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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Letter, 'Du jardin du roy le 18 Juillet 1741' from Georges L L Buffon to Martin Folkes
2 - Letter, 'On certain small water animals (hydra)' from Charles Bentinck to Martin Folkes
3 - Letter from Pierre de Vigny to Hans Sloane
4 - Testimonials on a paper 'The antiscorbutic water' by Philip Dallowe
5 - Testimonials on a paper 'The antiscorbutic water' by Philip Dallowe
6 - Advertisement for antiscorbutic water
7 - Paper slip, with figure, numbered '7'
8 - Paper slip, with figure, numbered '8'
9 - Paper slip, with figure, numbered '9'
10 - Paper, 'Of the going of two clocks (mutual action)' by John Ellicott
11 - Letter, 'Of a passage in Plutarch relating to optics' from John Green to Cromwell Mortimer
12 - Paper slip, concerning John Hadley by Cromwell Mortimer
13 - Letter, on a map of the country about Paris from Jean de La Grive to Hans Sloane
14 - Letter, 'Concerning a natural curiosity (an alga swelling up in water)' from Alexander Geekie to Daniel Wray
15 - Paper, 'An account of Leeuwenhoeck's microscopes' by Henry Baker
16 - Paper slip, with figure, numbered '16'
17 - Letter, 'Anology between English weights and measures' from W Barlow to Thomas Stack
18 - Paper slip, with figure, numbered '18'
19 - Paper, 'An account of the analogy betwixt English weights and measures of capacity' by W Barlow
20 - Letter from Hans Sloane to the Royal Society
21 - Letter from Hans Sloane to Martin Folkes
22 - Paper slip, numbered '22' with title 'On the organ of the voice' by M Ferrein
23 - Paper slip, numbered '23' with title 'Kerseboom to Eames lent Mr Maitland'
24 - Paper slip, numbered '24' with title 'Mill to Eames, in the press'
25 - Paper slip, numbered '25' with title 'To Beauchamp, in the press'
26 - Paper slip, numbered '26' with title 'Fuller to Sloane, in the press'
27 - Paper slip, numbered '27' with title 'Returned to be copied. Goslin to Collinson'
28 - Paper, 'The arithmetic of the superdigit' by Robert Flower
29 - Letter, 'Description of a fireball' from Christopher Mason to unknown recipient
30 - Letter, 'Of an antidote to the Indian poison in the West Indies [Caribbean]' from Edward Milward to Martin Folkes
31 - Paper slip, numbered '31' with title 'Knowlson to Sloane to be copied'
Expand 32 - Paper, 'On stones found in bags formed by the coat of the bladder' by Edward Nourse32 - Paper, 'On stones found in bags formed by the coat of the bladder' by Edward Nourse
33 - Paper, 'Some further observations concerning electricity' by John Theophilus Desaguliers
34 - Paper, 'Eclipse of the Moon' by Edward Legge
35 - Letter, 'On extraordinary warmth of air on 19 January 1741/2 (52% at 10.00 p.m.)' by Henry Miles to John Eames
36 - Letter, 'Of a balance swing or pressing steelyard' from Timothy Sheldrake to Cromwell Mortimer
37 - Paper slip, numbered '37' with title 'Langwith to Coleman'
38 - Letter, 'On ventilating the holds of ships' from Stephen Hales to Martin Folkes
39 - Letter, 'Of a torques (circulus auri)' from Thomas Mostyn to the Royal Society
40 - Paper slip, numbered '40' with title 'Cooke to Collinson to be copied'
41 - Letter, 'Concerning the writer's book criticising a treatise' from Johann Andreas von Segner to Cromwell Mortimer
42 - Paper, 'Of Mrs Stephen's medicines against the stone' by Richard Hatton and David Hartley
43 - Letter, 'Of the north coast of Britain and errors in maps between Dunsby Head and Faro Point' from Colin MacLaurin to Martin Folkes
44 - Letter of thanks from Pierre de Vigny to Martin Folkes
45 - Letter, 'A post-mortem examination' from H Cotton to Richard Mead
46 - Paper, 'The case of William Payne, who had taken Mrs Stephen's medicine' by George Bell
47 - Paper, 'An account by Dr Eames of a book on the natural history of fishes' by Jacob Theodor Klein
48 - Paper slip, numbered '48' with title 'Doddington to Baker to be copied'
49 - Paper slip, numbered '49' with title 'Cooke to Collinson to be copied'
50 - Letter, 'On earthquake shocks' from Matthew Plant to Bearcroft
51 - Paper slip, numbered '51' with title 'Baker to Folkes borrowed but to be returned'
52 - Letter and testimonials, 'The cases (stone) of Arthur Gardiner and others' from H Cotton to Dr Rumney
53 - Paper, 'Of renewing the air in close places' by Sutton
Expand 54 - Paper, 'On snow' from Leonard Stocke to Cromwell Mortimer54 - Paper, 'On snow' from Leonard Stocke to Cromwell Mortimer
55 - Letter, 'Parhelia seen in Kent 19 December 1741' from Henry Miles to John Eames
56 - Plate, diagram of the phenomenon from Canterbury after a drawing by Mrs Tennison, copied by William Stukeley
57 - Paper, 'Of petrifaction' by Charles Perry
58 - Paper, 'Analysis of the water of the Dead Sea' by Charles Perry
59 - Letter, 'Concerning cases of stone treated by Mrs Stephen's remedies' from H Cotton to Richard Mead
60 - Paper, 'Of preparing fish-skins' by J F Gronovius
61 - Paper, 'Conelians on Red Aggats; Aggats commonly called mocha stones' by Fraser
62 - Letter, 'The meteor of December 10 or 11, 1741' from William Gordon to Samuel Mead
63 - Letters, 'Of the late comet' from W Ramsay, Thomas Wright and John Bevis to Martin Folkes
64 - Letter, 'Criticism of a paper on springs by Dr Park' from George Hadley to Cromwell Mortimer
65 - Letter, 'Further observations on the 1741 comet' from John Bevis
65a - Letter, 'On the comet of 1741' from Nicholaas Willem Kops to John van Rixtel
Expand 65b - Letters and illustrations, 'On the comet of 1741' from Thomas Wright to James Theobald65b - Letters and illustrations, 'On the comet of 1741' from Thomas Wright to James Theobald
66 - Letter, 'About the comet' from Colin MacLaurin to Short
67 - Letter, 'Of the comet' from Robert Simson to John Machin
68 - Paper slip, numbered '68' with title 'To Collinson to be copied. Printed and so needless'
69 - Paper, 'Of certain muscles...and the Eustachian tube' by James Douglas
70 - Letter, 'Answer to Mr Kerseboom's letter of 31 March 1741' from William Maitland
71 - Letter, accompanying gift of books from Dean Copping, on behalf of the Dublin Society to Cromwell Mortimer
72 - Certificate, 'Official order concerning the gift of books of 15 October 1741' from the Dublin Society to the Royal Society
73 - Paper, 'Of the impossibility of vortices, account of the treatise' by Pierre de Sigorne
