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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Paper, 'Oberservations and experiments on some ancient metallic arms, instruments and utensils' by George Pearson
2 - Paper, 'On the periodical star Herculis; with remarks tending to establish the rotatory motion of the stars on their axes, to which is added a second catalogue of the comparative brightness of the stars' by William Herschel
3 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, Rutland for 1795' by Thomas Barker
4 - Paper, 'Observations on the changes which blood undergoes when extravasated' by Everard Home
5 - Paper, 'On the frucitification of the submersed algae' by Joseph Correa de Serra
6 - Paper, 'In which some of the morbid actions of the straight muscles and cornea of the eye are explained and their treatment considered' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home
7 - Letter, 'Official report on the lightning conductors at Purfleet' from Henry Cavendish and Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks
Expand 8 - Paper, 'Observations on horizontal refractions which affect the appearance of terrestrial objects and the dip or depression of the horizon of the sea' by Joseph Huddart8 - Paper, 'Observations on horizontal refractions which affect the appearance of terrestrial objects and the dip or depression of the horizon of the sea' by Joseph Huddart
9 - Note, 'To the effect that Mr Tennant has destroyed his paper in the diamond' from Bulmer to Charles Blagden
10 - Letter, 'Account of a thunderstorm on the 4 April 1796' from John Hellins to Nevil Maskelyne
11 - Letter, 'Account of an oak destroyed by lightning in 1773' from Nevil Maskelyne to Joseph Banks
12 - Paper, 'Supplement to his paper on the measurement of trees, published 1759' by Robert Marsham
13 - Paper, 'An account of some curious bones found in a well at Richard's Castle, Herefordshire' by S Hughes
14 - Letter, 'Observations made on board the Chatham on a trip to the North West coast of America' from J Johnstone to Joseph Banks
15 - Paper, 'Reserches sur les principaux problems de l'astronomie nautique [Research on the main problems of nautical astronomy]' by Joseph Mendoza y Rios
16 - Letter, 'On the intensity of cold' from Richard Walker to Charles Blagden
17 - Paper, 'On the periodical changes of brightness of two fixed stars' by Edward Pigott
Expand 18 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations made with a view of ascertaining the nature of the gas produced by passing electric discharges through water' by George Pearson18 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations made with a view of ascertaining the nature of the gas produced by passing electric discharges through water' by George Pearson
19 - Letter, 'Announcement of his decision to give £1000 to provide a medal' from Benjamin Thompson to Joseph Banks
20 - Paper, 'An experimental inquiry concerning animal impregantion' by John Haighton
21 - Paper, 'Essay on the source of Caloric during the inflammation of bodies' by Lorentz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
Expand 22 - Paper, 'On a condensing engine' by George Steward Mackenzie22 - Paper, 'On a condensing engine' by George Steward Mackenzie
Expand 23 - Paper, 'Concerning impregnation in rabbits' by William Cumberland Cruikshank23 - Paper, 'Concerning impregnation in rabbits' by William Cumberland Cruikshank
Expand 24 - Paper, 'On a strange fish from Filey Bay' by William Strikland24 - Paper, 'On a strange fish from Filey Bay' by William Strikland
25 - Paper, 'On the action of nitre upon gold and platina' by Smithson Tennant
Expand 26 - Paper, 'Experiments to determine the force of fired gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson26 - Paper, 'Experiments to determine the force of fired gunpowder' by Benjamin Thompson
27 - Letter, 'An account of a trigonometrical survey of 1795-4' from Edward Williams, William Mudge and Isaac Dalby to Joseph Banks
28 - Paper, 'An account of a trigonometrical survey of 1795-4' by Edward Williams, William Mudge and Isaac Dalby [Continuation of paper]
