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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Paper, 'List of papers returned from 21 December 1749 to 22 November 1750' by unknown author
2 - Paper, 'The effects of small-pox on the foetus in utero' by William Watson
3 - Paper, 'A boy cured of inward-turned feet' by W Milner
Expand 4 - Paper, 'Of an equatorial telescope' by James Short4 - Paper, 'Of an equatorial telescope' by James Short
5 - Paper, 'The eclipse of the moon on 11-12 Dec 1749' by John Bevis and James Short
6 - Letter, 'Of a meteor' from Thomas Barker to Martin Folkes
Expand 7 - Paper, 'Of spars and Cornish diamonds' by William Borlase7 - Paper, 'Of spars and Cornish diamonds' by William Borlase
8 - Paper, 'Recit d'une guersion singuliere (by dissolving lead in the bladder) [Story of a singular guersion] ' by Francois Le Dran
9 - Letter, 'On election as FRS and on the subject of no. 8 [L&P/2/7]' from Francois Le Dran to Cromwell Mortimer
10 - Letter, 'Of a great black wasp from Pennsylvania' from John Bartram to Peter Collinson
11 - Letter, 'Eclipse of the moon of 12 Dec 1749' from William Elstobb to Martin Folkes
12 - Letter, 'On the diameter of the Moon' from James Short to Martin Folkes
13 - Paper, 'Of a stone axe' by William Stukeley
14 - Paper, 'On Benjamin Franklin's electrical experiments' by William Watson
15 - Paper, 'On a Latin inscription to Flora, found in Italy' by John Ward
16 - Plates, 'Latin inscriptions' by unknown artist
17 - Letter, 'Natural history observations' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
18 - Paper, 'Of an uncommon hen's egg' by John Freeman
19 - Letter, 'An astronomical problem' from Taubert to Cromwell Mortimer
20 - Letter, 'Accompanying a copy of Instituxioni Analytichi Milano' from Maria Gaetana Agnesi to the Royal Society
21 - Letter, 'A letter dated Petersburg with a premium offered by the Imperial Academy of Sciences of Petersburg' from Christian Nicolas de Winsheim to Cromwell Mortimer
22 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations - a comet & the occultation by the Moon' from Augustin Hallerstein to the Royal Society
23 - Letter, 'Observations at Pekin [Beijing] of a comet' from Anton Gogeisl to Cromwell Mortimer
24 - Letter, 'On lithotomy' from Le Blanc to Claude Nicholas Le Cat
25 - Letter, 'Of a stone axe' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
26 - Letter, 'An aurora australis, seen 23 Jan 1748/50' from John Martyn to Martin Folkes
27 - Letter, 'Oseraije offrir aux plus beaux esprits de i'ile des savants mon noveau systeme des coleurs [I wish to offer to the most beautiful minds of the island of scientists my new system of colors]' from Jacques D'Agoly Gautier to the Royal Society
28 - Letter, 'Notes as to an enclosure' from James West to the Royal Society
28a - Letter, 'A memoir as to the solvent properties of an E. Indian plant' from Michael Bermingham to Martin Folkes
29 - Plate, 'A vein and artery' by unknown artist
30 - Letter, 'Lunar eclipse of 23 Dec 1749 and solar eclipse of 18 Jan 1750, observed at Rome' from Christopher Maire to Martin Folkes
31 - Paper, 'On the libella or dragon-fly of Pennsylvania' by John Bartram
32 - Paper, 'Experiments relating to respiration' by Albert Haller
Expand 33 - Paper, 'Of geography among the Chinese, and of paper money current in China' by Antoine Gaubil33 - Paper, 'Of geography among the Chinese, and of paper money current in China' by Antoine Gaubil
34 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea garden for 1747, nos. 1251 to 1300' by John Wilmer
35 - Letter, 'Concerning electricity' from Louis Elizabeth de la Vergne, Count of Tresson to William Watson
36 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake felt in London' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
37 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of Feb 8' by Gowin Knight
38 - Paper, 'Of the same earthquake' by John Freeman
39 - Paper, 'Observationes meteorloicae for Nov 1749 [Meteorological observations for Nov 1749]' from Pieter Gabry
40 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of Feb 8' by William Faquier
41 - Letter, 'Of the same earthquake' from John Martyn to Martin Folkes
42 - Letter, 'Of Essex steeples struck by lightning' from Abraham Trembley to Martin Folkes
43 - Paper, 'His Dutch book on astronomy, geography, reviewed by Martin Folkes' by Nicholas Struyck
44 - Paper, 'On the Solar eclipse of 8 Jan 1750, observed at Berlin' by Augustin Nathaniel Greschau
45 - Paper, 'Of the seminal passage' [Latin original] by Albrecht Von Haller
Expand 46 - Paper, 'Of the seminal passage' by Albrecht Von Haller46 - Paper, 'Of the seminal passage' by Albrecht Von Haller
47 - Paper, 'Of the woman burnt at Ipswich to a coal' by unknown author
48 - Letter, 'The aurora borealis of Feb 16' from John Martyn to Martin Folkes
49 - Paper, 'Of two ancient Malabar books, one of 21 and one of 7 leaves' by Peter Camper
Expand 50 - Paper, 'Of lithotomy' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat50 - Paper, 'Of lithotomy' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
51 - Letter, 'An account of discoveries at Portici' from Smart Lethieullier to Martin Folkes
51a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Thomas Birch to the Royal Society
52 - Letter, 'On election as FRS' from Jean Charles Folard to Martin Folkes
52a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
53 - Letter, 'Of the Essex steeples (Danbury) struck by lightning' from Smart Lethieullier to Martin Folkes
53a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Martin Clare to Cromwell Mortimer
54 - Letter, 'As to odours not passing through glass by electricity & of the electrical glory (nimbus)' from William Watson to the Royal Society
54a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Daniel Peter Layard to Martin Folkes
55 - Letter, 'Of Euler's letter of the acceleration of the periodical motion, diurnal & annual, of the earth' from Caspar Wetstein to Martin Folkes
55a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 8 1749/50' from Roger Pickering to Martin Folkes
56 - Letter, 'Concerning the contraction of the orbits of the planets' from Leonhardt Euler to to the Prince
56a - Letter, 'Of a marine animal, stela arbroscens' from Robert Dingley to Martin Folkes
57 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea garden sent to the RS' by John Wilmer
57a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from James Burrow to the Royal Society
58 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake in London of March 9 1747/50' by Martin Folkes
58a - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from John Martyn to Martin Folkes
59 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from Michael Russell to Martin Folkes
60 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from James Parsons to Martin Folkes
61 - Paper, 'A surprising inundation near Keswick on August 22 1749' by unknown author
62 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' by James Burrow
63 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' by Cromwell Mortimer
64 - Letter, 'Of lightning on occasion of the earthquake' from Henry Miles to Martin Folkes
65 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from William Stukeley to Martin Folkes
66 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' from Mr Oakes to John Ellicott
