussure, Horace Bénédict de
004015 - Schelling, Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph, 1775-1854
004016 - Scheuzer, J J
004017 - Schiaparelli, Giovanni
004018 - Schindler, David William
004019 - Schlich, Sir William
004020 - Schluter, Delph
004021 - Schoener, Johann
004022 - Schoener, Johann
004023 - Schofield, Andrew Noel
004024 - Schonland, Sir Basil Ferdinand Jamieson
004026 - Schrodinger, Erwin
004027 - Schrodinger, Erwin
004028 - Schumacher, Heinrich Christian
004029 - Schumacher, Heinrich Christian
004031 - Schuster, Sir Arthur
004032 - Schuster, Sir Arthur
004033 - Schuster, Sir Arthur
004034 - Sclater, John George
004036 - Scoles, Giacinto
004037 - Scoresby, William
004038 - Abramsky, Samson
004039 - Austen, Karl Frank
004040 - Barrett, Spencer Charles Hilton
004041 - Bell Burnell, Jocelyn
004042 - Besag, Julian
004043 - Birkhead, Timothy Robert
004044 - Bobrow, Martin
004045 - Bradley, Donal Donat Conor
004046 - Brown, Malcolm Watson
004047 - Catlow, Charles Richard Arthur
004048 - Clark, Graeme Milbourne
004049 - Conway, Gordon Richard
004050 - Cowie, Lennox L
004051 - Cullis, Anthony George
004052 - Dasgupta, Sir Partha Sarathi
004053 - Day, Nicholas Edward
004054 - Dean, Caroline
004055 - Dockray, Graham John
004056 - Durbin, Richard Michael
004057 - Epstein, David Bernard Alper
004058 - Evan, Gerard Ian
004059 - Finlay, Bland James
004060 - Fleck, Norman Andrew
004061 - Gibson, Vernon Charles
004062 - Gladden, Lynn Faith
004063 - Goldreich, Peter Martin
004064 - Grenfell, Bryan Thomas
004065 - Halford, Stephen Edgar
004066 - Hamilton, Andrew David
004067 - Hinds, Edward
004068 - Holden, David William
004069 - St George Hyslop, Peter Henry
004070 - Kemp, David Thomas
004071 - Longair, Malcolm Sim
004072 - Lubchenco, Jane
004073 - Meyerowitz, Elliot Martin
004074 - Motherwell, WIlliam Branks
004075 - Parrinello, Michele
004076 - Preiss, David
004077 - Pyle, John Adrian
004078 - Robinson, Carol Vivien
004079 - Rowland, Frank Sherwood
004080 - Solomon, David Henry
004081 - Stringer, Christopher Brian
004082 - Tollervey, David
004083 - Wald, Nicholas John
004084 - Wigley, Dale Brian
004085 - Taylor, Martin John
004087 - Scott, Alastair Ian
004088 - Scott, David Alymer
004090 - Scott, Dunkinfield Henry
004091 - Scott, James
004092 - Scott, Sir Peter Markham
004094 - Scott, William, Baron Stowell
004095 - Scriver, Charles Robert
004096 - Scrope, George Julius Poulett
004097 - Seaborg, Glenn Theodore
004098 - Searle, George Frederick Charles
004099 - Seba, Albertus
004100 - Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
004101 - Sedgwick, Adam
004102 - Segal, Anthony Walter
004103 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004104 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004105 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004106 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004107 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004108 - Palmer, John Roundall, 4th Earl of Selborne
004109 - Selby, Prideaux John, 1788-1867
004111 - Sen, Ashoke
004112 - Senebier, Jean, 1742-1809
004113 - Seppings, Sir Robert
004114 - Seshadri, Tiruvenkata Rajendra
004115 - Seward, Sir Albert Charles
004116 - Seward, William
004117 - Shackleton, Lord, Edward Arthur Alexander
004118 - Shackleton, Lord, Edward Arthur Alexander
004119 - Shackleton, Lord, Edward Arthur Alexander
004120 - Shackleton, Sir Nicholas John
004121 - Shallice, Timothy
004122 - Shannon, Claude Elwood
004123 - Sharma, Man Mohan
004125 - Sharpe, Gregory
004126 - Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax
004127 - Franklin, Benjamin to Canton, John
004130 - Sharpe, William
004132 - Sharpey Schafer, Sir Edward Albert
004133 - Sharpey Schafer, Sir Edward Albert
004135 - Shaw, Bernard Leslie
004136 - Shaw, George
004137 - Shaw, George
004138 - Lipmann, Fritz Albert
004140 - Shee, Sir Martin Archer
004141 - Sheldon, John
004142 - Shaw, Sir William Napier
004143 - Sheldrick, George Michael
004144 - Shelton, John
004145 - Shelton, John
004146 - Shenstone, Allen Goodrich
004147 - Shepherd, John Graham
004148 - Sherratt, David John
004150 - Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
004151 - Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
004152 - Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
004153 - Sherrington, Sir Charles Scott
004154 - Sherrington, David
004155 - Shipley, Sir Arthur Everett
004156 - Shippen, Robert
004158 - Shoenberg, David
004159 - Shoppee, Charles William
004160 - Short, James
004161 - Short, James
004162 - Shortt, Henry Edward
004163 - Southwood, Sir Thomas Richard Edmund
004164 - Clark, Graeme Milbourne and May, Robert McCredie
004168 - Hooke, Robert
004169 - Hooke, Robert
004171 - Piazzi Smyth, Charles
004174 - Shuldham, Molyneux, Baron Shuldham
004175 - Sibbet, Wilson
004176 - Sibbet, Wilson
004177 - Siddiqi, Obaid
004178 - Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent
004179 - Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent
004180 - Sidgwick, Nevil Vincent
004181 - Sidney, Edwin, 1798 - 1872
004182 - Siemens, Sir Charles William
004184 - Silk, Joseph Ivor
004185 - Silliman, Benjamin, 1779 - 1864
004186 - Silverman, Bernard Walter
004187 - Siminovitch, Louis
004188 - Simmons, Robert Malcolm
004189 - Simon, Franz Eugen
004190 - Simon, Sir John
004191 - Simon, Sir John
004192 - Simonsen, Sir John Lionel
004202 - Simpson, Sir George Clarke
004203 - Simpson, George Gaylord
004204 - Simpson, Sir James Young
004205 - Simpson, James Young
004207 - Simpson, Patricia Ann
004208 - Simpson, Thomas James
004209 - Sims, John
004210 - Sinclair, Sir John
004211 - Sinclair, Sir John
004212 - Sinton, John Alexander
004213 - Sinton, John Alexander
004214 - Skudder, Paul
004215 - Slack, Charles Roger
004216 - Slare, Frederick
004217 - Slater, Sir William Kershaw
004218 - Slatyer, Ralph Owen
004219 - Sleath, John
004220 - Sloane, Sir Hans
004221 - Sloane, Sir Hans
004222 - Sloane, Sir Hans
004223 - Smallpiece Trust
004224 - Smeathman, Henry
004225 - Smeaton, John
004226 - Smeaton, John
004227 - Smeaton, John
004228 - Smeaton, John
004229 - Smeaton, John
004230 - Smeaton, John
004231 - Smeaton, John
004232 - Smeaton, John
004233 - Smeaton, John
004234 - Smeaton, John
004235 - Smeaton, John
004237 - Smeaton, John
004238 - Smeaton, John
004239 - Smeaton, John
004240 - Smeaton, John
004241 - Smeaton, John
004242 - Smeaton, John
004243 - Smeaton, John
004244 - Smeaton, John
004245 - Smeaton, John
004246 - Smeaton, John
004247 - Smeaton, John
004248 - Smeaton, John
004249 - Smeaton, John
004250 - Smeaton, John
004251 - Smeaton, John
004252 - Smeaton, John
004253 - Smeaton, John
004254 - Smeaton, John
004255 - Smeaton, John
004256 - Smeaton, John
004257 - Smeaton, John
004258 - Smeaton, John
004265 - Smiles, Sir Samuel
004267 - Smith, Archibald
004268 - Smith, Charles Hamilton
004269 - Smith, Edwin
004270 - Smith Ernest Lester
004271 - Smith Ernest Lester
004272 - Graham Smith, Sir Francis
004273 - Smith, George David William
004274 - Smith, Sir Grafton Elliot
004275 - Smith, Harry
004277 - Smith, Ian William Murison
