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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Paper, 'Observations on the solar spots' by Alexander Wilson1 - Paper, 'Observations on the solar spots' by Alexander Wilson
2 - Letter, 'Experiments in dyeing black' from James Clegg to Thomas Percival
3 - Paper, 'Experiments with his electrical machine' by Edward Nairne
4 - Letter, 'Observations on the Chester bills of mortality for 1772' from John Haygarth to Samuel Horsley
5 - Letter, 'Population in Manchester and adjacent places' from Thomas Percival to Samuel Horsley
6 - Paper, 'Observations on siry blood' by unknown author
Expand 7 - Paper, 'An aneurism of the descending aorta' by William Andre7 - Paper, 'An aneurism of the descending aorta' by William Andre
8 - Letter, 'Effluvia of putrid marshes' from Joseph Priestley to John Pringle
9 - Letter, 'Improving the cross-wires of the telescope' from Alexander Wilson to Nevil Maskelyne
10 - Letter, 'Of a case of voiding stones through a fistulous sore' from Samuel Foart Simmons to Matthew Maty
11 - Letter, 'Of the disparation of Saturn's ring' from Josef Varelaz to Charles Morton
12 - Paper, 'Culture of the son or sun plant of Hindustan; and of making Hindustan paper' by Lieutenant Colonel Ironside
13 - Paper, 'Of pointed and blunted rods as lightning conductors' by William Henley
14 - Letter, 'Further proofs of insalubrity or marshy places' from Richard Price to Samuel Horsley
15 - Paper, 'Of De Luc's method of measuring heights by the barometer' by Nevil Maskelyne
16 - Paper, 'Of the petrified stratum formed by the waters of Matlock' by Matthew Dobson
17 - Letter, 'Of a hydraluric patent engine' from Christopher Gullett to Matthew Maty
18 - Letter, 'A case of extraordinary vegetation' from Robert Marsham to John Pringle
19 - Paper, 'Immersions and emersions of Jupiter's satellites observed in 1768 near Gaspel Bason' by George Sproule
20 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations made for ascertaining the longitude of several places in the northern districts of North America' from Samuel Holland to Nevil Maskelyne
21 - Paper, 'Immersions and emersions of the first satellite of Jupiter observed in the island of Anticosti, with deductions by the Astronomer Royal' by Thomas Wright
21a - Paper, 'Remarks on a passage in Castiglione's life of Newton' by John Winthrop
22 - Letter, 'An aurora' by I L Winn to Benjamin Franklin
23 - Letter, 'Of the Gillaroo trout' from Daines Barrington to Samuel Horsley
24 - Letter, 'Of the Gillaroo trout' from Henry Watson to John Pringle
25 - Paper, 'Of the Gillaroo trout' by John Walsh
26 - Letter, 'Of the solar spots' from Humphry Marshall to Benjamin Franklin
27 - Letter, 'Of the house-martin or martlet' from Gilbert White to Daines Barrington
28 - Paper, 'Catalogue of 50 plants from Chelsea Garden for 1773' by William Curtis
29 - Letter, 'Of a new species of oats' from J A Juncker to the Royal Society
30 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1773' by Thomas Barker
31 - Paper, 'Of de Luc's rules for ascertaining heights by the barometer' by Samuel Horsley
32 - Letter, 'Diagrams of sunspots' from Humphry Marshall to Benjamin Franklin
33 - Paper, 'Calculation of heights by the barometer' by Samuel Horsley
34 - Paper, 'Of the northern parts of the coast of Labrador' by Roger Curtis
35 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations at Chislehurst' by Francis Wollaston
36 - Paper, 'Description of the sea-snake (octopus)' by John Blankett
37 - Paper, 'Entrance of Mississippi and view of New Orleans' by John Blankett
38 - Letter, 'The case of Mary Clues who was burned to death' from B Wilmer to William Sharpe
