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Collapse L&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal SocietyL&P - Letters and Papers of a scientific nature submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society1 - Decade 1 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society2 - Decade 2 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society3 - Decade 3 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society4 - Decade 4 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society5 - Decade 5 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society6 - Decade 6 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society7 - Decade 7 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Collapse 8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society8 - Decade 8 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
1 - Letter, The name of a new planet [Uranus] is announced as Georgium Sidus; with a description of the same' from William Herschel to Joseph Banks
2 - Paper, 'Experiments on the air contained in the mineral water of Buxton' by George Pearson
3 - Paper, 'Of the organ of hearing in fish' by John Hunter
4 - Paper, 'Of the attractive powers of the mineral acids' by Richard Kirwan
5 - Paper, 'Of a monstrous sarcocele' by J P Schotte
6 - Paper, 'Description of a new kind of eye-glasses for such telescopes as may be applied to mathematical instruments' by Jesse Ramsden
Expand 7 - Paper, 'Various letters and drafts and two drawings' by Alexander Wilson7 - Paper, 'Various letters and drafts and two drawings' by Alexander Wilson
8 - Paper, 'Of the production and growth of corallines in artificial sea-water' by Edmund Rack
9 - Letter, 'Of the force and velocity of the wind' from Richard Lovell Edgworth to Joseph Banks
10 - Letter, 'Concerning the spontaneous firing of a mixture of lamp-black and linseed oil' from Samuel Greig to Thomas Dimsdale
11 - Letter, 'Of a lunar iris' from Marmaduke Tunstall to Joseph Banks
12 - Letter, 'Concerning an earthquake' from John Lloyd to Joseph Banks
13 - Paper, 'Of a worm found in a dog's kidney' by Hamilton
14 - Paper, 'Of melting ice in the river St Lawrence' by Schaw
15 - Paper, 'On some points in the agriculture of Norfolk' by William Marshall
16 - Letter, 'The effect of lightning on metallic wires' from Edward Nairne to Joseph Banks
17 - Paper, 'Concerning the nature and origin of ambergrise' by F[ranz] X[avier] Swediaur
Expand 18 - Paper, 'Account of the new eudiometry' by Henry Cavendish18 - Paper, 'Account of the new eudiometry' by Henry Cavendish
Expand 19 - Paper, 'On the proper motion of the Sun and the solar system' by William Herschel19 - Paper, 'On the proper motion of the Sun and the solar system' by William Herschel
20 - Paper, 'Memoire sur le maniere de preparer le sel fusible de l'urine blanc et l'acide phosphorique parfaitement transparent [Memoir on how to prepare the fusible salt of white urine and perfectly transparent phosphoric acid]' by Louis Joseph d'Albert d'Ailly Picquigny
21 - Paper, 'Memoire sur le maniere de preparer le sel fusible de l'urine blanc et l'acide phosphorique parfaitement transparent [English translation]' by Louis Joseph d'Albert d'Ailly Picquigny
22 - Paper, 'Methodus inveniendi lineas curbas ex proprietatibus variationis curvaturas [A method for finding the properties of variation, that is, from the curvature of the lines of curbs]' by Nicolaus Landerbeck
23 - Paper, 'Some experiments upon black wadd' by Josiah Wedgwood
24 - Letter, 'The transit of Mercury' from James Hamilton to Nevil Maskelyne
25 - Paper, 'Postscript on the proper motion of the Sun and the solar system' by William Herschel
26 - Paper, 'Experiments for determining the freezing point of quicksilver' by Thomas Hutchins
27 - Paper, 'The occultation of Algol' by William Herschel
28 - Letter, 'Of Algol and its variations' from John Goodricke to Shepherd