004278 - Smith, James Cuthbert
004279 - Smith, Sir James Edward
004280 - Smith, Sir James Edward
004281 - Smith, Sir John
004282 - Maynard Smith, John
004283 - Maynard Smith, John
004285 - Smith, Robert Angus
004287 - Smith, Theobald
004288 - Smith, Thomas (1615-1702)
004289 - Smith, William
004290 - Smith, William
004291 - Smith, Sir William Stanley
004292 - Smith, Wilson
004293 - Smithells, Arthur
004294 - Smyth, David Henry
004295 - Smyth, Sir Warington Wilkinson
004296 - Smyth, William Henry
004297 - Sneath, Peter Henry Andrews
004298 - Ashcroft, Frances Mary
004301 - Snyder, Alan Whitnack
004302 - Soane, Sir John
004303 - Soiree Programme, 28 March 1863
004308 - Solvay Conference, 1927
004309 - Solymar, Laszlo
004310 - Somers, John, Baron Somers of Evesham
004311 - Somerville, Christopher Roland
004313 - Somerville, Mary, 1780-1872
004314 - Somerville, Mary, 1780-1872
004315 - Somogyi, Peter
004318 - Sopwith, Thomas
004320 - Cook, James
004321 - Halley, Edmond
004323 - Southwood, Sir Thomas Richard Edmund
004324 - Southwell, Sir Richard Vynne
004325 - Southwell, Sir Robert
004326 - Southwell, Sir Robert
004327 - Southwood, Sir Thomas Richard Edmund
004328 - Southwood, Sir Thomas Richard Edmund
004329 - Soward, Andrew Michael
004330 - Spanheim, Ezekiel von
004331 - Sparke, Bowyer Edward
004332 - Spath, Leonard Frank
004333 - Spearman, Charles Edward
004334 - Spelman, Sir Henry
004335 - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
004336 - Born, Max
004337 - Spence, William
004338 - Spence, William
004339 - Spencer, Charles, 3rd Duke of Marlborough
004340 - Spencer, Herbert
004341 - Spinks, Alfred
004342 - Spitzer, Lyman
004343 - Spottiswoode, William
004344 - Spottiswoode, William
004347 - Sprat, Thomas
004348 - Sprat, Thomas
004349 - Sprat, Thomas
004350 - Sprat, Thomas
004351 - Spratt, Brian Geoffrey
004354 - Spring Rice, Thomas, 1st Baron Monteagle
004356 - Srinivasan, Madyam Veerambudi
004357 - Stace, Anthony John
004358 - Stacey, Maurice
004360 - Stacey, Maurice
004361 - Stanhope, Philip, 2nd Earl of Chesterfield
004362 - Stanier, Roger Yate
004363 - Stanislaus Leszczynski, King of Poland
004364 - Stanley, Edward, Bishop of Norwich
004366 - Stanley, Herbert Muggleton
004367 - Stapf, Otto
004368 - Stapf, Otto
004369 - Stark, George Robert
004370 - Starkey, George
004372 - Staunton, Sir George Leonard
004373 - Staunton, James
004374 - Steacie, Edgar William Richard
004375 - Stebbing, Henry
004376 - Smith, Adrian Federick Melhuish
004377 - Smith, Andrew Benjamin
004378 - Stebbing, Henry
004381 - Steno, Nicolaus, Bishop of Titopolis
004383 - Stephens, John William Watson
004384 - Stephenson, George (1781-1848)
004385 - Stephenson, John
004386 - Stephenson, Marjory
004387 - Stephenson, Marjory
004388 - Stephenson, Robert
004389 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
004390 - Stephenson, Thomas Alan
004391 - Stephenson, Robert
004392 - Stepney, George
004393 - Sterckx, Engelbert, Archbishop of Mechlin (1792-1867)
004394 - Steevens, George
004395 - Steward, Frederick Campion
004396 - Steward, Frederick Campion
004397 - Steward, Frederick Campion
004398 - Steward, Frederick Campion
004400 - Stewart, Sir Frederick Henry
004401 - Stewart, Ian Nicholas
004402 - Stewart, Ian Nicholas
004403 - Stewart, Robert William
004404 - Stiles, Walter Stanley
004405 - Stillingfleet, Edward
004406 - Stirling, Robert
004407 - Stoddart, James Fraser
004408 - Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
004409 - Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
004412 - Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
004414 - Stokes, Sir George Gabriel
004416 - Stone, Francis Gordon Albert
004417 - Stoner, Edmund Clifton
004419 - Stoney, George Johnstone
004420 - Storey, Harold Haydon
004421 - Stork, GIlbert
004422 - Strahan, Sir Aubrey
004423 - Stratico, Simone
004425 - Strausfeld, Nicholas James
004426 - Savery, Roelandt
004427 - Strickland, Hugh Edwin
004428 - Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh, and Thomson, Sir Joseph John
004429 - Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
004430 - Strutt, John William, 3rd Baron Rayleigh
004431 - Strutt, Robert John, 4th Baron Rayleigh
004432 - Strutt, Robert John, 4th Baron Rayleigh
004433 - Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de
004434 - Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de
004435 - Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de
004436 - Strzelecki, Sir Paul Edmund de
004437 - Stuart, David Ian
004438 - Stuart, James
004439 - Stuart, James, 1843-1913
004440 - Stubbs, Philip
004441 - Stukeley, William
004442 - Stukeley, William
004443 - Sturm, Johann Christoph
004444 - Sullivan, Sir Richard Joseph
004445 - Sulston, John Edward
004447 - Sumner, John Bird
004450 - Sumner, John Bird
004451 - Superville, Daniel de
004452 - Surani, M Azim
004454 - Sutherland, Grant Robert
004455 - Sutton, Leslie Ernest
004456 - Swainson, William
004457 - Swainson, William
004458 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004459 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004460 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004461 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004462 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004463 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004464 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004465 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004466 - Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan
004467 - Swammerdam, Jan
004470 - Sweeting, Sir Martin Nicholas
004471 - Swinburne, Sir John Edward
004472 - Swinton, Alan Archibald Campbell
004473 - Sykes, Alfred Geoffrey
004474 - Sykes, Brian Douglas
004475 - Sykes, Sir Charles
004476 - Sykes, Sir Charles
004477 - Sykes, Sir Richard Brook
004478 - Sykes, William Henry
004480 - Szentágothai, János
004481 - Szentágothai, János
004482 - Szentágothai, János
004483 - Szwarc, Michael
004484 - Szwarc, Michael
004485 - Tabor, David
004486 - Tait, Peter Guthrie, 1831-1901
004487 - Talbot, Charles Chetwynd,
004488 - Talbot, William Henry Fox
004490 - Talling, John Francis
004491 - Tanner, Roger Ian
004492 - Tansley, Sir Arthur George
004493 - Tansley, Sir Arthur George
004494 - Tartaglia, Nicolo
004496 - Tayler, Roger John
004498 - Taylor, Brook
004499 - Taylor, Charles, died 1816
004500 - Taylor, Edward Wilfred
004501 - Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram
004503 - Taylor, Sir Geoffrey Ingram
004504 - Taylor, Sir Hugh Stott
004505 - Taylor, John
004506 - Taylor, John Bryan
004507 - Taylor, John Ellor, 1837 - 1895
004508 - Taylor, Sir John Michael
004509 - Taylor, Martin John
004510 - Taylor, Richard Edward
004511 - Taylor, Richard Lawrence
004512 - Teale, Thomas Pridgin
004515 - Telford, Thomas
004516 - Telford, Thomas
004518 - Temple, George Frederick James
004519 - Tennant, James, 1808-1881
004520 - Tennyson, Alfred,
004521 - Tennyson D'Eyncourt, Charles
004522 - Tessier Lavigne, Marc
004523 - Thatcher, Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven
004524 - Thenard, Louis Jacques