39 - Paper, 'Some experiments on animal fluids' by Erasmus Darwin
40 - Paper, 'The treatment of amputations (use of an antiseptic tincture)' by Edward Spry
Expand 41 - Paper, 'Description of the double sector, with figures' by Andrew Marr41 - Paper, 'Description of the double sector, with figures' by Andrew Marr
42 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake shock' from Albert Haller to John Strange
43 - Letter, 'Use of the arms after the removal of the Os humeri' from James Bent to the Royal Society
44 - Letter, 'Of a stone identified as Quartzium fossils' from Joseph Banks to the Royal Society
45 - Letter, 'Of the death of certain lime trees' from Daines Barrington to William Watson
46 - Letter, 'The history of reindeer' from Daines Barrington to Charles Blagden
47 - Paper, 'Of a storm of lightning on 1 March 1774' by Nicholson
48 - Paper, 'Further experiments on lightning' by Benjamin Wilson
49 - Letter, 'Further inquiry as to the mineral elastic spirit in Pouhon water' from William Brownrigg to John Pringle
50 - Paper, 'Of mineral waters' by William Price
51 - Letter, 'Description of a cavern near Plymouth' from John Corham Huxham to Samuel Horsley
52 - Letter, 'Of stilling the waves with oil' from Benjamin Franklin to William Brownrigg
53 - Paper, 'Electrical experiments' by William Henley
54 - Letter, 'Of two snails revivified' from Stuckey Simon to David McBride
55 - Paper, 'Further considerations on the population of Manchester and the Warrington bills of mortaility for 1773' by Thomas Percival
56 - Letter, 'Of a man lighter than water' from William Benson Earle to George Lyttelton
57 - Paper, 'Voyage to the North Pole' by Daines Barrington
58 - Paper, 'Map of a new archipelago in the North; and native iron discovered by Pallas in Siberia' by Jacob de Stehelin
59 - Letter, 'Effects of heat and cold on butterflies and moths' from Thomas Harmer to Samuel Clark
60 - Letters, 'Of oil on waves' from William Brownrigg and Benjamin Franklin to each other
61 - Letter, 'Of ink' from Edward Bancroft to Samuel Horsley
Expand 62 - Paper, 'Of a double uterus and vagina' by John Purcell62 - Paper, 'Of a double uterus and vagina' by John Purcell
63 - Letter, 'Of the precession of the equinoxes' by Charles Wildbore to the Royal Society
64 - Letter, 'Of Gowin Knight's magnetical magazine' from John Fothergill to the Royal Society
65 - Letter, 'Of the work of the wheel-engraver' from F Dalrymple to the Royal Society
66 - Letter, 'Of specimens of native salts' from William Brownrigg to John Pringle
67 - List, 'Papers read in 1773 and 1774'
68 - List, 'Papers read between November 1774 and June 1775'
69 - Paper, 'Ancient weights and measures' by Henry Norris
70 - Letter, 'A group of basaltine rocks recently discovered near Padua' from John Strange to John Pringle
71 - Letter, 'Experiments on the torpedo' from John Ingenhousz to John Pringle
72 - Letter, 'On the atmosphere' from James Ferguson to Matthew Maty
73 - Paper, 'How to impregnate water with fixed air' by John Mervin Nooth
74 - Paper, 'Of a snake stone' by Richard Twiss
75 - Paper, 'Of the increase of water in deepmines, during east winds' by William Price
76 - Paper, 'Of musical instruments from the South Seas' by Joshua Steele
77 - Paper, 'Of the expansive force of fire' by William Jones
Expand 78 - Paper, 'Of the effects of lightning on the church at Buckland near Dover' by Samuel Foart Simmons78 - Paper, 'Of the effects of lightning on the church at Buckland near Dover' by Samuel Foart Simmons
79 - Paper, 'On the numerals of the Jews and Phoenicians' by John Swinton
80 - Letter, 'A general method of constructing figures for ship's cannon' from John Robertson to John Pringle
81 - Letter, 'A dripping needle' from J Lorimer to John Pringle