67 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake shock' from Taylor to the Earl of Sandwich
68 - Paper, 'Fire ball observed at sea' by Chalmers
69 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake' from William Cooper to the Royal Society
70 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake shock of March 18' from Taylor to the Royal Society
71 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake shock of March 18' from Benjamin Cooke to Peter Collinson
72 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake shock of March 18' from unknown author to Josiah Colebrooke
73 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake shock of March 18' from Peter Newcombe to Martin Folkes
74 - Paper, 'Of a paper on electricity' by Jean Antoine Nollet
75 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake felt at East Sheen' from James Burrow to Peter Daval
76 - Letter, 'On the causes of earthquakes' from William Stukeley to Martin Folkes
77 - Paper, 'Some considerations as to the cause of earthquakes' by Stephen Hales
78 - Paper, 'Of a calculus from a woman preserved at Trin. Coll. Cambridge' by William Heberden
79 - Letter, 'Of the fireball seen on July 22 1750' from William Smith to Robert Austen
80 - Letter, 'Of the same meteor' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
81 - Paper, 'Meteorological tables' by John Stedman
82 - Paper, 'A general method for exhibiting the value of an expression involving several radical quantities anent Sir Isaac Newton's binomial theorum' by Thomas Simpson
83 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations' by unknown author
84 - Letter, 'Of harmonies' from Jean Philippe Rameau to the Royal Society
85 - Letter, 'Of medicinal electricity' from Jean A Nollet to Cromwell Mortimer
86 - Letter, 'Of Mrs Stephens medicines' from Claude Joseph Geoffroy to Cromwell Mortimer
87 - Letter, 'Of a case of small pox' from George Bayly to Henry Pemberton
Expand 88 - Paper, 'A method of making artificial magnets without the use of natural ones & far superior' by John Canton88 - Paper, 'A method of making artificial magnets without the use of natural ones & far superior' by John Canton
89 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations 1750' by Pieter Gabry
90 - Paper, 'Of an aurora borealis observed 27 Feb 1750' by Pieter Gabry
91 - Paper, 'On cancer major' by Peter Collinson
92 - Paper, 'An account of his own case (calculus) drawn up by himself' from Horatio Walpole
93 - Paper, 'Observations in the Grotta de Cani' by Jean Antoine Nollet
94 - Letter, 'Concerning the mean motion of the Moon's apogee' from Patrick Murdoch to Robert Smith
95 - Paper, 'Experiments on living animals with the poison of lamas & ticunas' by Francois David Herissant
96 - Letter, 'Avis aux astronomes' from N L de la Caille to Cromwell Mortimer
97 - Letter, 'Of extracting the bones of a foetus' from Thomas Debenham to Dr Brattie
Expand 98 - Paper, 'Of the method of catching lobsters at Cromer in Norfolk' by William Arderon98 - Paper, 'Of the method of catching lobsters at Cromer in Norfolk' by William Arderon
Expand 99 - Paper, 'Nouvelles decouvertes sur l'histoire du corail [New discoveries on the history of coral]' by Vitaliano Donati99 - Paper, 'Nouvelles decouvertes sur l'histoire du corail [New discoveries on the history of coral]' by Vitaliano Donati
100 - Letter, 'Of a Georgian telescope made by Richard Eggleston of York' from Francis Drake to Martin Folkes
101 - Paper, 'Of the phocae' by James Parsons
102 - Paper, 'Of a bird (bustard)' by George Edwards
103 - Paper, 'Of an iliac passion from palsy of the large intestine' by Jacob de Castro-Sarmento
104 - Letter, 'Of the variation of the magnetic needle' from Petrus Wargentin to Cromwell Mortimer
105 - Letter, 'Of colour and refrangibility of light' from unknown author to Cromwell Mortimer
106 - Letter, 'Of certain amulets of slaty coal (Kimmeridge)' from Richard Pococke to Cromwell Mortimer
107 - Letter, 'Further experiments of the platina' from William Brownrigg to William Watson
108 - Letter, 'Of bark in smallpox' from Cornewall Tathwell to William Stukeley
109 - Letter, 'Of Herculaneum' from William Freeman to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 110 - Paper, 'Of a bastard aneurism' by Jean Baptiste Faget110 - Paper, 'Of a bastard aneurism' by Jean Baptiste Faget
111 - Paper, 'An extraordinary case of fracture of the arm' by John Freke
112 - Paper, 'A further account of the libella or mayfly' by John Bartram
113 - Paper, 'Of plants raised from seeds that fell in hail' by Graves
114 - Paper, 'Catalogue of 50 plants from Chelsea garden for 1749 nos.1351-1400' by John Wilmer
115 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of March 8' by Thomas Burrat
116 - Letter, 'Recommends Mr Charles Walmesley for election into the R.S.; speaks of earthquake in London; & of copies of his Nat. Hist.; of a burning-mirror of 360 small looking glasses' from George Louis Leclerc, Count of Buffon to Martin Folkes
117 - Letter, 'A specimen of Orbis piscis echinatus' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
118 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake at Chester 2 Apl 1750' from Robert Paul to the Royal Society
119 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of March 14' from Walter Bowman to Stephen Hales
120 - Letter, 'Of an impostume formed in the stomach' from Daniel Peter Layard to Richard Mead
121 - Paper, 'Partial lunar eclipse at Wittenberg on 23 Dec 1749; solar eclipse on 8 Jan 1750' by Georg Matthias Bose
122 - Paper, 'Of an irregular tide in the river of Forth' by Edward Wright
123 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Flintshire on 2 Apl 1750' from Thomas Pennant to Richard Holford
124 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake at Bridport on 18 Mar 1749/50' from Nathaniel Downe to Grenville
125 - Letter, 'On his work on music (harmony)' from Jean Philippe Rameau to the Royal Society
126 - Letter, 'A tumour in the bladder successfully extripated' from Joseph Warner to Martin Folkes
127 - Letter, 'On inscriptions found at Tunis' from James Theobald to Martin Folkes
128 - Letter, 'Of a stone axe found at Womersley near Doncaster' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
129 - Letter, 'Carte triangulaire de la France [geometric map of France]' from Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury to Hans Sloane
130 - Letter, 'On experiments of the globe (improved orrery)' from John Neale to Martin Folkes
131 - Letter, 'Of earthquakes on 4 May & 1 Jul 1747' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
132 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake on 11 Oct 1749' from Rene-Antoine Ferchault de Reaumur to the Royal Society
133 - Letter, 'Of the periodical appearences of locusts' from Peter Collinson to Martin Folkes
Expand 134 - Paper, 'Table pour la taille [Table for the cutting]' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat 134 - Paper, 'Table pour la taille [Table for the cutting]' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
135 - Letter, 'Digest of various accounts of the earthquake of 8-9 Feb 1749/50' from William Barlow to Martin Folkes
136 - Letter, 'Of the Morbus strangularitorius' from John Starr to Cromwell Mortimer