74 - Paper, 'Contrivance for a coach to travel along uneven ground without overturning' by Andrew Lamb
75 - Paper, 'Of three eclipses' by Fraser
76 - Letter, 'Some observations on Mr Sutton's invention to extract the foul air from the well and other parts of ships' from William Watson to Martin Folkes
77 - Letter, 'On soap lees and hard soap' from Claude Joseph Geoffroy to David Hartley
78 - Letter, 'Of the quantity of fire-damp produced from the Main Band coal at Hind Pitt' from Carlisle Spedding to James Lother Bart
79 - Paper, 'Of damps, parts I and II. Some observations of the several damps in the Coal Mines near Whitehaven' by William Brownrigg
80 - Paper, 'Of damps Part III. Of subterranean exhalations and epidemical disorders' by William Brownrigg
81 - Paper, 'Of damps Part IV. Of mineral exhalations and mineral waters' by William Brownrigg
82 - Paper, 'Of damps Part V. Of mineral damp in relation to common air' by William Brownrigg
83 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake at Leghorn from 16 to 27 January 1742' from Fremond Calmad, communicated by James Jurin
84 - Letter, 'Concerning the case of the woman who continues to speak without a tongue; the case of Margaret Cutting' from Edward Milward to Cromwell Mortimer
85 - Letter, 'Concerning the case of the woman who continues to speak without a tongue; the case of Margaret Cutting' from Benjamin Beddington to Henry Baker
86 - Letter, 'The publication of seventeen Latin tracts by Sir Isaac Newton' from Giovanni Francesco Mauro Melchiorreto Salvemini di Castiglione to Joseph de Montagny
87 - Letter, 'The publication of seventeen Latin tracts by Sir Isaac Newton' from Joseph de Montagny to Giovanni Francesco Mauro Melchiorreto Salvemini di Castiglione
88 - Paper, 'Two histories of internal cancers' by William Burton
89 - Paper, 'Notes on the famous enigmatic epitaph of Aelia Laelia Crispis, which was found near Bonomia in Italy' by unknown author
90 - Letter, 'Of a intestinal worm' from Theophilus Lobb to Martin Folkes
91 - Letter, 'On falling dew and further observations on falling crystals' from Leonard Stocke to Martin Folkes
92 - Letter, 'On falling dew and further observations on falling crystals' [English translation] from Leonard Stocke to the Royal Society
93 - Letter, 'Concerning exchange of transactions with the Royal Society of Sweden' from Martin Triewald to Cromwell Mortimer
94 - Letter, 'Concerning the vegetating of melon seeds 42 years old' from Martin Triewald to Cromwell Mortimer
95 - Letter, 'On polyi taken out of the hearts of sailors' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer
96 - Letter, 'On barometers' from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromell Mortimer
97 - Letter, 'On barometers' [English translation] from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromell Mortimer
98 - Letter, 'Catalogue of plants in Suabia' from Balthasar Erhardt to Cromwell Mortimer
99 - Pamphlet, 'Nothiger Bericht von der Edlen Magnesia, oder sogenannton Enlischer Panacae [Necessary report from the Noble Magnesia, or so-called Enlischer Panacae]' by Georg Christoph Laminit in Memmingen
100 - Paper, 'A description of the human bladder' by William Douglas to Cromwell Mortimer
101 - Paper, 'Of spinning-wheels' by Charles Morris
102 - Paper, 'Whether there is a magnetism in bodies' by Charles Perry
103 - Letter, 'Of Indian Corn ripening in Paul's Alley in Aldersgate' from Theophilus Lobb to Martin Folkes
104 - Paper, 'A short topographical account of Bridgenorth in the county of Salop' by Richard Cornes
105 - Letter, 'Questions in gunnery' from James Jurin to the Royal Society
106 - Letter, 'An Abstract of Dr Meighan's treatise of the natures and powers of Bareges's baths and waters; With an enquiry into the cause of the heat of the thermal waters in general' from Edward Milward to Martin Folkes
107 - Paper, 'Compass and barometer observations on board the 'Severn'' by unknown author
108 - Paper, 'Conjectures concerning electricity and the rise of vapours' by John Theophilis Desaguliers
109 - Letter, 'On some extraordinary effects in lightning' from Robert James Petre to Martin Folkes
110 - Paper, 'Of Roman antiquities discovered in York' by Francis Drake
111 - Paper, 'An Account of a Meteor seen at Peckham December 10 1741' by Thomas Milner
112 - Letter, 'Of Indian Corn fruiting in the city' from Theophilus Lobb to Martin Folkes
113 - Letter, 'A continuation of an Abstract of Dr Meighan's treatise of the natures and powers of Bareges's baths and waters; With an enquiry into the cause of the heat of the thermal waters in general' from Edward Milward to Martin Folkes
114 - Letter, 'Concerning a former paper of a comet' from Hugh Stackhouse to Cromwell Mortimer
115 - Letter, 'Concerning the late comet' from Joseph Nicholas Lisle to John Bevis
116 - Letter, 'Of Saltpetre' from Philip Henry Zollman to Cromwell Mortimer
117 - Letter, 'An account of Margaret Cutting a young Woman, now living at Wickham Market in Suffolk, who speaks readily and intelligibly though she has lost her tongue' from Benjamin Boddington and others to the Royal Society
Expand 118 - Paper, 'Of a child, a 'lusus naturae'' from C Warrick118 - Paper, 'Of a child, a 'lusus naturae'' from C Warrick
119 - Advertisement, 'Prix de Physique,' from Bordeaux Academie des Belles Lettres, Sciences and Arts
Expand 120 - Paper, 'A true copy of a paper found, in the handwriting of Sir Isaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr Halley containing a description of an Instrument for observing the distance form the Fixt Stars at Sea' by Isaac Newton120 - Paper, 'A true copy of a paper found, in the handwriting of Sir Isaac Newton, among the papers of the late Dr Halley containing a description of an Instrument for observing the distance form the Fixt Stars at Sea' by Isaac Newton
121 - Letter, 'Observations on board HMS Furnace, Churchill River, Hudson's Bay, and at Prince of Wales Fort, Churchill River, in 1741 and 1742' from Christopher Middleton to Hans Sloane
122 - Letter, 'A note relating to vivaprous fish shewed by Mr Ames' from Peter Collinson to John Machin
123 - Report, of the Committee of the Royal Society appointed to 'Examine two questions in gunnery'
124 - Letter, 'De motu particulari... [Of particular motions]' from Thomas Glass to Richard Mead
125 - Paper, 'Concerning a meteor at Holkhalm, Norfolk in August 1741' by Thomas Lovell
