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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Letter, 'Of the use of Ribwort (plantain) for the cure of the bite of a mad dog' from Charles Smith to James Parsons
2 - Paper, 'Of a Roman inscription found at Malton, Yorks, in 1753' by John Ward
3 - Letter, 'A method of applying fire dampt to chemical uses' from B.W. to James Lowther
4 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea Garden, for 1754, nos. 1601 to 1650' by John Wilmer
5 - Letter, 'Of discoveries at Herculanaeum' from Camillo Paderni to Thomas Hollis
6 - Letter, 'On the advantage of taking the mean of a number of observations in practical astronomy' from Thomas Simpson to George Parker
7 - Letter, 'Of the oak agaraic' from James Ford to the Royal Society
8 - Paper, 'Queries sent to a friend in Constantinople concerning the plague, population, more women than men, polygamy, inoculation, printing house' by Matthew Maty
9 - Letter, 'Matters observed at Constantinople' from James Porter to Caspar Wetstein
10 - Letter, 'Of books and writings exhumed from Herculanaeum' from a learned man at Naples to Gasparo Cerati
11 - Letter, 'Of earthquakes at Constantinople' from James Porter to Caspar Wetstein
12 - Letter, 'Of an object in gold, inscribed HELENVS.F.' from John Davidson to the Royal Society
13 - Letter, 'Of experiments made to prove the electrification of ascending vapours' from Henry Eeles to Thomas Birch
14 - Letter, 'Of a petrified Echinus' from James Parsons to the Royal Society
15 - Letter, 'Of a recent earthquake' from John Owen to Lord Willoughby of Parham
16 - Letter, 'On the power of pointed bodies in electricity' from Etienne Francois Dutour to William Watson
17 - Letter, 'Note on a sheep's skin' from James Parsons to Thomas Birch
18 - Letter, 'On an aurora borealis' from Edward Fludyer to a friend of his in London
19 - Paper, 'Of the dyeing and fixing properties of species of toxicodendron' by Philip Miller
Expand 20 - Paper, 'A true delineation of an aurora borealis seen at the Hague' by Pieter Gabry20 - Paper, 'A true delineation of an aurora borealis seen at the Hague' by Pieter Gabry
21 - Paper, 'Dissertation due le cancer des paupieres [Dissertation due to eyelid cancer]' by Jacques Daviel
22 - Paper, 'Of an American wasps-nest' by Israel Mauduit
23 - Letter, 'Of the causes of capillarity' from Etienne Francois Dutour to William Watson
24 - Paper, 'Second memoir on the fevers at Rouen' by Claude Nicholas Le Cat
25 - Letter, 'Of a human spleen weighin 37 ounces' from Charles Nicholas Jenty to Thomas Birch
26 - Letter, 'Of the Charr of N. Wales' from Farrington to Thomas Collinson
27 - Paper, 'Tentamen chemicum de calcis vivae actionem in salem volatilem alcalinum [An active role in the chemistry of fresh lime and salt volatile alcaline]' by Johann Albrecht Schlossen
28 - Paper, 'Of a late eruption on Mount Aetna' from the Magistracy of Mascali, in Sicily
29 - Letter, 'Inoculation of small pox' from Charles Maria de la Condamine to Matthew Maty
30 - Letter, 'A statement concerning Sir I. Newton's Chronology of ancient kingdoms' from G Costard to Thomas Birch
31 - Letter, 'Of local climate and diseases' from Lionel Chalmers to John Huxham
32 - Letter, 'The case of a boy who recovered from a serious injury to his intestines' from John Nedham to the Royal Society
33 - Paper, 'An earthquake in Oxfordshire on May 24, 1755' by unknown author
34 - Paper, 'Of weather and diseases at Charlestown, S.C., in 1752' by Lionel Chalmers
35 - Paper, 'Account of the charts for keeping meteorological observations' by John Blair
36 - Letter, 'Sensibility and irritability in animals' from Richard Brocklesby to Thomas Birch
37 - Letter, 'Of worms in animal bodies' from Frank Nicholls to Thomas Birch
38 - Letter, 'Of insects of the polype kind found in waters near Brussels' from T Brady to Thomas Birch
39 - Paper, 'Several latitudes and longitudes taken in Asia Minor' by unknown author
40 - Paper, 'The foetus nourished in part by the liqor amnis' by Malcolm Fleming
41 - Paper, 'Of a lunar eclipse' from Jacob de Castro-Sarmento
42 - Paper, 'Of earthquake effects on water at Shirburn Castle, Oxon' by Thomas Parker
43 - Paper, 'Agitation of the waters on Nov 1, 1755' by De Hont
44 - Letter, 'Movement of waters at Busbridge near Godalming on Nov 1, 1755' from Philip Carteret Webb to Thomas Birch
45 - Letter, 'Acknowledgment of his election as F.R.S. [Fellow of the Royal Society]' from Jean-Jacques Barthelemy to the Royal Society
46 - Letter, 'Agitation of waters in Kent on Nov 1' from unknown author to the Royal Society
47 - Letter, 'About the earthquake of Nov 1 from Madrid' from unknown author to John Ellicott
48 - Letter, 'About the earthquake of Nov 1 from Oporto' from unknown author to the Royal Society
49 - Letter, 'About the earthquake of Nov 1 from Oporto' from Thomas Plumer to the Royal Society
50 - Letter, 'About the earthquake of Nov 1 from Oporto' from Muysson to M Bazin
51 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake felt at Kinsale' from Henry Tom to Richard Brocklesby
52 - Letter, 'Agitation of waters at Portsmouth on Nov 1' from John Robertson to Thomas Birch
53 - Letter, 'Agitation of waters at Cobham on Nov 1' from Swithin Adee to Philip Carteret Webb
54 - Letter, 'Agitation of waters at Petworth on Nov 1' from J Hodgson to Philip Carteret Webb
55 - Letter, 'Agitation of waters at Devon and Cornwall on Nov 1' from John Huxham to William Watson
