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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Letters, 'The approaching transit of Venus (includes copy of letter from the Empress Catherine to Count Orlow from Moscow)' from James Short to Matthew Maty
2 - Paper, 'Of some neutral salts made with vegetable acids and that the salt of amber is a particular salt' by Donald Monro
3 - Letter, 'The eruption of Mount Vesuvius of 1767' from William Hamilton to James Douglas
4 - Letter, 'Ascent of Vesuvius, January 24' from unknown author to Matthew Maty
5 - Paper, 'Of a worm voided by the penis' by J Vaughan
6 - Paper, 'Of the connexion between the parallaxes of the Sun and Moon; their densities and their disturbing forces on the ocean' by Patrick Murdoch
7 - Paper, 'On the force of percussion' by William Heberden
8 - Paper, 'Observations on the bones, supposed to be those of elephants, found near Ohio' by William Hunter
9 - Paper, 'A note concerning the the cold of 1740 and of this year' by James Short and John Bevis
10 - Paper, 'The latitude and longitude of the islands of St John and Cape Britain' by Wright
11 - Paper, 'The present air temperatures in Italy and that of seventeen centuries ago' by Daines Barrington
12 - Paper, 'Account of Dr Priestley's new experiments in electricity drawn up by Benjamin Franklin'
13 - Paper, 'An account of rings of prismatic colours formed by electrical explosions on metal surfaces' by Joseph Priestley
14 - Paper, 'On a method of preserving acorns in wax fit for vegetating; with a letter of approval from William Aiton of Kew' by John Ellis
15 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Carlisle in 1767' by George Carlyle
16 - Paper, 'Rainfall at Bridgewater, 1767' by unknown author
17 - Paper, 'Rainfall at Ludgvan, 1767' by William Borlase
18 - Letter, 'On the good effects of quasi root in some fevers' from Donald Monro and James Farley to Matthew Maty
19 - Paper, 'On pinguins' by Thomas Pennant
20 - Paper, 'Of the application of Dr Saunderson's therem to a curious question in chronology' by James Horsfall
21 - Paper, 'Of determining the solar parallax from the last transit of Venus' from Anders Planman to Matthew Maty
22 - Paper, 'Account of a new society in Holland for saving the lives of those apparently drowned' by Jan Albert Schlosser
23 - Paper, 'Of the manner of inoculation practised on the coast of Barbary and in Bengal' by Chais
Expand 24 - Paper, 'Memoire sur l'origine de la Belemnite [Memorandum on the origin of Belemnite]' by Philippe Fermin24 - Paper, 'Memoire sur l'origine de la Belemnite [Memorandum on the origin of Belemnite]' by Philippe Fermin
25 - Letter, 'Biblical chronology' from Antoine Gebelin to James Hutton
Collapse 26 - Paper, 'On Croton spiciatum' by Peter Jonas Bergius26 - Paper, 'On Croton spiciatum' by Peter Jonas Bergius
Expand 27 - Paper, 'A medical case' by Giuseppe Benvenuti27 - Paper, 'A medical case' by Giuseppe Benvenuti
28 - Letter, 'On comparitive language' from Antoine Gebelin to James Hutton
29 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Plymouth, 1767' by William Farr
30 - Paper, 'A new instrument, the dendrometer, for measuring heights, distances and angles' by John Duncombe
31 - Letter, 'Inoculation in Arabia' from Patrick Russell to Alexander Russell
32 - Letter, 'Of the winter in Warsaw' from N M Wolfe to Henry Baker
33 - Letter, 'Of the winter in Stockholm' from Peter William Wargentin to Nevil Maskelyne
34 - Paper, 'Introduction to Smeaton's papers no 35 and 36' by Nevil Maskelyne
35 - Paper, 'Of the menstrual parallax' by John Smeaton
36 - Paper, 'A new method of observing the heavenly bodies out of the meridan' by John Smeaton
37 - Paper, 'Two medical observations' by Giuseppe Benvenuti
38 - Paper, 'A new method of comparing curvilineal areas' by John Landen
39 - Paper, 'Preparation of animal tissues for study' by Joseph Reverdit
40 - Paper, 'Of a case of sleeping fits of long duration' by Maynard
41 - Paper, 'Of a chameleon' by James Parsons
42 - Paper, 'Regulations for the institution of an academy at Warsaw', on behalf of Stanislaw August Poniatowski, King of Poland