126 - Letter, 'Concerning a medicine to dissolve calculi' from Samuel Benoit Makowski to the President of the Royal Society
127 - Letter, 'Mrs Stephen's dissolvements of the stone' from John Huxham to Thomas Stack
128 - Paper, 'An account of the proportions of the of the English and French weights and measures' by the Royal Society and the Royal Academy of Sciences in Paris
129 - Paper, 'The mean motion of the apogee of the Moon computed from Sir Isaac Newton's principles' by Georg Peter Domcke
130 - Paper, 'Excerpta ex ephemeridus meteorologicis Romanis anni 1741' by Didacus de Revillas
131 - Letter, 'Concerning a water animal (hydra) which being cut into pieces becomes so many perfect animals' from John Frid Gronovius to Peter Collinson
132 - Letter, 'Of an extraordinary dropsy' from Thomas Short to Cromwell Mortimer
133 - Letter, 'Of an undulatory motion of the air' from Thomas Wakefield to the Secretary of the Royal Society
134 - Letter, 'On the number of inhabitants of Holland' from Willam Kersseboom to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 135 - Paper, 'On the constellation Aries' by Ebenezer Latham135 - Paper, 'On the constellation Aries' by Ebenezer Latham
136 - Letter, 'Of an animal called a plypus (hydra)' by unknown author from Cambridge to a Friend of the Royal Society
137 - Paper, 'Transit of Mercury over the disk of the Sun' by John Catlyn
138 - Letter, 'History of Swiss plants' by Albrecht von Haller to the Royal Society
139 - Letter, 'On the breeding of tail-less poultry' from John Martyn to Martin Folkes
140 - Letter, 'On a case of extraordinary anstinence' from Robert Campbell to Cromwell Mortimer
141 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations 1731-5' by Henry Beighton and others
142 - Letter, 'Of certain anatomical observations' from Job Baster to Hans Sloane
143 - Pamphlet, 'Of a ventilating machine' by Martin Triewald
144 - Paper, 'A short account of Monsieur Le Cat's book entitles Traite des Sens [Treat the Senses]' by James Parsons
Expand 145 - Paper, 'Observationes variae medico-chirurgicae' by Johann Daniel Schlichting145 - Paper, 'Observationes variae medico-chirurgicae' by Johann Daniel Schlichting
146 - Paper, 'De nova quaedam natione explorandi num pendula vi aliqua centrifuga pertubentur commentationum [The new nations examining whether some of the centrifugal force pendulum stayed meditations]' by Johannis Marchionis Poleni
147 - Letter, 'Of a double pear of the Carnelian kind' from Samuel Gruwy to John Machin
148 - Letter, 'A mathematical treatise' by Gerard Meerman to Hans Sloane
149 - Paper, 'On the freshwater polyp' by Abraham Trembley
150 - Paper, 'Sixth volume of the history of insects' by [René Antoine Ferchault de] Réaumur
151 - Paper, 'An account of the generation of seeds by Johann Daniel Schlichting' by Henry Baker
152 - Paper, 'Of longitude and latitude at sea' by unknown author
153 - Letters, 'Astronomical observations at Peking' from Theodoricus Pedrini and Antonius Gogeisl [Anton Gogeisl] to John Hodgson
154 - Paper, 'On Kersseboom's 2nd & 3rd treatises on computing the population of Holland' by John van Rixtel
155 - Paper, 'Of a calculus voided with the urine' by Antonio Leprotti
156 - Paper, 'An account of his book on fluxions' by Colin McLaurin
157 - Letter, 'Of his paper des sens and his machine' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 158 - Paper, 'Of a machine (hammock and ambe) for dealing with unwieldy patients' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat158 - Paper, 'Of a machine (hammock and ambe) for dealing with unwieldy patients' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
159 - Paper, 'An account of Enumeratio methodica stirprum Helvetiae indigenarum by Albert Haller' by William Watson
160 - Illustration, 'A phoca from Fossdyke Wash, Lincolnshire shown alive at the Golden Cross, Charing Cross' by James Parsons
161 - Letter, 'The processus ravianus' from Robert Nesbitt to John Machin
162 - Letter, 'Treatise on the gall sickness' from Leonard Stocke to the Royal Society
Expand 163 - Paper, 'Some account of the phoca of sea-calf (vitulus marinus)' by James Parsons163 - Paper, 'Some account of the phoca of sea-calf (vitulus marinus)' by James Parsons
164 - Paper, 'On Sir Isaac Newton's five diverging parabolas' by Edmund Stone
Collapse 165 - Paper, 'Ambi nouveau (for reducing luxations)' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat165 - Paper, 'Ambi nouveau (for reducing luxations)' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
166 - Letter, 'On the comet of 11 February 1743' from Peter Carnabe to Lawson
167 - Letter, 'Of petrifactions' from John Tuberville Needham to James Parsons
168 - Letter, 'Minerals the latter insects' from Jean Jallabert and Charles Bonnet to Hans Sloane
169 - Paper, 'Quelques observations nouvelles sur les insectes [Some new observations on insects]' by Charles Bonnet
170 - Letter, 'With a copy of the Storia Botanica of their grandfather Giacomo Zanoni' from the Zanoni brothers to Hans Sloane
171 - Paper, 'On the sex of a child' by John Freke
172 - Letter, 'On the sex of the same child' from James Parsons to John Machin
173 - Letter, 'Written to her son from Fort St George, East Indies, on a visit paid by the Nabob's lady' from Mrs Smart to her son
174 - Letter, 'Note on Reamaur's history of insects, 6th volume, being an extract from a letter referring to the account of Trembley's freshwater polype' from Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis to unknown recipient
175 - Paper, 'A new invention for navigation (an improved oar)' by Pierre Leonard Masson de Chevriere
176 - Letter and paper, 'An account of his treatise on fluxions part II' by Colin MacLaurin to Martin Folkes
Expand 177 - Paper, 'Account extracted from Edinburgh Town Council books of a disease at Edinburgh (French pox)' by Mackay 177 - Paper, 'Account extracted from Edinburgh Town Council books of a disease at Edinburgh (French pox)' by Mackay
178 - Letter, 'Of certain ferruginous stones 'Granadoes Terrelles'' from Benjamin Cook to Peter Collinson
Expand 179 - Paper, 'On the freshwater polyp' by Martin Folkes179 - Paper, 'On the freshwater polyp' by Martin Folkes
179a - Paper 'An account of his book 'New principles of gunnery'' by Benjamin Robins
180 - Paper, 'Of the freshwater polyp' by Edward Milward
181 - Paper, 'Of the comet observed at Vienna February 1743' by R P Frantz