29 - Paper, 'A third catagloue of the comparative brightness of stars; with introductory account of an index to Mr Flamsteed's Observations of the fixed stars' by William Herschel
30 - Letter, 'Account of the means to obtain an overflowing well' from Benjamin Vulliamy to Joseph Banks
Expand 31 - Paper, 'Observations of the changeable brightness of the satellites of Jupiter and of the variation in their apparent magnitudes' by William Herschel31 - Paper, 'Observations of the changeable brightness of the satellites of Jupiter and of the variation in their apparent magnitudes' by William Herschel
Expand 32 - Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the affections and properties of light' by Henry Brougham32 - Paper, 'Further experiments and observations on the affections and properties of light' by Henry Brougham
33 - Paper, 'On gouty and urinary concretions' by William Hyde Wollaston
34 - Paper, 'Experiments on carbonated hydrogenous gas' by William Henry
35 - Paper, 'Observations and experiments on the colour of blood' by William Charles Wells
Expand 36 - Paper, 'Experiments upon the resistance of bodies moving in fluids' [Bakerian Lecture] by Samuel Vince36 - Paper, 'Experiments upon the resistance of bodies moving in fluids' [Bakerian Lecture] by Samuel Vince
37 - Paper, 'Review of the latest opinions of animal life and motion' [Croonian Lecture] by John Abernethy
38 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations tending to show the composition and properties of urinary concretions' by George Pearson
39 - List, 'Eleven papers contains in Letters and Papers volume 103' by The Royal Society
Expand 40 - Paper, 'On the discovery of four additional satellites of the Georgium Sidus. The retrograde motion of its old satellites announced and the cuase of their disappearance at certain distances from the planet explained' by William Herschel40 - Paper, 'On the discovery of four additional satellites of the Georgium Sidus. The retrograde motion of its old satellites announced and the cuase of their disappearance at certain distances from the planet explained' by William Herschel
41 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on animal electricity as modified by different gases' by Grant David Yeats
42 - Paper, 'Fall of a mountain in the island of Dominica' by William Bremner
Expand 43 - Paper, 'An enquiry concerning the source of heat which is excited by friction' by Benjamin Thompson43 - Paper, 'An enquiry concerning the source of heat which is excited by friction' by Benjamin Thompson
44 - Paper, 'Observations on the Foramina Thebesii of the heart' by John Abernethy
45 - Paper, 'An analysis of the earthy substances from New South Wales, called Sydenia or Terra Australis' by Charles Hatchett
46 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon' by Thomas Barker
47 - Paper, 'Inquiry into the difference between specific heat and that caloric whic is required for a certain state or form of bodies' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
48 - Letter, 'A new method of computing the value of a slowly converging series of which all the terms are affirmative' from John Hellins to Nevil Maskelyne
49 - Paper, 'List of presents to the Society from November 1796 to July 1797' by The Royal Society
50 - Paper, 'List of nine papers contained in Letters and Papers volume 104' by The Royal Society
Expand 51 - Paper, 'Endeavours to ascertain a standard of weights and measures' by George Shuckburgh-Evelyn51 - Paper, 'Endeavours to ascertain a standard of weights and measures' by George Shuckburgh-Evelyn
52 - Paper, 'A disquisition of the stability of ships' by George Atwood
53 - Paper, 'Quelques remarques d'optique [Some optical remarks]' by Pierre Prevost
Expand 54 - Paper, 'Account of the orifice in the retina of the human eye, discovered by Professor Soemmering' by Everard Home54 - Paper, 'Account of the orifice in the retina of the human eye, discovered by Professor Soemmering' by Everard Home
55 - Letter, 'An account of an iron bridge over the Wear at Sunderland by Rowland Burdon' from Thomas Bowdler to Joseph Banks