43 - Letter, 'Of a Punic coin from Gozo; of an inedited Punic coin' from John Swinton to Matthew Maty
44 - Letter, 'Of Mr Miller's experiments on sowing wheat' from William Watson to the Royal Society
45 - Paper, 'On the theory of circulating decimal fractions' by John Robertson
46 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants (2251-2300) from Chelsea Garden' by William Hudson
47 - Paper, 'Account of observations made by Mason and Dixon for determining a degree of latitude in the province of Maryland' by Nevil Maskelyne
48 - Paper, 'Account of a new map of the River Volga' by Johann Reinhold Forster to Matthew Maty
49 - Letter, 'Of the lymphatic system in birds' from William Hewson to William Hunter
50 - Letter, 'Of the heat in Rome August 1768' from James Byres to Matthew Maty
51 - Paper, 'Observations on Manchester waters' by Thomas Percival
52 - Letter, 'Of an Etruscan coin of Paestum; of a denarius of the Veturian family' from John Swinton
53 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made in the forks of the River Brandiwine, as to the local effect of gravity on the going of a clock sent out by the Royal Society' by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
54 - Letter, 'Of astronomical observations at Ewetzingen in 1767-8' from Christian Mayer to Charles Morton and James Douglas
55 - Paper, 'An easy method of making a phosphorus that will imbibe and emit light' by John Canton
56 - Paper, 'Of a blue substance found in a peat-moss, 12 miles from Aberdeen' by Sylvester Douglas
57 - Paper, 'Observations for determining the length of a degree of latitude in Maryland and Pennsylvania' by Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon
58 - List, 'Of the 53 papers reading during 1768 and of 8 papers missing'
59 - Letter, 'Weather at Totnes' from Edward Spry to Charles Morton
60 - Letter, 'On telescopes' from Leonhard Euler to the Royal Society
61 - Paper, 'On one of the laws of the resistance of fluids' by Etienne Francois Dutour
62 - Letter, 'Of a new method of preparing salep' from J Moult to Thomas Percival
63 - Paper, 'Of some caustic parabolic speclums, prepared at Dresden by the late M Hoesen' by N M Wolfe
64 - Paper, 'Stating that 4 years ago he has injected the lacteals of a tortoise with mercury' by Alexander Monro
65 - Letter, 'The writer claims priority over Dr Monro, as having injected the lacteals of a tortoise 5 years ago' from William Hewson to Matthew Maty
Expand 66 - Paper, 'Of an instrument for showing the places of the sun and moon, and the times of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites' by James Ferguson66 - Paper, 'Of an instrument for showing the places of the sun and moon, and the times of the eclipses of Jupiter's satellites' by James Ferguson
67 - Letter, 'Of the analogy between the Greek, Hebrew and Latin tongues' from Gebelin to James Hutton
68 - Paper, 'Of pins swallowed and discharged at the shoulder' by Daniel Lysons
69 - Letter, 'Of selling smallpox' from Robert Rymer to Daines Barrington
70 - Paper, 'Of M de Charniere's megameter' by unknown author
71 - Letter, 'Of Mount Vesuvius' from William Hamilton to Matthew Maty
72 - Letter, 'On trees supposed to be indigenous to Great Britain (Oak, chestnut)' from Daines Barrington to William Watson
73 - Paper, 'A surgical case' by Charles White
74 - Letter, 'Origin of a natural paper' from John Strange to Matthew Maty
75 - Paper, 'A Dutch account of a smallpox epidemic at the Cape of Good Hope' by Tycho Hoffman
76 - Letters, 'On a specimen of native tin' from Henry Rosevarne and William Borlase to Charles Morton
77 - Letter, 'On ague' from Ham Stacey to James Douglas
77a - Sketch, unnamed [Celestial longitude and its effects] by unknown artist
78 - Paper, 'Experiments on the latent force of electriccal explosions' by Joseph Priestley
79 - Paper, 'Account of Roger Joseph Boscovich's dissertationes quinque as dioptricam pertinentes' by John Bevis
80 - Letter, 'Asks the advice of the Royal Society on the protection of the cathedral from the lightning' from the Dean and Chapter of St Paul's Cathedral to James West