182 - Letter, 'Of the ancient kingdom of Thomond, now County Clare' from C Lucas to Martin Folkes
183 - Letter, 'Gift of a copy of the 6th part of his History of Insects' from Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur to Martin Folkes
184 - Letter, 'On digestion' from Thomas Forbes Brookes to the Royal Society
185 - Paper, 'Of bones growing soft' by Sylvanus Bevan
186 - Paper, 'Of the aborigines of America' by Mark Catesby
187 - Paper, 'Abstract for Saxton's priviledg for his maps of England' by Christopher Saxton
Expand 188 - Paper, 'Medical observations showing relation between weather and human food, excetra, exercise' by John Lining 188 - Paper, 'Medical observations showing relation between weather and human food, excetra, exercise' by John Lining
189 - Letter, 'Acknowledgment of his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society' from Abraham Trembley to the Royal Society
190 - Letter, 'Gift of volume one of the Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgeons' from Gautier La Peyronie to the Royal Society
Expand 191 - Paper, 'On Trembley's polype' from Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond191 - Paper, 'On Trembley's polype' from Charles Lennox, Duke of Richmond
192 - Letter, 'On the improvement of salt-making' from Thomas Lowndes to the President of the Royal Society
193 - Letter, 'Concerning certain small and white worms found in dissecting trout' from John Tuberville Needham to James Parsons
Expand 194 - Paper, 'Of the structure and diseases of articulating cartilages' by William Hunter194 - Paper, 'Of the structure and diseases of articulating cartilages' by William Hunter
195 - Letter, 'Of certain worms whose parts live after having been cut asunder' from Thomas Lord to William Folkes
196 - Letter, 'Of certain historical works' from Claude Marie Guyon to the Royal Society
197 - Letter, 'Of a comet seen at Fridrichschald in March and April 1742' from Andrew Bing to Mr Northcliffe
Expand 198 - Paper, 'Of the natural history of the rhinoceros' by James Parsons198 - Paper, 'Of the natural history of the rhinoceros' by James Parsons
199 - Letter, 'The writer desires the honour of showing to the Royal Society a model landau, with 4 persons, coachman, 2 footman 6 horses and a postilion, all drawn by a single flea' from Boverick to the Royal Society
200 - Paper, 'A comparison of various sets of standard weights and measures' by some gentleman of the Royal Society
201 - Letter, 'Bibliotheca Ericerana; being a list of the works printed or in MS written by members of the de Meneses family, Counts of Ericerana, beginning with a book by Didacus de Meneses published in 1628 and including 144 other works' from Francis Xavier Meneses to Cromwell Mortimer
202 - Letter, 'Concerning his election as a Fellow of the Royal Society' from Wilhelmus Wilhelmius to the President of the Royal Society
Expand 203 - Paper, 'Of ambe for reducing dislocations' by John Freke203 - Paper, 'Of ambe for reducing dislocations' by John Freke
204 - Letter, 'Of trout, of freshwater polype' from John Tuberville Needham to the President of the Royal Society
205 - Letter, 'Of certain small pox symptoms' from Pierce Dod to the President of the Royal Society
206 - Paper, 'Sturio, the sturgeon of Carolina and of caviare' by Mark Catesby
207 - Paper, 'Of American birds' by Mark Catesby
208 - Letter, 'Of a book on reading in Dublin' from Thomas Walls to Henry Baker
209 - Letter, 'On a sample of Cheshire salt turned into Glauber salt' from Thomas Lowndes to the President of the Royal Society
210 - Letter, 'Of a calculus of great size, voided by a woman' from R Pearsall to Cromwell Mortimer
211 - Letter, 'Of a leveret brought up by a cat' from Montagu Bacon to Captain Tubley
212 - Letter, 'Of a hen bringing up puppies' from John Fuller to Hans Sloane
213 - Paper, 'On a calculus of two ounces voided' by Thomas White
214 - Letter, 'Of the mathematical principle of reduction' from Jean Welin to Martin Folkes
215 - Letter, 'On the solution of certain mathematical problems' from Jean Welin to Martin Folkes
216 - Paper, 'The transit of Mercury over the Sun on 25 October 1743, observed at MR G Graham's house in Fleet Street' by James Short
217 - Catalogue, of an auction of sixteenth and seventeenth century books
218 - Paper, 'Eclipse of the Moon on 22 October 1743' by James Short
219 - Letter, 'An account of the sixth volume of Reaumur's History of Insects' from James Parsons to Martin Folkes
220 - Letter, 'Of the town underground near Naples' from Francis Emslie to the Secretary of the Royal Society
221 - Paper, 'Of the cells of the bee' by Colin MacLaurin
222 - Paper, 'Observations of Mercury on the Sun 5 November 1743' by Spinder
Expand 223 - Paper, 'Concerning a zoophyte of Barbadoes' by Griffith Hughes223 - Paper, 'Concerning a zoophyte of Barbadoes' by Griffith Hughes
224 - Letter, 'Of mushrooms' from Roger Pickering to Cromwell Mortimer
225 - Letter, 'On the Society for Experimental Philosophy' from Johann Theodor Klein to Hans Sloane
226 - Letter, 'Of fossil nuts' from C J Geoffrey to Hans Sloane
227 - Letter, 'With the gift of a microscope for viewing water animals' from John Cuffe to Martin Folkes
228 - Letter, 'A request for an imprimatur for the second volume of his course of experimental philosophy' from John Theophilus Desaguliers to the Royal Society
229 - Letter, 'About Mr Pickering's paper on the seeds of mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society
230 - Letter, 'On the disappearing of Saturn's ring in 1743 and 1744' from Godfrey Heinsius to Peter Collinson
231 - Paper, 'Some observations on the generation of noxious quadrupeds' by Cadwallader Colden
232 - Letter, 'Of the restoration of the meridian line in the church of St Sulpice, Paris' from Pierre Charles Le Monnier to Martin Folkes
233 - Letter, 'An abstract of a Book of Greenland' from Hans Egedius to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 234 - Paper, 'On a ploype dried' by Henry Baker 234 - Paper, 'On a ploype dried' by Henry Baker
235 - Letter, 'List of fifty plants from Chelsea Garden for the year 1740' from Joseph Miller to the Royal Society
236 - Letter, 'Concerning the return of de la Condamine and the explorers of Peru' from Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur to Martin Folkes
237 - Paper, 'Of Scarson's artificial horizon' by unknown author