137 - Letter, 'Of the residues from purging-waters; also a letter from Swithin Adee FRS on Jessop's well' from Stephen Hales to
138 - Letter, 'Of Dr Hardisway raising the 'Thea' tree in his Wimbledon garden from seed found in tea-canisters (proved not to be the tea-shrub)' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
139 - Paper, 'Reflexions on the medals of Pescennius Niger' by Claude Gros de Boze
140 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of 2 Apl 1750' from John Seddon to Martin Folkes
141 - Letter, 'On his travels through Italy' from Robert More to Martin Folkes
142 - Paper, 'Map in four sheets of the western part of South America [map not present]' by Pedro Maldonado
143 - Letter, 'Of a Dutch dwarf' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
144 - Letter, 'A dwarf and a child compared by David Erskine Baker' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
145 - Letter, 'Of a noise in the air heard in Norwich' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
146 - Paper, 'Of certain worms hatched from the eggs of a fly on cherry-tree leaves' by Dr Hill
Expand 147 - Paper, 'Exhibition, through Dr C Mortimer, of certain bezoar and other stones' by Hans Sloane147 - Paper, 'Exhibition, through Dr C Mortimer, of certain bezoar and other stones' by Hans Sloane
148 - Letter, 'Of a roof thrown down in Gravel-lane by the earthquake of 8 March 1749/50' from Jackson to the Royal Society
149 - Letter, 'Of ash-manna gathered near Naples' from Robert More to William Watson
150 - Letter, 'Of the Northern Lights seen 15 Feb 1749/50' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer
151 - Letter, 'Of a horse bitten by a mad dog' from John Starr to J Huxham
152 - Paper, 'Of new obtetric instruments' by John Burton
153 - Letter, 'Catalogue from Peking [Beijing] of plants' from Pierre D'Incarville to Cromwell Mortimer
Expand 153a - Paper, 'Descriptio foetus monstrosi [Description of a monstrous foetus]' by Job Baster153a - Paper, 'Descriptio foetus monstrosi [Description of a monstrous foetus]' by Job Baster
154 - Letter, 'Of Dr Burton's obstetric instruments' from [J D] to Cromwell Mortimer
155 - Paper, 'An explication of an ancient Greek inscription carved on a brass cup' by John Ward
156 - Letter, 'Accounts of aurora boreales lately seen' from Henry Baker to Martin Folkes
157 - Paper, 'The ear-bone of the right whale shown' by Joseph Ames
158 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake at Smyrna' from Mordach MacKenzie to Richard Mead
159 - Letter, 'Exchange of Phil. Trans. and Acts of the R. Academy of Sweden' from Abraham Black to Martin Folkes
160 - Letter, 'On his election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]; speaks of the literarary honour done to him by the R.S. [Royal Society] admitting him their body' from Antoine Joseph de Sallier d'Argenville to Cromwell Mortimer
161 - Letter, 'Improvements in the art of needle-making by machines' from Caleb Sheward and Moses Sheward to the Royal Society
162 - Paper, 'A mariner's compass contrived by the author' by Gowin Knight
163 - Paper, 'Of the structure and use of the azimuth compass' by John Smeaton
Expand 164 - Paper, 'Of improvements in the mariner's compass, to render the card and needle proposed by Dr Knight of general use' by John Smeaton164 - Paper, 'Of improvements in the mariner's compass, to render the card and needle proposed by Dr Knight of general use' by John Smeaton
Expand 165 - Paper, 'Description of a fish without scales shown to the R.S. [Royal Society] by Ralph Bigland' from Cromwell Mortimer to the Royal Society165 - Paper, 'Description of a fish without scales shown to the R.S. [Royal Society] by Ralph Bigland' from Cromwell Mortimer to the Royal Society
166 - Letter, 'Discountenancing his discoveries owing to deference to the 'grand Newton' from Gautier to the Royal Society
167 - Letter, 'Of a uterine excrescence' from J Burton to Cromwell Mortimer
168 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake on Sept 30' from William Folkes to Martin Folkes
169 - Letter, 'Of earthquakes in Suffolk & Leicestershire' from James Burrow to Martin Folkes
170 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Sept 30' from John Nixon and Thomas Cave to John Ward
171 - Letter, 'Of the same earthquake' from John Nixon to Martin Folkes
172 - Letter, 'Of the same earthquake' from P Doddridge to Henry Baker
173 - Paper, 'The eclipse of the Moon of June 8 1750' by James Short and John Catlin
174 - Paper, 'Experiments on substances resisting putrefaction' by John Pringle
175 - Letter, 'Of certain clay nodules' from Joshua Platt to Peter Collinson
176 - Paper, 'Observations of bees & their method of getting honey' by Arthur Dobbs
177 - Letter, 'Of 113 plants in a hortus siccus made in the Caribbee islands' from William Watson to the Royal Society
178 - Paper, 'Futher experiments of putrefaction' by John Pringle
179 - Paper, 'Observatio eclipseos lunaris totalis [Observations of total eclipse of the moon], Wittemburg, 19 June 1750' by Georg Matthias Bose
180 - Letter, 'Of cattle distemper' from William Arderon to William Baker
181 - Letter, 'Concerning the hot weather in July 1750' from William Arderon to William Baker
182 - Letter, 'Of three new instruments' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer
183 - Paper, 'Of a reflecting telescope' by Hopton Haynes
184 - Letter, 'Of a pretended hermaphrodite shown in London' from James Parsons to the Royal Society
185 - Letter, 'Of the sea porcupine caterpillar' from F G Roederer to Cromwell Mortimer
186 - Letter, 'Of his obstetric instruments' from J Burton to Cromwell Mortimer
187 - Letter, 'On the inoxa' from Picot de Premeuil to Cromwell Mortimer
188 - Paper, 'Occultation of Venus by the Moon 16 Apl 1751' by John Bevis
Expand 189 - Paper, 'Of an aurora borealis' by William Stukeley189 - Paper, 'Of an aurora borealis' by William Stukeley
190 - Letter, 'Of a very small monkey' from James Parsons to the Royal Society
191 - Paper, 'Of Herculaneum, pt II' by unknown author
192 - Paper, 'Remarkable appearance of the lunar spot Plato' by James Short
193 - Paper, 'Further experiments on septics' by John Pringle
194 - Letter, 'Of a medical case' from Cromwell Tathwell to William Stukeley
195 - Letter, 'Effects of the electrical aura on a dumb man' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
196 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants for 1750 from Chelsea gardens Nos, 1401-1450' by John Wilmer
197 - Paper, 'Of the sex of plants' by William Watson
198 - Letter, 'Of electrical experiments' from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson
199 - Letter, 'Of a small species of wasp' from John Harrison to Peter Collinson
200 - Paper, 'Concerning Mr Bright, the fat man of Maldon, co. Essex' from J Coe to Cromwell Mortimer
201 - Abstract, 'Of an Italian monster' from the Amsterdam Monthly Postrider
202 - Letter, 'Of insects destroying fruit trees' from unknown author to J Theobalds
203 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations made at Solekamskii [Solikamsk], Siberia' from Gregori Demidoff to Martin Folkes
204 - Paper, 'Of Eldenhole' by J Seward
205 - Letter, 'The Manchineel tree & fruit' from William Horner to Dr Tuff
206 - Letter, 'On the effects of white henbane' from John Stedman to John Pringle
207 - Paper, 'On the plant (used in no. 206) being really hyocyanus niger' by William Watson