56 - Letter, 'Of a new kind of logarithms' from John Oxenham to the Royal Society
57 - Paper, 'List of papers read before the Royal Society from St Andrew's Day 1754 to St Andrew's Day 1755'
58 - Letter, 'Of an echinus from the Isle of Bourbon' from Gustavus Brander to the Royal Society
59 - Paper, 'Extract from Historia' by Paulus Jovius
60 - Paper, 'Agitation in Peerless Pool on Nov 1 1755' by Thomas Birch
61 - Letter, 'Extract from a letter to A. Trembley' from Johann Nicholaus Sebastian Allemand to Abraham Trembley
62 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1, at Lisbon' from Richard Wolfall to James Parsons
63 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1' from William Borlase to C Lyttleton
64 - Paper, 'Of the agitation of water in a pond near Reading on Nov 1' by John Blair
65 - Letter, 'Extract from a letter to A. Trembley [English translation]' from Johann Nicholaus Sebastian Allemand to Abraham Trembley
66 - Letter, 'Earthquake of Nov 1 at Cadiz' from Benjamin Bewicke to Jos Paice
67 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 at Lisbon' from Richard Wolfall to James Parsons
68 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake' from Spencer Cowper? to William Clavering Cowper
69 - Paper, 'Effects of lightning on the Danish church in Well-close Square' by Gustavus Brander
70 - Letter, 'Extract of a letter concerning electricty and Beccaria's book' from Benjamin Franklin to M Deliband
71 - Letter, 'Effects of lightning at Dorking, 16 July 1750' from W Child to James Pilford
72 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments' by Benjamin Franklin
73 - Letter, 'Of a curious stone from Antigua; Of the rainfall in Antigua' from Francis Byam to William Fauquier
74 - Letter, 'Address on presenting a gold medal to Dr John Huxham for his paper on antimony' from George Parker to the Royal Society
75 - Letter, 'Of the Lisbon earthquake' from J Mendes Saccheti to De Castro
76 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 at 'Swanzey'' by John Blair
77 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 at Loch Ness' from Robert Gardener to Dr Stevenson
78 - Letter, 'The Thames at Rotherhithe on Nov 1' from Henry Mills to Thomas Birch
79 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 as felt at Geneva' from Trembley to Trembley
80 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 at Madeira' from Charles Chalmers to his father
81 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1' from Thomas Heberden to William Heberden
82 - Letter, 'Of the Lisbon earthquake' from John Latham to Peter Daval
83 - Pamphlet, 'Prizes for 1757' from the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie
84 - Paper, ''Diagrams of the 'Ye-kin of Pa-yua' entitled 'Specimen artis characteristicae cobinatoriae'' by Johann Thorson
85 - Letter, 'Of the water in Gowland's pond near Durham on Nov 1, as observed at Reading' from Spencer Cowper to William Clavering Cowper
86 - Letter, 'Earthquake of Nov 1, as observed at Reading' from Richard Phillips to Lewis Crusius
87 - Letter, 'The agitation of Windermere on Nov 1' from John Harrison to E Kenne
88 - Paper, 'Earthquake at Stamford on Aug 1 1755' by William Stukeley
Expand 89 - Paper, 'Of a curious fleshy coral-like substance' by Johann Albert Schlosser89 - Paper, 'Of a curious fleshy coral-like substance' by Johann Albert Schlosser
90 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1, at Neufchatel' from Rodolph Valtravers to Thomas Birch
91 - Letter, 'Earthquake of Nov 1, as observed at Greenock' from James Miller to Henry Baker
92 - Paper, 'Loch Lomond on Nov 1' by McFarlane
93 - Letter, 'Loch Lomond on Nov 1' from James Colquhoun to Mr Fletcher
94 - Paper, 'Two cases of diseased knee-joints' by Joseph Warner
95 - Letter, 'Of Manilla' from William Pye to Wilson
96 - Paper, 'Attempt to account for the rising of the sea at Lisbon after the earthquake' by George Edwards
97 - Paper, 'Observations on Malvern waters' by John Wall
98 - Letter, 'Of a fossil fish from Antigua' from Arthur Pond to George Parker
99 - Paper, 'Observations on the earthquake of Nov 1 made at Colares, 20 miles from Lisbon' by Stoqueler
100 - Letter, 'Of the case of a man who died after swallowing molten lead at the Eddystone fire' from Edward Spry to George Parker
101 - Letter, 'Of the case of a man who died after swallowing molten lead at the Eddystone fire' from Edward Spry to George Parker
102 - Letter, 'Of the case of a man who died after swallowing molten lead at the Eddystone fire' from John Huxham to William Watson
103 - Letter, 'Experiments of injections into to abdomen after tapping' from Christopher Warrick to the Royal Society
104 - Letter, 'Of a case of vomiting and its cause' from Charles Nicholas Jenty to Thomas Birch
105 - Paper, 'Of the late discoveries at Herculaneum' by Camillo Paderni
Expand 106 - Paper, 'Proposals to retard the putrefaction of animals in hot climates' by Stephen Hales and extract of a letter 'from Governor Belcher's Lady; dated Elizabeth town, New Jersey, Oct 22, 1755; concerning an extraordinary motion in the waters in the Lake Ontario in North-America' sent to Stephen Hales106 - Paper, 'Proposals to retard the putrefaction of animals in hot climates' by Stephen Hales and extract of a letter 'from Governor Belcher's Lady; dated Elizabeth town, New Jersey, Oct 22, 1755; concerning an extraordinary motion in the waters in the Lake Ontario in North-America' sent to Stephen Hales