29 - Paper, 'On Mr Hutchin's experiments for determining the degree of cold' by Henry Cavendish
30 - Paper, 'History of the congelation of quicksilver' by Charles Blagden
31 - Letter, 'Experiments on phlogiston' from Joseph Priestley to Joseph Banks
Expand 32 - Paper, 'Description of an improved air pump' by Tiberius Cavallo32 - Paper, 'Description of an improved air pump' by Tiberius Cavallo
33 - Letter, 'Earthquakes in Calabria, 1783' from William Hamilton to Joseph Banks
34 - Letter, 'Record of the earthquake of 28 March 1783' from Francesco d'Ippolito to William Hamilton
35 - Paper, 'The point of mercurial congelation' by Thomas Hutchins
36 - Letter, 'On the hydrogen balloon' from Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Banks
37 - Letter, 'On the hot-air balloon' from Benjamin Franklin to Joseph Banks
38 - Paper, 'Plan for observing the meteors called fire-balls' by Nevil Maskelyne
39 - Letter, 'On variations of light in the star Algol' by Henry Charles Englefield
40 - Paper, 'Of the variations in Algol' by Cassini de Thury
41 - Paper, 'Earthquakes in Calabria' by Joseph Poli
42 - Letter, 'Observations on Algol by a farmer of Prolitz near Dresden' from Johann Moritz Bruhl on behalf of Paltich to Joseph Banks
43 - Letter, 'Of composing and decomposing fireable air' from Bryan Higgins to Richard Brocklesby
44 - Letter, 'Description of the King's Wells at Sheerness, Landguard Fort and Harwich' from Thomas Hyde Page to Charles Rainsford
45 - Letter, 'On the discovery of a comet' from Edward Pigott to John Hyacinth de Magellan
Expand 46 - Plates, 'Plan and section of the Kings Well in Fort Townshend and Landguard Fort and Harwich' by Thomas Hyde Page46 - Plates, 'Plan and section of the Kings Well in Fort Townshend and Landguard Fort and Harwich' by Thomas Hyde Page
47 - Letter, 'Project for a new division of the quadrant' from Charles Hutton to Nevil Maskelyne
Expand 48 - Paper, 'On a means of discovering the distance of the fixed stars in consequence of a diminution in the velocity of their light' by John Michell 48 - Paper, 'On a means of discovering the distance of the fixed stars in consequence of a diminution in the velocity of their light' by John Michell
49 - Letter, 'Meteorological journal kept at Minehead in 1782' from John Atkins to unknown recipient
Expand 50 - Paper, 'A meteor observed at Windsor 28 August 1783' by Tiberius Cavallo50 - Paper, 'A meteor observed at Windsor 28 August 1783' by Tiberius Cavallo
51 - Letter, 'Of the same meteor' from Alexander Aubert to unknown recipient
52 - Letter, 'Of the same meteor as observed at Hartlepool' from William Cooper to Joseph Banks
53 - Letter, 'Of the same meteor as observed at Edgworthstown' from Richard Edgworth to Joseph Banks
54 - Paper, 'Further observations on Algol made at Prolitz near Dresden' by Johann Moritz Bruhl on behalf of Paltich
55 - Paper, 'Experiments on air' by Henry Cavendish
56 - Letter, 'Remarks on Henry Cavendish's experiments on air' from Richard Kirwan to Joseph Banks
Expand 57 - Paper, 'A new method of making nitrous ether' by Peter Woulfe57 - Paper, 'A new method of making nitrous ether' by Peter Woulfe
Expand 58 - Paper, 'Of a method of describing the relative magnitudes of the fixed stars' by Francis Wollaston58 - Paper, 'Of a method of describing the relative magnitudes of the fixed stars' by Francis Wollaston
59 - Letter, 'On meteors' from Charles Blagden to Joseph Banks
60 - Paper, 'Answer to the objections of Mr Kirwan to his experiments on air' by Henry Cavendish
Expand 61 - Paper, 'On the remarkable appearance of the polar regions of Mars and inclination of its axis' by William Herschel61 - Paper, 'On the remarkable appearance of the polar regions of Mars and inclination of its axis' by William Herschel
62 - Paper, 'Solution of the problem of the oblate figure' by Franz Xaver von Zach
Expand 63 - Paper 'Of the teeth of Anarrhichus lupus and Chitodon nigricans' by William Andre63 - Paper 'Of the teeth of Anarrhichus lupus and Chitodon nigricans' by William Andre