208 - Letter, 'On his election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]' from Cesar Francois Cassini de Thury to Cromwell Mortimer
209 - Letter, 'Of the proportions of steam engine cylinders, A thesis sent on election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]' from Francis Blake to the Royal Society
210 - Paper, 'Occultation of Venus by the Sun' by John Hadley
211 - Letter, 'Of a piece of slate' from John Huxham to Cromwell Mortimer
212 - Paper, 'Account of Benjamin Franklin's book, Experiments and Observations on Electricity' by William Watson
213 - Letter, 'The model machine made by Mr Salter to shew his pipes for extracting foul air out of ships' from Richard Mead to Martin Folkes
214 - Letter, 'Account of Capt. Ellis's voyage to Hudson's Bay' from S Hales to Martin Folkes
Expand 215 - Paper, 'Of Roman colonies and stations in Cheshire and Lancashire' by Thomas Percival215 - Paper, 'Of Roman colonies and stations in Cheshire and Lancashire' by Thomas Percival
216 - Paper, 'A short brass 6-pounder fired at Woolwich 300 rounds in 3 hrs 22 mins' by William Stukeley
217 - Paper, 'Odours passing through glass by electricity' by Johann Heinrich Winkler
218 - Paper, 'Criticism of Winkler's paper above [L&P/2/217]' by William Watson
219 - Letter, 'Of centrifugal force' from Gautier to the Royal Society
220 - Paper, 'Of fermentations [Fifth paper]' by John Pringle
221 - Paper, 'The liquefaction of the blood of Januarius exactly imitated by a chemical preparation in a phial in half an hour; this was placed in front of the P.R.S [President of the Royal Society] at the meeting in a cool room' by William Watson
222 - Letter, 'Account of the Bishop of London's garden at Fulham, originally planted by Dr Henry Compton' from William Watson to the Royal Society
223 - Letter, 'On optical glasses' from Arthur Villettes to the Royal Society, on behalf of Louis Wurstemberguer
224 - Catalogue, 'List of papers wanting'
226 - Letter, 'Sends a copy of his book 'Sur une maladie [On a disease]'' from Caen to the Secretary of the Royal Society
227 - Letter, 'Offers himself as a correspondent in Bohemia' from Joseph Staplin to Cromwell Mortimer
228 - Paper, 'On an inverted iris seen on grass' by Philip Carteret Webb
229 - Letter, 'Of a body in a vault of Staverton Church, Devon' from John Huxham and Nicholas Tripe to Thomas Stack
230 - Letter, 'Of a problem as to Sir Isaac Newton's theory of lunar irregularities: prize offered by Petersburg Academy' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
231 - Letter, 'Lime-water on vegetation' from Charles Alstone to Cromwell Mortimer
232 - Paper, 'Mass and gravitation of Jupiter and the Earth' by unknown author
Collapse 233 - Paper, 'Of a new trocart for hydrocephale' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat233 - Paper, 'Of a new trocart for hydrocephale' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
234 - Paper, 'On the effects of vitrum antimonii ceratum' by Claude Joseph Geoffroy
235 - Letter, 'Of a dwarf' from John Browning to Henry Baker
236 - Letter, 'Of a curious peach tree' from Georg Matthias Bose to Cromwell Mortimer
237 - Letter, 'Of comets as described in a MS in Pembroke Hall library, Cambridge' from Richard Dunthorne to Roger Long
238 - Letter, 'Of the effects of lightning' from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson
Expand 239 - Paper, 'Of a fungous excrescence removed from the bladder; and of cutting forceps and canulas' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat239 - Paper, 'Of a fungous excrescence removed from the bladder; and of cutting forceps and canulas' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
240 - Paper, 'Of an astomosis between the coeliac artery of the vena cava' by Le Bas
241 - Paper, 'Of quamoclit and other plants raised from Dr Mortimer's seeds' by John Wilmer
242 - Letter, 'An account of the cinnamon tree' from William Watson to the Royal Society
243 - Letter, 'Of ginsem among the Iroquois' from Thomas Hutchinson to J[ames] Theobald
244 - Paper, 'Of the vital and other involuntary motions of animals - an account of R.W.'s book' by Robert Whytt
245 - Paper, 'Of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius' by Richard Supple
246 - Paper, 'Eclipse of the Moon on 21 Nov 1751' by James Short
Expand 247 - Paper, 'Mentions sending to R.S. [Royal Society] two vols in Chinese, one of logarithms, one of lunar & solar Newtonian tables; also new astronomical tables for 1746-7' by Augustin Hallersten247 - Paper, 'Mentions sending to R.S. [Royal Society] two vols in Chinese, one of logarithms, one of lunar & solar Newtonian tables; also new astronomical tables for 1746-7' by Augustin Hallersten
248 - Letter, 'Of hernias' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer
249 - Letter, 'On the treatment of paralytics with electricity' from Anthony Floyer and Thomas Meech to Dr Bent
250 - Paper, 'Effects of lightning at South Moulton' by Joseph Palmer
251 - Letter, 'A corrected copy of his recent book' from John Kirkby to the Secretary of the Royal Society
252 - Table, 'General bill of weddings, birth and burials' from unknown author
253 - Letter, 'Of an improvement in the bills of mortality' from James Dodson to John Robertson
254 - Memorandum, 'The Council to consider what part, if any, the Society should take in the publication of the papers communicated to it'
255 - Letter, 'Of a fistulous hernia' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Cromwell Mortimer
256 - Paper, 'Of an extraordinary tumour of the penis' by Samuel Cleapem
257 - Letter, 'An account of a treatise on the electrical treatment of disease' from Johann Baptist Bohadsch to The Royal Society
258 - Paper, 'Of Serson's horizontal top' by James Short
259 - Paper, 'Observations of the 'Pic' of Teneriffe and of the weather at Madeira' by Thomas Heberden
260 - Letter, 'Oh a hybrid canary' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch
261 - Table, 'Meteorological tables for 1751' by Pieter Gabry
262 - Letter, 'Of a boy at Dorchester supposed to have been cured of blindness' from G Bent to Dr Lyttleton
263 - Paper, 'An account of S's paper' by Guillaume de Saint-Jacques de Silvabelle
264 - Paper, 'Of the putrefaction of blood and of other animal substances, paper VII' by John Pringle
265 - Paper, 'Note of the rain that fell in Leyden 1751' by Willem van Heyzon
266 - Letter, 'Of a double child' from Thomas Percival to Lord Willoughby
267 - Paper, 'Machine for hatching domestic fowls' by Peter Boufoux
268 - Letter, 'Of phenomena of electricty in vacuo' by William Watson
269 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations at Pekin [Beijing], 1746-7' by Augustin Hallerstein
270 - Letter, 'Of an improved permabulator or measuring wheel' from John Robertson to the Royal Society
271 - Paper, 'Researches sur le fleve Oaxes [Researches on the River Oaxes]' by Charles le Molard
272 - Letter, 'Concerning the late plague at Constantinople' from Mordack MacKenzie to Richard Mead
273 - Paper, 'Catalogue of the 50 plants for 1751 from Chelsea garden' by John Wilmer
274 - Letter, 'Recueil des experiences faites a Venise sur la medicine electrique [List of experiences made in Venice on electric medicine] from Francisco Bianchini' to the Royal Society, by William Watson
275 - Paper, 'L'arithmetique [Arithmetic]' by Y.Z.