107 - Letter, 'Earthquake at Glasgow on 30 and 31 Dec 1755. Also of a shower of dust which fell on a ship between Shetland and Ireland' from Robert Whytt to John Pringle
108 - Paper, 'Of recent earthquakes' from Guiseppe Lorenzo Bruni to Henry Baker
109 - Letter, 'Of the agitation of waters at Yarmouth on Nov 1' from Thomas Barber to William Arderon
110 - Paper, 'Of some fungitae and other curious coralloid fossil bodies' by Thomas Bunand
111 - Paper, 'Of a human concretion' by Charles Nicholas Jenty
112 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of 14 Nov' from Charles Bonnet to Abraham Trembley
113 - Paper, 'An account of inoculations, by Hans Sloane, prepared in 1739' by Hans Sloane
114 - Letter, 'Of his new institution of logarithms' from John Oxenham to the Royal Society
115 - Letter, 'Of the change in the baths of Toplitz' from Joseph Stepling to James Short
116 - Paper, 'Thoughts on Dr Hale's new method of distillation' by William Brownrigg
117 - Letter, 'Of a meteoric shower of stones on 3 July 1753, near the village of Strkow' from Joseph Stepling to James Short
118 - Paper, 'Agitation of water of Lachal Closeburn, Dumfries' by John Stevenson
119 - Paper, 'Tidal observations at Sheerness; others at Deptford' by Matthew Moriarty
120 - Letter, 'Of local tides in Chatham' from Michael Goden to the Royal Society
121 - Letter, 'Tides of last week at Woolwich Yard' from Walter Taylor to
Expand 122 - Paper, 'Of distillation' from William Brownrigg 122 - Paper, 'Of distillation' from William Brownrigg
123 - Paper, 'Of the earthquakes that happened in Barbary' from unknown author
124 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake at the Hague on Feb 18 1756' by Grovestius
125 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Holland on Feb 18' from J N S Allemand to Abraham Trembley
126 - Paper, 'Of irregular tides in the Thames in 12 and 13 February 1756' by William Mitchell
127 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Holland on Feb 18' from Robert Dingley to George Parker
128 - Paper, 'Of electrical vapour' by Giovanni Battista Beccaria
129 - Letter, 'Concerning electrical vapour' from A Bertrand to James Parsons
130 - Paper, 'Of the results of the earthquake at Lisbon' from unknown author
131 - Letter, Agitation of waters at Rochford, Essex, on Nov 1 1755' from Thomlinson to Dr Sykes
132 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Derbyshire lead mines' from William Bullock to Lewis Crusius
133 - Letter, 'Earthquake at Brussels' from John Pringle to Thomas Birch
134 - Letter, 'Earthquake of Nov 18 1755, as felt at Boston, Massachusetts' from unknown author
135 - Letter, 'Of the sinking of the river at Pontypool' from Edward Matthews
136 - Paper, 'Improving the refracting telescope' by David Wark
137 - Letter, 'Agitation of water at Queensferry, Nov 1, and of chandeliers in Hamburgh churches (the latter by Reymarus)' from Mark McCallum
138 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 1 at New York' from Cadwallader Colden to Peter Collinson
139 - Letter, 'Microscopical observations' from Edward Wright to Petter Collinson
140 - Paper, 'Of Count de la Garaye's styptic for stopping bleeding in amputations' by Guilliaume Mazeas
141 - Letter, 'A paralytic arm cured by electricity' from Cheney Hart to William Watson
142 - Paper, 'On the Brimstone Hill (La Soufriere) in Guadeloupe' by J A Peysonnel
143 - Letter, 'Request for a new Transit book' from Nathaniel Bliss to George Parker, President of the Royal Society
144 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake at Horseholes, 8 miles from Whittingham' from John Twentyman to George Parker
145 - Letter, 'Agitation at waters at Luton' from William Stukeley to the Royal Society
146 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 18 at Sandgate' from Samuel Warren to John Wyndham Bowyer
147 - Paper, 'An account by A. Trembley of the 'Essai sur l'histoire naturelle de la mer Adriatique' [Essay on the natural history of the Adriatic Sea]' by Vitaliano Donati
148 - Letter, 'Of building to obviate the effects of earthquakes' from C de la Torre to Ferdinand VI, King of Spain [English translation]
149 - Paper, 'On the stones in Nassau, Treves and Colen, resembling those of the Giants Causeway in Ireland' by Abraham Trembley
150 - Letter, 'Covering letter referring to the following item; and account of a Parthian coin' from Robert Clogher and John Swinton to Thomas Birch
151 - Letter, 'Of the case of smallpox referred to in the Bishop of Clodgher's letter' from Archibald Stewart to Dr Brett
152 - Letter, 'Of the machine to measure the way of a ship at sea' from John Smeaton to Thomas Birch
153 - Letter, 'Of the causes of earthquakes' from Vitaliano Donati to Abraham Trembley
154 - Letter, 'Of a succession of earthquakes at Brigue' from the Jesuit College at Brigue to Jean Jallabert
155 - Letter, 'Of the causes of earthquakes' from Vitaliano Donati to Abraham Trembley [English translation]
Expand 156 - Paper, 'Experiments to prove that the violet colour in the spectrum is casual and only a faint red' by unknown author [English translation]156 - Paper, 'Experiments to prove that the violet colour in the spectrum is casual and only a faint red' by unknown author [English translation]
157 - Letter, 'Signed by Arendt de Raedt, President and C C H van der Aa, Secretary' from the Dutch Society of Sciences to the Royal Society
158 - Paper, 'Experiments to prove that the violet colour in the spectrum is casual and only a faint red' by unknown author [Dutch original]