82 - Paper, 'Occultation of Saturn by the Moon' by unknown author
83 - Paper, 'Of a new colouring substance from the island of Amsterdam in the South Seas' by Peter Woulfe
84 - Paper, 'Observations on the bills of mortality in Chester, 1773' by John Haygarth
85 - Letter, 'Of the electric eel' from Hugh Williamson to John Walsh
86 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations in a heated room' by Charles Blagden
87 - Paper, 'The dripping needle at Albany Fort, Hudsons Bay, September 1774' by Thomas Hutchins
88 - Letter, 'Account of Gymnotus electrius' from Alexander Garden to John Ellis
89 - Letter, 'Supposed effect of of boiling water on its subsequent freezing' from Joseph Black to John Pringle
90 - Paper, 'Of the sea-cow and the use made of it' by Molyneux Shuldham
91 - Paper, 'Of sea-anemones' by Jacque Francois Dicquemare
92 - Letter, 'Of making ice in the East Indies' from Robert Barker to Richard Brocklesby
93 - Letters, 'Of the house swallow, of the swift or Black Martin, of the Sand Martin' from Gilbert White to Daines Barrington
94 - Letter, 'Of a machine for raising water in use at Culton in Cheshire' from John Whitehouse to Benjamin Franklin
95 - Letter, 'On the words preene and preening versus plume and pluming' from Gilbert White to unknown recipient
96 - Letter, 'Of two eclipses of the sun; also of Hebre and other numerals' from George Costard to unknown recipient
97 - Plates, 'Illustrations for the paper on imitating the effects of the Torpedo by means of electricity' by Henry Cavendish
98 - Paper, 'Of a general theorum for finding the length of any arc of any conic hyperbola by means of two elliptic areas' by John Landen
99 - Paper, 'Anemometrical observations at Cuneo, in Piedmont in Jan 1774' by G B Beraudo
100 - Paper, 'Meteorological journal for 1774, Bristol' by Samuel Farr
101 - Paper, 'Meteorological register at Lyndon, 1774' by Thomas Barker
102 - Paper, 'Observations in 1774 of the going of his astronomical clock' by Francis Wollaston
103 - Paper, 'Of circles inscribed in triangles and about them' by John Stedman
104 - Paper, 'Occulation of alpha and beta Tauri and theorum of polygons' by Anders Johan Lexell
105 - Paper, 'Expositio variroum methodrum pro computandis effectibus parallasticis circa transitum Veneris per Solem' [Explanation for the computation of the effects of the passage of Venus across the sun parallels] and 'Formula pro comput parallaxibus varii generis' [The formula for comput for various kinds of parallaxes]' by Anders Johan Lexell
106 - Paper, 'Of the vomiting gourd' by James Kerr
107 - Paper, 'Thermometrical observations at Allahabad [Prayagraj] and of the weather in Bengal; with note from Henry Cavendish' by Robert Barker
108 - Letter, 'Account of an extraordinary acephalous birth' from W Cooper to William Hunter
109 - Paper, 'The population of Manchester' by Thomas Percival
Expand 110 - Paper, 'Lyme Regis church damaged by lightning' by Robert Hamilton110 - Paper, 'Lyme Regis church damaged by lightning' by Robert Hamilton
111 - Letter, 'Note on nigrescent vegetables' from Edward Bancroft to John Walsh
112 - Paper, 'On producing and communicating colours' by Edward Bancroft
113 - Letter, 'On the effects of lightning on a house' from Richard Haffenden to William Henly
114 - Letters, 'On the torpidity of swallows and martins' from James Cornish to Daines Barrington
115 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations' by William Ludlam
Expand 116 - Paper, 'On the wind-gauge' by James Lind116 - Paper, 'On the wind-gauge' by James Lind
117 - Paper, 'De polygonis [The polygons]' by Samuel Horsley
118 - Paper, 'On amputations above the knee' by Benjamin Gooch