004526 - Thesiger, Frederick, Baron Chelmsford
004527 - Allibone, Thomas Edward
004528 - Alliaco, Petrus de
004529 - Anderson, James, 1738-1809
004530 - Anderson, James, 1738-1809
004531 - Anderson, Jan Mary
004532 - Ashby, Michael Farries
004533 - Allen, John Frank
004535 - Thode, Henry George
004536 - Thomas, Herbert Henry
004537 - Thomas, Jean Olwen
004538 - Thomas, Jean Olwen
004539 - Thomas, Robert Kemeys
004540 - Thomas, Sir John Meurig
004542 - Thomas, Michael Rogers Oldfield
004543 - Thompson, Sir Harold Warris
004544 - Thompson, Sir Harold Warris
004545 - Thompson, Sir Harold Warris
004546 - Thompson, Sir H
004547 - Thompson, Silvanus Phillips and Lyon, Harold Thomson
004549 - Thompson, William
004550 - Thomson, Andrew James
004551 - Thomson, John Millar
004552 - Thomson, Sir Joseph John
004553 - Thomson, Sir Joseph John
004554 - Thomson, Sir Joseph John
004555 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004556 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004557 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004558 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004559 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004560 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004561 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004562 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004563 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004564 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004565 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004566 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004567 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004568 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004569 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004571 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004572 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004573 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004574 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004575 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004576 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004577 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004578 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004579 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004580 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004581 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004582 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004583 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004584 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004585 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004586 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004587 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004589 - Thornton, Sir Henry Gerard
004590 - Thornton, Sir Henry Gerard
004591 - Thornton, Sir Henry Gerard
004592 - Thornton, Janet M
004594 - Thorpe, Sir Jocelyn Field
004595 - Thorpe, John
004596 - Thorpe, Stephen Austin
004599 - Thorpe, Sir Thomas Edward
004600 - Threlfall, Sir Richard
004601 - Thrush, Brian Arthur
004602 - Thudichum, Johann Ludwig Wilhelm
004603 - Tickle, Cheryll Anne
004604 - Tiedemann, Friedrich
004606 - Tilden, Sir William Augustus
004607 - Tilghman, Shirley Marie
004608 - Till, James Edgar
004609 - Tilley, Cecil Edgar
004610 - Tilghman, Shirley Marie
004611 - Tinbergen, Nikolas
004612 - Tobias, Phillip Vallentine
004613 - Todd, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington
004614 - Todd, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington
004615 - Todd, Alexander Robertus, Baron Todd of Trumpington
004616 - Thomson, William, Baron Kelvin of Largs
004618 - Todd, Charles
004619 - Todd, Robert Bentley
004620 - Toland, John Francis
004621 - Tolansky, Samuel
004622 - Tomes, Sir Charles Sissmore
004626 - Tomlinson, Herbert
004627 - Tonks, Nicholas Kester
004630 - Tooke, William
004631 - Tooze, John
004632 - Torell, Otto Martin, 1828-1900
004633 - Townsend, Alain Robert Michael
004634 - Townsend, Albert Alan
004635 - Townsend, Sir John Sealy Edward
004636 - Townsend, Paul Kingsby
004638 - Travers, Benjamin
004639 - Travers, Morris William
004640 - Treisman, Richard Henry
004641 - Trevor, Sir John, 1637-1717
004642 - Trevor, Thomas, 1st Baron Trevor of Bromham
004643 - Trevor, Thomas, 1st Baron Trevor of Bromham
004644 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004645 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004646 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004647 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004648 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004649 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004650 - Trew, Christoph Jacob
004651 - Trewavas, Anthony James
004655 - Aubrey, John
004657 - Trotter, Coutts, 1837-1887
004659 - Trumbull, William, died 1635
004660 - Tsui, Lap-Chee
004661 - Tulving, Endel
004664 - Tupper, Martin Farquhar
004665 - Tupper, Martin Farquhar
004666 - Turing, Alan Mathison
004667 - Turner, Dawson
004668 - Turner, Dawson
004669 - Turner, Dawson
004670 - Turner, Grenville
004671 - Turner, Herbert Hall
004672 - Turner, Herbert Hall
004673 - Turner, Herbert Hall
004674 - Turner, James Johnson
004675 - Turner, John Stewart
004676 - Turner, John Stewart
004678 - Turrill, William Bertram
004679 - Tuson, Edward William
004680 - Tutin, Thomas Gaskell
004681 - Tutte, William Thomas
004683 - Tutton, Alfred Edwin Howard
004684 - Twin, Peter John
004685 - Twining, Richard
004686 - Twiss, Richard
004690 - Tyndall, John
004691 - Tyndall, John
004692 - Tyndall, John
004693 - Tyndall, John
004694 - Tyndall, John
004695 - Tyndall, John
004696 - Tyndall, John
004697 - Tyndall, John
004698 - Tyndall, Louisa
004699 - Unruh, William George
004700 - Unwin, Peter Nigel Tripp
004701 - Unwin, William Cawthorne
004702 - Upton, John, 1707-1760
004703 - Ure, Andrew
004704 - Ure, Andrew
004705 - Valiant, Leslie Gabriel
004706 - van Huysum, Jacob (1665-1746)
004707 - Vane, Sir John Robert
004708 - Vane, Sir John Robert
004709 - Vleck, John Hasbrouck Van
004710 - Vleck, John Hasbrouck Van
004711 - Vater, Abraham
004712 - Ure, Andrew
004713 - Ussing, Hans Henriksen
004714 - Uvarov, Sir Boris Petrovich
004715 - Vaughan, John, 3rd Earl of Carbery
004716 - Vaughan, Robert Charles
004719 - Verantius, Faustus
004720 - Verantius, Faustus
004721 - Verney, Ernest Basil
004722 - Vernon, Francis
004723 - Vernon, Thomas, 1654-1721
004727 - Wilson, Charles Thompson Rees
004728 - Wilson, Charles Thompson Rees
004731 - Miller, Philip
004732 - Miller, Philip
004733 - Grew, Nehemiah
004734 - Waller, Richard
004735 - Horsfield, Thomas
004736 - Bradley, Richard
004737 - Bradley, Richard
004738 - Vessey, Martin Paterson
004739 - Vignoles, Charles Blacker
004740 - Ville, Georges, 1824-1897
004741 - Villiers, Goerge, 2nd Duke of Buckingham
004742 - Vines, Sydney Howard
004743 - Viviani, Vincenzio
004744 - Virchow, Rudolph Ludwig Karl
004745 - Voltaire, Francois Marie Aroyet de
004746 - Von Hoesch, Leopold G A, Baron von Hoesch