64 - Paper, 'Answer to Mr Cavendish's reply' by Richard Kirwan
65 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, 1783' by Thomas Barker
66 - Paper, 'Of the use to be made of the barometer' by Small
67 - Note, 'On the Comte de Casssini's comet' by Pierre Mechain
68 - Letter, 'Of the congelation of quicksilver at St Petersburg 23 January 1783' from Mathew Guthrie to Richard Kirwin
69 - Letter, 'Of the periods of the light of the star Algol' from John Goodricke to Richard Shepherd
70 - Paper, 'Miscellaneous observations on bees' by Thomas Barker
71 - Letter, 'A new island ten miles south of Iceland' from unknown author to Christopher William de Dreyer
72 - Paper, 'On Terra ponderosa' by William Withering
73 - Letter, 'On phlogiston' from James Watt to Jean Andre De Luc
74 - Letter, 'On phologiston [Second letter]' from James Watt to Jean Andre De Luc
75 - Paper, 'On Priestley's and his own experiments on and views as to the nature of phlogiston' from James Watt to Jean Andre De Luc
76 - Paper, 'Observations sur le passage de Mercure sur le disque du soleil [Observations on the passage of Mercury on the disk of the sun]' by Johann Wilhelm Wallot
Expand 77 - Paper, 'Observations de l'eclipse de la lune partielle du 30 Mai 1779 a Paris [Observations of the partial moon eclipse of May 30, 1779 in Paris' by Johann Wilhelm Wallot77 - Paper, 'Observations de l'eclipse de la lune partielle du 30 Mai 1779 a Paris [Observations of the partial moon eclipse of May 30, 1779 in Paris' by Johann Wilhelm Wallot
78 - Letter, 'Sequel to the thought on the constituent parts of water' from James Watt to Jean Andre De Luc
Expand 79 - Paper, 'An attempt to comparer and connect [the indications of J W's pyrometer] with those of the mercurial thermometer' by Josiah Wedgwood79 - Paper, 'An attempt to comparer and connect [the indications of J W's pyrometer] with those of the mercurial thermometer' by Josiah Wedgwood
80 - Paper, 'Supplement to part three of his paper on the summation of indefinite series' by Samuel Vince
81 - Paper, 'The sum S being given, to find the series of which it is the sum' by Samuel Vince
82 - Letter, 'A thunderstorm of 27 August 1783 at Flixton Hall, Bungay' from Alexander Adair to unknown recipient
83 - Paper, 'A case of insanity' by Alexander Hunter
84 - Letter, 'A remarkable frost at Harwick House on 23 June 1783' from John Cullum to Joseph Banks
85 - Letter, 'On litmus, red cabbage and other test liquors' from James Watt to Charles Blagden
Expand 86 - Paper, 'Essay sur une nouvelle maniere d'analyser les substances du regne vegetale [On a new way to analyze the substances of vegetable kingdom]' by Comte de Milly86 - Paper, 'Essay sur une nouvelle maniere d'analyser les substances du regne vegetale [On a new way to analyze the substances of vegetable kingdom]' by Comte de Milly
87 - Paper, 'Essay sur une nouvelle maniere d'analyser les substances du regne vegetale [English translation]' by Comte de Milly, translated by unknown translator
Expand 88 - Paper, 'Account of a plant of the order of fungi' by Thomas Woodward88 - Paper, 'Account of a plant of the order of fungi' by Thomas Woodward
89 - Letter, 'Variation of local heat as determined by a special thermometer' from James Six to Francis Wollaston
Expand 90 - Paper, 'An account of some observations tending to investigate the structure of the heavens' by William Herschel90 - Paper, 'An account of some observations tending to investigate the structure of the heavens' by William Herschel
Expand 91 - Paper, 'Account of a bark tree in St Lucia' by George Davidson91 - Paper, 'Account of a bark tree in St Lucia' by George Davidson
Expand 92 - Paper, 'Announcement of the comet of 18 August 1783' by Nathaniel Pigott92 - Paper, 'Announcement of the comet of 18 August 1783' by Nathaniel Pigott
93 - Letter, 'Experiments on mixing gold with tin' from Stanesby Alchorne to Peter Woulfe
