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Collapse LBO - Letter Book of the Royal Society: 'original' copiesLBO - Letter Book of the Royal Society: 'original' copies
Expand 1 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume I 1 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume I
Expand 2 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume II2 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume II
Expand 3 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume III3 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume III
Expand 4 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IV4 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IV
Expand 5 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume V5 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume V
Expand 6 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VI6 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VI
Expand 7 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume VII7 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VII
Collapse 8 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VIII8 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume VIII
1 - Copy letter from Francis Lana the Jesuit to Henry Oldenburg
2 - Copy letter from Jan Swammerdam to Henry Oldenburg
3 - Copy letter from Hesenthal to Henry Oldenburg
4 - Copy letter from Mr J Younger to Henry Oldenburg
5 - Copy letter from Anthony Leuwenhoeck to the Lord Brouncker
6 - Copy letter from Paris to Mr Bernard
Expand 7 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg7 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg
Expand 8 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg8 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg
9 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius at Gedani to Henry Oldenburg
10 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Henry Oldenburg
11 - Copy letter from Richard Bolland of Tangier to Sir Joseph Williamson
12 - Copy letter from Johannes Carolus Gallet, Paris, to the Royal Society
13 - Copy letter from Simon de Petkurn, Nimegan, to Henry Oldenburg
14 - Copy letter from Theodor Kerckringius, Hamburg
15 - Copy letter from Jacobus Pighius to Henry Oldenburg
16 - Copy letter from Leichner to Nehemiah Grew
17 - Copy letter from Renatus Franciscus Slusius to Nehemiah Grew
18 - Copy letter from Ismael Bulladus to the Royal Society
19 - Copy letter from Ismael Bullialdus to the Royal Society
20 - Copy letter from Marcello Malpighi to Nehemaiah Grew
21 - Copy letter from Huygens, the Hague, to Nehemiah Grew
22 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius, Gdansk, to Nehemiah Grew
23 - Copy letter from George Held to Nehemiah Grew
24 - Copy letter from Christianul Mentzelius to Nehemiah Grew
25 - Copy extract of a letter from John Wulfer to Mr Theodore Haak
26 - Copy letter from Michael Butterfield, Paris, to Nehemiah Grew and Robert Hook
27 - Copy letter from Ludovicus Van Hammen, Gdansk, to Nehemiah Grew
28 - Copy letter from Nazzar, Rome, to Nehemiah Grew
29 - Copy letter from Jean Cassini, Paris, to Nehemiah Grew
30 - Copy of a letter from Franiscus Nazarus to Nehemiah Grew
31 - Copy of a letter from E Liechner to Nehemiah Grew
32 - Copy of a letter from John Carte to Nehemiah Grew
33 - Copy of a letter from Erasmus Bartholin to Nehemiah Grew
34 - Copy of a letter from Christianus Mentzelius to Nehemiah Grew
35 - Copy of a letter from Sir Robert Southwewll to Robert Hook
36 - Copy of a letter from Dr Crone to Hevelius
37 - Copy of a letter from Johannes Hevelius to Nehemiah Grew
Collapse 38 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Nehemiah Grew38 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Nehemiah Grew
39 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius, Gdansk, to Dr William Croone
40 - Copy letter from Henry Justel, Paris, to Mr Hook
41 - Copy letter from John Beale, Yeovil, to Hook
42 - Copy letter from Henry Justel, Paris to Robert Hook
43 - Copy letter from Thomas Hide
44 - Copy letter from John Flamsteed to Gali
45 - Copy letter from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz to Nehemiah Grew
46 - Copy letter from John Beale to Robert Hooke
47 - Copy letter from Beale to Robert Hook
48 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Robert Hook
49 - Copy letter from Johannes Christopherus Sturinius to Robert Hooke Secretary
50 - Copy letter from Johannes Bohn to Gale
51 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Robert Hook
52 - Copy letter from John Beale, Yeovil, to Robert Hook
53 - Copy letter from Wolferus, Nuremburg, to the Royal Society
54 - Copy letter from Henry Justel, Paris, to Mr Hook
55 - Copy letter from Eccardus Leichner to Robert Hook
56 - Copy letter from Octavius Pulleinstri
57 - Copy letter from Pollein to Hook
58 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Robert Hook
59 - Copy letter from Thomas Hide to Dr Charlton
60 - Copy letter from William Sharpe of Barbados
61 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Mr Hook
62 - Copy letter from Marcello Malpighi to Mr Hook