004747 - Waddington, Conrad Hal
004748 - Wager, Harold William Taylor
004750 - Wagler, Johannes
004751 - Wagler, Johannes
004752 - Wagler, Johannes
004753 - Wagler, Johannes
004754 - Wagler, Johannes
004755 - Wagler, Johannes
004756 - Walcott, Richard Irving
004757 - Walcott, Richard Irving
004758 - Walcott, Richard Irving
004759 - Walcott, Richard Irving
004760 - Waldmann, Hermann
004761 - Walker, Alan
004764 - Walker, George
004766 - Walker, Sir James
004767 - Walker, Sir James
004768 - Walker, Sir John Ernest
004769 - Wall, Patrick David
004771 - Waller, Richard
004772 - Waller, Richard
004773 - Wallich, Nathaniel
004774 - Wallich, Nathaniel
004775 - Wallis, John
004776 - Wallis, John
004777 - Wallis, John
004778 - Walls, Daniel Frank
004779 - Walsby, Anthony Edward
004780 - Walsh, Arthur Donald
004782 - Wanley, Humfrey
004783 - Atiyah, Sir Michael
004784 - Atiyah, Sir Michael
004785 - Ashton, Norman Henry
004786 - Ashton, Norman Henry
004787 - Warburton, John
004790 - Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw
004792 - Ward, Seth
004793 - Waring, Edward
004794 - Warington, Robert
004796 - Warner, Anne Elizabeth
004797 - Warner, Anne Elizabeth
004798 - Warner, Sir Frederick Edward
004799 - Warner, Joseph
004800 - Warren, Sir Charles
004801 - Warren, Graham Barry
004803 - Warren, Pelham
004805 - Warren, Samuel
004806 - Warrington, Elizabeth Kerr
004807 - Waterfield, Michael Derek
004808 - Waters, William Alexander
004809 - Watson, Alan Andrew
004812 - Watson, James Dewey
004813 - Watson, John, 1725-1783
004815 - Watson, Sir Thomas
004816 - Watson, Sir William
004818 - American Scientists and Inventors
004819 - Watt, Robert, 1774-1819
004821 - Watts, William Whitehead
004822 - Watts, William Whitehead
004823 - Weaire, Dennis Lawrence
004824 - Weatherall, Sir David John
004825 - Weatherall, Sir David John
004826 - Webb, Colin Edward
004827 - Webber, Bryan Ronald
004828 - Wedderburn, Alexander, 1st Earl of Rosslyn
004829 - Wedgwood, Josiah
004830 - Weedon, Basil Charles Leicester
004831 - Weinberg, Felix Jiri
004832 - Weinberg, Felix Jiri
004833 - Weiss, Frederick Ernest
004834 - Weiss, Nigel Oscar
004835 - Weiss, Robin Anthony
004836 - Weissmann, Charles
004837 - Weldon, Walter
004838 - Welland, Mark Edward
004839 - Sachs, Leo
004840 - Wellcome Foundation Prize 1986
004841 - Wells, Alan Arthur
004842 - Went, Freidrich August Ferdinand Christian
004843 - Wenyon, Charles Morley
004844 - West, Stephen Craig
004845 - West, Thomas Summers
004846 - Westheimer, Frank Henry
004847 - Westheimer, Gerald
004849 - Wetenhall, Edward
004850 - Wetherell, Sir Charles
004851 - Wheatstone, Sir Charles
004854 - Wheeler, John Archibald
004855 - Whelan, William Joseph
004856 - Wheler, Sir George
004858 - Whewell, William
004859 - Whewell, William
004860 - Whiffen, David Hardy
004862 - Willis, Thomas
004864 - White, Alfred George Hastings
004865 - White, Errol Ivor
004866 - White, Sir Frederick William George
004867 - White, John William
004868 - White, Michael James Denham
004869 - White, Robert Stephen
004870 - White, Simon David Manton
004881 - Whitehurst, John
004882 - Whitelaw, James Hunter
004897 - Whittle, Peter
004898 - Whytlaw Gray, Robert
004899 - Wickham, A J
004900 - Widdowson, Elsie May
004901 - Widdowson, Elsie May
004902 - Wigglesworth, Sir Vincent Brian
004904 - Wigner, Eugene Paul
004906 - Wilberforce, Samuel
004907 - Wilbraham, Roger
004908 - Wiles, Sir Andrew John
004909 - Wilkes, Maurice Vincent
004910 - Wilkie, Alex James
004911 - Wilkins, Sir Charles
004912 - Wilkins, Sir Charles
004914 - Wilkins, John
004915 - Wilkins, Maurice Hugh Frederick
004916 - Wilkinson, Sir Geoffrey
004917 - Wilkinson, William Lionel
004920 - William IV, King of Great Britain and Ireland
004922 - Williams, Alan Frederick
004923 - Williams, Alan Frederick
004924 - Williams, Sir Alwyn
004925 - Williams, Sir Alwyn
004929 - Williams, G H
004930 - Williams, James Gordon
004931 - Williams, Sir Peter Michael
004933 - Williams, Robert Hughes
004934 - Williams, Robert Joseph Paton
004936 - Williamson, Sir Joseph
004937 - Williamson, Sir Joseph
004938 - Williamson, Robert
004940 - Willis, John Christopher
004941 - Willis, John Christopher
004942 - Willis, John Raymond
004944 - Willis, Robert
004946 - Willughby, Francis
004947 - Willstatter, Richard
004948 - Wilmut, Ian
004950 - Wilson, Arthur James Cochran
004953 - Baker, Wilson
004954 - Baker, Wilson
004955 - Baker, Wilson
004956 - Baker, Wilson
004957 - Baker, Wilson
004958 - Wilson, Edward Osborne
004959 - Wilson, Harold Albert
004960 - Wilson, Ian
004961 - Wilson, James Thomas
004962 - Wilson, John Tuzo
004963 - Wilson, John Tuzo
004964 - Wilson, Sir William James Erasmus
004965 - Wilson, Sir William James Erasmus
004966 - Winchelsea, George WIlliam Finch-Hatton
004967 - Windle, Alan Hardwick
004969 - Windle, Sir Bertram Coghill Alan
004970 - Windsor, Colin George
004971 - Winston, Lord Robert Maurice Lipson
004972 - Winter, Sir Gregory Paul
004973 - Banks, Sir Joseph
004974 - Banks, Sir Joseph and Solander, Daniel
004975 - Banks, Sir Joseph
004976 - Banks, Sir Joseph
004977 - Wit, Frederick de
004978 - Withering, William
004979 - Witsen, Nicolaus
004980 - Woide, Charles Godfrey
004981 - Wolfson, Sir Isaac
004982 - Wollaston, William Hyde
004983 - Wood, Sir Alan Marshall Muir
004984 - Wood, Bernard John
004985 - Wood, Graham Charles
004986 - Wood, John
004987 - Wood, Richard Dean
004988 - Wood, Robert Williams
004989 - Wood, Ronald Karslake Starr
004990 - Woodhouse, John Henry
004991 - Woods, Henry
004992 - Woodville, Willliam, 1752-1805
004993 - Woodward, Bernard Bolingbroke, 1816-1869
004995 - Woolmore, Sir John
004996 - Woolmore, Sir John
004997 - Woolsthorpe Manor
004998 - Woolsthorpe Manor
004999 - Worthington, Brian Stewart
005000 - Wray, Gordon Richard
005001 - Ray, John
005002 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005003 - Baring, Sir Francis Thornhill, Baron Northbrook
005004 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005005 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005006 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005007 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005008 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005009 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005010 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005011 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005013 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005014 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005015 - Wren, Sir Christopher
005016 - Wright, Sir Almroth Edward
005017 - Wright, Sewall
005021 - Wrottesley, John, 2nd Baron Wrottesley
005022 - Wunsch, Carl Isaac
005023 - Wyatt, Adrian Frederick George
005024 - Wyllie, Andrew Hamilton
005025 - Wyllie, Peter John
005026 - Wynne, William Palmer
005027 - Yacoub, Sir Magdi Habib
005028 - Yanagida, Mitsuhiro
005029 - Yang, Chen Ning
005030 - Yarrell, William, 1784-1856
005032 - Yelloly, John
005034 - Young, Sir Frank George
005035 - Young, John Zachary
005036 - Young, John Zachary
005037 - Young, John Zachary
005038 - Young, Thomas