159 - Paper, 'Of papyri from Herculaneum; of certain astronomical irregularities; of earthquakes' from Charles Maria de la Condamine
160 - Paper, 'Observations upon the currents of the sea at the Anisles of America' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
161 - Paper, 'An account of Lacerta' by George Edwards
162 - Letter, 'Of an unusual agitation of the sea at Ildfarcombe, Feb 27 1756; and of the same at Dartmouth on 1 Nov 1755' from Henry Holdsworth and Mr Prince to Rev Jeremiah Miles
163 - Paper, 'Report of ashes from a haystack - a kind of potash' by William Watson
164 - Letter, 'Of the gravity of the air' from Silvester O'Halloran to Thomas Birch
Expand 165 - Paper, 'Method of observing the configuration (i.e. crystals) of snow' by Johann Nettis165 - Paper, 'Method of observing the configuration (i.e. crystals) of snow' by Johann Nettis
166 - Letter, 'A newsletter from Paris dated 17 November 1755. Refers to comte de Caylus's method of painting in wax; deplores coming war' from Guillaume Mazeas to the Royal Society [French original]
Expand 167 - Paper, 'Of a turbinate water-wheel' by William Stukeley167 - Paper, 'Of a turbinate water-wheel' by William Stukeley
168 - Letter, 'An account of Dr Wark's paper on improving refracting telescopes, which had been referred him' from James Short to Thomas Birch
169 - Letter, 'Of copper springs lately discovered in Pennsylvania' from John Rutty to Peter Collinson
170 - Letter, 'Count de Caylus's revival of wax painting' from Guillaume Mazeas to the Royal Society [English translation]
171 - Letter, 'Of earthquakes at Maestricht from 18 Feb to April' from Vernede to J N S Allemand
172 - Paper, 'Of earthquakes' by William Stukeley
173 - Letter, 'The agitation of the sea at Antigua on Nov 1, as reported by Capt. Affleck R.N.' from Charles Gray to William Watson
174 - Letter, 'Of a remarkable fossil Orthocertites' from Edward Wright to Peter Collinson
175 - Letter, 'Of a remarkable fossil Orthoceratites' from Edward Wright to Peter Collinson [Second letter]
176 - Paper, 'Of an astronomical instrument' by unknown author
Expand 177 - Paper, 'Of the situation of the islands of Solomon' by Nicholas Struyck177 - Paper, 'Of the situation of the islands of Solomon' by Nicholas Struyck
178 - Paper, 'Of a date, at Colchester, supposed in Arabic figures (1090), in Philosophical Transactions no. 266 (1700)' by Jeremiah Milles
179 - Letter, 'Of the use of the Downs' from C H van der A to George Parker
180 - Letter, 'Explanation of the Leyden experiment' from Benjamin Wilson to the Royal Society
181 - Paper, 'The greatest effect of engines with uniformly accelerated motion considered' by Francis Blake
182 - Letter, 'Arabic numeral 1144 on a stone in the foundations of the Black Swan, Holborn' from Jeremiah Milles to the Royal Society
183 - Paper, 'Journal kept at the Island Negrais in the Bay of Bengal' by the Officer of H.M.S. Colchester
184 - Letter, 'Agitation of the waters of a pond at Patmer Hall near Albury' from Thomas Rutherford to Samuel Squire
Expand 185 - Paper, 'Of two pegs of Roman lead, Domitian, 1 cwt 1 qr 16lbs each, found 1 and a half feet under the surface on Hayshaw Moor near Patelt Bridge' by John Ward185 - Paper, 'Of two pegs of Roman lead, Domitian, 1 cwt 1 qr 16lbs each, found 1 and a half feet under the surface on Hayshaw Moor near Patelt Bridge' by John Ward
186 - Paper, 'Of Mazeas's letter about Caylus's method of wax painting' by James Parsons
187 - Paper, 'Fragment of a surgical paper' by James Johnstone
188 - Letter, 'Two astronomical essays. I. Precession of equinox and nutation; II. Annual motion of the earth as affected by Jupiter and Saturn' from Charles Walmesley to James Bradley
189 - Letter, 'A medical case' from Archibald Stewart to the Bishop of Clogher
190 - Letter, 'Of his published papers on the Malvern waters' from J Wall to George Parker
191 - Letter, 'Of preparing and decyphering the Herculaneum papyri' from unknown author to George Parker
192 - Paper, 'Account of a pamphlet on the Lisbon earthquake' by M F P
193 - Letter, 'Account of some of the more rare plants observed in Leicestershire' from Richard Pulteney to George Parker
194 - Paper, 'Of a medical case' by James Johnstone
195 - List, 'Papers read before the Royal Society from St Andrew's Day 1755 to St Andrew's Day 1756'
196 - Paper, 'An account of two essays by Charles Walmesley' by Matthew Raper
197 - Paper 'Value of a life annuity of one pound' by William Braikenridge
198 - Paper, 'Case of a burn' by Hollenet Lambert
199 - Paper, 'Of the earthquake at Colen Liege and Maestricht on 19 Nov 1756' by Abraham Trembley
200 - Paper, 'Account of Gottlob Carl Springsfeld's Latin treatise sent to the Royal Society on dissolving calculi in the bladder; Carldbad water' by William Watson
201 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of 18 Nov 1755 in New England' from John Winthrop to Thomas Birch
202 - Letter, 'A case of leprosy from birth' from William Oliver to William Watson
203 - Paper, 'Of the strange effects of some effervescent mixtures' from James Mounsey to Henry Baker
204 - Letter, 'Earthquake at Norwich, 10 Jan 1757' from William Anderson to Henry Baker
205 - Letter, 'Of Malvern water' by J Wall to Charles Lyttelton
206 - Letter, 'Of Carlsbad waters' from Jeremiah Milles to George Parker
207 - Paper, 'An essay towards ascertaining the specific gravity of living men' by John Robertson
208 - Paper, 'The gut-ilium cut through and cured' by Peter Favers