93a - Letter, 'Of sassafras' from Thomas Willis to Peter Woulfe
94 - Paper, 'Of the antiseptic power of alum' by Joshua Brookes
95 - Paper, 'A supplement to part three of his paper on the summation of infinite series' by Samuel Vince
96 - Paper, 'Methodus inveniendi lineas curvas, pars II [A method for finding the lines of curves, part II]' by Nicolao Landerbeck
Expand 97 - Paper, 'Sur un moyen de donner la direction aux machines aerostatiques [On a way to give direction to aerostatic machines]' by Bernardo De Gálvez97 - Paper, 'Sur un moyen de donner la direction aux machines aerostatiques [On a way to give direction to aerostatic machines]' by Bernardo De Gálvez
98 - Letter, 'On the anticipation of the discovery of the new planet by Herschel by Prof Meyer of Gottigen on 2/7/1756' from Johann Elert Bode to Joseph Banks
99 - Paper, 'Cure of an ovarian dropsy' by Philip Meadows Martineau
100 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Kimbolton' by Benjamin Hutchinson
100a - Paper, 'List of presents, 1783-4, with donor's names' by the Secretary of the Royal Society
101 - Paper, 'Experiments made with improved air pump' by Tiberius Cavallo
102 - Letter, 'On an artificial spring of water' by Erasmus Darwin
103 - Letter, 'On muscular irritability [Croonian Lecture for 1784]' from Samuel Foart Simmons to Joseph Banks
Expand 104 - Paper, 'Of a bird hithero unrecognized as English' by John Lightfoot104 - Paper, 'Of a bird hithero unrecognized as English' by John Lightfoot
Expand 105 - Paper, 'An account of Morne Garou, a mountain in St Vincent with a volcano at its summit' by [Alexander] Anderson105 - Paper, 'An account of Morne Garou, a mountain in St Vincent with a volcano at its summit' by [Alexander] Anderson
106 - Letter, 'On the prevention of turnip-fly' from Jonathan Watson to Joseph Banks
107 - Paper, 'An astronomical note' by unknown author
108 - Paper, 'Further supplement to his paper on the summation of infinite series' by Samuel Vince
109 - Paper, 'On friction' by Samuel Vince
110 - Letter, 'Of Asa foetida' from John Hope to Joseph Banks
111 - Paper, 'Catalogue of double stars' by William Herschel
112 - Letter, 'On barrows in Greenwich Park' from James Douglas to Joseph Banks
113 - Paper, 'Observations on the acid of tar' by Thomas Percvial
114 - Letter, 'On the screw' from William Hunter to Joseph Banks
115 - Paper, 'Of the earthy substance found near Niagara Falls and vulgarly called 'spray'' by R McCausland
116 - Letter, 'Of variable stars' from Edward Pigott to Henry Charles Englefield
117 - Letter, 'Of an earthquake in Cornwall in the autumn of 1783' from John Call to Joseph Banks
118 - Letter, 'Of the earthquake in Cornwall in the autumn of 1783' from Jonathan Watson to Joseph Banks
119 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations' from Francis von Zach to Tiberius Cavallo
120 - Paper, 'Of a species of lead ore recently discovered in Derbyshire' by Smithson Tennant
121 - Paper, 'Of a monstrous lamb' by S W Warne
Expand 122 - Paper, 'Of diving' by Anthony Forthergill and Granville Sharp122 - Paper, 'Of diving' by Anthony Forthergill and Granville Sharp
123 - Paper, 'Extrait d'une letter sur la decouverte d'une nouvlle planete [Extract from a letter on the discovery of a new planet]' by Charles Messier
124 - Letter, 'A violent storm at sea, 5 December 1784' from William Cooper to Joseph Banks
125 - Paper, 'On the light of bodies in a state of combustion' by William Morgan
126 - Paper, 'Memoire sur la seconde comete de 1784 [Memoir on the second comet of 1784]' by Chevalier d'Angos
127 - Letter, 'Observations of a new variable star' from John Goodricke to Henry Charles Englefield
128 - Letter, 'Of a mango seed' from J Williams to Dr Gibb
Expand 129 - Paper, 'Experiments on the best form for vessels to move through the water with least resistance' by Mark Beaufoy129 - Paper, 'Experiments on the best form for vessels to move through the water with least resistance' by Mark Beaufoy