Expand 56 - Paper, 'Description of a very unusual formation of the human heart' by James Wilson56 - Paper, 'Description of a very unusual formation of the human heart' by James Wilson
57 - Paper, 'Experiments on bile and biliary concretions' by Richard Powell
58 - Letter, 'Account of a singular instance of atmospherical refraction' from William Latham to Henry Whitfield
Expand 59 - Paper, 'On a tumor found in the human placenta' by John Clarke59 - Paper, 'On a tumor found in the human placenta' by John Clarke
60 - Paper, 'List of eight papers comprising volume 105' by The Royal Society
Expand 61 - Paper, 'General theorums, chiefly Porisms in the higher geometry' by Henry Brougham61 - Paper, 'General theorums, chiefly Porisms in the higher geometry' by Henry Brougham
Expand 62 - Paper, 'On the corundum stone from Asia' by Charles Greville62 - Paper, 'On the corundum stone from Asia' by Charles Greville
63 - Letter, 'Enquiry concerning the chemical properties of light' from Benjamin Thompson to Joesph Banks
64 - Letter, 'Analysis of the water of Diss Meer upon various substances immersed in it' from Charles Hatchett to Joseph Banks
65 - Letter, 'Account of a substance found in a clay-pit and the effect of Diss Meer upon various substances immersed in it' from Benjamin Wiseman to Joseph Banks
Expand 66 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument for facilitating drawing in perspective' by William Stark, with covering letter from James Watt to Joseph Banks66 - Paper, 'Description of an instrument for facilitating drawing in perspective' by William Stark, with covering letter from James Watt to Joseph Banks
67 - Letter, 'Diurnal variation of the magnetic needle on the island of St Helena and Sumatra' from John MacDonald to Joseph Banks
Expand 68 - Paper, 'Experiments to determine the density of the earth' by Henry Cavendish68 - Paper, 'Experiments to determine the density of the earth' by Henry Cavendish
69 - Letter, 'An improved solution of a problem in physical astronomy...also an appendix containing an easy method of obtaining the sums of many slowly converging series which arise in taking the fluents of binomial surds' from John Hellins to Nevil Maskelyne
70 - Paper, 'Catalogue of 56 oriental MSS presented to the Royal Society by Sir William Jones' by Charles Wilkins
71 - Paper, 'Introduction to their catalogue of Flamsteed's stars not inserted in the British catalogue' by William Herschel and Caroline Herschel
72 - Paper, 'Introduction to their index of Flamsteed's observations of the fixed stars in the second volume of Historia Coelestis' by William Herschel and Caroline Herschel
73 - Paper, 'Explanatory remarks on their collection of errata to Flamsteed's second volume of Historia Coelestis' by William Herschel and Caroline Herschel
74 - Paper, 'List of presents to the Royal Society' by The Royal Society
75 - Paper, 'List of papers contained in volume 106' by The Royal Society
76 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations upon the structure of nerves' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home
Expand 77 - Paper, 'An unusual horizontal refraction of the air' [Bakerian Lecture] by Samuel Vince77 - Paper, 'An unusual horizontal refraction of the air' [Bakerian Lecture] by Samuel Vince
78 - Letter, 'Some supposed vestiges of ancient volcanoes near Leutmeritz in Bohemia' from Theodor Augustin Mann to Joseph Banks
79 - Letter, 'Account of a storm of hail 31 July and 1 August 1797 at Leumeritz' from Theodor Augustin Mann to Joseph Banks
Expand 80 - Paper, 'Observations on some phenomena of vision' by Alexander P Wilson80 - Paper, 'Observations on some phenomena of vision' by Alexander P Wilson
Expand 81 - Paper, 'Some additions to a paper read in 1790 on the subject of a child with a double head' by Everard Home81 - Paper, 'Some additions to a paper read in 1790 on the subject of a child with a double head' by Everard Home
82 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Lyndon, Rutland 1797' by Thomas Barker