209 - Paper, 'Concerning an electrical experiment' by Johann Heinrich Winkler
210 - Paper, 'A lunar rainbow at the Hague' by Pieter Gabry
211 - Letter, 'Of the Lisbon earthquake' from William Elsden to William Stukeley
212 - Letter, 'Of the Dudley fossil' from Richard Ossory to George Parker
213 - Pamphlet, 'The prizes for 1758' from the Académie Nationale de Chirurgie
214 - Paper, 'A visitation of of leprosy at Guadeloupe' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
215 - Letter, 'An account of the late discoveries of antiquities at Herculaneum' from Camillo Paderni to Thomas Hollis
216 - Letter, 'Of trees discovered underground in Mounts Bay' from William Borlase to Charles Lyttelton
217 - Paper, 'Of a newly-found medicinal wall at Moffat' by John Walker
Expand 218 - Paper, 'On Dr Hale's method of distilling salt water' by Keane Fitzgerald218 - Paper, 'On Dr Hale's method of distilling salt water' by Keane Fitzgerald
219 - Letter, 'Of certain shocks and earthquakes' from Abraham Trembley to Thomas Birch
220 - Paper, 'A brief botanical and medical history of the Solanum Lethale or Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade' by Richard Pulteney
221 - Letter, 'Of antiquities discovered at Herculaneum' from John Nixon to Thomas Birch
222 - Letter, 'Effects of a thunderstorm at Looe and Lanreath, 27 June 1756' from James Dyer and Edward Milles
223 - Letter, 'Extract of a letter sent from Philadelphia' from Benjamin Franklin to Peter Collinson
224 - Letter, 'Of a wreathed torque of brass shown to the Society on 24 February' from Richard Ossory to the Royal Society
225 - Letter, 'Of the same torque' from John Collet to Richard Ossory
226 - Letter, 'Alterations to the Pantheon at Rome' from unknown author to Thomas Hollis
227 - Letter, 'The thermometer reading at the Hague on 9 Jan 1757' from Abraham Trembley to Thomas Birch
228 - Paper, 'Experimental examination of platina, paper 5. Alloys of platina and gold' by William Lewis
229 - Paper, 'On the temple of Serpais at Pozzuoli near Naples' by John Nixon
230 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake shock at Naples, 11 Oct 1756' from Isaac Jamineau to Francis Haskins Eyles Stiles
231 - Paper, 'Experimental examination of platina, paper 6' from William Lewis
232 - Letter, 'A storm in Wigton' from Thomas Tomlinson to Philip Miller
233 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake of Nov 17 1755' from Mrs L Belchier to Stephen Hales
234 - Letter, 'Of cements' from John Smeaton to George Parker
235 - Paper, 'About the injury to Lostwithiel church steeple by lightning' by John Smeaton
236 - Letter, 'Of Lord Walpoles' death' from John Pringle to Robert Whytt
237 - Letter, 'In answer to Pringle's letter' from Robert Whytt to John Pringle
238 - Paper, 'On Lord Walpole's death' by John Pringle
239 - Letter, 'Extract of a letter' from Carolus Linnaeus to Thomas Pennant
240 - Paper, 'Subjects for prizes' from the Imperial Academy, Petersburg
241 - Letter, 'Of Mr Simpson's case' from John Pringle, Matthew Simson and Adam Austin
242 - Letter, 'Of a sheep disease' from James Parsons to Thomas Birch
Expand 243 - Paper, 'On vegetable impressions in the coal seams' by Emanuel Mendes da Costa243 - Paper, 'On vegetable impressions in the coal seams' by Emanuel Mendes da Costa
244 - Letter, 'Of one of the carved wooden images found hidden in a cavern in Jamaica and shown to the Royal Society on May 5' from James Theobald to George Parker
Collapse 245 - Paper, 'Of the grey coot-footed Tringa, a species of snipe' by George Edwards245 - Paper, 'Of the grey coot-footed Tringa, a species of snipe' by George Edwards
246 - Note, 'Concerning two specimens of silk-paper, now first made in England - one ream of each kind, by the desire of the Society of Arts' by Henry Baker
247 - Paper, 'Of corallines and other marine animals' by Job Baster
Expand 248 - Paper, 'Of a monster, 2 females, conjoined, Judith and Helena, born 26 October 1701, died 23 February 1723' by Justus Johannes Torkos248 - Paper, 'Of a monster, 2 females, conjoined, Judith and Helena, born 26 October 1701, died 23 February 1723' by Justus Johannes Torkos
249 - Paper, 'Of a dockyard operation at Portsmouth' by John Robertson
250 - Letter, 'On Dr Job Baster's 'Observationes de Corallinis'' from John Ellis to George Parker
251 - Letter, 'On an evening solar Iris' from George Edwards to Thomas Birch
252 - Paper, 'Two questions for premiums' by the Haarlem Society of Sciences
253 - Paper, 'Of the motion and sensibility of the Dura mater and brain' by James Johnstone
254 - Paper, 'Of a monster (amplified)' by Justus Johannes Torkos
255 - Letter, 'Of an extraordinary shower of black dust which fell in the island of Zetland, 20 Oct 1755' from Andrew Mitchell to
256 - Letter, 'Of the Rev. Matthew Simson's case (calculus)' from Adam Drummond to A Austin
257 - Letter, 'Of the effects of prickly pear and of indigo in colouring the juices of living animals' from Alexander Garden to Henry Baker
258 - Letter, 'Of the atmosphere of the Moon' from Leonhard Euler to Caspar Wetstein
259 - Letter, 'Reasons why the dropsy is frequently incurable' from Johannes Grashius to Henry Baker
Expand 260 - Paper, 'On corals' by William Stukeley260 - Paper, 'On corals' by William Stukeley
261 - Paper, 'Of the shape of the several provinces of China, Thibet wanting' by the Jesuit Fathers in Peking [Beijing]
Expand 262 - Paper, 'Of thermometers for particular uses' by Charles Cavendish262 - Paper, 'Of thermometers for particular uses' by Charles Cavendish