276 - Paper, 'Successful operation on empyema' by Joseph Warner
277 - Letter, 'Of a supposed cure for blindness by electricity' from Thomas Meech to Lord Willoughby
278 - Letter, 'On the eruption of Vesuvius 25 Oct 1751' from unknown author to M Featherstonehaugh
279 - Letter, 'From Guadeloupe' from Jean Andre Peysonnel to the Royal Society
280 - Letter, 'Letter to the President of the Royal Society' from Paolo Frisi to Martin Folkes
281 - Paper, 'On the natural history of the herring' by Dod
282 - Paper, 'Case of hydrophoby' by Thomas Wilbraham
283 - Paper, 'Affidavit of the cure of an enlarged penis, signed and sealed by the Lord Mayor of the City of Dublin' by Samuel Cleapem
284 - Paper, 'Of amphyllon and Denataria heptaphylla' by William Watson
285 - Letter, 'Of a shock of earthquake' from Charles Lyttleton to Thomas Birch
286 - Letter, 'Improvement in the air pump' from John Smeaton to John Ellicott
287 - Paper, 'Of a machine for killing whales' by John Bond
288 - Letter, 'Medico-physical observations made in Maryland' from Richard Brooke to Dr Parsons
289 - Letter, 'Of the shells of crabs' from James Parsons to Peter Collinson
290 - Letter, 'Of his method of working specula for reflecting and refracting telescopes' from James Short to Mr Daval
291 - Letter, 'Sur les coleurs engendres par le frottement des surfaces planes et transparentes [On the colors caused by the friction of flat and transparent surfaces]' from Guileaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
292 - Paper, 'The supposed cure by electricity of the blindness of a Dorchester boy' by Thomas Meech
293 - Paper, 'Spherical trigonometry reduced to plane' by Francis Blake
294 - Paper, 'Traite du corail [Coral milking]' by Jean Andre Peysonnel
295 - Letter, 'Of inoculation for small-pox 'till some easier safer & equally certain method be discovered' from Richard Brooke to James Parsons
296 - Paper, 'Of corals and corallines' by William Stukeley
297 - Letter, 'Of a monstrous sheep with a horn near a yard long' from John Bevis to Thomas Birch
298 - Letter, 'Of a gift of his works' from Jacques Nicholas Bellin to Stephen Hales
299 - Letter, 'Further account of his case (calculus) and of the soap and lime-water treatment' from Horace Walpole to the Royal Society
300 - Paper, 'On corals' by William Watson
301 - Paper, 'On corals, coralline' by William Stukeley
302 - Letter, 'Of the ruption of Mount Vesuvius' from John Parker to his father
303 - Paper, 'Of a bone and calculus extracted from the bladder' by Joseph Warner
304 - Letter, 'Of an uncommon waterspout' from Benjamin Ray to George Shelvocke
305 - Letter, 'Of the case of enlarged penis' from Henry Quin to P C Webb
306 - Letter, 'Chart form'd upon the new discoveries in America made by Admiral Fuentes' from Joseph de Guignes to Thomas Birch
307 - Letter, 'Of electricity from the clouds, anent the experiments of Franklin' from Jean Antoine Nollet to William Watson
308 - Letter, 'Of electricity from the clouds' from Pierre Charles Le Monnier to James Short
309 - Paper, 'On corals' by William Stukeley
310 - Letter, 'On the lava of Mount Vesuvius' from Emanuel Mendes da Costa to Thomas Birch
311 - Paper, 'A new tackle or combination of pullies' by John Smeaton
312 - Paper, 'Rainfall in Norwich in 1750 & in 1751' by William Arderon
313 - Letter, 'Concerning vegetable balls from a lake' from William Dixon to William Watson
314 - Letter, 'Of the copper springs in Wicklow' from William Henry to Lord Cadogan
315 - Paper, 'How inoculation was first introduced in Geneva' by unknown author
316 - Letter, 'On corals' from James Parsons to Thomas Birch
317 - Letter, 'Of corallines, corals' from John Ellis to Philip Carteret Webb
318 - Paper, 'Of the plague at Constantinople' from Mordach MacKenzie to John Clephane
319 - Letter, 'Of the invention of the compensating pendulum' from James Short to R Davell
320 - Letter, 'Of the cause of thunder' from Henry Eeles to the Royal Society
321 - Letter, 'Remarks on Daviel's method of couching for cataract' from John Clephane to Thomas Birch
322 - Letter, 'On Daviel's method' from Thomas Hope to John Clephane
323 - Letter, 'The making of objective glasses for refracting telescopes' from James Short to Peter Duvell
324 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
325 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
326 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
327 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
328 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
329 - Letter, 'On the repetition of Frankin's Philadelphia experiment at St Germain [English translation]' from Guillaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
330 - Letter, 'On varied refrangibility and on telescopic object-glasses' from James Short and John Dollond
331 - Letter, 'Address on presenting the prize medal to Dr Pringle FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society] for his work on septics and antiseptics' from Lord Hugh Willoughby
332 - Paper, 'Of a syptic in bleeding' by Jean Baptiste Faget
333 - Paper, 'Of certain calculi' by unknown author
334 - Paper, 'Of Mr Silvabelle's tract on the precession of the equinox' by Thomas Simpson
335 - Letter, 'Of extracting electricity from the atmosphere' from Jean Antoine Nollet to William Watson
336 - Letter, 'The use of agaric in amputations' from Samuel Sharp to the Royal Society
337 - Paper, 'The use of agaric in stopping haemorrhages' by Joseph Warner
338 - Letter, 'On pi' from Friedrich Gottlob Hanke to the Secretary of the Royal Society
339 - Letter, 'Of a flexible catheter' from Jacques Daran to the Royal Society
340 - Letter, 'Of a case treated with agaric and of Daviel's couching for cataract' from Joseph Warner to Thomas Birch
341 - Letter, 'Of the electricity from clouds' from William Watson to the Royal Society
342 - Paper, 'Of conducting atmospheric electricity by un fil de fer' by Guilleaume Mazeas
343 - Letter, 'Of an electrical kite' from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson
344 - Letter, 'On a successful inoculation at Salisbury' from Brown to William Watson
345 - Paper, 'Traite de la precession des equinoxes [Processes of the precession of the equinoxes]' by Guillaume de Saint-Jacques de Silvabelle
346 - Letter, 'Of Gascoigne's invention of the micrometer' from John Bevis to James Short
347 - Paper, 'On the transit of Mercury 8 May 1753' by James Short
348 - Paper, 'Account of N's 'Lettres sur l'electricite'' by Jean Antoine Nollet
349 - Letter, 'Sends a single granule of gold from Cornish tin-works' from C Lyttleton to Thomas Birch
350 - Letter, 'A sample of gold sent from tin-works' from William Lemon to Revd W Borlase
351 - Paper, 'An improvement on Hadley's quadrant' by William Doidge
352 - Paper, 'Further account of the Giant's 'Causey'' by Richard Pococke
353 - Letter, 'Observation of Doidge's improvement of Hadley's quadrant' from John Robertson to the Royal Society
354 - Paper, 'Of the probable duration of life, anent Halley's and Dupre's tables and views of Buffon' [English translation] by Willem Kersseboom
355 - Paper, 'Of a new sluice or dam invented by Eide Siade Johans' by John Smeaton
356 - Paper, 'Of the probable duration of life ' by Willem Kersseboom
357 - Paper, 'Of the quick firing canons of Eide Siade Johans' by John Smeaton
358 - Paper, 'Rainfall at Norwich and Dalket in 1752' by William Arderon
359 - Letter, 'Of various Chinese plants and seeds' from Pierre d'Incarville to Cromwell Mortimer