81 - Letter, 'Earthquake at Macao and account of monkeys without tails found in the interior part of Bengal' from Stephen De Visme to Henry Baker
82 - Letter, 'A high tide and bore on 21 January' from John Huxham to William Watson
83 - Letter, 'Of a death from lightning' from J Hinchcliffe to William Watson
84 - Paper, 'Demonstration of a law of motion in the case of a body deflected by two forces tending constantly to two fixed points' by John Robertson and John Jones
85 - Letter, 'Of the medicinal virtue of the bark of the wild cabbage tree of Jamaica' from Donald Monro to Matthew Maty
86 - Letter, 'Of interpreting Egyptian hieroglyphics' from James Stuart to Charles Morton
87 - Letter, 'Of nux vomica' from John Peter Wiel to the Royal Society
88 - Paper, 'Of Macao monkeys' by Sidney Swinney
89 - Paper, 'Meteorological register for 1768 at the Royal Hospital Plymouth' by William Farr
90 - Letter, 'Effect of a thunderstorm on the church of Buckland Brewer' from William Paxton to Jeremiah Milles
91 - Paper, 'Sketch of a work Sopra le riproduzioni animali [Above the animal reproductions]' by Lazzaro Spallanzani
92 - Letter, 'Of a plant lately discovered in the Isle of Skye' from John Hope to William Watson
93 - Letter, 'On the Irish language' from William Watkins to the Royal Society
94 - Paper, 'Dissertatio epistolaris de ossibus et dentibus elephantum [Dissertation about the bones and teeth of elephants] by Rudolf Eric Raspe
95 - Letter, 'Thanks for presenting his work to the Royal Society' from Lazzaro Spallanzani to Matthew Maty
96 - Paper, 'On animalcula in vegetable infusions' by John Ellis
97 - Paper, 'Of a remarkable Aurora borealis seen at Paris' by Charles Messier
98 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Ludgvan, 1768' by William Borlase
99 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Bridgwater' by Jeremiah Milles
100 - Letter, 'Of the computation of the Sun's distance from the earth by the theory of gravity' from Samuel Horsley to Matthew Maty
101 - Paper, 'On the last transit of Venus' from James Horsfall to James Burrow
102 - Letter, 'Of the late transit of Venus, with observations from Six, Ridout and Dean' from W D Brych to Charles Morton
103 - Letter, 'Of the late transit of Venus' from Samuel Dunn to Charles Morton
104 - Letter, 'On the transit of Venus' from Lionel Charlton to John Bevis
105 - Paper, 'An extra-uterine foetus' by John Dixon
106 - Paper, 'Report on preserving St Paul's Cathedral from the effects of lightning' by the Royal Society Committee
107 - Paper, 'The transit of Venus and the solar sclipse of 3 June' by Nevil Maskelyne
108 - Paper, 'Of the transit of Venus' by Thomas Hornsby
109 - Letter, 'Of the solar eclipse' from James Horsfell to the Royal Society
110 - Letter, 'Of the transit of Venus and the solar eclipse' from John Canton to Nevil Maskelyne
111 - Paper, 'Of the transit of Venus and solar eclipse, as observed at Kew' by John Bevis
112 - Paper, 'Of the late transit of Venus' by Samuel Horsley
113 - Letter, 'Of sepulchral inscriptions and carved figures discovered at Bonn in 1755' from John Strange to James West
114 - Paper, 'The lymphatic system in amphibious animals' from William Hewson to William Hunter
115 - Letter, 'Update on Endeavour voyage' from James Cook to Charles Morton
116 - Letter, 'Update on Endeavour voyage' from Charles Green to the Royal Society
117 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations in the northern districts of North America' by Samuel Holland
118 - Paper, 'Observations at Hammerfost' by Jeremiah Dixon
119 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations near Quebec' from Thomas Wright to Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 120 - Paper, 'Of the transit of Venus' by William Hirst120 - Paper, 'Of the transit of Venus' by William Hirst
121 - Paper, 'Of the transit of Venus as observed at Norton near Leicester' by William Ludlam
122 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made at Hammerfest for the Royal Society' by Jeremiah Dixon