005039 - Young, Thomas
005040 - Young, Thomas
005041 - Young, Thomas
005042 - Young, William Henry
005044 - Yule, George Udny
005045 - Yule, George Udny
005046 - Zeki, Semir
005047 - Zel'Dovich, Yakov Borissovich
005048 - Zel'Dovich, Yakov Borissovich
005049 - Zel'Dovich, Yakov Borissovich
005050 - Zel'Dovich, Yakov Borissovich
005051 - Zewail, Ahmed Hassan
005052 - Ziegler, Karl
005053 - Zuckerman, Solly, Baron Zuckerman of Burnham Thorpe
005055 - Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich
005057 - Lachmann, Sir Peter; Atiyah, Sir Michael and Rowlinson, Sir John on Admission Day 1995
005058 - Royal Society Arms
005059 - Royal Society Arms
005060 - Model of the Beagle
005061 - Royal Society Book Plates
005062 - Burlington House
005063 - Burlington House
005064 - Burlington House
005065 - Burlington House
005066 - Burlington House
005067 - Burlington House
005068 - Burlington House
005069 - Burlington House
005071 - Burlington House
005072 - Burlington House
005073 - Burlington House
005074 - Burlington House
005075 - Burlington House
005076 - Burlington House
005077 - Burlington House
005078 - Burlington House
005079 - Burlington House
005080 - Burlington House
005081 - Burlington House
005082 - Burlington House
005083 - Burlington House
005084 - Burlington House
005085 - Burlington House
005086 - Burlington House
005087 - Burlington House
005088 - Burlington House
005089 - Burlington House
005090 - Burlington House
005091 - Burlington House
005092 - Carlton House Terrace
005093 - Carlton House Terrace
005094 - Carlton House Terrace
005095 - Carlton House Terrace
005096 - Carlton House Terrace
005097 - Carlton House Terrace
005098 - Carlton House Terrace
005099 - Carlton House Terrace
005100 - Carlton House Terrace
005101 - Carlton House Terrace
005102 - Carlton House Terrace
005103 - Carlton House Terrace
005104 - Carlton House Terrace
005105 - Tompion Clock
005106 - Ward, Seth
005107 - Carlton House Terrace
005108 - Carlton House Terrace
005109 - Carlton House Terrace
005110 - Carlton House Terrace
005111 - Carlton House Terrace
005112 - Carlton House Terrace
005113 - Carlton House Terrace
005114 - Carlton House Terrace
005115 - Kater, Henry
005134 - Charter
005135 - Charter
005136 - Charter
005137 - Second Charter
005139 - Charter Book
005140 - Charter Book
005141 - Charter Book
005142 - Charter Book
005143 - Charter Book
005144 - Charter Book
005145 - Charter Book
005146 - Charter Book
005147 - Charter Book
005148 - Charter Book
005149 - Charter Book
005150 - Charter Book
005151 - Charter Book
005152 - Charter Book
005153 - Charter Book
005154 - Charter Book
005155 - Charter Book
005156 - Charter Book
005157 - Charter Book
005158 - Charter Book
005159 - Charter Book
005160 - Charter Book
005161 - Charter Book
005162 - Charter Book
005163 - Charter Book
005164 - Charter Book
005165 - Charter Book
005166 - Charter Book
005167 - Charter Book
005168 - Charter Book
005169 - Charter Book
005170 - Charter Book
005171 - Charter Book
005172 - Charter Book
005173 - Charter Book
005174 - Charter Book
005175 - Charter Book
005176 - Charter Book
005177 - Charter Book
005178 - Charter Book
005179 - Conversazione, 1908
005180 - Burlington House - Council 1961
005181 - Council 1960
005183 - Burlington House - Council circa 1945-50
005184 - Council 1960
005185 - Council 1960
005186 - Crane Court
005187 - Crane Court
005188 - Culver
005189 - Epidiascope
005190 - Esso Energy Awards, 1986
005191 - Library Exhibition - Summer Science July 2001
005192 - Library Exhibition - Summer Science July 2001
005193 - Library Exhibition - Summer Science July 2001
005194 - Fellows of the Royal Society, 1894
005195 - Funafuti, exploratory borehole
005197 - Gresham College
005199 - Charts showing magnetic declinations
005200 - List of Fellows for 1663
005201 - Mace
005202 - Mace
005203 - Mace
005205 - Mace
005206 - Mace
005207 - Mace
005208 - Babbage, Charles
005209 - Babbage, Charles
005211 - Election certificate
005214 - Copley Medal
005219 - Davy Medal
005230 - Norfolk Library Stamp
005231 - Royal Society Officers circa 1895-1900
005233 - Sackler database
005234 - The Ross Silver Cup
005235 - The Ross Silver Cup
005236 - Officers - 1993
005237 - Officers - 1994
005238 - Officers - 1995
005239 - Officers - 1996
005240 - Officers - 1996
005241 - Officers - 1997
005242 - President's Board
005243 - Philosophical Transactions, Volume 1
005244 - Philosophical Transactions, Volume 1
005245 - Philosophical Transactions, Volume 1
005246 - Moray, Sir Robert
005247 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
005248 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni Van
005249 - Conyers, John
005250 - Conyers, John
005251 - Lister, Martin
005253 - Molyneux, William
005254 - Plant specimens
005255 - Stone, Edmund
005256 - Swinton, John
005257 - Robertson, James
005258 - Robertson, James
005259 - Philosophical Transactions, Volume 64
005260 - Nairne, Edward
005261 - Volta, Alessandro
005262 - Bunt, T G
005264 - Proudman, Joseph and Dodson, Arthur Thomas
005265 - Doodson, Arthur Thomas
005266 - Cohen, R
005267 - Ehrlich, Paul
005268 - Wilson, Charles Thompson Rees
005269 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea and Lees, D S
005270 - Blackett, Patrick Maynard Stuart, Baron Blackett of Chelsea and Lees, D S
005272 - The Ross Silver Cup
005273 - Princess Margret of the Netherlands
005274 - Princess Margret of the Netherlands with Sir George Porter
005275 - Women in Science Exhibition
005276 - Soiree 1847
005277 - Soiree, Ladies night, 1901
005278 - Somerset House
005279 - Somerset House
005280 - Tapestry
005281 - Treasurer's chest
005282 - Herschel, John Frederick William
005283 - Babbage, Charles
005284 - Medallists 1993
005285 - Medallists 1994
005286 - Medallists 1995
005287 - Medallists 1996
005288 - Medallists, Esso Award, 1996
005289 - Medallists, Esso Award, 1997
005290 - Goddard, J F
005293 - Library Regulations
005294 - Lacaze Duthiers, Felix-Joseph Henri de
005295 - Maddox, Richard Leach
005296 - Hart Everett, A
005297 - Hart Everett, A
005298 - Blagden, Sir Charles
005299 - Blagden, Sir Charles
005300 - Maupertuis, Pierre Louis Morceau de
005301 - Locke, John
005303 - Desaguliers, John Theophilus
005305 - Hooke, Robert
005307 - Bateson, Sir Paul Patrick Gordon
005308 - Baxter, Rodney James
005311 - Gerrisk, Martha
005312 - Hunter, Christopher
005313 - Boyle, Robert
005314 - Spinoza, Benedict
005315 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005316 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005317 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005318 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005319 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005320 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005321 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005322 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
005324 - Lister, Martin
005325 - Moray, Sir Robert
005326 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005328 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005329 - Petty, Sir William