360 - Paper, 'Quandratura circuli' by Jacobus Gabriel Rothman
361 - Letter, 'On the discovery of a Roman bath' from unknown author to unknown recipient
362 - Paper, 'Of Cornish gold' by Henry Baker
363 - Letter, 'Of a basaltes specimen of the Giant's Causeway' from Henry Baker to the Royal Society
364 - Letter, 'Of stones in the liver' from John Andrew to the Royal Society
365 - Paper, 'Of his machine to measure and determine the way of a ship at sea' by Isaac Bruckner
366 - Paper, 'Account of Melvill's views of the cause of the different refrangibility of the rays of light' by James Short
367 - Paper, 'Case of empyema' by Joseph Warner
368 - Letter, 'Of birds of passage at Cayenne' from Dr Artur to Dr Maty
369 - Letter, 'Of the Giant's Causeway' from Richard Pocoke to Thomas Birch
370 - Letter, 'Of fluxions' from James Dodson to William Mountaine
371 - Paper, 'Of an inscription newly found at Bath' from Henry Baker
372 - Paper, 'Elogium on William Cheselden' by Sauveur Francois Morand
373 - Letter, 'A case of fragility, flexibility and dissolution of bones' from Edward Cooper and B Gooch to the Royal Society
374 - Letter, 'The rainfall at Charlestown S.C. for 15 years last past' from John Lining to Thomas Birch
375 - Letter, 'Of object-glassed for telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to James Short
376 - Letter, 'Of object-glasses for telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to James Short
377 - Letter, 'Of a fossil found at Dudley, Staffs' from Emanuel Mendes da Costa to Thomas Birch
378 - Letter, 'Inscriptions from Bardney Abbey, Lincs' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
379 - Letter, 'Of fossil vertebra weighing 70 or 80 lbs from Stonesfield Oxon' from Peter Collinson to the Royal Society
380 - Paper, 'On pretended fossil dice from Baden, Suisse' from Francois Xavier Bon
381 - Letter, 'Of his eloge on Cheselden with details of the prize for 1755 of the Royal Academt of Science, Paris' Sauveur Francois Morand
382 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations - eclipses and occultations in 1753' by John Bevis and James Short
383 - Paper, 'Imitating thunder and motion of the sea by electricity' by Johann Heinrich Winkler
384 - Letter, 'Of a marine cluster-polype' from John Ellis to Peter Collinson
385 - Letter, 'Of Chinese astronomy and geography' from Antoine Gaubil to Thomas Birch
386 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Dublin' from James Simon to Thomas Birch
387 - Letter, 'Of the transit of Mercury over the Sun at Antigua 6 May 1753' from William Shervington to Benjamin Franklin
388 - Paper, 'New method of opening the cornea to remove cataract' by Samuel Sharp
389 - Paper, 'Roman inscription at Bath' by John Ward
390 - Letter, 'Of a surgical case (worms in the urethra)' from Henry Locock to Baker
391 - List, 'Papers read to the Royal Society from St Andrew's Day 1752 to St Andrew's Day 1753'
392 - Letter, 'On M. Daran's bougie having been anticipated (with letters from John Ruding (surgeon) and a patient. Thomas Reynolds' from James Wallace to Peter Davall
393 - Letter, 'Extracts in French' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
394 - Paper, 'A critical enquiry into the new operation for cataract' by Silvester O'Halloran
395 - Letter, 'A few remarks on a book entitled 'The principles of action on matter of gravitation, with motions of the planets explained' by Alexander Coldon' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
396 - Paper, 'Of an extraordinary storm in Tyrone' by William Henry
397 - Paper, 'Account of an essay, 'Disquisitio mathematica in causam physicam figurae et magntiudinis telluris nostrae' [Mathematics inquiry into the physical shape of our planet and magnitudes] by Paolo Frisi' by James Short
398 - Letter, 'Use of bougies in case described in no.392, with attestation by John Ruding' from Edward Nourse to the Royal Society
399 - Letter, 'Of the year of the eclipse foretold by Thales' from George Costard to John Bevis
400 - Paper, 'Of Daviel's method of couching a cataract' by Silvester O'Halloran
401 - Letter, 'Of hollow bougies' from William Broomfield to James Parsons
402 - Paper, 'Calculation of the population of Bristol, from the number of burials' by John Browning
403 - Paper, 'Prize subject for 1754' from the L'Academie Royale de Chirurgie
404 - Letter, 'Account of Weidler's book 'De ortu astronomie'' from William Stukeley to George Parker
405 - Paper, 'Of a woman whose bones softened and twisted in a few months' by Ambrose Hosty
406 - Paper, 'Roman alter and inscription found at York April 1752' by John Ward
407 - Paper, 'Of jail-fever in Newgate and of the men who died after working on the ventilator there' by John Pringle
408 - Letter, 'Of a twofold vegetative salt' from Balthasar Sprenger to Royal Society
409 - Letter, 'On the alteration of the island of Scilly' from William Borlase to Thomas Birch
410 - Letter, 'Of the Scilly Isles' from Charles Lyttelton to the Royal Society
411 - Letter, 'An account of some antiquities dug up at Herculaneum' from Camillo Paderni to Richard Mead
412 - Paper, 'Account of a treatise on an insect Apis pisciformis' by Christian Schaeffer
413 - Paper, 'Of his book 'Theorie de la figure de la terre' [Theory of the figure of the earth]' by A C Clairault
414 - Letter, 'Observations sur l'art de conserver les ouvrages de peinture qui menacent ruine [Observations on the art of preserving painting works that threaten ruin]' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
415 - Letter, 'Of the copper springs in co. Wicklow' from William Henry to Charles Cadogan
416 - Paper, 'Observations sur l'art de conserver les ouvrages de peinture qui menacent ruine' [English translation] by Guilleaume Mazeas
417 - Letter, 'Of a double burr about the moon' from Henry Miles to Thomas Birch
418 - Letter, 'Of a figure found in a quarry in Hagley Park, Worcs' from William Stukeley to the Dean of Exeter
419 - Paper, 'An account of Balthasar Sprenger's book 'Opuscula psysico-mathematica'' by William Watson
420 - Letter, 'Of the effects of lightning at Darlington' from William Wood to Francis Blake
421 - Letter, 'Of an improvement in refracting telescopes' from John Dollond to James Short
422 - Paper, 'Of Chinese music; 'Cantilenae Sinicae signis Europeis axpressae'' by Antoine Gaubil
423 - Paper, 'Of the eclipse of the Sun observed at Pekin 25 May 1751 by Antoine Gaubil
424 - Letter, 'On the refrangibility of the rays of light' from Thomas Melvill to James Bradley
425 - Paper, 'Thermometric observations made at Solekamskii [Solikamsk], Siberia in 1751' by Gregorii Demidoff
426 - Letter, 'Of phytolacca or poke-weed' from Richard Brooke to John Pringle
427 - Letter, 'Of birds taken at sea' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch
428 - Letter, 'Of Baulinia seeds' from Philip Miller to Peter Davall
429 - Paper, 'Catalogue of the 50 plants from the Chelsea garden for 1752. Nos. 1501-1550' by John Wilmer
430 - Paper, 'Thermometric observations at Solekamsky [Solikamsk] by Gregorii Demidoff' by W. Watson'
431 - Paper, 'Defectus solis observatio [The Sun's keeping] 13 Maii 1752' by John Chevalier
432 - Letter, 'Of a coralline' from John Ellis to Thomas Birch
433 - Paper, 'Inundation at Yarm' by George Jenkinson
434 - Paper, 'An account of the Select Anatomical Observations (Uterus) by Philip Adolph Bohmer' by Charles Morton