Expand 123 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made a North Cape for the Royal Society' by W Bayley 123 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made a North Cape for the Royal Society' by W Bayley
124 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made for the Royal Society at Prince of Wales Fort, on the north west coast of Hudson Bay' by William Wales and Joseph Dymond
125 - Letter, 'The case of a cuticular glove' from B Gooch to Joseph Warner
126 - Paper, 'The lymphatic system in fish' by William Hewson
127 - Paper, 'Observatio ingressus Veneria in solem die 3 Junii 1769' by Anders Mayer
128 - Paper, 'Observation of the solar eclipse of 4 June 1769 near Leeds' by John Smeaton
129 - Letter, 'The solubility of iron in simple water by the intervention of fixed air' from Timothy Lane to Henry Cavendish
130 - Letter, 'A refracting telescope fitted for use as a microscope' from Thomas Short to the Royal Society
131 - Letter, 'Of rheum palmatum in bloom' from James Inglish to the Royal Society
132 - Letter, 'Of optical matters' from J H Magalhaens to Nevil Maskelyne
133 - Letter, 'Of the transit of Venus' from Joseph Jerome le Francois de Lalande to Nevil Maskelyne
134 - Letter, 'Transit of Venus observed at Stockholm' from Benedict Ferner to Nevil Maskelyne
135 - Letter, 'Of an oil sent from North Carolina by George Brownrigg' from William Watson to the Royal Society
Expand 136 - Paper, 'Of the lymphatics of the urethra and the head of a bladder' by Henry Watson136 - Paper, 'Of the lymphatics of the urethra and the head of a bladder' by Henry Watson
137 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea Garden for the year 1768' by William Hudson
138 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations for 1767' by Charles Messier
139 - Paper, 'Luminouness of the sea' by John Canton
140 - Letter, 'Of certain poisonous herbs' from de Norte to the Royal Society
141 - Letter, 'The transit of Mercury' from John Winthrop to Nathaniel Bliss
142 - Paper, 'Of Mr Tuberville Needham's conjecture as to the connexion between Egyptian hieroglyphics and the Chinese charters' by Charles Morton
143 - Plates, various figures and drawings by John Swinton and Francis Wollaston
144 - List, 'Papers read before the Royal Society in 1769'
145 - Paper, 'Account of his method of taking impressions by means of the tartareous particles of certain sources of water in Tuscany' by Leonardo de Vegni
146 - Letter, 'Of the Patagonians; written on board the the Swallow at Fort Famine' from Philip Carteret
147 - Paper, 'Of a method of working the object-glasses of refracting telescopes' by James Short
148 - Letter, 'A journey to Mount Etna' from William Hamilton to Matthew Maty
149 - Letter, 'Of a camelopardis found about the Cape of Good Hope' from Philip Carteret to Matthew Maty
150 - Paper, 'Experiments in support of the author's views as to the uses of the ganglions of the nerves' by James Johnstone
151 - Paper, 'Of the late transit of Venus' by Samuel Musgrave
Expand 152 - Paper, 'Of bones in the rock of Gibraltar' by John Boddington152 - Paper, 'Of bones in the rock of Gibraltar' by John Boddington
153 - Paper, 'Attempts to ascertain the temperature of the sea at great depths on the coasts of Lapland and Norway' by Charles Douglas
154 - Paper, 'De modo marmoris albi producedi [On the white marble produced]' by Rudolph Erich Raspe
155 - Letter, 'Of the supposed change in the Italian climate' from William Hamilton to Matthew Maty
156 - Paper, 'Account of a remarkable young musician, Joannes Chrysotomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart' by Daines Barrington
157 - Paper, 'The transit of Venus of 6 June 1761 and of 3 June 1769' by Samuel Dunn
158 - Letter, 'A medical case' from Rupert Gettliffe to Ferguson
159 - Letter, 'An improved wheel barometer' by Keane Fitzgerald to Charles Morton
160 - Letter, 'Of a boy who died of a gunshot wound' from Thomas Woolcombe to John Huxham
161 - Paper, 'The autumnal equinox ascertained' by William Rivet