238 - Letter, 'On the transits of Mercury of 31 October 1736 and 25 October 1743' from John Bevis to William Jones
239 - Plate, 'Shells - a specimen of printing in colours by a disciple of M le Bon' by Jacques Fabien Gautier d'Agoty
240 - Letter, 'With a medical book' from Pierre Guisard to Hans Sloane
241 - Letter, 'On account of a monstrous child; of a omoplate bone from Brazil; of the tarantula; of the camphor tree' from Claude Geoffrey to Hans Sloane
242 - Letter, 'A draught of the octant which Dr Sharp desired him to send' from David Hastings to Cromwell Mortimer
243 - Letter, 'Two remarkable medical observations' from Henry Banyer to Cromwell Mortimer
244 - Letter, 'Of Malin, the Ostrocolla; the farina of the red lily; of worms in knutty corn' from John Tuberville Needham to Martin Folkes
245 - Letter, 'Of a concretion from a horse's stomach' from Walter Bowman to Martin Folkes
246 - Letter, 'Of the comet of 28 December 1742' from George Lloyd to Daniel Wray
247 - Paper, 'An account of the gold horn found in Jutland in 1734' by James Theobald
248 - Paper, 'Of an ancient temple at Kilgarriffe' by Robert Corke
249 - Paper, 'Of a feathered hen's egg' by Leonard Stocke
250 - Letter, 'With a book on geography by Nicolaus Struyck' from John May to Cromwell Mortimer
251 - Letter, 'As to the sham feathered egg shown on Thursday last' from Thomas Stack to John Machin
252 - Letter 'On the spirit of sulphur' from Ephraim Rinhold Seehl to the Royal Society
253 - Paper, 'De motu viventium particulari' [Of particular motion of living] by Johann von Gorter
Expand 254 - Paper, 'Of the comet' by Theodorick Klinkenbergh254 - Paper, 'Of the comet' by Theodorick Klinkenbergh
255 - Letter, 'Of West Indian insects' from Roger Pickering to Cromwell Mortimer
256 - Paper, 'An observation of a spina bifida' by George Aylett
257 - Letter, 'Of eels in vinegar' from Henry Miles to Baker
258 - Letter, 'An improvement in the operation of tapping' from Christopher Warwick to John Machin
259 - Letter, 'Founding a bronze statue' from Germain Boffrand to the Royal Society
260 - Paper, 'Of injecting a liquor during tapping' by Stephen Hales
261 - Paper, 'Of vitrum antimon: ceratum' by Charles Alston
262 - Paper, 'On the origine of amber' by T Fothergill
263 - Paper, 'Of stones of a regular figure found at Bagneres' by Charles de Secondat Montesquieu
Expand 264 - Paper, 'Of the eye sucker' by Henry Baker264 - Paper, 'Of the eye sucker' by Henry Baker
265 - Paper, 'On the hardness of shells' by Peter Collinson
266 - Paper, 'On the food of the soal fish' by Peter Collinson
267 - Letter, 'Of an antique gate and inscription at Tripoly' from W Barlow to the Royal Society
268 - Letter and pamphlet, 'Of a tepid spring of curative water lately discovered at Pozzuoli near Naples on the seashore' from John Greene to the Royal Society
269 - Letter, 'Concerning a case of tumour' from Johanne Francisco de Camillis to Didacus de Revillas
270 - Letter, 'Concerning mathematical matters and the letters of M de Maurepas' from Pierre Charles Le Monnier to John Bevis
Expand 271 - Paper, 'On the fresh-water polype' by Abraham Trembley271 - Paper, 'On the fresh-water polype' by Abraham Trembley
272 - Letter, 'Of the feathered egg' from Leonard Stocks to the Royal Society
273 - Paper, 'Of a rhinoceros, a beetle' by Robertus Carr Ribeiro
Expand 274 - Paper, 'Ovarii steatoma et pilii' by Albertus Haller274 - Paper, 'Ovarii steatoma et pilii' by Albertus Haller
275 - Paper, 'A catalogue of fifty plants for the Royal Society Apothecaries Garden at Chelsea for 1741, completing 1000' by Joseph Miller
Expand 276 - Paper, 'Of a press for taking off medals' by Henry Baker276 - Paper, 'Of a press for taking off medals' by Henry Baker
277 - Plate, 'Of the moon, an engraved plate' from James Ferguson to Martin Folkes
278 - Letter, 'Of the plague' from unknown author to Samuel Tatems
279 - Paper, 'An examination of the fetahered inola of a hen, shewn by Dr Stocke' by Henry Baker
280 - Letter, 'On the Manna persicum explanta. Alhagi maurorum' from John Fothergill to Peter Collinson
281 - Letter, 'A glebe plan' from John Doahrty to Charles Litleton
Expand 282 - Paper, 'Cyanus sulphureo-flore' by Albrecht Von Haller282 - Paper, 'Cyanus sulphureo-flore' by Albrecht Von Haller
283 - Letter, 'Concerning the culture of mushrooms' from Roger Pickering to the Royal Society
284 - Letter, 'Of the absurd way of making salt from brine in Cheshire and Staffs' from Thomas Lowndes to the President of the Royal Society
285 - Letter, 'Concerning the plague' from Theophilus Lobb to Martin Folkes
286 - Paper, 'On the colour of men's skins' by John Mitchell
287 - Paper, 'Essay on weather observations and instruments' by Roger Pickering
288 - Paper, 'Dutch soldiers poisoned by boil'd Hemlock' by William Watson
289 - Letter, 'As to an astronomical discovery - a new method of calculating eclipses' from Christian Louis Gersten to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 290 - Paper, 'Of a white owl' by George Edwards290 - Paper, 'Of a white owl' by George Edwards
291 - Letter, 'Of the injection of medicated liquors into the abdomen' from Christopher Warrick to John Machin
Expand 292 - Paper, 'Of an omphalocele' by H M Taube 292 - Paper, 'Of an omphalocele' by H M Taube
293 - Letter, 'Observations concerning the planet Mercury' from John Bevis to John Machin
294 - Letter, 'Observations on mushrooms' from William Watson to the Royal Society
295 - Letter, 'Concerning the Isle of Zetland' from Thomas Preston to Joseph Ames
296 - Letter, 'Of the transit of Mercury' from Thomas Clap to Cromwell Mortimer
297 - Paper, 'Occultatio Iovis a Luna' by John Bevis
298 - Paper, 'Of a meteor seen on Sunday 27 May 1744' by Zachary Cradock
299 - Letter, 'The calculates values on annuties on lives' from Abraham de Moivre to William Jones
Expand 300 - Paper, 'Of the antiquity of figures' by Johann Friedrich Weidler300 - Paper, 'Of the antiquity of figures' by Johann Friedrich Weidler
301 - Letter, 'Of the animalcula in mushrooms' from Roger Pickering to the President of the Royal Society
302 - Letter, 'Occultation of Jupiter by the Moon' by John Bevis to the Royal Society
303 - Letter, 'Concerning his salt' from Thomas Lowndes to the President of the Royal Society
304 - Paper, 'On the comet of December 1743 & Jan & Feb 1744' by Joseph Betts