83 - Paper, 'Experiments on the growth of certain plants in pure water' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
84 - Paper, 'Method of finding the latitude of a place by two altitudes of the sun and the time between the two observations' by William Lax
85 - Paper, 'Observations on the variations of temperature at Constantinople between 2 June 1796 and 2 June 1798' by Butet
86 - Paper, 'Observations on the manners, habits and natural history of the elephant' by John Corse
87 - Paper, 'On the decomposition of the acid of borax or sedative salt' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
88 - Paper, 'A fourth catalogue of the comparative brightness of the stars' by William Herschel
89 - Paper, 'On a submarine forest on the East coast of England' by Joseph Correa de Serra
90 - Letter, 'Observations on the severe frosts of January 1789, January 1795 and December 1799' from Benjamin Hutchinson to Joseph Banks
Expand 91 - Paper, 'Account of the dissection of an hermaphrodite dog...some observations on hermaphrodites in general' by Everard Home91 - Paper, 'Account of the dissection of an hermaphrodite dog...some observations on hermaphrodites in general' by Everard Home
92 - Paper, 'Experiments on animal electricity' by Grant David Yeats
Expand 93 - Paper, 'An account of the Andaman Islands and their inhabitants' by Archibald Blair93 - Paper, 'An account of the Andaman Islands and their inhabitants' by Archibald Blair
94 - Paper, 'History of a hermaphrodite bull' by Everard Home
95 - Plate, 'Drawing, addressed to Mr John Bott'
96 - Paper, 'List of papers contained in volume 106a' by The Royal Society
97 - Paper, 'Account of the severe frost of winter 1798-9' by Theodor Augustin Mann
98 - Paper, 'An inquiry concerning the weight ascribed to heat' by Benjamin Thompson
99 - Paper, 'Account of some experiments on the fecundation of vegetables' by Thomas Andrew Knight
Expand 100 - Paper, 'Observations on the different species of Asiatic elephants and their mode of dentition' by John Corse100 - Paper, 'Observations on the different species of Asiatic elephants and their mode of dentition' by John Corse
Expand 101 - Paper, 'Some observations on the structure of the teeth of graminvorous quadrupeds, particularly of elephants' by Everard Home101 - Paper, 'Some observations on the structure of the teeth of graminvorous quadrupeds, particularly of elephants' by Everard Home
102 - Paper, 'Experiments to determine the quantity of tanning principle and of Gallic acid in the bark of various trees' by George Biggin
103 - Paper, 'Of the different sorts of lime used in agriculture' by Smithson Tennant
104 - Paper, 'An essay on the resolution of algebraic equations' by Giffin Wilson
105 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on shell and bone' by Charles Hatchett
106 - Letter, 'Of the comet discovered by Mechain on the 7 August in the Lynx' from Johann Eilert Bode to Johann Moritz Bruhl
107 - Paper, 'On the structure of membrana tympani' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home
108 - Paper, 'On the power of penetrating into space by the telescope' by William Herschel
109 - Letter, 'Second appendix to the paper on improved solution of a problem in Physical Astronomy' from John Hellins to Nevil Maskelyne
110 - Paper, 'On the method of determining from the real probabilities of lfe the values of contingent reversions' by William Morgan
111 - Paper, 'Meteorological register kept at Lyndon, Rutland 1798' by Thomas Barker
112 - Paper, 'Account of the irides or corona which appears arounf the sun, moon and other luminous objects' by Gibbes Walker Jordan
113 - Letter, 'Account of a peculiarity in the distribution of the arteries sent to slow moving animal's limbs' from Anthony Carlisle to John Symmons
114 - Paper, 'List of presents received by the Royal Society from November 1798 to June 1799' by The Royal Society
115 - Paper, 'Contents of volume 107 of Letters and Papers' by The Royal Society
Expand 116 - Paper, 'Outlines of expriments and inquiries respecting sound and light' by Thomas Young116 - Paper, 'Outlines of expriments and inquiries respecting sound and light' by Thomas Young