162 - Paper, 'The weather at Prince of Wales Fort, Hudson Bay 1768-9' by J Dymond and William Wales
163 - Letter, 'Some rare British birds' from Daines Barrington to Charles Morton
164 - Letter, 'An account of some very perfect and uncommon specimens of Spongiae' from John Strange to James West
165 - Letter, 'On a method for preparing birds for preservation' from Thomas Davies to John Ellis
166 - Letter, 'On the appearance of lightning on a mainmast conductor' from Captain I L Winn to Benjamin Franklin
167 - Paper, 'Of lateral explosions in an electrical discharge' by Joseph Priestley
168 - Paper, 'Observations on charcoal' by Joseph Priestley
169 - Letter, 'Of the transit of Venus and the aberration of light' from John Winthrop to Benjamin Franklin
170 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations for 1769 at Bridgwater and Ludgvan' by Jeremial Milles and William Borlase
171 - Letter, 'Of the late transit of Venus' from Nathaniel Pigott to John Bevis
172 - Letter, 'On medical subjects' from Johann Peter Wiel to the Royal Society
173 - Letter, 'Of the manna tree and the tarantula' from Domenico Cirillo to William Watson
174 - Paper, 'Various notes on the transit of Venus as observed at Dinapoor 4 June 1769' communicated by the Court of Directors of the East India Company
175 - Paper, 'Of a machine for finding the roots of equations universally' by John Rowning
176 - Paper, 'Observations on the proper method of calculating the values of reversions depending upon survivorship' by Richard Price
177 - Paper, 'Of the blunt headed cachalot' by James Robertson
178 - Paper, 'A case of lithotomy' by Planque et al
179 - Letter, 'Of the annual overflow of the Nile' from Thomas Gale to James West
180 - Letter, 'On the preservation of dead birds' from Tesser Samuel Kuckhan
181 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on various phenomena attending the solution of salts' by Richard Watson
182 - Letter, 'Occultation of the star Tauri by the Moon' from William Ludlam to Nevil Maskelyne
183 - Paper, 'Experiments on the blood' by William Hewson
184 - Letter, 'On the preservation of birds' from Tesser Samuel Kuckahn to the Royal Society
185 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations' from J A Mallet to John Bevis
186 - Paper, 'To determine the lateral pressure of water' by unknown author
186a - Paper, 'Some new theorums for computing the areas of certain curve lines' by John Landen
187 - Letters, 'Extracts from various letters' from Alexander Rose to Patrick Murdoch
188 - Letter, 'Of an appearance like an aurora' from Edward King to the Royal Society
189 - Letters, 'On the preservation of birds' from Tesser Samuel Kuckahn to the Royal Society
190 - Paper, 'On the degree of heat which coagulates the lymph' by William Hewson
191 - Paper, 'The transit of Venus observed in California' by Vincent Doz
192 - Letter, 'Of certain medical cases' from John Latham to Joseph Warner
193 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made at Cavan for the Royal Society' by Charles Mason
194 - Paper, 'Of coagulable lymph and stopping haemorrhage' by William Hewson
195 - Paper, 'List of 50 plants from Chelsea Garden nos 2351 - 2400 for 1769' by William Hudson
196 - Letter, 'Twenty cases of compound interest' from John Robertson to James West
197 - Paper, 'Consideration of difficulties in the Newtonian theory of light' by Samuel Horsley
198 - Letter, 'Of a meteor seen at Oxford' from John Swinton to Matthew Maty
199 - Paper, 'Observations of the transit of Mercury at Norrington' by William Smith et al
200 - Paper, 'Observations of the immersions and emersions of Jupiter's first satellite at Funchal' by Thomas Heberden
201 - Letter, 'The transit of Venus observed at St Domingo' from Alexandre Gui Pingre to Nevil Maskelyne
202 - List, 'Papers read during 1770'
203 - Letters, 'On a new species of illicum linnæi, or starry aniseed tree, lately discovered in West Florida' from John Ellis to William Aiton
203a - Letter, 'The figure and character of that elegant American evergreen called by the gardeners the Loblolly Bay' from John Elllis to Carl Linnaeus