305 - Paper, 'Schirrus of the cerebellum' by Albrecht von Haller
306 - Paper, 'On the configuration of saline bodies' by Henry Baker
307 - Letter, 'Of a boy shot through the lungs' from Nicholas Peters and William Hallett to Henry Pemberton
308 - Letter, 'The comet of 1744' from Thomas Clap to Cromwell Mortimer
309 - Letter, 'Of the alt-marsh mussel Pensilvania' from John Bartram to Peter Collinson
310 - Letter, 'Of attendance at an inquest on a burnt body' from R Love to G Love
311 - Letter, 'Of ancient inscriptions at Rochester and Risingham' from Christopher Hunter to Cromwell Mortimer
312 - Letter, 'Of an egg' by John Green to Cromwell Mortimer
313 - Pamphlet, 'Proposals for printing a dictionary of the Bible' by Roger Pickering
314 - Paper, 'Surprising death of Grace Pett' by William Notcutt
315 - Paper, 'Suprising death of Grace Pett' by Thomas Gibbons
316 - Letter, 'Of the pagoda temple at Elephanta' from J Frazer to James Theobalds
Expand 317 - Paper, 'Of a bone found in a ship's bottom' by Beck317 - Paper, 'Of a bone found in a ship's bottom' by Beck
318 - Letter, 'Of certain strata near Norwich' from William Anderson to Henry Baker
319 - Paper, 'Some magnetical experiments showed on 15 November 1744' by Gowin Knight
320 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations in Jamaica' from James Short to Martin Folkes
321 - Letter, 'Observations on the fresh-water polype' from Abraham Trembley to the President of the Royal Society
322 - Paper, 'Abstract of his electricity book' by Johann Heinrich Winkler
323 - Paper, 'Of some seeds' by James Parsons
324 - Paper, 'Catalogue of the 50 plants from Chelsea Garden for 1742' by Joseph Miller
325 - Letter, 'Concerning the manuring of land with fossil shells' from Roger Pickering to the President of the Royal Society
326 - Letter, 'Report on Mr Lowndes salt' from William Watson to the Royal Society
327 - Letter, 'Observations on the purity of Mr Lowndes new salt' from Cromwell Mortimer to Martin Folkes
Expand 328 - Paper, 'Concerning the date 1035 in Arabic numerals on a stone in Stowel's house in Kilbrittain near Cork with tracing of the same' by Robert, Bishop of Cork328 - Paper, 'Concerning the date 1035 in Arabic numerals on a stone in Stowel's house in Kilbrittain near Cork with tracing of the same' by Robert, Bishop of Cork
329 - Letter, 'Of two water-insects susceptible, like the fresh-water polype, of mutiplication by section' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
330 - Letter, 'Removal of a piece of iron wire 4 inches long from the bladder of a boy of 17, who recovered' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
Expand 331 - Paper, 'Cure of an eye protruded by a tumour' by Thomas Hope331 - Paper, 'Cure of an eye protruded by a tumour' by Thomas Hope
Expand 332 - Paper, 'An explication of a Roman inscription found not long since on a stone in Sichester' by John Ward332 - Paper, 'An explication of a Roman inscription found not long since on a stone in Sichester' by John Ward
333 - Letter, 'Description of an amulet (Roman medicine stamp) found at Bath' from Roger Pickering to the Royal Society
334 - Paper, 'Results of a post-mortem examination' by John Huxham
335 - Letter, 'On the virtues of musk in convulsive disorders' from Edward Wilmot on behalf of J Wall and A Reid to Martin Folkes
336 - Paper, 'Of musk with cinnabar, a tonquinese medicine, in goal-fever and bite of mad dog' by Alexander Reid
337 - Paper, 'Of a undescribed kind of fungus-geaster' by William Watson
338 - Letter, 'On the translation of the Phil Trans into French and of the explorers of Peru, M M Godin & Bougere' from Sauveur Francois Morand to Cromwell Mortimer
339 - Letter, 'Of the suddenness of congelation; of kindling bodies by electricity; of a micrometer adjusted to Scarlet's microscope' from Samuel Christian Hollman to Cromwell Mortimer
340 - Letter, 'Of a giant boy, Thos Hale of Willingham' from Thomas Dawkes to Richard Mead
341 - Letter, 'A letter in Portugese' from Matheus Sarayva to the Royal Society
342 - Letter, 'Of saltpetre' from John Maud to the Royal Society
343 - Letter, 'Proposal to improve distillation in the chemical way' from Browne Langrish to Dr Hales
344 - Paper, 'Of the treatment of a man bitten by a mad dog' by Charles Peters
Expand 345 - Paper, 'Description of a new fungus' by John Martyn345 - Paper, 'Description of a new fungus' by John Martyn
346 - Letter, 'Concerning the germination of melon seeds 33 years old; and, of a skeleton of a man found with stag's horns near Bakewell' from Roger Gale to Peter Collinson
347 - Letter, 'Of a calculus' from William Watson to Francis Wollaston
348 - Letter, 'Of a large snake with a porcupine in its belly' from unknown author to Francis Wollaston
349 - Letter, 'Concerning the Bologna bottles' from Guiseppe Lorenzo Bruni to Henry Baker
350 - Letter, 'On the libella' from Peter Collinson to Hans Sloane
351 - Letter, 'Of a monstrous calf & of seeds of St Igantius's bean' from Stephen Hales to Martin Folkes
Expand 352 - Paper, 'Of two ancient camps in Buckland Castle, Hants' by Thomas Wright352 - Paper, 'Of two ancient camps in Buckland Castle, Hants' by Thomas Wright
353 - Letter, 'Information concerning the Spanish dominions in North and South America, from 14 years residence there' from Thomas Arnot to Martin Folkes
354 - Paper, 'On the specific gravity of alloys of gold silver and copper' by unknown author
355 - Letter, 'Of a gold-colour varnish' from Peter Collinson to the President of the Royal Society
Expand 356 - Paper, 'Of two Roman silver plates; one inscribed found at Barkway Hampshire' by Pulter Forester and John Ward356 - Paper, 'Of two Roman silver plates; one inscribed found at Barkway Hampshire' by Pulter Forester and John Ward
357 - Paper, 'Of a strange accident in a doe' by William Freeman
358 - Paper, 'On a method of recovering persons apparently dead' by John Fothergill
359 - Paper, 'On a method of recovering persons apparently dead' by John Fothergill [draft]
360 - Letter, 'Refers to the death of Sir H Sloane and to a meeting with Lieberkuhn' from Gasparo Cerati to Cromwell Mortimer
361 - Letter, 'Concerning moving moss near Church-town Lancs' from L Richmond to Leigh Esq of Adlington
Expand 362 - Paper, 'Of supposed early Arabian numerals in Ireland' by John Ward362 - Paper, 'Of supposed early Arabian numerals in Ireland' by John Ward