Expand 119 - Paper, 'Rock inscription near Boston, Massachusetts' by John Winthrop119 - Paper, 'Rock inscription near Boston, Massachusetts' by John Winthrop
120 - Letters, 'Discoveries on air' from Joesph Priestley
Collapse 121 - Paper, 'Account of the gymnotus electricus' by John Hunter121 - Paper, 'Account of the gymnotus electricus' by John Hunter
122 - Paper, 'Observations made in 1771 in Abyssinia, on myrrh' by James Bruce
123 - Letter, 'A Giant's Causeway near Padua' from John Strange to John Pringle
124 - Paper, 'Duration of human life in town and country compared' by Richard Price
125 - Paper, 'Production of heat by animals and vegetables' by John Hunter
126 - Letter, 'Heat of London and Edinburgh compared' from John Roebuck to William Heberden
127 - Letter, 'Experiments in a heated room' from Matthew Dobson to John Fothergill
128 - Letter, 'Observations in the East Indies' from James Berkenhout to unknown recipient
129 - Letter, 'Of spheric triangles [spherical trigonometry] from Israel Lyons to John Pringle
130 - Paper, 'Observations on Schiehallien' by Nevil Maskelyne
131 - Paper, 'A proposal for measuring the attraction of some hill in the kingdom' by Nevil Maskelyne
132 - Paper, 'Further experiments in a heated room' by Charles Blagden
133 - Paper, 'Weather in London in 1774' by Samuel Horsley
134 - Letter, 'On gorgonia' from John Ellis to Daniel Charles Solander
135 - Paper, 'Observations of stars made with the zenith sector on Schiehallien' by Nevil Maskelyne
136 - List, 'Papers read between November 1775 and June 1776'
137 - Paper, 'On the division of right lines, surfaces and solids' by James Glenie
138 - Paper, 'A method of finding time by equal altitudes' by Alexander Aubert
139 - Paper, 'The Falkland Islands' by S W Clayton
140 - Letter, 'Of life annuities' from Richard Price to John Pringle
141 - Letter, 'An account of the Romansh language' from Joseph Planta to John Pringle
142 - Letter, 'Experiments on the water lately discovered near Stonehouse' from William Cookworthy to Francis Geach
143 - Letter, 'Of a subterrenean cavern near Stonehouse' from Francis Geach to George Edgcumbe
144 - Letter, 'Treatment of apoplexy' from Christopher Warrick to unknown recipient
145 - Letter, 'Of a female dwarf' from John Cullum to Joseph Banks
146 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations made in the Spanish Netherlands' from Nathaniel Pigott to Maskelyne
147 - Paper, 'Of the medical virtues of different kinds of air' by James Johnstone
148 - Paper, 'Of a supposed analogy between the ancient English weights and measures' by Henry Norris
149 - Paper, 'Violent asthmatic fits occasioned by the effluvia of ipecacuanha' by William Scott
150 - Letter, 'Of a storm at Bridgnorth' from John Congreave to Owen Salusbury Brereton
151 - Letter, 'Observations of the dipping needle and of freezing memory at Albany Fort, Hudson's Bay' from Thomas Hutchins to
152 - Paper, 'Some attempts to imitate the effects of the torpedo by electricity' by Henry Cavendish
153 - Paper, 'Observations of respiration and on the use of the blood' by Joseph Priestley
154 - Paper, 'The population of Manchester' by Thomas Percival
155 - Letter, 'Of the ice of sea-water' from Edward Nairne to John Pringle
156 - Letter, 'First of three journeys from Cape Town into the interior, in search of plants for Kew Gardens' from Francis Masson to John Pringle
157 - Paper, 'An account of the meteorological and magnetic instruments belonging to the Royal Society' by Henry Cavendish
158 - Paper, 'Astronomical observations in the Austrian Netherlands in 1772 and 1773' by Natheniel Pigott
159 - Paper, 'Of the origin of the Lues venerea' by William Hunter
160 - Paper, 'Second journey from Cape Town, in search of plants for Kew Gardens' by Francis Masson