263 - Paper, 'Of a case of cancer said to have been cured by deadly nightshade' by Thomas Gataker
264 - Paper, 'Of the origin and uses of the lymphatic vessels. Extracts from the Gulstonian lectures of 1755' by Mark Akenside
265 - Letter, 'People of Great Shefford, Berks' from Richard Forster to the Royal Society
266 - Paper, 'Of an aneurism caused by a fall' by Joseph Warner
267 - Paper, 'Further experiments for increasing the quantity of steam in a fire-engine' by Keane Fitzgerald
268 - List, 'Papers read from St Andrew's Day 1756 to St Andrew's Day 1757'
269 - Paper, 'Of the eclipse of the Moon of 4 Feb 1757; and of Jupiter's satellites' by Johannes Chevalier and Theodorus de Almeida
270 - Letter, 'Of the efficiency of the Bark in a mortification' from Richard Grindall to William Watson
271 - Letter, 'Of toxicodendron; in reference to the letter from Ellis to P C Webb criticised in his former paper' from Philip Miller to George Parker
272 - Paper, 'An instance of the electrical virtue in the cure of a baby' from Patrick Brydone
273 - Paper, 'The resolution of a general proposition for determining the horary alteration of the position of the terrestrial equator' by Thomas Simpson
274 - Letter, 'On the perturbation of the Earth from planets' from A C Clairault to Gabriel Morris
275 - Letter, 'Heat of the air in July 1757' from John Huxham to William Watson
276 - Letter, 'The number of people in England' from Richard Forster to Thomas Birch
277 - Letter, 'Discovery at Herculaneum of a marble bust of Archimedes' from a gentleman at Naples to Thomas Hollis
278 - Letter, 'Of electricity in paralytic cases' from Benjamin Franklin to John Pringle
279 - Letter, 'Observations on Dr Huxham's paper on the heat of the air in July 1757' from John Smeaton to the Royal Society
280 - Letter, 'Of the comet of Sept and Oct 1757' from D Klinkenberg to James Bradley
281 - Letter, 'A shock of an earthquake at Fort Marlborough on the island of Sumatra on 3 October 1757' from Perry to William Stukeley
282 - Letter, 'The anatomical table of C N J, described by Dr James Parsons' from Charles Nicholas Jenty to Thomas Birch
283 - Paper, 'On the fall of water under bridges' by John Robertson
284 - Letter, 'An answer to Philip Miller's letter read on December 15' from John Ellis to George Parker
285 - Paper, 'On an earthquake in West Cornwall on 15 July 1757' by William Borlase
286 - Paper, 'Of a case of convulsive fits caused by worms' by Richard Oram
287 - Letter, 'Of the effects of the hot weather in July 1757' from John Huxham to William Watson
288 - Letter, 'Of a fossil thigh-bone from the Stonesfield Slate' from Joshua Platt to Peter Collinson
289 - Letter, 'Of the inoculation of horned cattle against the distemper' from Daniel Peter Layard to George Parker
290 - Paper, 'Two extraordinary cases of gall-stones' by James Johnstone
291 - Paper, 'A case of cohesion of the intestines' by Charles Nicholas Jenty
292 - Note, 'A stone dated 1689 'Rochabby'' by William Stukeley
293 - Letter, 'Acknowledging his election as FRS, mentioning a gold filament 5 ft long, 30 'baths' in the county of Zolia, Hemlock, Pertified wood' from Justus Johannes Torkos to James Parsons
294 - Letter, 'Notes on classics, embalming, wheat' from Peter Templeman to Thomas Birch
295 - Paper, 'Four rough calculi successfully extracted by lithotomy' by Joseph Warner
296 - Paper, 'Two memoirs. I. Of the naked snail which produces purple; II. New observation of the worms that form sponge' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
297 - Letter, 'An experiment to show that the salt of steel does not enter the lacteal vessels' from Edward Wright to Thomas Birch
298 - Letter, 'Dissertation on the antiquity of glass in windows' from John Nixon to Thomas Birch
299 - Paper, 'Of a machine shown to illustrate the tides and astronomical problems' by James Ferguson
300 - Paper, 'Agreeing with some of his views and dissenting from others (birds of passage)' from Peter Collinson to Jacobus Theodorus Klein
301 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Norwich, July 1757' by William Arderon
302 - Paper, 'Of an earthquake felt at Lingfield and Edenbridge' by James Burrow
303 - Paper, 'Of late discoveries of antiquities at Herculaneum; and of an earthquake' by Camillo Paderni
304 - Letter, 'A surgical case' from Robert Home to John Pringle
305 - Paper, 'A case of calculus' by Charles Nicholas Jenty
306 - Letter, 'Varitation chart for 1756' from William Mountaine to the Royal Society
307 - Letter, 'Sending the first volume of his Natural History of Senegal' from Michel Adanson to the Royal Society
308 - Paper, 'Observations on the Alga marina latifolia' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
309 - Paper, 'Observations on a slight earthquake at Guadeloupe' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
310 - Paper, 'The lunar eclipse of 1757 July 30, at Pekin [Beijing]' by Johann Wendlingen
311 - Letter, 'The Commons committee enquiring into the state of the weights and measures of the Kingdom would require the measures of extension of the Royal Society' from John Carysfort to George Parker
312 - Paper, 'Of a case of death from obstruction in the anus' from Charles Nicholas Jenty
313 - Paper, 'The earthquake of Nov 1 at Stockholm' by Lawrence Natter
314 - Paper, 'Of a curiously figured wood' by Joost Shut
315 - Paper, 'Of the effects of lightning at Shottesbrok, 20 July 1757' by James Theobald