435 - Paper, 'An account of Johann Friedrich Weidler's book De ortu astronomiae' by William Stukeley
436 - Paper, 'An account of Guilleaume Mazeas' book 'Histoire de la maladie [History of the disease]'' by John Pringle
437 - Letter, 'A mistake in Euler's theorum for correcting aberration in object-glasses for refracting telescopes' from John Dollond to JamesShort
438 - Letter, 'On various medical and other subjects' from Daniel Dumaresq to Cromwell Mortimer
439 - Letter, 'The supposed cure of a blind boy by electricty' from Thomas Meech and W Cuming
440 - Paper, 'An account on the preservation of corn by Henri Louis Duhamel de Monceau' by Mark Akenside
441 - Paper, 'An account of Claude Gros de Boze's book on Tetricus' by John Ward
442 - Paper, 'An account of Philip Friedrich Gmelin's book 'Flora Sibirica'' by William Watson
443 - Paper, 'Of a new method of opening the cornea' by Samuel Sharp
444 - Letter, 'Of the eclipse mentioned by Xenophon' from George Costard to John Bevis
445 - Paper, 'Fish and flesh preserved in lime-water' by Francis Hume
446 - Paper, 'An account of Institutiones geomertricae subterraneae (1751)' by Johann Friedrich Weidler
447 - Paper, 'Of a mistake made by Gmelin about a Sphondylium' by Philip Miller
448 - Paper, 'Of the eclipse predicted by Thales' by William Stukeley
449 - Letter, 'Concerning a paper by Servington Savery as to his invention of a new micrometer' from James Short to George Parker
450 - Paper, 'A new way of measuring the Sun's apparent diameter at the times of the Earth's perihelian and aphelion' by Servington Savery
451 - Paper, 'An account of Savery's paper' by James Short
452 - Paper, 'A new contrivance for measuring small angles' by John Dollond
453 - Letter, 'On copper springs in co. Wicklow' from John Bond to Peter Thompson
454 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations for 1753' by Pieter Gabry
455 - Letter, 'Suggests sending the Royal Society his lubrications on various subjects' from Eide Siade Johans to the Royal Society
456 - Letter, 'Description of a newly invented sluce or dam' from Eide Siade Johans to the Royal Society
Expand 457 - Paper, 'Some thoughts of a method of well-preparing cannons so as to shoot uncommonly quick' by Eide Siade Johans 457 - Paper, 'Some thoughts of a method of well-preparing cannons so as to shoot uncommonly quick' by Eide Siade Johans
458 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments - thunder clouds' by John Canton
459 - Letter, 'Of a green vegetable slime after floods' from Georg Matthias Bose to George Parker
460 - Letter, 'Of a supposed worm from the urethra' from Charles Morton to Henry Baker
461 - Paper, 'Of the last transit of Mercury over the Sun; account of Barro's memoir read to the Paris Academy' by James Short
462 - Paper, 'Remarks on Mr Bruckner's machine for finding the way of a ship at sea' by John Smeaton
463 - Paper, 'Explication of an obscure passage in Albert Girard's commentary on Stevin's work' by James Simon
464 - Letter, 'Experiments on atmospheric electricty' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
465 - Paper, 'Remarks on W. Watson's account of Nollet's letters concerning electricity' by Thomas Birch
466 - Letter, 'On the bust of a youth just found at Herculaneum' from Joseph Spence to Richard Mead
467 - Paper, 'Of an insect found in a block of marble' by Richard Wall
468 - Paper, 'Programme and prizes for 1755' from the Royal Society of St Petersburg
469 - Letter, 'Of the pheasant of Pennsylvania and the Otis minor' from George Edwards to Peter Collinson
470 - Paper, 'Observations of certain regularly-figured bodies formed by congelation' by William Brownrigg
471 - Letter, 'Thanks for his election' from Charles Bonnet to the Royal Society
472 - Letter, 'On the discovery of a skeleton, swords, helmet, nacklet when making a road between Thrapston and Kettering; also an 'after-pass' in Trywell Field' from Charles Mason to Daniel Gray
473 - Paper, 'An account of Charles de Geer's memoirs towards a history of insects' by Henry Baker
474 - Letter, 'Thanks to Wetstein for sending him Gaubil's observations' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
475 - Letter, 'Of an extraordinary stream of wind' from William Henry to the Royal Society
476 - Letter, 'Of a natural clock' from Philip Heinrich Pfelsser to the Royal Society
477 - Letter, 'Of dyeing black without logwood' from Gustavus Brander to Peter Collinson
478 - Letter, 'Concerning a particular species of coralline' from John Ellis to Peter Collinson
479 - Paper, 'Observations of eclipses of Jupiter's satellites and of the eclipse of the Sun, 26 Oct 1753' by John Chevalier
480 - Letter, 'Of certain Greenwich and Cape of Good Hope astronomical observations' from Joseph Nicholas de L'Isle to James Bradley
481 - Paper, 'Of a mechanism for exhibiting the time, duration and quantity of solar sclipses' by James Ferguson
482 - Letter, 'Of the late hard weather' from Henry Miles to John Canton
483 - Paper, 'Catalogue of 50 plants (1551-1600) from Chelsea Garden' by John Wilmer
484 - Letter, 'Inscriptions in the book Ruins of Palmyra', as examined by Barthelmy' from Joseph de Guignes to Thomas Birch
485 - Paper, 'On John Chevalier's astronomical observations at Lisbon 1753' by James Short
486 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations in 1753, in Zealand' by Job Baster
487 - Paper, 'Review of vol 2 of its memoirs' from the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie, Paris
488 - Letter, 'Of Mr Taylor's map of co. Hereford' from Edward Harley to George Parker
489 - Paper, 'Account of Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau's book of shipping' by John Robinson
490 - Paper, 'An account of Charles Bonnet's treatise of the use of leaves and plants' by James Parsons
491 - Paper, 'Experiments on a machine for measuring the way of a ship at sea' by John Smeaton
492 - Letter, 'A further explanation of a new instrument for measuing small angles' from John Dollond to James Short
493 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake at York on 19 April' from David Erskine Baker to the Royal Society
494 - Letter, 'Thanks for election' from Carl Linnaeus to the Royal Society
495 - Paper, 'An investigation of some theorums anent remarkable properties of the circle' by John Landen
496 - Paper, 'A remark relating to the decyphering of the Palmyrean characters' by Thomas Birch
497 - Letter, 'On Job Baster's meteorological observations for 1752 and 1753' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
498 - Letter, 'Of a reference to electricity in Hirtious history of Caesar's African war' from William Stukeley to Thomas Birch
499 - Letter, 'Of certain fossils - oysters, belemnites' from Joshua Platt to Peter Collinson
500 - Paper, 'Of a Roman stone sarcophagus, skeleton, coins, jet pins, inscription cut in wood' by Owen Manning
501 - Letter, 'Answers to several queries concerning his experiments with an electrical kite' from John Lining to Charles Pinckney
502 - Paper, 'Of a coin of Carausius' by William Stukeley
503 - Letter, 'The acceleration of the motion of the planets' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
504 - Paper, 'Of an extraordinary disease of the skin' by Carlo Crusio
505 - Letter, 'Progress of geography' from Robert de Vaugondy to Thomas Birch
506 - Paper, 'Agaric of oak for stopping bleeding' by Joseph Warner
507 - Paper, 'Description of a new pyrometer for measuring expansions' by John Smeaton