161 - Paper, 'Third journey from Cape Town, in search of plants for Kew Gardens' by Francis Masson
162 - Paper, 'L'art d'essayer les urines par le feu [The art of trying urine by fire]' by Bosc-D'Antic
163 - Letter, 'How health was kept on board the Resolution' from James Cook to John Pringle
164 - Paper, 'Extraordinary electricity in the atmosphere in October 1775; and electrical kite' by Tiberius Cavallo
165 - Letter, 'Of blindness from eating certain oysters' from Samuel Musgrave to John Pringle
166 - Letter, 'Of Roman weights and mesaures' from Henry Norris to Richard Brocklesby
167 - Paper, 'Proposals for the recovery of people apparently drowned' by John Hunter
168 - Letter, 'Experiments in a heated chamber' from Thomas Henry, C Taylor and Thomas Smith to Samuel Horsley
169 - Letter, 'The case of James Langford, a cure of wounded intestines' from C Nourse to George Scott
170 - Letter, 'Concerning some oysters' from Richard Rosdew to Samuel Musgrave
171 - Letter, 'Of Minorca' from Alexander Small to John Pringle
172 - Letter, 'Of the tides in the South Seas' from James Cook to John Pringle
Expand 173 - Paper, 'Of the quantity and proportion of mechanical power required to give different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies' by John Smeaton173 - Paper, 'Of the quantity and proportion of mechanical power required to give different degrees of velocity to heavy bodies' by John Smeaton
174 - Letters, 'Effects of lightning on a bullock' from James Lambert and William Green to William Henly
175 - Letter, 'Of phosphorus' from Giambattista Beccaria to John Hyacinth de Magellan
176 - Paper, 'On phosphorus' by Giambattista Beccaria
Expand 177 - Paper, 'Of hygrometers' by John Coventry177 - Paper, 'Of hygrometers' by John Coventry
178 - Paper, 'Of the light produced by inflammation' by George Fordyce
179 - Letter, 'Experiments on ignited bodies' from John Roebuck to John Pringle
180 - Paper, 'On a new apparatus for perpetual electricity' by William Henly
181 - Letter, 'Of iron ore in Siberia' from Peter Simon Pallas to Matthew Maty
182 - Paper, 'Of crystallizations in glass' by James Keir
183 - Paper, 'A case of suppression of urine caused by an operation' by Robert Hamilton
184 - Letter, 'Of Roman weights and measures' from Henry Norris to Richard Brocklesby
185 - Letter, 'Of poisonous fish in the South Seas - voyage of HMS Resolution' from William Anderson to
186 - Paper, 'Experiments on the nerves of living animals' by William Cruickshank
187 - Letter, 'Introduction to paper, 'Experiments made to ascertain the nature of some mineral bodies'' from Peter Woulfe to unknown recipient
188 - Paper, 'Experiments made to ascertain the nature of some mineral bodies' by Peter Woulfe
189 - Letter, 'Of ignited substances' from John Whitehurst to James Stuart
190 - Paper, 'Of the late severe frosts' by Anthony Fothergill
191 - Letter, 'An account of the electrical researches and the electrical machine of the late Gowin Knight' from John Fothergill to the Royal Society
192 - Letter, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1775; on parting fresh water from salt by freezing' from Thomas Barker to John Pringle
193 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Bristol, 1775' by Samuel Farr
194 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations, March 1775 to March 1776' by the Royal Society
195 - Paper, 'Of the teeth' by C Este
196 - Paper, 'A train of wheelwork for mean lunations; with cover letter from Comte Bruhl' by Thomas Mudge
197 - Paper, 'Disquisitio problematica; specimen calsuli figuralis [Problematic inquiry; a figurative example of calculi]' by Georg Samuel Rechel