316 - Letter, 'Of mines and minerals' from Nicolas de Himsel to William Watson
Expand 317 - Paper, 'Of a fossil alligator at Whitby' by William Chapman317 - Paper, 'Of a fossil alligator at Whitby' by William Chapman
318 - Letter, 'Of saltpetre' from Alexander Orme to Hans Sloane
319 - Paper, 'Of a Chinese book on perspective published 1735' from Antoine Gaubil to the Royal Society
320 - Letter, 'Of the productions of South Carolina' from Alexander Garden to Henry Baker
321 - Paper, 'Account of the Black Assize at Oxford, 1577' by the Merton College Register, University of Oxford and additional remarks by Thomas Birch
322 - Paper, 'Remarques sur le Ti-ouang-miao [Notes on Ti-ouang-miao]' by Antoine Gaubil
323 - Paper, 'A description of the plan of Pekin [Beijing]' by Antoine Gaubil
323a - Paper, 'Remarks on Ti-ouang-miao [English translation]' by Antoine Gaubil
324 - Paper, 'An account of some experiments concerning the different refrangibility of rays of light' by John Dollond
325 - Paper, 'An account of the Rev Mr Pullein's essay on the culture of silk' by James Parsons
326 - Letter, 'Experiments on a piece of iron 88 years on the spire of Norwich Cathedral in a vertical position not magnetic; of a sub-lingual concretion; of a solar halo and mock Sun' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
327 - Paper, 'Of some properties of air and fire' by Reverend Wood
328 - Letter, 'Of an abdominal tumour' from John Huxham to William Watson
329 - Letter, 'Of a contivance for the easy reading of languages' from Peter Lanthoine to William Watson
330 - Paper, 'A memorial pillar in Glamorgan inscribed BODVOC HIC IACIT' by Thomas Wright
331 - Letter, 'Of the migration of swallows' from Keane Fitzgerald to Peter Collinson
332 - Letter, 'Of a diseased eye' from Daniel Peter Layard to Matthew Maty
333 - Letter, 'Of a storm of hail in Virginia' from Francis Fauquier to William Fauquier
334 - Paper, 'Of the Mancheniville apple' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
335 - Letter, 'On the heat of the weather in Georgia in July 1758' from Henry Ellis to John Ellis
336 - Paper, 'Invention of a general method for determining the sum of every 2nd 3rd 4th or 5th term of a series taken in order, the sum of the whole series being known' by Thomas Simpson
337 - Paper, 'The eclipse of the Moon of 30 July 1757' by Johannes Chevalier
338 - Letter, 'Gives thanks on election as FRS [Fellow of the Royal Society]' from Juan de Schouvallow to the Royal Society
339 - Letter, 'Of a fossil from Whitby' from Wooller to Lascelles
340 - List 'Papers read from St Andrew's Day 1757 to St Andrew's Day 1758'
341 - Letter, 'Of the irregularities in the motion of a satellite arising from the spherical figure of its primary' from Charles Walmesley to James Bradley
342 - Paper, 'Of the Norfolk boy' by J Wall
343 - Paper, 'On the Corona solis marina Americana' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
344 - Letter, 'Descriptions of several new species of barnacle' from John Ellis to Isaac Romilly
345 - Letter, 'On the patella or limpet' from George Forbes to John Eaton Dodsworth
346 - Paper, 'Of the poisonous effects of hemlock dropwort (Oenanthe)' by William Watson
347 - Paper, 'Of cinnamon cassia' by Taylor White
348 - Paper, 'Meteorology of 1757' by Pieter Gabry
349 - Letter, 'Observations on the growth of trees' from Robert Marsham to Stephen Hales
350 - Letter, 'Of Roman antiquities found at Bossens, St Erth, Cornwall' from William Borlase to Charles Lyttelton
351 - Paper, 'On certain linear problems' by unknown author
352 - Paper, 'Of a Roman camp not far from Leicester' by Richard Pulteney
353 - Letter, 'Of staining or painting marble' from Robert Chalmers to Thomas Birch
354 - Paper, 'Of some ingenious woodwork' by Benjamin Savill
355 - Paper, 'Of the thunderstorm at Norwich on 13 July 1758' by Samuel Cooper
356 - Paper, 'Observations on the Sea Scolopendre or Millipas' by Jean Andre Peyssonel
Expand 357 - Paper, 'Of a scrotal hernia, with a note by James Parsons' by William Barrett 357 - Paper, 'Of a scrotal hernia, with a note by James Parsons' by William Barrett
358 - Letter, 'Remarkable case of a doe killed' from Thomas Knight to the Royal Society
359 - Paper, 'Extract of a memoir on the comet of 1682 read before the Paris Academy of Sciences' by A C Clairault
360 - Letter, 'Of a poultice for gout' from Richard Rouse to Thomas Hollingberry
361 - Letter, 'Of the thunderstorm at Norwich on 13 July 1758' from William Arderon to Henry Baker
362 - Letter, 'Receipt for gout cure' from W Fursman to Thomas Hollingberry
363 - Letter, 'Of four sculptured carcophagi discovered 4 miles beyond the Porta Praenestina, Rome' from Ridolfino Venuti to John Nixon
364 - Letter, 'Of meteorological observations by Richard Brooke in Maryland' from Henry Baker to George Parker
365 - Letter, 'Of Mount Vesuvius in 1756' from John Nixon to Ambrose Isted
366 - Letter, 'A monstrous lamb without a mouth' from John Hawkeens to William Watson
367 - Paper, 'Of an albino girl' by William Anderon
Expand 368 - Paper, 'Of a steady mounting for telescopes at sea, invented by Jeremiah Sisson and complaints of recent rejection of papers by the Royal Society' by William Stukeley368 - Paper, 'Of a steady mounting for telescopes at sea, invented by Jeremiah Sisson and complaints of recent rejection of papers by the Royal Society' by William Stukeley
369 - Letter, 'A case of ossification of tendons in a young man' from William Henry and the Earl of Shelburne to William Cadogan