Expand 130 - Paper, 'On the construction of the heavens' by William Herschel130 - Paper, 'On the construction of the heavens' by William Herschel
131 - Paper, 'Specific gravities taken at different degrees of heat' by Richard Kirwan
132 - Letter, 'Cases treated by electricity' from J Lane to William Watson
133 - Letter, 'Loss of speech after resuscitation from drowning restored by electricity' from Houlton Harries to Richard Price
134 - Paper, 'Two cures of blindness by electricity' by Riddlesden
135 - Letter, 'Dumbness trested by electricity' from James Nooth to John Smith
136 - Letter, 'Heat diminishes the attraction of gravitation' from George Fordyce to Joseph Banks
Expand 137 - Paper, 'Non-conduction of a perfect vacuum' by William Morgan137 - Paper, 'Non-conduction of a perfect vacuum' by William Morgan
138 - Paper, 'Experiments and observations relating to air and water' by Joseph Priestley
Collapse 139 - Paper, 'Of rotary motion' by John Landen139 - Paper, 'Of rotary motion' by John Landen
Expand 140 - Paper, 'A simple instrument for drawing architecture in perspective' by James Peacock140 - Paper, 'A simple instrument for drawing architecture in perspective' by James Peacock
141 - Letter, 'Observations on the late comet' from J D Pearse to Joseph Planta
142 - Letter, 'Astronomical observations' from Joseph Huddart to unknown recipient
Expand 143 - Paper, 'Description of a sea animal from Barbados' by Everard Home143 - Paper, 'Description of a sea animal from Barbados' by Everard Home
Expand 144 - Paper, 'Of a new system of wires in the focus of a telescope' by Francis Wollaston144 - Paper, 'Of a new system of wires in the focus of a telescope' by Francis Wollaston
145 - Letter, 'Rainfall at Gibraltar, 11 September 1783 to 10 May 1784 and other meteorological observations' from Thomas Davies to Joseph Banks
146 - Letter, 'Of a stag's head and horns found in turf at Alport, Derbyshire' from Robert Barker to John Jebb
147 - Letter, 'Of the sensitive quality of the tree Averrhoa carambola' from Robert Bruce to Joseph Banks
148 - Paper, 'Convulsion of a hill at Alcira near Valentia' by William Conyngham
149 - Paper, 'Of the loss of weight by heat' by George Fordyce
150 - Letter, 'Of the meteor of 28 April 1785' from George Atwood to unknown recipient
Expand 151 - Paper, 'Experiments on air' by Henry Cavendish151 - Paper, 'Experiments on air' by Henry Cavendish
152 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations at Lyndon, South Lambeth, Selbourn and Fyfield' by Thomas Barker
Expand 153 - Paper, 'Measurement of a base on Hounslow Heath' by William Roy153 - Paper, 'Measurement of a base on Hounslow Heath' by William Roy
154 - Paper, 'Observations on the graduation of astronomical instruments with an explanation of the method of dividing circles invented by the late Henry Hindley' by John Smeaton
155 - Paper, 'Magentical experiments [The Bakerian Lecture]' by Tiberius Cavallo
156 - Letter, 'On further magnetical experiments suggested by Dr Blagden' from Tiberius Cavallo to Charles Blagden
157 - Letter, 'On variation in the light of Bayer's star delta dear the head of Cepheus' from John Goodricke to Nevil Maskelyne
158 - Paper, 'On Haller's theory of muscular motion [Croonian Lecture for 1785]' by Edward Whitaker Gray
159 - Letter, 'Of a great darkness at Montreal on 16 October 1785' from Alexander Henry to Alexander Baxter
160 - Paper, 'Of a great darkness on 14 and 15 October 1785 as reported at St John's Prison, Richelieu, Quebec' by unknown author
161 - Letter, 'Of a great darkness at Quebec on 16 October 1785' from Edward Williams to Major Brehm
162 - Paper, 'On infinite series' by Samuel Vince
163 - Paper, 'Of an erratum in his paper in the Philosophical Transactions' from Edward Waring to Charles Blagden
164 - Paper, 'Experiments on hepatic air' by Richard Kirwan
165 - Letter, 'On coating stone retorts' from Thomas Willis to Joseph Banks