198 - Letter, 'Concerning papers on the transit of Venus, from Pekin [Beijing]' from Louis Cipolla to the Royal Society
199 - Paper, 'Of experiments on weight in relation to the earth' by George Louis Le Sage
200 - Letter, 'Concerning papers on the transit of Venus' from Louis Cipolla to unknown recipient
201 - Paper, 'Selenites in Rhabarbaro noviter detecta [In recent disclosures of rhubarb selenite]' by Johann Georg Model
Expand 202 - Paper, 'Of a new-invented steam engine' by Richard Corol202 - Paper, 'Of a new-invented steam engine' by Richard Corol
203 - Paper, 'Inequalities in human uterers; with abstract by William Hunter' by Marco Antonio Leopoldo Caldani
204 - Letter, 'Methode de puerir plusieurs maladies par l'emphysieme artificial [Method of acquiring several diseases by artificial emphysieme]' from David Henri Gallandat to unknown recipient
205 - Letter, 'Essay towards discovering the degree of cold' from Joseph Mead to Joseph Planta
Expand 206 - Paper, 'Le cause de la diversite des couleurs [The cause of the diversity of colors]' by Paul Gaussen206 - Paper, 'Le cause de la diversite des couleurs [The cause of the diversity of colors]' by Paul Gaussen
207 - Paper, 'Memoire sur la regeneration partielle et totale des os clindriques du corps humain [Memoir on the partial and total regeneration of the clindric bones of the human body]' by Berthelemi Vigaroux
Expand 208 - Paper, 'The natural history of the Gnou [Wildebeest]' by William Harvey 208 - Paper, 'The natural history of the Gnou [Wildebeest]' by William Harvey
209 - Letters, 'Of a fasting woman' from Alexander MacKenzie to John Pringle
210 - Letter, 'Of a spirituous liquor distilled from potatoes' from Robert Menzies to unknown recipient
211 - Letter, 'Of washing the trunks of fruit trees' from R Marhsam to Charles Moss
212 - Paper, 'Discoveries of sex in bees' by John Debraw
213 - Letter, 'Account of a portrait of Copernicus presented by him to the Society' from Nathaniel Matthew Wolf to John Hyacinth de Magellan
214 - Letter, 'Of a volcanic hill near Inverness' from Thomas West to Timothy Lane
Expand 215 - Paper, 'Of a new species of cuckoo, culculus indicator' by Anders Sparrman215 - Paper, 'Of a new species of cuckoo, culculus indicator' by Anders Sparrman
Expand 216 - Paper, 'Account of some electrical experiments and of an atmospheric electrometer' by Tiberius Cavallo216 - Paper, 'Account of some electrical experiments and of an atmospheric electrometer' by Tiberius Cavallo
217 - Paper, 'Third memoir on sea-anemones' by J F Dicquemare
218 - Paper, 'Of Pen Park Hole, a cavern four miles from Bristol' by George Catcott
219 - Paper, 'On electricity' by William Henly
220 - Paper, 'Of the tides in the Adriatic, with letter from John Strange' by Giuseppe Toaldi
221 - Letter, 'On the difference in longitude of Paris and Greenwich observatories' from Peter William Wargentin to Nevil Maskelyne
222 - Letter, 'Fumigation applied to a consumptive patient' from John Know to Samuel Horsley
223 - Paper, 'A method of finding the value of an infinite series' by Francis Maseres
224 - Paper, 'Of a passage in Ebn Younges' by G Costard
225 - Paper, 'Annual evaporation in Liverpool' by Matthew Dobson
226 - Letter, 'An account of persons who could not distinguish colours' from Joseph Huddart to Joseph Priestley
227 - Paper, 'A new law of resistance of fluids' by George Rogers
228 - Paper, 'Of a new method of opening the femoral artery' by William Butter
Expand 229 - Paper, 'An account of a new theory of rotatory motion of bodies' by John Landen229 - Paper, 'An account of a new theory of rotatory motion of bodies' by John Landen
230 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1776' by Thomas Barker
231 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Bristol, 1776' by Samuel Farr