63 - Copy letter from Pullein, Montpelier, to Robert Hook
65 - Copy letter from Robert Hook, London, to Isaac Newton
66 - Copy letter from John Wallis, Oxford, to Thomas Gale
67 - Copy of a letter from Mr Peter Nelson to Mr Hook
68 - Copy of a letter from Sir Robert Southwell to Mr Hook
69 - Copy of a letter from Mr Edmond Halley to Mr Hook
70 - Copy of a letter from Mr Hooke [Hook] to Malpighius [Malpighi]
71 - Copy letter from Mr Justel to Mr Hook
72 - Copy of letter from Dr Bohre to Dr Gale
73 - Copy of letter from Hevelius to Dr Thomas Gale
74 - Copy of letter from Johan Christopherus Sturmius to Dr Thomas Gale Secretary to the Royal Society
Expand 75 - Copy of letter from Monsieur Papin to Dr Croon75 - Copy of letter from Monsieur Papin to Dr Croon
76 - Copy letter from Marcello Malpighi, to Robert Hook
77 - Copy letter from executor of Johannes Alpheus Borelli, Rome, to William Croone
78 - Copy letter from John Beale, Yeovil, to Nehemiah Grew
79 - Copy letter from John Wallis to Thomas Gale
80 - Copy letter from John Bohn to Thomas Gale
81 - Copy letter from Wilhelm ten Rhyme to Henry Oldenburg
82 - Copy letter from Sigismundus Ronig M.D. to the Society
83 - Copy letter from Adams to Robert Hook
84 - Copy translation of the Papers of Monsieur Mallement De Messange
85 - Copy of a New Systeme of the World found out by Mr Mallement di Mesang
86 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
87 - Copy letter from Robert Southwell, Kingsweston, to Thomas Henshaw
88 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
Expand 89 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Robert  Hook89 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Robert Hook
90 - Copy letter from Matthew Wasmuth to the Royal Society
91 - Copy letter from Klaus Rudbeck to the Royal Society
92 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London
93 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to William ten Rhine
94 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Mr Job Ludolfus
96 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Marcello Malpighi
97 - Copy extract of a letter from Ernestus Gottfried Heysuis to Theodore Haak
98 - Copy letter from Georgius Mollerius Borussus
99 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius, Gdansk, to Thomas Gale
100 - Copy letter from Francis Aston to Johannes Hevelius
101 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Dr Konig
102 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
103 - Copy letter from Marcello Malpighi to Francis Aston
104 - Copy letter from H Elfholz to Dr Slare
105 - Copy extract of a letter to William Croone
106 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Francis Aston
107 - Copy letter from Francis Aston to Hevelius
108 - Copy extract of a letter from Thomas Crisp, Dornford, to Daniel Colwall
109 - Copyletter from Francis Aston, London, to Marcello Malpighi
110 - Copy extract of some letters from Martin Lister to Francis Aston
Expand 111 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Francis Aston 111 - Copy letter from Johannes Hevelius to Francis Aston
112 - Copy letter from Francis Aston to Johannes Hevelius
113 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
114 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Ten Rhine
115 - Copy letter from Robert Pitt to Robert Plot [Plott]
116 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
117 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Mr Marriotte
118 - Copy letter from Martin Lister to Francis Aston
119 - Copy letter from Dr Platt to Francis Aston
120 - Copy abstract letter from John Robinson from Stockholm
121 - Copy letter communicated by Robert Plot from an unknown hand
122 - Copy Account from Mr Gold to Francis Aston
123 - Copy letter from Martin Lister to Francis Aston
124 - Copy of a paper from Martin Lister
125 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Mr Aston
126 - Copy letter from Martin Aston to Robert Plot
127 - Copy letter from Robert Plot
128 - Copy letter from Robert Plot
129 - Copy of a letter from Mr Lister to Dr Plott
130 - Copy letter from Francis Aston to Antoni van Leewenhoek [Leeuwenhoek]
131 - Copy letter from William Musgrave, New College, to Francis Aston
132 - Copy letter from Frere Tranquille d'Orleans and Henry de Montbaron, Nantes, to Henry Justel
133 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Francis Aston
134 - Copy letter from Francis Aston to Martin Lister
135 - Copy letter from Monsieur Marriott, Paris, to Francis Aston
136 - Copy letter from Robert Pitt to Robert Plott
137 - Copy letter from John Flamsteed
138 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
139 - Copy letter from John Flamsteed at the Observatory, Greenwich, to Francis Aston
140 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Francis Aston
141 - Copy letter from William Gould, Wadham College, to Francis Aston
142 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Mr Jager
143 - Copy letter from Mr Gold, Wadham College, to Francis Aston
144 - Copy letter fromFrancis Aston, Gresham College, to Anthoni van Leewenhoeck