508 - Paper, 'Experiments with platina' by William Lewis
509 - Letter, 'Account of a fireball' from William Hirst to Samuel Mead
510 - Paper, 'Of the sex of holly; with a note from W. Watson in confirmation' by John Martyn
511 - Paper, 'The weather in Madeira in 1751/2/3' by Thomas Heberden
512 - Paper, 'An account of wool spun of an extraordinary fineness' by William Arderon
513 - Letter, 'Of electric sparks from clothes' from John Trehawke to Dr Lobb
514 - Letter, 'About antiquities from Herculaneum' from Camillo Paderni to the Royal Society
515 - Paper, 'On Kircher's opinion as to the burning of Marcellus' fleet by Archimedes' by James Parsons
516 - Letter, 'Of fossil elephant bones found in Sheppy' from Jacob to James Parsons
517 - Letter, 'Of corallines' from John Ellis to Peter Collinson
518 - Letter, 'Concerning his invention of an escapement for watches and as to the finding of an official commission theoron' from Caron to the Royal Society
519 - Paper, 'Experimental examination of platina, paper 3' by William Lewis
520 - Paper, 'De pressionibus ponderum in machinis motis [On the pressure of the weights on the machines in motion]' by Christian Hee
521 - Paper, 'Experimental examination of platina, paper three' by William Lewis
522 - Letter, 'Presentation of new book' from Charles Etienne Briseaux to the Royal Society
523 - Letter, 'On some electrical experiments' from John Lining to Charles Pinckney
524 - Letter, 'Of two electrical experiments' from Johann Heinrich Winkler to Thomas Birch
525 - Paper, 'Experimental examination of platina, paper four' by William Lewis
526 - Letter, 'On Melvill's optical paper in the Philosophical Transactions' from Alexis Claude Clairaut to Thomas Birch
527 - Letter, 'Of his eclipse machine and an error in his description thereof' from James Ferguson to George Parker
528 - Letter, 'The earthquake at Montserrat, described by Mrs Rowlands' from Francis Haskins Eyles Stiles to the Royal Society
529 - Letter, 'On Pieter Gabry's meteorological tables' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
530 - Letter, 'Of preventing the venereal disease' from Frank Nicholls to George Parker
531 - Paper, 'An account of J Robertson's 'Elements of navigation'' by Peter Davall
532 - Letter, 'Effects of electrical treatment in Shrewsbury hospital' from Cheney Hart to William Watson
533 - Paper, 'An account of Jean Jacques Megard's two memoirs sent to the Royal Society on a telescope and on a microscope' by James Short
534 - Letter, 'Of a large calculus found in a mare' from William Watson to Charles Gray
535 - Letter, 'A calculation for the Lunar eclipse of 23 March 1755 in the meridian of London' from de Vaussenville to the Royal Society
536 - List, 'Papers read from 6 December 1753 to 21 November 1754'
537 - Letter, 'A remedy for the late contagious disease among horned cattle' from G Williams to Thomas Birch
538 - Paper, 'Determination of the species of agaric lately used as a syptic' by William Watson
539 - Letter, 'Agaric as a syptic' from Joseph Warner to Thomas Birch
540 - Letter, 'Of successful inoculations in Geneva' from Charles Bonnet to John Clephane
541 - Letter, 'Of the plague in Constantinople' from Mordach MacKenzie to the Royal Society
542 - Letter, 'Antiquities found at Portici from James Gray to Thomas Robinson
543 - Letter, 'Of antiquities found at Herculaneum' from Camillo Paderni to Thomas Hollis
544 - Paper, 'A strange stone from a slate quarry' by unknown author
545 - Paper, 'Use of lime-water to keep water, fish fresh' by Stephen Hales
546 - Letter, 'On toxicodendron' from Guilleaum Mazeas to Stephen Hales
547 - Letter, 'On platina' from J Brownrigg to William Watson
548 - Paper, 'A dissertation of antimony' by John Huxham
549 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Bolton 1753-4' by Joseph Rogers
550 - Paper, 'Of a general rule for the resolution of isoperimetrical problems' by Thomas Simpson
551 - Letter, 'Of Vesuvius in eruption' from Isaac Jamineau to F H E Stiles
552 - Paper, 'An easy method of grinding and polishing pebbles' by William Arderon
553 - Paper, 'Effects of lightning at Plymouth' from John Huxham to William Watson
554 - Letter, 'Of de Mairan's book' from William Brownrigg to William Watson
555 - Letter, 'Of a surgical case' by Edward Spry
556 - Letter, 'Of Vesuvius' from Isaac Jamineau to F H R Stiles
557 - Paper, 'De pyrophoris quibusdam minus vulgaribus [Some of the less common of the pyrophoris]' by Johann A Heurer
558 - Letter, 'Of the sea affected by the earthquake of 1 November' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
559 - Paper, 'Of a thunderstorm' from Southcot to Peploe
560 - Paper, 'Of a distempered skin' by Henry Baker
561 - Letter, 'Of the late erupstion of Vesuvius' from Isaac Jamineau to F H E Stiles
Expand 562 - Paper, 'Of a new perspective instrument' by William Hirst562 - Paper, 'Of a new perspective instrument' by William Hirst
563 - Letter, 'Of Vesuvian lava' from Isaac Jamineau to F H E Stiles
564 - Letter, 'Of the ascent of vapours' from Henry Eeles to Thomas Birch
565 - Letter, 'Of Mount Taborg in Sweden (iron ore)' from Petrus Ascanius to Peter Collinson
566 - Paper, 'Medicinal waters of Great Britain and Ireland' by John Rutty
567 - Paper, 'A curious fossil from a Yorkshire coalpit' by Richard Pococke
568 - Letter, 'Cylinder of wood for cylinder of glass in electric machine' from Daniel Bernoulli to
569 - Paper, 'Of the syptic agaric' by William Watson
570 - Paper, 'The prize for 1756' from the Académie nationale de chirurgie
571 - Letter, 'Of electricity, vapours, clouds' from Henry Eeles to the Royal Society
572 - Paper, 'Of a post-mortem discovery of a mass of adipose matter & cists weighing over 14lbs' by Richard Guy
573 - Letter, 'About the agaric' from James Latterman to Schlosser
574 - Letter, 'Of thermometer-readings by Mr Canton on 8th and 9th of February' from Henry Miles to the Royal Society
575 - Letter, 'To the Royal Society' from Oliver de Villeneuve to the Royal Society
576 - Letter, 'Of two dropsical cases' from William Oliver to the Royal Society
577 - Letter, 'Of Dr Roger's meteorological observations' from Henry Miles to Henry Baker
578 - Paper, 'A memoir on malignane fevers, at Rouen especially' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
579 - Letter, 'Some account of an extraordinary crop of barley at Saragosain Spain' from William Watson to the Royal Society
580 - Paper, 'Observations of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites in 1754' by John Chevalier
581 - Letter, 'Of ascertaining a new genus of plants: Huxamia' from Alexander Gordon to John Huxham
582 - Letter, 'Upon a new Lampyris, a shining insect' from Guilleaume Mazeas to Stephen Hales
583 - Letter, 'Of the smallpox' from Johannes Grashius to Henry Baker
584 - Paper, 'Extract from Fryer's Travels: of cold lashes in a forward spring' by John Fryer
585 - Paper, 'An account of a book ed. by Dr Cocchi published in Florence 1754, containing several old Greek and Latin surgical treatises, such as those of Soranus and Oribarius' by Robert Watson
586 - Paper, 'An account of the unhappy death of George William Richman' by unknown author
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

Collection highlights

Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
oldest scientific academy in continuous existence.
Registered charity number 207043

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