Expand 232 - Paper, 'Of the springs of carriages' by Richard Lovell Edgworth232 - Paper, 'Of the springs of carriages' by Richard Lovell Edgworth
Expand 232a - Paper, 'Of the specula of reflecting telescopes' by John Mudge232a - Paper, 'Of the specula of reflecting telescopes' by John Mudge
233 - Paper, 'General mathematical laws; comparison of magnitudes' by James Glenie
234 - Letter, 'Of a pneumometer' from William Falconer to John Pringle
235 - Letter, 'Of a new clock and pendulum' from William Coombe to John Pringle
236 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations' from Nathaniel Matthew Wolf to John Hyacinth de Magellan
237 - Letter, 'Observations du barometre faites au Hartz, dans les mines de Clausthal [Observations of the barometer made at Hartz, in the Clausthal mines]' from Jean Andre De Luc to John Pringle [English translation]
238 - Letter, 'The case of Anne Davenport' from F B Finney to John Pringle
239 - Letter, 'Observations du barometre faites au Hartz, dans les mines de Clausthal [Observations of the barometer made at Hartz, in the Clausthal mines]' from Jean Andre De Luc to John Pringle [French original]
240 - Paper, 'Nouvelles observations and lithologiques sur la formation du silex [New and lithological observations on the formation of flint]' by Charles Bacheley [French original]
241 - Paper, 'Nouvelles observations and lithologiques sur la formation du silex [New and lithological observations on the formation of flint]' by Charles Bacheley [English translation]
242 - Letters, 'On various subjects' from Charles Bacheley to Joseph Planta
243 - Letter, 'Account of the kingdom of Thibet' from John Stewart to John Pringle
244 - Letter, 'Of the wind required to move the heavier kind of wind machine' from John Stedman to Samuel Horsley
245 - Letter, 'Jesuit's bark tree; Cabbage bark tree' from William Wright to John Ellis
246 - Letter, 'Of an aurora borealis' from Jean Castilllon to John Hyacinth de Magellan
Expand 247 - Paper, 'Experiments to ascertain the heights of mountains by the barometer' by George Augustus William Shuckburgh247 - Paper, 'Experiments to ascertain the heights of mountains by the barometer' by George Augustus William Shuckburgh
Expand 248 - Letter, 'Of the Brahmin observatory at Benares [Jantar Mantar, Varanasi]' from Robert Barker to John Pringle248 - Letter, 'Of the Brahmin observatory at Benares [Jantar Mantar, Varanasi]' from Robert Barker to John Pringle
249 - Letter, 'Of the washing of tree trunks' from Robert Marsham to Charles Moss
250 - Paper, 'Experiments with Smeaton's air pump' by Edward Nairne
251 - Paper, 'New and singular phenomena of electricity' by William Henly
Expand 252 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations for ascertaining heights by the barometer' by William Roy252 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations for ascertaining heights by the barometer' by William Roy
253 - Paper, 'Of the heat of animals and vegetables' by John Hunter
254 - Paper, 'Of the illness and death of Mr Maty' by William Hunter and Henry Watson
255 - Paper, 'Of the indication of the black-bulk thermometer' by Timothy Lane
256 - Letter, 'Of growing pineapples' from William Bastard to Samuel Musgrave
257 - Paper, 'Report on the graduation of thermometers' by the Royal Society Commitee
258 - Paper, 'Of a new micrometer and megameter' by Roger Joseph Boscovich
259 - Letter, 'Concerning traces of Rhine volcanoes' from William Hamilton to John Pringle
260 - Paper, 'Of the prismatic micrometer; with certificates by Alexander Aubert and Peter Dollond' by Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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