145 - Copy letter from John Flamsteed, Greenwich Observatory, to Francis Aston
146 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Monsieur Mariotti
147 - Copy extract of a letter from William Ten Rhine to Dr Groenbolt
148 - Copyletter from William Gould, Oxford, to Francis Aston
149 - Copy letter from l'Abbe de Carlavy, Paris, to Francis Aston
150 - Copy letter from Francis Aston, London, to Abbe de Carcavy
151 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Mr Aston
152 - Copy letter from Andrew Borckman, Hamburg, to Francis Aston
153 - Copy letter from Johannes Ericus Phloff, Gdansk, to Francis Aston
154 - Copy etter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
155 - Copy letter from William Musgrave to Francis Aston
156 - Copy letter from Andrew Arnold, Paris, to Theodore Haak
157 - Copy letter from William Musgrave, New College, to Francis Aston
158 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
159 - Copy of two letters from Samuel Byrch of Stafford to Robert Plot
160 - Copy letter from Robert Pitt, Oxford, to Francis Aston
161 - Copy letter from William Musgrave, New College, to Francis Aston
162 - Copy letter from Mr Mariotte, Paris, to Francis Aston
163 - Copy letter from Henry Justel to Francis Aston
164 - Copy letter from Martin Lister, York, to Francis Aston
Expand 9 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IX9 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume IX
Expand 10 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume X10 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume X
Expand 11A - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society -  Volume XI - Part 1 11A - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI - Part 1
Expand 11B - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI  - Part 211B - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XI - Part 2
Expand 12 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XII12 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XII
Expand 13 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIII13 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIII
Expand 14 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIV14 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIV
Expand 15 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XV15 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XV
Expand 16 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVI16 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVI
17 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVII
Expand 18 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVIII18 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XVIII
Expand 19 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIX19 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XIX
Expand 20 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XX20 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XX
Expand 21 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXI21 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXI
Expand 22 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXII22 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXII
Expand 23 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIII23 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIII
Expand 24 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIV24 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXIV
Expand 25 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXV25 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXV
Expand 26 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXVI26 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Volume XXVI
Expand 27 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 1 - Letters A - B27 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 1 - Letters A - B
Expand 28 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 2 - Letters B - C28 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 2 - Letters B - C
Expand 29 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 3 - Letters D - G29 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 3 - Letters D - G
Expand 30 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 4 - Letters G - H30 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 4 - Letters G - H
Expand 31 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 5 - Letters H - S31 - Copies of letters sent to the Royal Society - Supplementary Volume 5 - Letters H - S

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Browse the records of some of our collections, which cover all branches of science and date from the 12th century onwards. These include the published works of Fellows of the Royal Society, personal papers of eminent scientists, letters and manuscripts sent to the Society or presented at meetings, and administrative records documenting the Society's activities since our foundation in 1660.

The Royal Society

The Royal Society is a Fellowship of many of
the world's most eminent scientists and is the
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