370 - Letter, 'Of electrical and other cures' from Patrick Brydone to the Royal Society
371 - Paper, 'Thermometric observations' by Joseph Benvenuti
372 - Paper, 'Observations nouvelles sur les vers qui forment les eponges [New observations on worms forming sponges]' by unknown author
373 - Paper, 'Of the sea priapus' by unknown author
374 - Paper, 'Of gossamere (spider)' by James Burrow
375 - Paper, 'Description of the plant 'Ellisia' by unknown author
Expand 376 - Paper, 'Of a machine for grinding' by Abraham Gaitskell376 - Paper, 'Of a machine for grinding' by Abraham Gaitskell
377 - Letter, 'On the comet of 1682' from Barker to William Stukeley
378 - Paper, 'Of young vipers' by Erasmus Saunders
379 - Paper, 'On the return of the comet of 1682' by John Bevis
380 - Paper, 'Of the comet of 1692' by Nicholas Munckley
381 - Paper, 'Of fossil starfish in 'granate' from Antigua' by Henry Baker
382 - Paper, 'An embalmed human heart found within a pillar in the parish church of Sandbach, Cambs, four feet from the floor' by Robert Masters
383 - Letter, 'Of birds from Terra Firma, north of the river Amazon' from George Edwards to Hugh Willoughby
384 - Letter, 'Of a 'negro' woman [sic] gradually become fair skinned' from James Bates to Alexander Williams
385 - Letter, 'Of the cold winter' from Henry Ellis to John Ellis
386 - Letter, 'Cure of paralysis by electricity' by John Godfrey Teske to Jacob de Castro Sarmento
387 - Paper, 'A surgical case' by Edward Spry
388 - Paper, 'Account of a book on conic sections published in 1758' by Hugh Hamilton
389 - Letter, 'Of the case of ossification of tendons' from William Henry to William Cadogan
Expand 390 - Paper, 'Of the comet May 1759 as seen at Madeira' by William Hirst390 - Paper, 'Of the comet May 1759 as seen at Madeira' by William Hirst
391 - Paper, 'Memoire contenant quelques observations sur la generation du Tripoli [Memoir containing some observations on the generation of Tripoli] by Martin Hubner
392 - Letter, 'Of antiquities lately discovered in Italy' from Ridolfino Venuti to John Nixon
393 - Paper, 'A case of long-continued suppression of urine' by Ambrose Dowson
394 - Letter, 'Of a fireball seen 20 October 1759' from Richard Forster to Thomas Birch
395 - Letter, 'Of a meteor seen at Bath 20 October 1759' from Josiah Colebrook
396 - Paper, 'Thoughts on the impregnation of mineral waters; concerning sulphur' by John Rutty
397 - Letter, 'Effects of a thunderstorm at Rickmansworth, Herts, 16 July 1759' from Anne Whitfield to John van Rixtel
398 - Letter, 'Of the late comet' from Alexander Garden to Henry Baker
399 - Letter, 'Extraordinary effects of lightning' from William Mountaine to Gowin Knight
400 - Paper, 'Remarks on the preceding letter [L&P/3/399]' by Gowin Knight
401 - Letter, 'Of a physiological dissertation sent to the Royal Society' from Jean Bernard to James Parsons
402 - List, 'Papers read from St Andrew's Day 1758 to St Andrew's Day 1759'
403 - Paper, 'Address on presenting the Copley Medal to John Smeaton FRS' by George Parker
404 - Letter, 'Of the meteor of 20 Nov' from William Dutton to Thomas Birch
405 - Letter, 'The calculi lodged in the urethra successfully removed' from Joseph Warner to the Royal Society
406 - Letter, 'Of the recent comet' from John Michel to Thomas Birch
407 - Paper, 'Of the comet' by Nicholas Munckley
408 - Letter, 'Of the comet' from Mark Day to George Parker
409 - Paper, 'Of the vitrolic waters of Amlwch' by John Rutty
410 - Letter, 'Of a case of prematurity in a girl of 9 who was delivered of a bastard child' from Samuel Schmidt to R Maltravers
411 - Letter, 'Of inoculation' from unknown author to the Royal Society
412 - Paper, 'Of America nearest to Kamchatka; and account of Professor Krashcennikoff's book published in 1759 [English translation]' by D Dumaresque
413 - Paper, 'Of modes of tones in the ancient Graecian music' by Francis Haskins Eyles Stiles
414 - Letter, 'Of mutations of stars' from Thomas Barker to William Stukeley
415 - Paper, 'Extraordinary recovery from loss of speech' by unknown author
416 - Letter, 'Of the method of making Sal ammoniac in Eqypt, as communicated by Dr Hasselquist, a pupil of Linnaeus' from John Ellis to the Royal Society
417 - Letter, 'Asking what sum the Royal Society will pay to 'un Liegois' who has 'trouve le logitude'' from Joseph de Grandchamps to the Royal Society
418 - Letter, 'On earthquakes' from William Elsdon to William Stukeley
419 - Paper, 'A short description of certain high mountains abounding in fossil wood' by Samuel Christian Hollman
420 - Letter, 'Of electrical experiments' from Giovanni Battista Beccaria to Benjamin Franklin
421 - Paper, 'An uncommon case of haemophysis' by Erasmus Darwin
422 - Paper, 'Remarks on Beccaria's letter (L&P/3/420)' by Benjamin Franklin
423 - Letter, 'Of certain controversies between himself and Frere Come' from Claude Nicholas Le Cat to Thomas Birch
424 - Paper, 'An account of the book 'De la route de la lumiere' by the Revd Nevil Maskelyne' by J H Lambert
425 - Letter, 'An earthquake at Aleppo' from Patrick Russell to Alexander Russell
Expand 426 - Paper, 'Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations concerning the phenomena of earthquakes, particularly that of Nov 1 1755' by John Michell426 - Paper, 'Conjectures concerning the cause, and observations concerning the phenomena of earthquakes, particularly that of Nov 1 1755' by John Michell
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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