005330 - Petty, Sir William
005333 - Wallis, Thomas
005334 - Faraday, Michael
005335 - Founding meeting of The Royal Society
005337 - Baker, Henry
005338 - Wallis, John
005339 - Costard, G
005341 - Hamilton, Sir William
005342 - Sewall, Stephen
005343 - Herschel, Sir William
005344 - Garthshore, Maxwell
005346 - Baillie, Matthew
005347 - Hamilton, Sir William
005348 - Roy, William
005349 - Sommerville, William
005350 - Ramon y Cajal, Santiago
005351 - Piaggi, Antonio
005352 - Piaggi, Antonio
005353 - Conte Guido Alchemical Tracts
005354 - Boyle, Robert
005355 - Boyle, Robert
005356 - van Huysum, Jacob (1665-1746)
005359 - Boyle, Robert
005360 - Rose, Caleb
005367 - Mallet, Robert
005368 - Mallet, Robert
005369 - Spruce, Richard
005370 - Flamsteed, John
005371 - Philips, John
005372 - Newtoniana
005373 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005374 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005375 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005378 - Woolsthorpe Manor
005379 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005380 - Priestley, Joseph
005381 - Priestley, Joseph
005382 - Priestley, Joseph
005383 - Priestley, Joseph
005384 - Priestley, Joseph
005385 - Priestley, Joseph
005386 - Priestley, Joseph
005387 - Priestley, Joseph
005388 - Smeaton, John
005389 - Smeaton, John
005390 - Lindley, John
005391 - Lindley, John
005392 - Pringle, Sir John
005393 - Lindley, John
005394 - James, Henry
005395 - Mendes da Costa, Emanuel
005396 - Stewart, John
005397 - Regnault, Victor Henri
005398 - Stewart, John and Regnault, Victor Henri
005399 - Stewart, John and Regnault, Victor Henri
005400 - Stewart, John and Regnault, Victor Henri
005401 - Herschel, John Frederick William
005402 - Maxwell, James Clerk
005403 - Boyle, Robert
005404 - Goddard, Jonathan
005405 - Hevelius, Johannes
005406 - Philosophical Transactions title page
005407 - Lower, Dr
005408 - Brouncker, William, 2nd Viscount Brouncker
005409 - Lowry, Thomas Martin
005410 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005411 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005412 - Newton, Sir Isaac
005413 - Kircheri, Athanasi
005414 - An enquiry concerning agriculture
005415 - Moray, Sir Robert
005416 - 250th Anniversary Dinner
005417 - Annual Medal
005418 - Former Homes
005419 - Royal Society Arms on Second Charter
005420 - Royal Society Arms
005421 - Arundel House
005422 - Shelton, John
005424 - Copley Medal
005425 - Carlton House Terrace
005426 - Newton's Chair
005427 - Crane Court
005428 - Collage
005429 - Meeting at Burlington House
005430 - Pencil drawings
005431 - Royal Medal
005432 - Royal Medal
005433 - Soiree 1949
005434 - Soiree 1961
005435 - Soiree 1977
005436 - Royal Society Tercentenary
005437 - Vignoles, Charles Blacker
005439 - Carlton House Terrace
005440 - Brown, Sidney George
005442 - Brunel, Marc Isambard
005444 - Boyle, Richard
005445 - Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron
005446 - Burnet, Gilbert
005447 - Banks, Sir Joseph
005448 - Banksia Serrata
005449 - Banks, Sir Joseph
005450 - Basinski, Zbigniew Stanislaw
005451 - Baxendell, Joseph
005452 - Gunning, Brian Edgar Scourse
005453 - Fowden, Sir Leslie
005454 - MacKay, Alan Lindsay
005455 - Ritchie, Joseph Murdoch
005456 - Hayman, Walter Kurt
005457 - Paige, Edward George Sydney
005463 - Boyle, Robert
005464 - Dunham, Sir Kingsley Charles
005465 - Moffatt, Henry Keith
005466 - Moffatt, Henry Keith
005471 - Brown, Alexander Crum
005500 - Stuart, John, 1st Marquess of Bute
005504 - Back, Sir George
005505 - Balfour, Graham
005506 - Barthelemy, Jean Jacques
005507 - Berkeley, Miles Joseph
005508 - Bethollett, Claude Louis
005509 - Biot, Jean Baptiste
005510 - Blackburne, John
005511 - Blomfield, Charles James (1786-1857)
005512 - Blizard, Sir William
005513 - Parker; John, 1st Earl of Morley and Viscount Boringdon
005514 - Bonnet, Charles
005515 - Boyer, Jean Baptiste Nicolas
005516 - Bougainville, Louis Antoine de
005517 - Brodie, Benjamin Collins
005518 - Brongniart, Alexandre
005519 - Burnett, Gilbert
005520 - Butler, George
005521 - Butler, Samuel, Bishop of Lichfield
005522 - Brownlow, John, Baron Brownlow of Belton
005523 - Browne, Isaac Hawkins
005524 - Buckland, William
005525 - Budd, George
005526 - Burton, James (1788-1862)
005527 - Browne, Isaac Hawkins
005528 - Bonaparte
005529 - Barlow, Peter William
005530 - Banting, Sir Frederick Grant
005531 - Beaufort, Sir Francis
005532 - Boulton, Mathew
005533 - Boyle, Robert
005534 - Boyle, Robert
005548 - Barber, James
005549 - Barron, Laurence David
005550 - Blake, Andrew
005551 - Bryden, Harry Leonard
005552 - Busby, Stephen John Williams
005553 - Cardelli, Luca
005554 - Cesarsky, Catherine Jean
005555 - Charlesworth, Deborah
005556 - Collinge, John
005557 - Corkum, Paul Bryce
005558 - Croxall, John Patrick
005559 - Curran, Thomas
005560 - Diffley, John Francis Xavier
005561 - Downward, David Julian Henry
005562 - Ekers, Ronald David
005563 - Evans, Philip Richard
005564 - Evans, Robert
005565 - Fitter, Alastair Hugh
005566 - Frenk, Carlos Silvestre
005567 - Frith, Uta
005568 - Gadsby, David Christopher
005569 - Hanski, Ilkka Aulis
005570 - Higgs, Douglas Roland
005571 - Kennett, Brian Leslie Norman
005572 - Martin, Alan Douglas
005573 - Masser, David William
005574 - Masters, Thomas Guy
005575 - McKillop, Sir Thomas Fulton Wilson
005576 - Mehta, Goverdhan
005577 - Michel, Hartmut
005578 - Miller, Roger Ervin
005579 - Mitchell, John Francis Brake
005580 - Morgan, Michael John
005581 - Noyori, Ryoji
005582 - Paterson, Ian
005583 - Pearson, John RIchard Anthony
005584 - Power, Philip Patrick
005585 - Proudfoot, Nicholas Jarvis
005586 - Robbins, Trevor William
005587 - Ross, Douglas Alan
005588 - Rothwell, Dame Nancy Jane
005589 - Sadler, Peter John
005590 - Russell, Philip St John
005591 - Snowden, Christopher Maxwell
005592 - St Johnston, Robert Daniel
005593 - Spiegelhalter, David John
005594 - Trefethen, Lloyd Nicholas
005595 - Varmus, Harold Eliot
005596 - Watts, Colin
005597 - White, John Graham
005598 - Wright, Ernest Marshall
005599 - Swinton, Alan Archibald Campbell
005600 - Carvalho e Mello, Sebastian Joseph de, Marquis of Pombal
005601 - Castell, Edmund
005602 - Stewart, Henry Robert, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry, Viscount Castlereagh
005603 - Cauchy, Agustin Louis
005604 - Chalmers, George
005605 - Chandler, George
005606 - Chandler, Samuel
005607 - Stanhope, Philip, 5th Earl of Chesterfield
005609 - Clerk, John, of Eldin
005610 - Copley, Sir John Singleton, Baron Lyndhurst
005611 - Cowper, William
005612 - Crombie, Alexander
005613 - William Augustus, Duke of Cumberland
005614 - Ernest Augustus, Duke of Cumberland and King of Hanover
005615 - Cumming, Rev John
005616 - Curtis, William
005617 - van Huysum, Jacob (1665-1746)
005618 - Fitzroy, Robert
005619 - Fitzroy, Robert
005620 - Fitzroy, Robert
005621 - New Fellows group photograph - 2005
005630 - Carteret, Sir Philippe
005631 - Cabbell, Benjamin Bond
005632 - Caldcleugh, Alexander
005633 - Cambridge University Training Corps