166 - Letter, 'On the affinities of substances in spirits of wine' from John Elliot to Richard Kirwan
Expand 167 - Paper, 'Of certain minute British shells' by John Lightfoot167 - Paper, 'Of certain minute British shells' by John Lightfoot
168 - Paper, 'Anatomical observations' by Marco Antonio Leopoldo Caldani
169 - Paper, 'Thermometrical observations, 1783' by Henry Charles Englefield
170 - Paper, 'Observations on the sulphur wells of Harrogate, 1785' by Richard Llandaff
171 - Paper, 'Of stars suspected in the seventeenth century to be changeable' by Edward Pigott
Expand 172 - Paper, 'Of cliff-sinkings at Folkestone' by Edward King and J Lyon 172 - Paper, 'Of cliff-sinkings at Folkestone' by Edward King and J Lyon
173 - Paper, 'On smallpox' by Lynn
174 - Paper, 'Of the nature and customs of the Indians of North America' by Richard McCausland
175 - Paper, 'Meteorological observations in 1785 at Lyndon, South Lambeth, Selborne and Fyfield' by Thomas Barker
176 - Paper, 'A thunderstorm at Pasmore, Oxon, 2 July 1782' by W Fermor
177 - Paper, 'An account of Mr McNab's experiments on freezing mixtures' by Henry Cavendish
Expand 178 - Paper, 'New experiments on heat' by Benjamin Thompson178 - Paper, 'New experiments on heat' by Benjamin Thompson
179 - Paper, 'History and dissection of an extraordinary introsusception' by John Coakley Lettsom
Expand 180 - Paper, 'New experiments on the ocular spectra of light and colours' by Robert Waring Darwin180 - Paper, 'New experiments on the ocular spectra of light and colours' by Robert Waring Darwin
181 - Paper, 'Of some causes of the excess of mortality of males above that of females' by Joseph Clarke
Expand 182 - Paper, 'Is the velocity of light affected by the motion of the body from which it is reflected or emitted?' by Robert Blair182 - Paper, 'Is the velocity of light affected by the motion of the body from which it is reflected or emitted?' by Robert Blair
Expand 183 - Paper, 'A proposal for detecting any great concealed motion which may belong in common to all the bodies of the solar systems' by Nevil Maskelyne183 - Paper, 'A proposal for detecting any great concealed motion which may belong in common to all the bodies of the solar systems' by Nevil Maskelyne
184 - Paper, 'On a property of prime numbers' by George Atwood
185 - Paper, 'Catalogue of one thousand new nebulae and clusters' by William Herschel
Expand 186 - Paper, 'Of the eruption of Vesuvius which began November 1784 and continued until December 1785' by William Hamilton186 - Paper, 'Of the eruption of Vesuvius which began November 1784 and continued until December 1785' by William Hamilton
187 - Letter, 'On the air expelled from earths' from Arthur Young to Richard Kirwan
188 - Paper, 'Of some properties of the orbits of the planets' by Walter Minto
189 - Letter, 'Of the currents in the Atlantic Ocean' from Thomas Pownall to Joseph Banks
190 - Letter, 'The transit of Mercury over the Sun's disk, observed at Louvain 3 May 1786' from Nathaniel Pigott to Nevil Mas kelyne
Expand 191 - Paper, 'An account of a new electrical fish' by William Paterson191 - Paper, 'An account of a new electrical fish' by William Paterson
Expand 192 - Paper, 'Description of a new barometer for measuring the heights of mountains and other places' by Tiberius Cavallo192 - Paper, 'Description of a new barometer for measuring the heights of mountains and other places' by Tiberius Cavallo
Expand 9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society9 - Decade 9 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society10 - Decade 10 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society11 - Decade 11 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society12 - Decade 12 of scientific letters and papers submitted for publication by the Royal Society
Expand 13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers13 - Supplementary Letter and Papers

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