117 - Letter, 'Effects of the rupture of the membrana tympan' from Astley Cooper to Everard Home
118 - Paper, 'On hearing after the destruction of membrane tympani' by Everard Home
Expand 119 - Plates, 'Lemur tardigradus' by Anthony Carlisle119 - Plates, 'Lemur tardigradus' by Anthony Carlisle
120 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on light emitted from various bodies' by Nathaniel Hulme
121 - Paper, 'Experiments made with a view of decomposing the muriatic acid' by William Henry
122 - Paper, 'On double images caused by atmospheric refraction' by William Hyde Wollaston
123 - Paper, 'On a new fulminating mercury' by Edward Howard
Expand 124 - Paper, 'Of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate objects...refrangibility of radiant heat...method of viewing the sun with telescopes of large apertures' by William Herschel124 - Paper, 'Of the powers of the prismatic colours to heat and illuminate objects...refrangibility of radiant heat...method of viewing the sun with telescopes of large apertures' by William Herschel
125 - Paper, 'Experiments on the refrangibility of the invisible rays of the sun' by William Herschel
126 - Letter, 'Account of the earthquake at Caerhun, near Conway on 12 March 1800' from Hugh David Griffith to Dr Lind
127 - Letter, 'Account of the earthquake at Caerhun, near Conway on 12 March 1800' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks
128 - Letter, 'Experiments on platina' from Robert Bingley to Charles Hatchett
129 - Paper, 'Experiments with fulminating mercury' by Edward Howard
130 - Paper, 'Observations on the planet Mercury' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
131 - Paper, 'Observations on the colar and terrestrial rays that occasion heat' by William Herschel
132 - Letter, 'Of the lunar atmosphere' from Timothy Lane to Joseph Banks
Expand 133 - Paper, 'Some anatomical observations on ornithorhynchus paradoxus of New South Wales' by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach133 - Paper, 'Some anatomical observations on ornithorhynchus paradoxus of New South Wales' by Johann Friedrich Blumenbach
134 - Paper, 'Chemical experiments on zoophytes' by Charles Hatchett
135 - Paper, 'List of papers contained in volume 108 and Letters and Papers' by The Royal Society
136 - Paper, 'Chemical experiments on zoophytes' by Charles Hatchett [Continued]
137 - Letter, 'Account of electricity excied by contact and conducting substances of different kinds' from Alessandro Volta to Joseph Banks
Expand 138 - Paper, 'Some obervations of the head of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus' by Everard Home138 - Paper, 'Some obervations of the head of the Ornithorhynchus paradoxus' by Everard Home
139 - Paper, 'The trigonometrical survey of 1797-1799' by William Mudge
Expand 140 - Paper, 'On solar and terrestrial rays causing heat' by William Herschel [Continued]140 - Paper, 'On solar and terrestrial rays causing heat' by William Herschel [Continued]
141 - Paper, 'Lists of presents received by the Royal Society' by The Royal Society
142 - Paper, 'List of papers contained in volume 109 of Letters and Papers' by The Royal Society
Expand 143 - Paper, 'On the irritability of nerves' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home143 - Paper, 'On the irritability of nerves' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home
Expand 144 - Paper, 'On the mechanism of the eye' by Thomas Young144 - Paper, 'On the mechanism of the eye' by Thomas Young
145 - Paper, 'Experiments on the decomposition of acid of borax' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
146 - Paper, 'On the necessary truth of certain conclusions obtained by means of imaginary quantities' by Robert Woodhouse
147 - Letter, 'A leak in a ship stopped with rice' from William Hay to Samuel Jolly
Expand 148 - Paper, 'Account of the means of producing artifical cold' by Richard Walker148 - Paper, 'Account of the means of producing artifical cold' by Richard Walker