204 - Letter, 'Of the Abbe Chappe's observations on the transits and of his death' from Charles Messier to John Hyacinth de Magellan
205 - Letter, 'Observation of the transit of Mercury, giving times observed by J Winthrop' from Benjamin Franklin to Nevil Maskelyne
206 - Letter, 'Of the soil of Naples and the neighbourhood' from William Hamilton to Matthew Maty
207 - Letter, 'Of a bird from the East Indies' from George Edwards to James West
208 - Paper, 'Observations on the heat of the ground on Mount Vesuvius' by John Howard
209 - Letter, 'Of a new comet' from Charles Messier to J H Magalhaens
210 - Paper, 'Register of Holycross, Salop, from Michaelmas 1760 to Michaelmas 1770' by William Gorsuch
211 - Letter, 'About his late father's papers' from John Corham Huxham to the Royal Society
212 - Paper, 'Of the desirability of Navy surgeons testing the herbs of the countries they visit' by William Draper
213 - Letter, 'Of the manner in which the Chinese heat their rooms' by Stephen de Vismes and Gramont to Matthew Maty
214 - Letter, 'Of Mount Vesuvius' from William Hamilton to Matthew Maty
215 - Letter, 'Of the effects of a thunderstorm on St Kevern's church' from Anthony Williams to William Borlase
216 - Paper, 'Of a new equatoreal telescope' by Edward Nairne
217 - Letter, 'Of the weather at Plymouth' from John Corham Huxham to Charles Morton
218 - Paper, 'The nature of aurum mossaicum' by Peter Woulfe
219 - Letter, 'Of a supposed hermaphrodite' from Watson to the Royal Society
220 - Paper, 'Of a new hygrometer' by John Smeaton
221 - Paper, 'Of an extraordinary steatomous abdomical tumour' by P Hanly
222 - Paper, 'Account of Elden Hole in Derbyshire, with observations thereon by E King' by John Lloyd and Edward King
223 - Paper, 'The nyl-gau, an Indian animal' by William Hunter
224 - Letter, 'On chestnut trees' from Andrew Coltee Ducarel to William Watson
225 - Letter, 'On chestnut trees' from Daines Barrington to Matthew Maty
226 - Paper, 'Of the aphides of Linnaeus' by William Richardson
227 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Ludvagan, 1770' by William Borlase
228 - Letter, 'Experiments with the new phosphorus' from Giovanni Battista Beccaria to John Canton
229 - Letter, 'Of the cold in Cambridge' from Richard Watson to Matthew Maty
230 - Letter, 'Concerning the new comet' from J H Magalhaens to Matthew Maty
231 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, Rutland' from Thomas Barker to James West
232 - Paper, 'On some bivalve insects near Copenhagen' by O F Muller
233 - Letter, 'Of an epidemic in Hanover' from F E Wichmann to the Royal Society
234 - Letter, 'Description of two new tortoises' from Thomas Pennant to Mathew Maty
235 - Letter, 'Of Mr Wirz's machine for raising water' from R Valltravers to Matthew Maty
236 - Paper, 'Of Nyctanthes elongata' by Peter Jonas Bergius
237 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Caen in the years 1765-69' by Nathaniel Piggott
238 - Letter, 'Of a newly-discovered fish from the South Seas' from Michael Tyson to Michael Lort
239 - Paper, 'Observations on the comet of 1769 and on the remarkable appearances in the heavens in Oct and Nov of the same year' by Edward King
240 - Paper, 'A new mole from North America' by Daines Barrington
241 - Paper, 'Extracts from his journals, beginning 9 November 1770' by James Cook
242 - Letter, 'Descriptions of specimens of soils and rocks sent (with paper) from Naples and neighbourhood' by William Hamilton
243 - Paper, 'Of the falling of rain (at different heights)' by Marshall
244 - Paper, 'Experiments made in North Wales to learn the quantities of rain falling at different heights' by Daines Barrington
245 - Letter, 'Of a lightning conductor fixed on the steeple of Trinity Church, Chester' from John Haygarth
246 - Paper, 'On fluents and assignable by arcs of conic sections' by John Landen
247 - Letter, 'Of the height of his rain gauge' from Thomas Barker to James West
248 - Letter, 'Of the management of carps in Polish Russia' from Johann Reinhold Forster to Daines Barrington