005641 - Collier, John Gordon
005642 - Cocking, Edward Charles Daniel
005643 - Clemo, George Roger
005644 - Clerke, Dr G D
005646 - Hooke, Robert
005647 - Huygens, Christian
005648 - Hooke, Robert
005649 - Waller, Richard
005650 - Waller, Richard
005651 - Hunt, Henry
005652 - Flaming Urn
005653 - Hooke, Robert
005654 - Hunt, Henry
005655 - Hunt, Henry
005656 - Waller, Richard
005657 - Waller, Richard
005658 - Curtis, David Roderick
005659 - Elsholt, Joan Sigism
005676 - Carlton House Terrace
005677 - Cannizzaro, Stanislao
005678 - Cartwright, Dame Mary Lucy
005680 - Franklin, Benjamin
005681 - Culver
005682 - Cook, James
005683 - Cook, James
005686 - Sibbett, Wilson
005691 - Dainton, Frederick Sydney, Baron Dainton of Hallam Moors
005692 - Davy, Sir Humphry
005693 - De Vries, Hugo
005694 - Doodson, Arthur Thomas
005697 - Dainton, John Bourke
005698 - Darwin, Charles Robert
005699 - Darwin, Charles Robert
005700 - Dalrymple, John
005701 - D'Alembert, Jean le Rond
005702 - Dee, Philip Ivor and Curran, Sir Samuel Crowe
005703 - Derham, William
005709 - Dines, William Henry
005710 - Dirac, Paul Adrien Maurice
005711 - Drury, Henry
005712 - Duclos, Charles
005713 - Dumas, Jean Baptiste Andre
005714 - Douglas, David (1798-1834)
005715 - Darwin, Erasmus
005718 - Edgworth, Richard Lovell
005719 - Nicol, Joseph Arthur Colin
005722 - Ehret, Georg Dionysius
005723 - Donkin, Bryan
005724 - Geikie, Sir Archibald
005725 - Fitzgerald, Mary Francis
005726 - Faraday, Michael
005727 - Evelyn, John
005728 - Egerton, Francis Henry, 8th Earl of Bridgewater
005729 - Moth specimens
005730 - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
005731 - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
005732 - Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel
005733 - Ross, Sir James Clark
005741 - Fitzroy, Robert
005743 - Fitzroy, Robert
005749 - Fitzroy, Robert
005750 - Fitzroy, Robert
005751 - Fitzroy, Robert
005752 - Fitzroy, Robert
005835 - Florey, Howard Walter, Baron Florey of Adelaide and Marston
005836 - Fornasari, Ippolito A
005837 - Foster, Captain Henry
005838 - Fells, Ian
005839 - Franklin, Benjamin
005840 - Fitzroy, Augustus Henry, 3rd Duke of Grafton
005849 - Frank, Sir Frederick Charles
005850 - Frank, Sir Frederick Charles
005851 - Franklin, Benjamin
005852 - Franklin, Benjamin
005853 - Franklin, Benjamin
005854 - Frederick WIlliam IV, King of Prussia
005856 - Galton, Sir Douglas Strutt
005857 - Galton, Samuel
005858 - Gould, John
005859 - Glaisher, James Whitbread Lee
005860 - Gould, John
005864 - Ward, Harry Marshall
005865 - Ward, Harry Marshall
005866 - Scientific Meeting on Oceanic Research Meeting in 1956
005867 - Scott, Joseph Frederick and others
005868 - Grose, Francis (1731? - 1791)
005869 - Gualterius, Petrus
005870 - Gray, John Edward
005871 - Smeaton, John
005872 - Smeaton, John
005873 - Hooke, Robert
005875 - Burlington House
005876 - Hooke, Robert
005877 - Hooke, Robert
005878 - Hooke, Robert
005879 - Hooke, Robert
005880 - Hales, Stephen
005881 - Hall, Henry
005882 - Haistwell, Edward
005883 - Hagen, Jacob
005884 - Hadley, George
005885 - Harvey, William
005886 - Hauksbee, Francis and Priestley, Joseph
005887 - Mead, Richard
005888 - Herschel, John Frederick William
005889 - Hevelius, Johannes
005890 - Huxham, John
005891 - Hutchinson, George Henry
005892 - Howard, Luke
005893 - Howard, Luke
005894 - Hoskins, Samuel Elliot
005895 - Howard, Charles, 11th Duke of Norfolk
005898 - Huxley, Thomas Henry
005899 - Halley, Edmond
005900 - Harmer, Sir Sidney Frederic
005901 - Magalhaens, John Hyacinth de
005902 - Hay, John, 2nd Marquis of Tweddale
005904 - Hooker, Sir William Jackson
005905 - Howard, William, Viscount Stafford
005906 - Hunter, John D
005907 - Jervis, John, Earl of St Vincent
005908 - Harvey, Sir Robert John
005909 - Herschel, John Frederick William
005910 - Leeuwenhoek, Antoni van
006004 - Smeaton, John
006265 - Master's chair
006270 - Alder, Roger William
006271 - Becke, Axel Dexter
006272 - Barford, David
006273 - Barlow, Martin Thomas
006274 - Barnett, Stephen Mark
006275 - Basbaum, Allan Irwin
006276 - Battarbee, Richard William
006277 - Beral, Valerie
006278 - Brezin, Edouard
006279 - Browne, Edmund John Philip, Baron Browne of Madingley
006280 - Crutzen, Paul Josef
006281 - Donnelly, Peter James
006282 - Eland, John Hugh David
006283 - Ewins, David John
006284 - Farmer, David Malcolm
006285 - Feldmann, Marc
006286 - Fitter, Alastair Hugh
006287 - Foxon, Charles Thomas Bayley
006288 - Freeman, Matthew John Alymer
006289 - Frenkel, Daan
006290 - Friston, Karl John
006291 - Grindley, Nigel David Forster
006292 - Hopper, Andrew
006293 - Hunter, Peter John
006294 - Jackson, Richard James
006295 - Jones, Richard Anthony Lewis
006296 - Juma, Calestous
006297 - Kohn, Ralph
006298 - Lockwood, Michael
006299 - Lynden Bell, Ruth Marion
006300 - Mackay, Trudy Francis Charlene
006372 - Marsden, Jerrold Eldon
006373 - Martienssen, Robert Anthony
006374 - Narayan, Ramesh
006375 - Ogden, Raymond William
006376 - Parker, Peter Joseph Jacques
006377 - Pearce, John Martindale
006378 - Peiris, Joseph Sriyal Malik
006379 - Proctor, Michael Richard Edward
006380 - Rahman, Attaur
006381 - Saibil, Helen Ruth
006382 - Shepherd-Barron, Nicholas Ian
006383 - Smith, Austin Gerard
006384 - Sonenburg, Nahum
006385 - Sur, Mriganka
006386 - Tsien, Roger Yonchien
006387 - West, Peter Christopher
006388 - White, Nicholas John
006389 - Wilson, Alan Geoffrey
006390 - Woodruff, David Philip
006391 - Yang, Ziheng
006417 - Group photograph of Officers of the Royal Society 1945-50
006424 - Gilbart, James William
006425 - Klug, Sir Aaron
006426 - Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
006427 - Dale, Sir Henry Hallett
006476 - Sir James Alfred Ewing, Sir Charles Algernon Parsons and Sir Dugald Clerk
006783 - Hopkins, Sir Frederick Gowland
006820 - Howard, Bernard Edward, 12th Duke of Norfolk
006821 - Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
006822 - Humboldt, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von
006823 - Maskelyne, Nevil
007029 - Smeaton, John
007116 - Wollaston, William Hyde
007117 - Wollaston, William Hyde
007118 - Parsons, William, 3rd Earl of Rosse
007119 - Pasteur, Louis
007120 - Philip II of Spain and Mary of England
007122 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
007123 - Rutherford, Ernest, Baron Rutherford of Nelson
007141 - Group photograph
007142 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007143 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007144 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007145 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007146 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007147 - Hodgkin, Dorothy Mary Crowfoot
007149 - Swiss jewelled gold presentation snuff box
007150 - Inkstand
007151 - Michel, Hartmut
007173 - Gresham College
007174 - Conversazione of The Royal Society at Burlington House
007175 - Rejlander, Oscar Gustave
007176 - Gaze, Raymond Michael
007177 - Schrodinger, Erwin
007179 - Baldwin, John Evan
007180 - Chicheley Hall, Bucks.