Expand 149 - Paper, 'Anatomical description of a male rhinoceros' by George Fordyce149 - Paper, 'Anatomical description of a male rhinoceros' by George Fordyce
Expand 150 - Paper, 'Account of a monstrous lamb' by Anthony Carlisle150 - Paper, 'Account of a monstrous lamb' by Anthony Carlisle
151 - Paper, 'Demonstration of a theorum relating to such portions of the solidity of a sphere' by Robert Woodhouse
Expand 152 - Paper, 'Account of the discovery of silver in Herland Copper Mine, Cornwall' by Malachy Hitchins152 - Paper, 'Account of the discovery of silver in Herland Copper Mine, Cornwall' by Malachy Hitchins
Expand 153 - Paper, 'Herland mine and the discovery of silver' by John Hawkins153 - Paper, 'Herland mine and the discovery of silver' by John Hawkins
Collapse 154 - Paper, 'Account of an elephants tusk in which the iron head of a spear was found' by Charles Combe154 - Paper, 'Account of an elephants tusk in which the iron head of a spear was found' by Charles Combe
Expand 155 - Paper, 'Description of the arseniates of copper and iron from Cornwall' by Jacques Louis Bournon155 - Paper, 'Description of the arseniates of copper and iron from Cornwall' by Jacques Louis Bournon
Expand 156 - Paper, 'On the accidental changes of fixed lucid nebulae' by Johann Jerome Schroeter156 - Paper, 'On the accidental changes of fixed lucid nebulae' by Johann Jerome Schroeter
157 - Paper, 'Analysis of the arseniates described by Johann Jerome Schroeter' by Richard Chenevix
Expand 158 - Paper, 'Historical and anatomical description of a dubious amphibious animal of Germany' by Carl Schreibers158 - Paper, 'Historical and anatomical description of a dubious amphibious animal of Germany' by Carl Schreibers
Expand 159 - Paper, 'Observations tending to investigate the nature of the sun' by William Herschel159 - Paper, 'Observations tending to investigate the nature of the sun' by William Herschel
Expand 160 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure and mode of growth of the grinding teeth of the wild boar' by Everard Home160 - Paper, 'Observations on the structure and mode of growth of the grinding teeth of the wild boar' by Everard Home
Expand 161 - Paper, 'Additional observations on the nature of the sun' by William Herschel161 - Paper, 'Additional observations on the nature of the sun' by William Herschel
Expand 162 - Paper, 'Account of experiments on the ascent of sap in trees' by Thomas Andrew Knight162 - Paper, 'Account of experiments on the ascent of sap in trees' by Thomas Andrew Knight
Expand 163 - Paper, 'On an improved reflecting circle' by Joseph de Mendoza y Rios163 - Paper, 'On an improved reflecting circle' by Joseph de Mendoza y Rios
164 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Clifton' by A Carrick
165 - Paper, 'Observations and experiments on Dr James' powder' by Richard Chenevix
166 - Paper, 'Recovery of sight at seven years of age' by James Ware
167 - Paper, 'Account of some galvanic combinations' by Humphry Davy
168 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on spontaneous light' by Nathaniel Hulme
169 - Paper, 'Experiments on the chemical production and agency of electricity' by Wiliam Hyde Wollaston
Expand 170 - Paper, 'Effects of the destruction of the membrana tympani' by Astley Cooper170 - Paper, 'Effects of the destruction of the membrana tympani' by Astley Cooper
171 - Paper, 'Of the power of the eye to adjust itself to different distances when deprived of the crystalline lens' [Croonian Lecture] by Everard Home
Expand 172 - Paper, 'On the theory of light and colours' [Bakerian Lecture] by Thomas Young172 - Paper, 'On the theory of light and colours' [Bakerian Lecture] by Thomas Young
173 - Paper, 'Analysis of North American mineral containing unknown metal' by Charles Hatchett
174 - Paper, 'Account by Nevil Maskelyne of Piazzi's discovery of new planet' by Giuseppe Piazzi
Expand 175 - Paper, 'Description of the anatomy of the orinthorphynchus paradoxus' by Everard Home175 - Paper, 'Description of the anatomy of the orinthorphynchus paradoxus' by Everard Home
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

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