249 - Letter, 'Elements of the recent comet' from Charles Messier to J H de Magelhaens
250 - Paper, 'Plan of a new observatory at Geneva' by Frederic Mallet
251 - Letter, 'Of a remarkable cold at Glasgow' from Alexander Wilson to Nevil Maskelyne
252 - Paper, 'Some experiments on putrefaction' by Lorenz Florenz Friedrich von Crell
253 - Letter, 'Of some plants indigenous to several parts of England' from Richard Hill Waring to Daines Barrington
254 - Paper, 'List of the 50 plants from Chelsea Garden for 1770, nos 2410-2450' by Stanesby Alchorne
255 - Paper, 'An enquiry into the value of the ancient Greek and Roman money' by Matthew Raper
256 - Paper, 'Transits of Venus and Mercury, 4 June and 10 November 1769, observed at Batavia [Jakarta, Indonesia]' by Johan Maurits Mohr
257 - Paper, 'Observations made at King George Island, in the South Seas' by Charles Green and James Cook
258 - Letter, 'Of a hard vein (quartz) in Pelletstown, Ireland' from Thomas Wilkes to
259 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on the Colombo root' by Thomas Percival
260 - Paper, 'Problems of a crust of spherical particles covering a surface' by Samuel Horsley
261 - Paper, 'Of Solway moss' by unknown author
262 - Paper, 'Of the going of an astronomical clock' by Francis Wollaston
263 - Paper, 'Of natron from Tripoli' by Donald Monro
264 - Paper, 'An attempt to explain some of the principal phenomena of electricity by means of an elastic sluid' by Henry Cavendish
265 - Letter, 'Configuration in a bottle' from James Ferguson to Matthew Maty
266 - Letter, 'Account of an uncommon bird from Malacca' from James Badenach to Matthew Maty
267 - Letter, 'The late eruption of Solway Moss' from Clarke to the Royal Society
268 - Letter, 'Of specific characters which distinguish the rabbit from the hare' from Daines Barrington to Samuel Wegg
269 - Paper, 'The preparation of essential oil of roses' by Daines Barrington
270 - Letter, 'On the body of Sir Reginald Bray, K.G., exhumed in Bury chapel, Windsor (in a suit of armour, temp Henry VII)' from John Corham Huxham
271 - Paper, 'An account of the sulphureous mineral water of Castle Leod & Fairbairn, Ross-shire and Pikeathly' by Donald Monro
272 - Letter, 'On the explosion of the Hounslow powder-mills' from J Hawkeens to John Yorke
273 - Letter, 'A curious medical case' from Thomas Henry to Thomas Percival
274 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Portsmouth' from Captain Wallis to George Witchell
275 - Letter, 'The transit of Venus' from J Lorimerto the Royal Society
276 - Letter, 'Of the irruption of Solway Moss' from John Walter to James Stuart
277 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1771' from T Barker to James West
278 - Letter, 'Celestial phenomena' from John Hyacinth de Magellan to Matthew Maty
279 - Paper, 'Directions for using the common micrometer' by James Bradley
280 - Paper, 'An attempt to explain why it is so much warmer in Europe than in America in the same degrees of north latitude' by George Edwards
281 - Paper, 'The moon does not spin' by William Gardiner
282 - Letter, 'On roots used by the Indians near Hudsons Bay to dye porcupine quilla' from Johann Reinhold Forster to William Watson
283 - Paper, 'The Sun's parallax deduced from obsevations of the recent transit of Venus' by Anders Johann Lexell
284 - Paper, 'Observations on different types of air' by Joseph Priestley
285 - Paper, 'Proof that no oil of vitriol is present in water impregnated with fixed air from chalk' by William Hey
286 - Letter, 'Titles of papers read before the Swedish Acadmey of Sciences between July 1770 and June 1771' from Peter Wargentin to John Ellicott
287 - Paper, 'Intestinal concretions from a horse' by John Dickins
288 - Letter, 'Observations during a voyage to Mocha; a new chart of the Red Sea' from Charles Newland to Nevil Maskelyne
289 - Letter, 'Additions and alterations to Hadley's quadrant' from Peter Dollond to Nevil Maskelyne
290 - Paper, 'Sending a bird from Gilbert White for the Royal Society' by Daines Barrington
291 - Letter, 'Concerning the evacuation of vessels; a hydraulic disquisition' from Charles Wildbore to the Royal Society