363 - Letter, 'On certain saline efflorescences' from William Arderon to William Baker
364 - Paper, 'Of cyder; an essay dedicated to Dr Mead' by George Turner
365 - Paper, 'Note concerning his book on electrical phenomena' by John Gabriel Doppelmayer
366 - Letter, 'Of firing phosphorus by electricity' from Henry Miles to Mr Baker
367 - Paper, 'Fracture of os humeri by the power of the muscles only' by Claude Amyand
368 - Paper, 'Of the bones of a foetus coming away by the anus' by John Still Winthrop
369 - Letter, 'Of a man electrified' from Henry Quin to Mr Ellis
370 - Letter, 'Of a disorder of the liver (cyst)' from Charles Ferguson to Cromwell Mortimer
371 - Letter, 'Of a dropsical case' from Louis Jean Thieuillier to Cromwell Mortimer
372 - Letter, 'Of a contrivance for blowing a fire by falling water' from James Stirling to the Secretary of the Royal Society
373 - Paper, 'Of an unusual heat at Hoxton' by Roger Pickering
Expand 374 - Paper, 'Further experiments on food & excreta, with tables of quantities' by John Lining 374 - Paper, 'Further experiments on food & excreta, with tables of quantities' by John Lining
Expand 375 - Paper, 'Remarques sur l'operation de la taille' [Remarks on the operation of cutting for the stone] by Claude Nicholas Le Cat375 - Paper, 'Remarques sur l'operation de la taille' [Remarks on the operation of cutting for the stone] by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
376 - Letter, 'Of an extraordinary large elephant's tooth found at Munslet, Norfolk, over 11 lbs in weight' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
Expand 377 - Paper, 'Of an extra-uterine conception' by Starkey Myddelton377 - Paper, 'Of an extra-uterine conception' by Starkey Myddelton
378 - Letter, 'Electrical experiments' from William Watson to Martin Folkes
379 - Letter, 'Rotatory motion of glass tubes about their axes before the fire' from Granville Wheler to the President of the Royal Society
380 - Paper, 'List of books quoted by D in his book on electricity' by J G Doppelmayer
381 - Letter,'Concerning the poles of magnets being variously placed' from Gowin Knight to Martin Folkes
Expand 382 - Paper, 'Of the antiquities (Roman silver) found at Barkway' by John Ward382 - Paper, 'Of the antiquities (Roman silver) found at Barkway' by John Ward
Expand 383 - Paper, 'De electrictate' by Johann Heinrich Winkler383 - Paper, 'De electrictate' by Johann Heinrich Winkler
384 - Letter, 'Of firing alcohol by electricity' from William Watson to the Royal Society
385 - Paper, 'A print shown to the RS of a Chinese magnet (30lbs 5 oz in weight). It belongs to the King of Portugal & was armed & set by Wm Duguid FRS much in the same manneras one for the Duke of Devonshire which now belongs to lord Charles Cavendish' by Martin Folkes
386 - Letter, 'Of a boy's eating (fames coenica or boulimia)' from Benjamin Bowker to Mrs Ellingsworth
387 - Paper, 'Of an iliac passion' by Claude Amyand
388 - Paper, 'Of heating rooms by steam in pipes' by William Cook
389 - Letter, 'Of a case of boulimia' from J Cookson to John Martyn
390 - Letter, 'Of a looped belt found at Reepham, Norfolk and of a Roman inscribed tripod found 14 miles from Turin owned byJ L Bruni' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
391 - Letter, 'De Radice ipecacuanhae' from Phillip Friedrich Gmelin to Martin Folkes
392 - Paper, 'Of the Caeserean operation: an extract from 'la veritable chirurgerie' of 1716' by Gouey
Expand 393 - Paper, 'Of cutting for the stone' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat393 - Paper, 'Of cutting for the stone' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
394 - Paper, 'Of navigation' by unknown author
395 - Paper, 'Queries in order to show the geography, history and antiquities of the County of York' by unknown author
396 - Letter, 'On ipecacuanha' from Phillip Friedrich Gmelin to Martin Folkes
397 - Paper, 'On the organ of the voice' by Colet de Chaulet
398 - Letter, 'On electric fire' from C Gros de Bozes to M de Maireau
399 - Advertisement, 'Proposals for printing a history of Colchester' by PH Morant
400 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea garden nos. 1051 to 1100' by Joseph Miller
401 - Paper, 'On the force of bodies in motion' by James Jurin
402 - Letter, 'Of a lady whose clothes sparkled' from Henry Miles to Martin Folkes
403 - Letter, 'Of preserving birds; of magnets' from Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur to Martin Folkes
404 - Paper, 'An account by P Rolli FRS of an Italian treatise on the death of the countess Cornelia Zangri & Bandi of Cesena, to which is subjoined an acct. of the death of John Hitchell, who was burned to death by lightning 26 June 1613' by Guiseppe Bianchini
405 - Paper, 'Of the woman burnt to ashes at Ipswich' by R Love
406 - Paper, 'Of a quadruped brought from Bengal' by James Parsons
407 - Paper, 'Of some small crystal stones' by James Parsons
408 - Paper, 'An account of an abnormally-situated foetus from Giornale de Litterati d'Italia' by Flaminio Pinelli
409 - Paper, 'Of the qudruped, the Persian ox' by Cromwell Mortimer
410 - Letter, 'Further observations concerning electricity' from William Watson to the Royal Society
411 - Letter, 'On the specific gravity of diamonds' from John Ellicott to Martin Folkes
412 - Paper, 'Of the organ of the voice' by Colet de Chaulet
413 - Letter, 'Of the heat in animals' from Cromwell Mortimer to Martin Folkes
Expand 414 - Paper, 'Abstract of the history of a stag beetle' by James Parsons414 - Paper, 'Abstract of the history of a stag beetle' by James Parsons
415 - Letter, 'On sending to him a parcell of letters from H Oldenburg to Hon. R. Boyle & from Dr John Beale to the same' from Henry Miles to Martin Folkes
416 - Letter, 'Electrical experiments' from William Watson to the Royal Society
417 - Paper, 'A proposal to bring small stones out of the bladder' by Stephen Hales
418 - Letter, 'Of drugs growing near Charlestown, S. C., better than Jesuit's bark' from Eleazer Phillips to the Royal Society and College of Physicians
419 - Paper, 'Revised copy of no. 417 [A proposal to bring small stones out of the bladder]' by Stephen Hales
420 - Letter, 'Of experiments made in Holland and Bologna phials' from Martin Folkes to the Royal Society
421 - Letter, 'Improvements in cyder & perry' from Henry Miles to Martin Folkes