007182 - Holliday, Robin
007183 - Rotblat, Sir Joseph
007184 - Rotblat, Sir Joseph
007185 - Rees, Martin; Baron Rees of Ludlow
007186 - Video system frame sequence
007187 - Portrait of Vogt, Marthe Louise
007188 - Portrait of Mudge, John
007189 - Portrait of Wren, Christopher
007190 - Portrait of Montagu, Charles
007191 - Portrait of Herbert, Thomas
007192 - Portrait of Vaughan, John
007194 - Portrait of Grace, Michael Anthony
007195 - Portrait of Chibnall, Albert Charles
007196 - Portrait of Thomson, William [Lord Kelvin]
Expand 007197 - Photographic collection documenting travel to International Physiological Congress007197 - Photographic collection documenting travel to International Physiological Congress
007198 - Group portrait of physicists
007199 - Portrait of Hill, Archibald Vivian
Expand 007200 - Photograph album, British Association, compiler unknown007200 - Photograph album, British Association, compiler unknown
Expand 007201 - William Odling family photographs, various artists007201 - William Odling family photographs, various artists
007202 - Portrait of Erdmann, Rhoda
007203 - Portrait of Stokes, William
007204 - Portrait of Armstrong, William George [Baron Armstrong]
007205 - 'Presentation of the Davy Medal', group portrait
007207 - Portrait of Elsie May Widdowson
007208 - Portrait of Elsie May Widdowson
007209 - Portrait of Wiliam Dealtry
007210 - Portrait of John Bligh, 4th Earl of Darnley
007211 - Portrait of James Hutton and Joseph Black
007212 - Portrait of Sir Richard Owen
007214 - Portrait of Joseph John Thomson
007215 - Margaret Bryan and her daughters
007216 - Portrait of Benjamin Daydon Jackson
007217 - Portrait of Cyril Jackson
007218 - Portrait of William Jacob
007219 - Portrait of Robert Jameson
007220 - Portrait of Sir William Jenner, 1st Baronet
007221 - Portrait of Sir Thomas Jones
007222 - Portrait of Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu with a view of the Tuileries Palace
007223 - Portrait of William Kirby
007224 - Portrait of Albert von Kölliker
007225 - Portrait of Antoine Lavoisier
007226 - Portrait of Charles Manners-Sutton, 1st Viscount Canterbury
007227 - Portrait of Gerrit Moll
007228 - Portrait of Robert Mylne
007229 - Statue Of Sir Isaac Newton At Cambridge
007230 - Portrait of Maria Sarah, Lady Hooker
007231 - Portrait of Ada Lovelace as a child
007232 - Portrait of Joseph Priestley and Antoine Lavoisier
007233 - Portrait of Margaret Cavendish
007234 - Portrait of Margaret Cavendish and her family
007235 - Portrait of Émilie du Châtelet
Expand AKP - The Anne-Katrin Purkiss Collection AKP - The Anne-Katrin Purkiss Collection
Collapse GA - Godfrey Argent portrait photographsGA - Godfrey Argent portrait photographs
Expand ARAR
Expand BaronBaron
Expand RR
6665 - Shackleton, Robert Millner
7149 - Tait, Sylvia Agnes Sophia
7707 - Zeeman, Sir Erik Christopher
7804 - Robinson, Stephen Joseph
7805 - Thompson, Robert Henry Stewart
7807 - Buckingham, Amyand David
7876 - Bodmer, Walter Fred
7899 - Mitchell, Peter Dennis
7901 - Tata, Jamshed Rustom
7905 - Ramsay, John Graham
7907 - Gibson, Frank William Ernest
7908 - Taylor, John Bryan
7917 - Marshall, Norman Bertram
7925 - Kingman, John Frank Charles
7935 - Charnock, Henry
7936 - Ursell, Fritz Joseph
7938 - Wood, Ronald Karslake Starr
7939 - Goodwin, Leonard George
7940 - Bradley, Daniel Joseph
7944 - Black, Sir James Whyte
7948 - Eglinton, Geoffrey
7949 - Fröhlich, Albrecht
7950 - Stone, Francis Gordon Albert
7952 - Blin-Stoyle, Roger John
7953 - Milstein, César
7956 - Binnie, Geoffrey Morse
7960 - Lang, Andrew Richard
7962 - Stoker, Sir Michael George Parke
7975 - Baker, Peter Frederick
7976 - Watkins, Winifred May
7986 - Gray, Sir John Archibald Browne
7998 - McLaren, Dame Anne Laura
8003 - Cooke, George Willliam
8013 - Doll, Sir William Richard Shaboe
8017 - Ash, Sir Eric Albert
8018 - Cullen, Alexander Lamb
8019 - Matthews, Peter Bryan Conrad
8025 - Wareing, Philip Frank
8028 - Swann, Michael Meredith, Baron Swann of Coln St Denys
8041 - Duncomb, Peter
8045 - Wolfendale, Arnold Whittaker
8048 - Swinnerton Dyer, Henry Peter Francis
8049 - Rees, Hubert
8060 - Tabor, David
8071 - Ebashi, Setsuro
8082 - Rado, Richard
8083 - Wilson, Sir Graham Selby
8087 - Garton, George Alan
8088 - Cowley, Roger Arthur
8089 - Powell, Thomas Philip Stroud
8090 - Pateman, John Arthur Joseph
8091 - Quayle, John Rodney
8092 - Howie, Archibald
8093 - Johnson, Barry Edward
8097 - Pasquill, Frank
8098 - Harper, John Lander
8114 - Smith, Joseph Victor
8117 - Page, Sir Frederick William
8119 - Bowen, Edward George
8133 - Beale, Evelyn Martin Lansdowne
8137 - Graham, Alastair
8144 - Lappert, Michael Franz
8146 - Gardner, Richard Lavenham
8148 - Thouless, David James
Expand RussellRussell
Expand WGWG
Expand WMWM
Expand WSWS
Expand Maull - Maull portrait photographsMaull - Maull portrait photographs
Expand Meitner Graf - Lotte Meitner Graf portrait photographsMeitner Graf - Lotte Meitner Graf portrait photographs
Expand Non - Non-portrait imagesNon - Non-portrait images

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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