292 - Letter, 'An account of a new and singular species of oak' from John Zephaniah Holwell
293 - Paper, 'Of the migration of birds' by Daines Barrington
294 - Paper, 'Of a death by lightning in Tottenham Court Road chapel' by William Henley
295 - Letter, 'On electrical phenomena' from Thomas Ronayne to Benjamin Franklin
296 - Letter, 'A criticism of Charles Wildbore's paper' from Samuel Horsley to the Royal Society
297 - Paper, 'The sieve of Erathosthenes - his method of finding prime numbers' by Samuel Horsley
298 - Letter, 'A sketch of the signs of the zodiac found in a pagoda near Cape Cormorin in India' from John Call to Nevil Maskelyne
299 - Letter, 'On the effects of elder in preserving growing plants from insects' from Christopher Gullett to Matthew Maty
300 - Paper, 'Of some quadrupeds from Hudsons Bay' by Johann Reinhold Forster
301 - Letter, 'An account of the flowing of tides in the South Sea, observed from the bark Endeavour' from James Cook to Nevil Maskelyne
302 - Paper, 'The dip of the magnetic needle' by Robert Waddington
303 - Paper, 'Supplement to RR/5/297, being extracts from Nicomahus and Boethius' by Samuel Horsley
304 - Letter, 'Of a new electrometer by William Henley; and of several experiments made by him' from Joseph Priestley to Benjamin Franklin
305 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Ludgvan for 1771' by William Borlase
306 - Paper, 'Remarks on Hadley's quadrant' by Nevil Maskelyne
307 - Paper, 'Geometrical solutions of two celebrated astronomical problems' by Henry Pemberton
308 - Paper, 'Description of birds sent from Hudsons Bay' by Johann Reinhold Forster
309 - Letter, 'Of a thunderstorm near Aix en Provence and of the rainfall there in April 1771' from George Greville to the Royal Society
310 - Paper, 'Of the digestion of the stomach after death' by John Hunter
311 - Paper, 'Concerning a recommendation to him from the Royal Society Council on his setting out on a South Polar expedition' by Johann Reinhold Forster
312 - Letter, 'Of the well-preserved body of Thomas Beaufort, Duke of Exeter, uncle of Henry V, round at St Edmundsbury' from Charles Collignon
313 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations on Buxton water' by Thomas Percival
314 - Letter, 'Of the medical effects of a poisonous plant' from Richard Pulteney to William Watson
315 - Paper, 'Of making insinglass in Russia' by Humphry Jackson
316 - Letter, 'Of the cavern in Dunmore Park, near Kilkenny' from Adam Walker to Charles Morton
317 - Paper, 'Catalogue of the 50 plants 2451-2500, from Chelsea, for 1771' by Stanseby Alchorne
318 - Letter, 'Some electrical experiments made with charcoal' by Ebenezer Kinnersley
319 - Letter, 'Electrical experiments and phenomena' from William Hunter to the Royal Society
320 - Letter, 'Experiment with a black-bulb thermometer' from Richard Watson to Matthew Maty
321 - Letter, 'Fixed air in malignant fevers' from Thomas Percival to the Royal Society
Expand 322 - Paper, 'Of solar cyles, lunar cycles and horary cycles' by George Burton322 - Paper, 'Of solar cyles, lunar cycles and horary cycles' by George Burton
323 - Paper, 'A new construction of the sea-quandrant' by John Hyacinth de Magellan
324 - Letter, 'Of certain chestnut-woods in Kent - controversy with Daines Barrington' from John Thorpe to Matthew Maty
325 - Letter, 'On the early cultivation of botany in England, with some particulars of John Tradescant' from Andrew Coltee Ducarel to William Watson
326 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations made at Chislehurst' by Francis Wollaston
327 - Letter, 'Of chestnut woods in Kent' from Daines Barrington to the Royal Society
328 - Letter, 'On a solar iris and an Aurora borealis' from John Swinton to the Royal Society
329 - Paper, 'De intenso frigore [The intense cold]' by J H van Swinden
330 - List, 'Papers presented to the Royal Society in 1772, distinguishing between those printed and those not printed'
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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