Expand 422 - Paper, 'The ancient Bridewell of Norwich; of an inscribed Roman metal plate found at Menteu, 14 miles from Turin & of a vast bone in Norwich' by Henry Baker422 - Paper, 'The ancient Bridewell of Norwich; of an inscribed Roman metal plate found at Menteu, 14 miles from Turin & of a vast bone in Norwich' by Henry Baker
423 - Letter, 'Of a fiery meteor, seen July 14, 1745' [with note from Comwell Mortimer] from G Costard to John Catlin
424 - Letter, 'Effect of apple farina (pollen) on other apple blooms' from Benjamin Cooke to Peter Collinson
425 - Pamphlet, 'Proposed prizes for 1746' from the Academies of Paris and Berlin
426 - Letter, 'Sinking of the ground at Horseford, Norfolk' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
427 - Letter, 'Of the death of his father Aloysius' from Francis Xavierius Raphael de Meneses to Cromwell Mortimer
428 - Letter 'Of foetal bones voided per anum' from James Simon to Martin Folkes
429 - Paper, 'Of a cow-distemper near London' by Cromwell Mortimer
430 - Letter, 'Of certain cases of small-pox' from Pierce Dod to Martin Folkes
431 - Letter, 'Cure of a fractured bone' from Daniel Peter Layard to the Royal Society
432 - Letter, 'Abstract of an Italian treatise on the ancient city of Industria, published in 1745 (Roman inscriptions &c), written by Giov. Paolo Recolvi & Antonio Rivantella' from David Erskine Baker to Martin Folkes
Expand 433 - Paper, 'Of the weaver's alarum [alarm]' by William Arderon433 - Paper, 'Of the weaver's alarum [alarm]' by William Arderon
Expand 434 - Paper, 'Of some encrushed human bones in the villa Ludovisiae at Rome' by Martin Folkes434 - Paper, 'Of some encrushed human bones in the villa Ludovisiae at Rome' by Martin Folkes
435 - Letter, 'On his election as FRS' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
436 - Letter, 'Asking for scientific news & mentioning his brother elected last year' from Pierre Charles Le Monnier to Martin Folkes
437 - Letter, 'Of Philip Williams water-wheel' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
438 - Letter, 'Of borax; of caviar; of the beluga' from John Cook to Dr Sancher
439 - Letter, 'Of cobwebs and cattle disorders' from John Payne to Peter Collinson
440 - Paper, 'An appendix to Dr C Mortimer's paper on cattle distempers' by James Theobald and others
441 - Letter, 'The author shows an Italian grain, from J Bruni - Meliga Rossa' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
442 - Letter, 'De Diaphragmate fisso [The split diaphragm]' from John Fothergill to Richard Mead
443 - Letter, 'De Diaphragmate fisso [The split diaphragm]' from John Fothergill to Richard Mead [English translation]
444 - Letter, 'On electricity' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
445 - Paper, 'Of a case of lateral cutting for the stone' by William Cheselden
446 - Paper, 'Stones, 214 in all, found in the bladder' by William Cheselden
Expand 447 - Paper, 'Of a coralline' by Hans Sloane447 - Paper, 'Of a coralline' by Hans Sloane
448 - Letter, '4 enclosures, 1 being no. of Commercium Literarium' from Christopher Jacob Trew to Cromwell Mortimer
449 - Letter, 'Of the light from mercury in glass tubes caused by electricity' from Abraham Trembley to Martin Folkes
450 - Paper, 'Of the seeding of mosses' by John Hill
451 - Letter, 'Eels in paste viparous' from James Sherwood to Martin Folkes
452 - Paper, 'Of the happy effect of musk in rheumatic fever' by James Parsons
453 - Paper, 'Account by W. Watson of Beccaria's treatise of phosphori' by Giovanni Battista Beccaria
454 - Letter, 'Legendary acct. of cockatrice' from Benjamin Cooke to Peter Collinson
455 - Paper, 'Of a large needle removed from the belly' by John Hill
456 - Letter, 'Of an improved hygroscope' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
457 - Letter, 'Of weighing electricity' from unknown author to John Ellicott
458 - Letter, 'Electrical observations' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
459 - Letter, 'On the water of bitter almonds' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
460 - Letter, 'The state of Delgovicia' from Thomas Knowlton to Mark Catesby
461 - Letter, 'Acknowledgment of his election' from Henri Francois Le Dran to Cromwell Mortimer
462 - Paper, 'A gangrene cured with the bark' by Henri Francois Le Dran
463 - Paper, 'Principia dynamica mechanico-metaphysica' from James Jurin
464 - Letter, 'Of a needle removed from the arm' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
465 - Letter, 'Of fossil deer's horns found in Yorkshire' from Thomas Knowlton to Mark Catesby
466 - Letter, 'Of blood movements seen in eels by the naked eye' by W B to Martin Folkes
467 - Letter, 'Miscellaneous notes - a print of an old diving-bell; a fungus; an improved Archimedean screw; a Roman medicine stamp' from John Green to George Shelvocke
468 - Letter, 'Further account of the opossum by Dr M. of Urbana, VA., in answer to queries by Dr E. Milward & Dr J. Parsons FRS' from John Mitchell to the Royal Society
469 - Letter, 'Of a case where waxed ticken escaped burning with other clothes destroyed' from R Lowell Badcock to Henry Baker
470 - Paper, 'The phenomena of Venus shown in an orrery' by James Ferguson
471 - Letter, 'Electrical observations' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
472 - Letter, 'On the production of salts' from Richard Brocklesby to William Watson
473 - Paper, 'On petrifactions, Acct, of a book published in 1740, at Venice' by A L Moro and Balthasar Erhart
Expand 474 - Paper, 'A specimen of the natural history of animals' by unknown author474 - Paper, 'A specimen of the natural history of animals' by unknown author
Expand 475 - Paper, 'The clepsydra of water-clock' by Charles Hamilton475 - Paper, 'The clepsydra of water-clock' by Charles Hamilton
Expand 476 - Paper, 'Of the improvement of the weather-cord' by William Arderon476 - Paper, 'Of the improvement of the weather-cord' by William Arderon
477 - Paper, 'A fistula in the urethra' by Daniel Peter Layard
478 - Paper, 'The cure of a lacerated wound in the arm' by Daniel Peter Layard
479 - Paper, 'Journal of obervations made in Peru; and account by Martin Folkes' by Antonio de Ulloa
480 - Paper, 'A sequel to experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature & properties of electricity' by William Watson
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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